Facebook FQL API - Who tagged user? - facebook

I am able to retrieve tags on statuses and photos just fine. I know the fact that my user has been tagged.
For posts, (stream_tag) it's easy to assess who did the tagging since the author of the status is by definition the tagger.
I am using FQL to query photo_tag table to obtain a pid and then querying the photo table to get photo information...
However, I am trying to ascertain who is the tagger of a user in a photo. People can tag other peoples photos, and I get all that, but I would like the attribution....

I don't think you can. Looking at a photo on Facebook doesn't show who added each photo tag; it makes sense that the API doesn't give you this information either.

you cannot read the tagger info, unfortunately. first, because you donĀ“t even see it on facebook directly. and there is no column for this info in the photo_tag table:


Get recent photos from the Facebook v2.1+ graph api

Facebook's FQL was deprecated after v2.0. The website I'm working on previously had a "Recent photos" feature that populated recent photos using this FQL:
var fql = 'SELECT object_id, aid, images, album_object_id, created, modified, position, caption
FROM photo
WHERE aid in (SELECT aid, owner FROM album WHERE owner = me())
LIMIT 59';
I'm trying to figure out a comparable way to do that using the graph api. the /photos endpoint is probably what I want, but I can't figure out if it has a valid order queryparam.
In postman I've been messing around with this:
The access_token is of a FB test account, feel free to go nuts. I'm not getting any debug information. There doesn't appear to be anything in the docs about how to change the order of photos.
This example url might not be the best. There's only 7ish public photos for this account, but I will potentially be getting recent photos from accounts with 1000s of photos. I don't want to just get all photos and reverse the list. I want to the most recent 20 photos in one call.
Any ideas? Is there order documentation that I've missed?
There is no direct way to achieve this using the Graph API, but you can use Real Time Updates to get notified about changes to the photos of a user.

Using the Facebook Graphi API, how can I retrieve paginated photos in which my friends are tagged from a specific album?

I want to show the photos of an album in my app. Using the graph API i am able to filter and page by month, like below, which is great. I loop trough the results and get the photo for each id. Best of all, the GRAPH API also gives me a 'next' and 'previous' paging link. Very useful.
http://graph.facebook.com/[photo-album-id]/photos/?fields=id&limit=6&since=last month
But now i want to retrieve only those ids filter in two ways:
Only retrieve those in which the user is tagged
Only retrieve those in which the user & his/her friends are tagged.
I couldn't find any way to do this, with the graph API. Is there an alternative via FQL, that still has the paging in there?
Last alternative I can think of is program is in FQL, and do the paging myself.
p.s. I am doing this in Javascript currently.
You can retrieve photos the current user is tagged in in a specific album with this FQL call:
select object_id, src, album_object_id from photo where pid in (select pid from photo_tag where subject=me()) and and album_object_id=somenumber
To retrieve photos in which the user's friends are tagged, for a specific album:
select object_id, src, album_object_id from photo where pid in (select pid from photo_tag where subject in (select uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())) and album_object_id=somenumber
As far as I know these results will not be paginated. For a detailed take on how to paginate fb queries see the Facebook Developer Blog: How-To: Paging with the Graph API and FQL
After a little play with the Graph Explorer (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/) I come up with this solution. You can make a call to Graph API as follows
The first limit is for how many friends you want to get and the second limit is how many photos you want from each friend.
At the end of the data there already is the next page URL.
I only tested on the explorer but should work.
Hope that helps,

How to check if a Facebook page post shared by a certain user?

I need a way to learn if a user had shared a post (link, video, photo etc.) which is published by a Facebook page. I have the object_id and link of the post, and user_id of the user considered. Is there a Graph API or FQL (or something else) solution to ask Facebook if the user re-shared the post or not? Or is it possible to get a list people who shared the post? So, I can extract my answer from this list.
Note that I know it is possible to find the answer by crawling the user's wall feed. But it is time consuming and I need a more efficient way.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the following FQL to get the data you're looking for.
SELECT via_id, created_time, owner_comment
FROM link
WHERE owner = me()
You can then compare via_id against the posts author (page ID) to determine if this share came from the page in question.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug with the data return where some of the via_ids come back as 0. There is a ticket in with Facebook which, at the time of this post, has been open for three weeks at medium priority. I have no idea if this issue is specific to my app or affects everyone, but that's the query to get what you want.

Acessing likes on comments an videos in facebook

Can anyone suggest how to track the comments and other objects (videos,photos,etc) which a user likes in facebook? Assuming that the user has registerd to my application.
You can use FQL with the like table.
Reference includes examples.
But you can't get a list pf everything the user likes. If you know what object you want to track you can also use the link_stat table:

How can I get all the photo uploaded by user using Facebook Graph API?

I've read all of the Graph API document but nowhere mention to the photo uploaded by user.
I've found that for video uploaded by user, I can use: https://graph.facebook.com/me/videos/uploaded
But what about photo? Is it possible?
Thanks, and sorry for my bad English (cause English is not my native language :) )
I'm not sure how you couldn't find it.
Anyway you need to query two tables to get what you want, the album and photo FQL tables:
FROM photo
WHERE aid IN (
FROM album
WHERE owner=me()
You can get whatever you want from the photo table obviously. Also you may change me() to a user id.
I suppose that you need the user_photos or friends_photos permissions depending on your needs.