EF Interitance and DBA Concerns - entity-framework

For a new project, our application developers are wanting to use Entity Framework's table-per-type inheritance model.
We recently showed this functionality and the resulting table schema to our DBA, and he's expressed concerns, and I'm wondering how to address them. Inheritance is an important part of OO, and from a development side, it would be great to have the DB and ORM support this concept natively. This functionality is part of EF, so it's not like we're pulling the design out of left field.
His main concerns are:
We're not using stored procs
The added complexity will make reporting and data updates harder
We've pretty much addressed his stored proc concerns (and we've been using another ORM for 3 years now).
As far as the complexity, I do see his point, but the counterpoints address them (for me):
Reporting should not be performed from transactional tables (we currently do this), views or a transformed reporting DB should be used.
Data updates on a flatter structure can still mess up data -- it's the responsibility of the person updating the data to understand the structure. The schema used by EF's table-per-type inheritance model isn't that complex, but it must be adhered to when doing manual updates.
I know we're not the first to run into DBA concerns over DB-backed model inheritance. How have others convinced their DBA that this is a good model?

His main concerns are not considering real problems with TPT.
You can use stored procedures with TPT if you want.
Data updates are not harder. EF will deal with them and ensure correct order of data modification.
The main problem of TPT are inefficient queries (check comments as well). TPT in EF has real performance problems becuase it makes a lot of left joins and unions even if it doesn't need data from derived tables. Creating any reporting on this data structure and accessing report data through EF is really bad decision.
If his concerns are related to other tools working with your database then they are fully legitimate but in the same time it is only about correct documentation of your database structure.


Multiple database in EF6

We are involved in quite a new development in which we are remaking our current web shop platform.
In the current platform we do not use EF6 neither other ORM but store procedures to access to the db, but in the new building is what we do.
We have a doubt regarding database design of the new platform. In the current platform we use several different databases depending on the content of them.
For example, we have dedicated databases to store information for products catalogs other dedicated db for handling orders.
Currently all data access is done through stored procedures, so we have no problem with the links between different databases.
The problem appears to us now when we have started to use EF6. In this case each DB is associated with a context and it is not possible to know data from one context to another
unless we implement directly in the source code these relationships using various contexts. It looks like these means we will lose the power of EF6.
The questions we have are:
Is it a bad design maintaining different databases for the same application using EF6?
in case this is a poor design and choosing for a single database, is the performance going to be optimum even driving hundreds of tables (almost 1000) with several TBytes of information?
in the other hand, in the case of opting for the design in which several bbdd appear (it would be much better in our case), what is the best way to handle them EF6?
Thank you very much for your help!
First of all EF is not written to be cross database. You can't write cross database (cross context) queries, lazy load does not work and so on.
This is a big limitation in your case.
EF could work with several schema (actually I don't use it and I don't like it but is just my opinion).
You can use your stored procedures with EF but as I understand you are thinking to stop to use them.
In my experience I wrote several applications with more than one database but the use of the different databases was very limited. In this cases I use cross database views (i.e. one database per company and some common tables with views in company databases that selects data in common tables). In your case, if the tables are sharded everywhere I don't think this is a way you can choose.
So, in my opinion you could change the approach.
If you have backups problems you could shard the huge tables (I think facts tables and tables with pictures) and create cross database views. BTW, also, cross database referential integrity is not supported in SQL Server so you need to write triggers to check it.
If you need to split different application functions (i.e. WMS, CRM and so on) you can use namespaces without bothering about how tables are stored in the DB.

Benefits of EF Code First?

I'm just starting to learn EF and now readind about Code First workflow. From what I gather, you would design your objects first and then the database would be created based on those objects. I can't seem to see the good in this. Why would you let your database schema be dictated by the hierarchy of your objects? Would you be able to optimize your database using Code First?
Also, as I have not read far enough yet, does Code First fully support DBMS features (indexes, triggers, sp, etc)? I ask as I've read in some articles that this is what most preferred (Code First). I have seen something about Code Second which is from what little I've read, I think is much better (existing database, but code centric development?), but maybe I'm missing something or haven't yet read enough and you guys can clear those things up. Thanks.
The capabilities of code first are the same since you have the same ability to express all the features of EF manually in your code. The main difference is that you don't use a designer to generate your EF code. This offers some benefits since you can decouple your entity classes from the EF context. The main benefit of this is that you can use plain old c# classes that aren't necessarily tied to EF if you decide to switch to another orm down the line.
The downside of course is that you have to hand code the entire model.
Keep in mind that you don't have to generate the database from your code. You can code against an existing database.

