Eclipse file associations for extensions with multiple periods - eclipse

I have several Mako templates in my project that are named things like header.html.tmpl and I would like to add file associations to Eclipse to open these with the appropriate editors. For example, I would like header.html.tmpl to be opened in the HTML editor, to be opened in the Python editor, etc. I go to Preferences->File Associations and I try adding *.py.tmpl to the list but after I click "Ok" nothing happens and the desired extension does not appear in the list. If I try instead using .py.tmpl I can add it to the list and add the Python editor to its associated editors but when I double-click a .py.tmpl file it doesn't use the correct editor.
Obviously it would probably work to just use -tmpl instead of .tmpl, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a way around this or can confirm that it's a bug/missing feature.

Its a bug:


Eclipse treating file as plain text

I've got a small homework project, and for whatever reason Eclipse has decided to stop highlighting syntax or allowing intellisense or goto definitions or anything in this file. I've tried rebooting it, and the computer, but had no luck.
The thing that really has me confused is that it's still compiling and running the code correctly (eg, changes I make in are compiled and run - it's not running old Main.class files), so it's still in the build path ... right?
Any ideas?
Right click on the file in the Package Explorer and choose the Open With menu. You will probably find that Text Editor is selected, choose Java Editor to open the file with the correct editor.
The Open With menu selection is remembered so you should get the Java Editor in future, but equally if you choose the plain text editor that is also remembered.
I suggest finding a way to reset any setting you might have set by accident. Not saying that you did it. But just to make sure, just try it out. If you customized the preferences already, you could make some kind of note of the settings, then change it. If that doesn't work, let me know. Good Luck!
Copy the text somewhere, delete the file, and then add a new class (of the same name) and paste the text back.

In an eclipse plugin: How can I programmatically highlight lines of codes in the java editor?

I am trying to develop an eclipse plugin that does some documentation check on java code and highlights some lines of code in the editor.
To achieve my goal, I DON'T want to create a new editor in eclipse, I simply want to extend the default java editor to draw a line under (or highlight) the methods that do not satisfy some set of predetermined requirements.
Do I need to create a PresentationReconciler? If yes, how do I make the JDT or workbench use my reconciler.
I have never done plugin development and this is my first attempt.
Several starting points for you:
Annotations are an UI feature of JFace's text editor that allows you to visually mark some places in an open editor.
Markers are a Workbench feature, more high-level. They are generic "objects that may be associated with Workbench resources", and they can display in several places: in text editors (as annotations) or in the Problems view, for example.
Depending on what you want to do, you would plug in your plug-in into extension points related to either of those.
The Eclipse Java editor is located in the org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaEditor package.
The "internal" in the package name means that the Eclipse development team can change how the Java editor works with new revisions.
Try this help page: Juno Help on syntax highlighting
At the end of the page, it describes how to dynamically add a PresentationReconciler, which is used for syntax highlighting. See if that fits the problem that you want to solve.
I assume you already have a plugin project.
In your plugin.xml, open the tab Extensions, click Add..., search for org.eclipse.ui.editors, then you should see a template named Editor, which will produce a simple xml editor to experiment and play with. Also, you will be able to see the needed structure to define a custom editor.
Hope this helps...
I don't know if you still have a need for this, but you are going to want to use Annotations to keep track of what parts of the editor you need to highlight.
For actually doing the graphical effect of highlighting, you could do syntax highlighting via a PresentationReconciler, but I have no experience with that.
We used a technique we borrowed from, replacing the background image of the editor Shell. Its open source, so check it out. (Our code might also help -- its at )

.scss.erb extension syntax highlighting for scss in aptana/eclipse

If I have some eRuby in a scss file, I need to make the extension *.scss.erb. However, doing so causes the sytax highlighting for *.erb rather than *.scss. Is there any way to get eclipse to determine the syntax highlighting more intelligently or at least allow manual syntax assignment like in notepad++?
The only workaround I've found so far is to rename the file *.scss, open it, then rename it back to *.erb so it gets processed correctly later on.
There should be.
What you would do is go to Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations and set the default editor for your *.scss.erb extensions, however there's a bug in Eclipse that prevents file associations with more than one period:
The way I get around the issue is by right clicking the source file in Project Explorer and going to Open With > Other... and selecting Sass Source Editor from there.

How can I copy and edit a file in Eclipse?

This seems so simple but I can't find a good way to do it:
Often I want to take an existing (Java) file and base a new one on it - basically just copy the file, rename the copy, and edit it. I can't find any good way to do this. The best I can do is to right-click on the file in the Package Explorer, select copy, and then paste it. If I do it in the same directory I'm prompted to change its name, which is cool.
The problems with this are: 1) It doesn't seem very "Eclipse-y", and 2) Usually I don't have the Package Explorer expanded to where the source file is, so it's very tedious to go through all the projects/packages and find it.
There must be a better way to do this, no? I expected something in the refactor menu but all there is is "move".
Alternative is there a simple way to show where a file I'm currently editing is in the Package Explorer? That wouldn't be ideal but would be good enough for me.
On the top right portion of the package explorer, there is a "link with editor" button that will automatically highlight which file you have open in the editor.
Select 'Show In - Package Explorer' in the context menu of your editor.

How to programmatically reload a text editor in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, if I change a file programmatically, and it is open in a text editor, it doesn't always reload, not even when refreshing the resource programmatically. How can I forcibly reload the text editor from code so that it show the changed file contents?
In your project explorer or navigator, you can right-click on the file that's currently open and select refresh. This has always worked for me, even when editing files with several programs. Make sure to click the file itself, not parent objects like packages or folders or projects.
Refreshing programmatically? I would look into an Eclipse scripting tool:
I guess there was another one called Monkey, but it doesn't appear to be maintained.
I don't know of any possibility to programmatically reload the file.
Some editors (e.g. GMF editors) look for changes in the underlying files, and refresh themselves, but this is not required at all.
I don't think that a forced reload is an option implemented globally, as in some cases there could be some merging steps involved that can be quite erroneous.
My ideas to solve this:
Have a specific editor that refreshes its content when the used resource changes (this can be timeconsuming);
Or close the editors of the file and reopen them (this is ugly in the eye of the user).
Since the Luna release of eclipse there's no need to reload files with F5/manual Refresh.
Really nice, especially as there was a bug with the F5 key binding.