How to disable camel case selection in Eclipse - eclipse

Is it possible to disable support for camel case in the Eclipse text editor? I want the next word key binding to select the next word, not the next fragment of a word.
I'd given up on eclipse because the editor doesn't work like any other text editor on Mac OS X. But I'd really miss code-completion and am trying to make Eclipse to adapt to my conventions.

Do you mean this?
Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor: uncheck Smart caret positioning in Java names


How to set shortcut to a line of code in Eclipse IDE editor

I'm after a feature in eclipse that allows me to allocate a shortcut to a line (say line number 55) then go somewhere else in the same file and hit the shortcut then IDE shows me the line 55. I have used this feature in Delphi IDE. Using CNTL + number keys[1,2,...,0] a shortcut to line where the curser is will be created. This shortcut only has effect within the editor and each opened file would have its own shortcuts.
Is there such a feature in eclipse? Is there any plugins out there which adds this feature to eclipse?
By default there is no shortcut defined for this task.
I use to define my shortcuts in Eclipse in "Windows/Preferences/General/Keys" type bookmark in the filter text and select the commands you want to define the shortcuts.
My current shortcuts are:
Alt+Shift+B, Alt+Shift+A: Add Bookmark;
Alt+Shift+B, Alt+Shift+V: Show View (BookMarks);
But, I agree, still is not fast as the Delphi predefined shortcuts.
Update 1:
This plugin (or its sucessor) seems to offer the option. From their site:
Add a numbered bookmark at the cursor: Alt>+[digit]. This creates a
quick bookmark with the specified number using a "single" keypress.
Only one bookmark of the given number can be present in the workspace.
Setting the same number bookmark again will clear the earlier
Goto a numbered bookmark: Alt+Shift+[digit]. Moves to the bookmark as
it was set using Alt+[digit].
Update 2:
Tested (Eclipse Indigo) and it worked like a charm.
You can add Bookmarks to the code fragments you think are important to you in eclipse.
I referred this link for the same purpose.

Cannot highlight all occurrences of a selected word in Eclipse

I tried using the Toggle mark occurrences (Alt + Shift + O) button and also in Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editor -> Annotations and setting the C/C++ Occurrences and C/C++ Write occurrences. But still when I select a word it won't highlight all occurrences of that specific word.
What I am using is Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2 in XP, with a C++ project.
You can try to activate Toggle Mark Occurrences with icon on Toolbar:
Preferences --> Java --> Editor --> Mark Occurrences
In General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations
Check out options that are checked in Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Mark occurrences. Then restart Eclipse.
Find the Preferences under Window,
In General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations(1)
(5) is to select the color and press apply.
The standard "Mark Occurrences" functionality included in Eclipse that everyone recommends only highlights identifiers in editors of whatever language. For example, it won't highlight int in C editors, and it won't help at all in the Console pane.
So if you want to highlight ALL occurrences on ANY word in ANY Eclipse pane (kinda like Notepad++ does), try the Glance plug-in for Eclipse.
As of November 2017 Glance works for Eclipse Neon and Oxygen. There was a period of time in which Neon was unsupported, and a fork appeared, but it seems unnecessary now (and abandoned).
There are two ways to highlight all occurences. First is using Eclipse options, which is not very reliable, because in many versions of Eclipse it is not supported.
Second is using a plugin called Glance which is available in Eclipse marketplace. This is supereasy and effective.
First Method
In the toolbar, there is button for Toggling Mark Occurrences. So, once you selected the text/word whose occurences you wish to highlight, then click this toggle button.
Let's say this step doesn't work for you. Then, Follow this step:
Goto: Window ==> Preferences ==> General ==> Editors ==> Text Editors ==> Annotations ==> On right Annotations types box: Occurrences ==> Select all check boxes.
You can also go to Window ==> Preferences ==> Java ==> Editor==> Mark Occurrences ==> Check all the checkboxes.
Restart Eclipse and check if highlighting works.
If still doesn't work, then Go to Second Method
Second Method
From Eclipse marketplace, install Glance. Once installed, restart Eclipse.
Now select any word in your eclipse editor
Move focus to component where you want to search
Open Glance using Ctrl + Cmd + F shortcut on Mac or Ctrl + Alt + F on other platforms
Enter text you want to search
Use Enter or **Shift + Enter** to find next/previous match
Close search box using Esc
You can also customize Glance from Window ==> Preferences ==> Glance
For Eclipse Mars:
Window --> Preferences --> Check (Mark occurrences of the selected element in the current file.)
As shown if figure:
Java> Editor > Mark Occurrences
Uncheck "Keep Marks when the section changes" then click Ok
Restart Eclipse.
This work for me.
If you go into the window-prefrences, select the language you want/are working with. Select the editor under this specific language and then there is a mark occurrences there that has some options. Where it says keep marks when the selection changes, for me this was checked. When I unchecked it the system started highlighting correctly.
For folks who are using a dark background with light font colors, you may want to check out the highlight color in Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editor -> Annotations. Mine was defaulted to black, which does not stand out on a black background.
Glance does not work anymore, but in current Eclipse Versions (Eclipse 2020) you can
highlight any word by selecting the word and pressing CTRL+F. The word is now highlighted. In the small search input, you can toggle 'match whole word' and case sensitivity.
I'd like to complement the other answers - which work in Java editor only or require plugins - with a way to highlight all occurrences of any text (not just a word or identifier) in any editor of text files (e.g. SQL, CSV, HTML, TXT, Java, etc ...).
There is a standard/built in command called Find Text in File (under Window -> Preferences -> Keys)
By default it has no keyboard shortcut assigned. Simply give it a shortcut (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+S) select some text (not necessarily a word) and it will find and highlight all occurrences of that selected text.
It can also be invoked from the menu as Search -> Text -> File.
Enjoy 🙂
Click the word and hold until a popup appears as shown in the figure.
On the popup, there is a little right arrow, after clicking it, a new icon shows up.
Click that link to open preferences.
Once in preferences, select C/C++ Occurrences (it will be language specific) and select Include in next/previous navigation with Text as Highlighted.
This should enable the feature of highlighting all occurences of the selected word in the opened file.