Hiding a bad database schema behind neater domain POCOs

I'm working on an application that interfaces with a slightly odd database. The design of this database is pretty bad; there are basically no foreign keys (although there are columns that reference other tables, they're not set as keys), columns are named very ambiguously, and the structure does not lend itself to the kind of logic I'm aiming to do (mostly, it forces joins for operations that should be simple, and leaves you trawling through needlessly massive tables for things that could have been split).
Unfortunately, I'm stuck with this database. It's being replicated off a third-party system, so I can't change the table structure or anything. I can add stored procedures and views, though.
In the application, I've come up with a set of classes that I can work with much more easily. I've got quite a bit of experience with Entity Framework, so I'm planning to use that. My initial hunch is that I can add views to the database that return things in the format of my classes, and then from there on out just pretend that they're tables. I've never tried anything like this before, though, and I'm not entirely sure how to proceed.
How can I use Entity Framework to map my classes to these views? Note that it kinda needs to be my POCO classes, rather than anything EF auto-generates - is there a way to tell EF to map existing classes?
If you use code first then Entity Framework will generate CreateTable instructions in the migrations. To use a view instead, replace this code with your own Sql to generate the View. See the answer to this question: Mapping Database Views to EF 5.0 Code First w/Migrations
I would also configure Entity Framework to use stored procedures. Then you can tailor the insert/update/delete sql to match the underlying tables. Again, you can do this by altering the sql that is generated for you in the migrations.

Entity Framework - How best to handle large numbers of entities

We're currently a Linq to SQL shop but evaluating Entity Framework. One thing that always frustrated me with L2S is how messy the DBML canvas became after putting more than say a couple dozen tables on it. It just became one large mess.
I'm wondering if EF handles this any better? What would be ideal (for us) is the ability to have a separate EDM for each of our schema's. That would keep things very neat and tidy. However, I don't know then how we would establish relationships across EDM's.
Can anyone tell me how (or if) EF handles this sort of thing?
Just my 2 cents.
I deeply recommend you to throw away dbml and edmx as well, and move to EF 4.1 code first. It will give you all the power and flexybility you need.
For me it was a no turning back ever. You can find excellent posts of Scott Guthrie about it if you google a little.
Handling this in EDMX is possible but still it is far away from nice or ideal solution especially because it is not supported by designer - you will work with EDMX as XML. Also relations can be only one way, bidirectional relations between EDMX are not supported. ADO.NET team described the whole process on their blog.
If you have separate schema for some set of tables then tables probably represent some separate business domain where the connection to other schemas are not so common. Perhaps isolating the schema in completely separate model (EDMX) can be way to go.

What is the most annoying feature (or lack of feature) you have found in the Entity Framework?

I am starting with the Entity Framework. It sounds great. But I am wondering if I should watch out for some weakness somewhere. Any experience there?
You probably need to start prefixing these questions with the version you are talking about. A good amount of the annoyances have been fixed in the upcoming version in .NET 4.0.
Here is what I would say after working with the first version for about 6 months using a decent size DB in sql 2k8(40+ tables, several tables with close to 1M rows, and decent amount of traffic)
Lack of Foreign key properties. Meaning if I want to know or work with just the id of a related table I have to load the actual entity. (fixed in next version)
Utter lack of an easy outer join like linq to sql has when using DefaultIfEmpty. Fixed in next version.
Generated Sql is less than optimal This seems to be fixed in next version as well
Very difficult to abstract from your code for testability and for use in multi tiered environments, but it can be done. This can also be classified as the POCO problem that also has been resolved.
There are more, but these are my top ones.
Overall I would use it again, but if you are starting from scratch please save yourself some pain and wait for the latest version or start using the beta if you can.
You might find the walkthroughs for Entity Framework 4.0 useful. All of the new features discussed are annoying emissions from the currently released version for someone.
I found the new TDD/testability features and T4 code generation features especially interesting.
About EF1:
Generated SQL is horrible. It multiples joins, it is 10x bigger than it could. I had a simple query, but with a lot of joins and generating this query by EF (not executing) was slowing down significantly my application. No, I couldn't use precompiled query. I used view to cope with it. SQL Profiler was helpful.
Primary keys in views are not recognized properly. You have to change edmx file by hand when you import view or doing schema refresh.
You can design entities from database in graphical manner, update model from database, but it doesn't always work good, specially when you change field types or foreign keys.
You can't update one table in model, always have to update whole model from db.
You can't define base class for your entities, it is already defined (EntityObject). You can use interfaces, because classes are defined as partial.
No POCO, entity classes are strongly connected to framework.
You can set foreign key by EntityReference.EntityKey, but when you have EntityCollection, prepare for round trip to db. Or am I missing something?
I am finding the POCO objects and model-first design in the EF4 beta very sexy.