Does pgcluster support PostgreSQL 9.0 version? - postgresql

I am finding difficulties in finding multi-master (supports atleast 3 to 4 masters) replication package for postgresql Data Base.
Does pgcluster support postgresql 9.0 version ?

Try the beta. If I understood correctly, synchronous master-master replication is built into PostgreSQL 9.1:
E. Streaming Replication and Continuous Archiving


postgresql physical replication from v9.6 to v15 support

Is postgresql physical replication from v9.6 to v15 possible ? Thanks.
Not tested , I think it will not work.
Yes, you are right, that will not work. Streaming replication requires both servers to have the same major version.

Upgrading Postgres Aurora Major Version

According to:
Manually Upgrading the Engine Version
To perform a major version upgrade of a DB cluster, you can restore a
snapshot of the DB cluster and specify a higher major engine version.
For information about restoring a DB cluster, see Restoring from a DB
Cluster Snapshot.
Yet I don't see anywhere the option of choosing a database engine at restore.
Is the documentation incorrect?
Am I missing something?
This is now supported by Aurora Postgres. There is no need to restore a snapshot into a new cluster anymore. The procedure is explained in the documentation.
As of 2020/05/22:
"Currently, you can do a major version upgrade from Aurora PostgreSQL version 9.6.11 or 9.6.12 database clusters to Aurora PostgreSQL version 10.11."
I also encountered the same issue when attempting to upgrade Aurora Postgres from 9.x to 10.x. The GUI and aws-cli does not allow you to specify a higher version number when restoring a snapshot.
AWS support confirms this is NOT supported at this time, this from my chat session with the tech:
I should have recollected earlier. Currently there isn't an in-place upgrade path from Aurora 9.x to version 10.
This is something that is frequently requested for and the engineering team is working on but we don't have an ETA as to when this will be fixed.
AWS did offer two options:
Use pg_dump and pg_restore to extract and load the data into an upgrade target cluster.
Use AWS Data Migration Services to migrate data. DMS has the advantage of minimal downtime but it comes with many limitations you would have to evaluate. For example some data types, like JSON and timestamps with time zones are 'partially migrated'.
Links to AWS DMS documentation using PostgreSQL as a source and/or target of DMS:
Postgres as DMS Source:
Postgres as DMS Target:
The tech I chatted with favored pg_dump/pg_restore because it's more native, but it involve more downtime.

Would it be possible to do replication using bucardo between different postgresql versions?

We are having 2 database servers (Debian 8.3) with postgresql.
1st server having postgresql 8.4 and 2nd server is having postgresql 9.4.
Would it be possible to setup bucardo between this 2 database servers?
Please let me know.
Any hint will be really appreciated.
Yes. Bucardo can replicate between different versions of Postgres. Bucardo 5.6 will work from v8.1 to at least v12.
In fact Bucardo is used sometimes to upgrade PostgreSQL version without downtime.

Two PostgreSQL 9.5 beta 2 - short replication howto

Try configure native Bi-Direction (synchronous) replication between two postgresql 9.5 beta 2.
OS Ubuntu 14.04
Googled many documents and blogs, but still dont understand how can I configure postgresql.conf to start Bi-Direction replication
Any sample please.
You can't, because there is no built-in support for bidirectional replication in PostgreSQL 9.5.
The BDR project is an effort to develop mesh multimaster logical replication. It is based on 9.4. There is no plan to support 9.5; we intend to skip straight to 9.6 when it is released, and stay on 9.4 in the mean time.
There are external trigger-based tools that do multi-master for PostgreSQL 9.5, like Londiste and Bucardo.
There's also Postgres-XL for full tightly-coupled multi-master but it hasn't been updated to 9.5 yet, and it's a separate modified PostgreSQL, not an add-on.
pglogical, which is derived from BDR, will hopefully provide full multimaster in future, but that's more like 9.6 timeframe.

is it possible to make replication between versions 9.1 and 9.3

all instructions lead to synchronize data folders from master server to slave. But it can not be done between major releases.
ps: general task is update master and slave server from 9.1 to 9.3
It is not entirely clear what you are talking about.
If you're talking about slony replication, it is designed to replicate data across versions. I've replicated databases from 8.4 to 9.1. You must have running the same schema (regarding the replicated objects) on both servers already. Slony replicates tables and sequences very well, it has some stuff for replicating schema changes, but I prefer doing this out-of-band.
If you're talking about in-place upgrading your db server, I'd suggest reading the fine documentation and going from 9.1 to 9.2, then to 9.3 (just to be cautious)