What are these weird boxes in Eclipse/Aptana Studio

Does anyone know what these really annoying boxes surrounding random code are in Eclipse? I've seen them come, go, grab the beginning and end of a word, I have no idea what they are supposed to mean. I'd really like to turn off the "feature" or figure out what they mean at least. Thanks!
This is for Aptana 3.2.1 on Mac, working with HTML.
To disable the boxes that encompass entire matching html tags:
preferences > general > editors > html tag pair occurrences; then uncheck "text as box."
Then, to disable the boxes around the matching angle brackets themselves:
preferences > aptana studio > editors; then uncheck "colorize matching character pairs.
If you are working in Windows with Aptana studio 3 you can turn it off this way:
Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations
Inside there you find a box and select HTML Tag Pair Occurrences. Uncheck the box Text as.
However you also loose the good thing you get when you select a tag and it shows the matching tag. That's why I don't uncheck the box. Instead I chose Text as Vertical bar. It is easier to look at. Maybe you will also have to fiddle with Occurrences in the Annotations menu.
I think this is very bad done when they developed Aptana Studio. Who wants those default boxes? But I really do want to have the matching tag selected when I select one of them.

Auto Complete activates after 2 characters Eclipse

Is there anyway to make Eclipse activate autocomplete after I type 2 characters without a space, sort of like Flash Develop?
Also is there a way to turn off variable name suggestions?
What type of code are you autocompleting? If you go to Window -> Preferences in Eclipse and filter by Content Assist, you can get to the preferences that you can change for your autocompletion. The options available depend on which Eclipse editor you're using though. Also, hitting Ctrl + Space at any time should activate autocompletion.

Eclipse: I turned on hidden characters now I can't turn off

Somehow I've turned on hidden characters in Eclipse. It's not the "whitespace" characters in the general editor preferences. When turned on, it adds another layer of hidden characters over the existing ones.
Then I have things like
Does anyone know what these are and how to remove them?
It is under Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors. There is a checkbox labeled "Show whitespace characters". If you uncheck this the editor switches back to normal.
If you click on the link (whitespace characters) (<= v3.6) or (configure visibility) (>= v3.7) in this line you will get a popup window, in which you can define which characters eclipse is supposed to consider as whitespace characters.
In this popup window you also get the option to define the transparency in which each whitespace character is displayed in the editor, which you can use to (indirectly) change their foreground colour. I'm just mentioning it here, because it took me about half an hour to find this setting! ;-)
There is a toggle button 'Show Whitespace Chars' on the Eclipse toolbar
A great tip about using 'quick access' from eclipse forum:
CTRL+3 swc
Allows to turn them on and off
The right shortcut is Ctrl + N
UPDATE From Eclipse 3.7 version, something is changed... Now you have to go to:
Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors
CTRL + . does the job.
For Aptana Users
To toggle hidden characters in Aptana on and off, use the following keyboard shortcut:
I am using Eclipse Oxygen and can see this option to toggle whitespace characters:
It is actually in two places...
Sandkastenliga points out the obvious one, but you can also show white space with a shortcut key combination. The key combination is separate from the text editor preferences and will superimpose additional characters when active (it uses \r and \n for carriage return an line feed respectively instead of the symbols used by the text editor preference.)
Go to preferences > general > keys and look for the binding for the 'Show Whitespace' command.
I have the text editor preference turned on, so I removed the binding for this command altogether (it was set to Ctrl+. in my profile) to prevent accidental activation as it doesn't affect the other preference.
Go to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors
Uncheck the "Show whitespace characters" option on the right side of the page, then click "Apply" at the bottom of the page.
Since this is not a standard setting, it could be the result of one of your extra plugin.
Did you try starting your eclipse with the -clean parameter?
Do you reproduce the issue with a fresh Eclipse installation?
Go to Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors and restore defaults.
I have done this several times by accidentally hitting some keystrokes.
If you go to Windows/Preferences/General/Keys you will see all the keyboard shortcuts you have.
Mine is set to Control + .
I had to place my cursor inside the document and do it a couple of times to make it work because there is also a keyboard shortcut for Control +
Hope that helps.
You can add "Show Whitespace Characters" button in toolbar by customizing your perspective.
It also contains buttons to toggle word wrap, and toggle selection mode.
Go to Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective > Action Set Availability, then select "Editor Presentation" action set:
This works in Eclipse Neon.
You can also add a key binding for this action.
Go to Preferences > General > Keys > "Show Whitespace Characters"
Sorry this is a bit vague but it's a while since i used Eclipse and i do not have it installed. I think this is it ..... in one of the menus you will find the Eclipse settings, there are two set's of settings, current project and overall Eclipse, you mat need to check them both. In there are various menus in tree form that allow you control the actions and look and feel. But some of them are nested so there is an overall control but some packages have their own options in a sub menu set. The menu's will expand when you click them and i'm afraid you need to walk through them all.
Eclipse > Preference > General > Editors > Text Editors > Show WhiteSpace characters.