SCM for multiple projects + distributed team - version-control

In our organization we have 6 teams:
3 "project" teams who provide software to the end user
3 "supplier" teams who provide component software to the project teams
I am the leader for one of the supplier teams. I manage code which is standard across the 3 project teams, yet configurable for the 3 project teams. The code is divided into "static" and "config" code. The static code is meant to be the same across the 3 projects; the config code is meant to be different in each project.
I have to orchestrate a rather large team to make my 1 supplier team's deliverables. We are a distributed team, with 6 developers on-site, and 4 different contracting houses providing code which contributes to my "mainline". Each of the 5 sub-teams contributes to a different part of the mainline, but we are allowed to touch each other's code. Total around 35 developers.
What would be the best SCM tool to use, and how would you set it up? Constraints: no budget; unwillingness from management to accept the risk of introducing a new tool. In short, the current in-house team of 6 must continue to use VSS, while I (the build master) might have the ability to buy a tool (1 license only) to help me manage the flux of code to/from the contracting houses.
It looks like Accurev might be a strong contender but I wanted to poll the community. Whatever tool I buy would have to support (somehow) merging code into VSS and being able to provide (nightly?) builds to give to the other teams off-site.

"distributed teams" means DVCS, Mercurial or Git.
Don't even try to manage code/patches with a CVCS (Centralized VCS) amongst distributed contributors, you would only end up re-inventing what a DVCS does naturally anyway.
If you really need to maintain local VSS repos, you can try git-vss in order to facilitate import-export.


Azure boards: new project vs new team within a project - what are the trade offs?

I am about to start a project for which we will use Azure Boards to track progress of our work items in Kanban-style. Would like to ask a high level question as I am a beginner in Azure boards and have to make a decision on how to set up 11 Kanban boards.
We have decided it makes sense to have 11 boards, one for each category of product in our company. A few pointers:
There will be a single team working through the work items in the eleven boards
There will be moments where the team will be working simultaneously with more than one board
The eleven boards should contain the same team members / columns, as the workflow is exactly the same across those 11 boards
My question: should we create 11 different projects OR 11 teams within a project to get our eleven boards? What kind of rationale would make me want to create different projects as opposed to different teams?
Thank you
When to add another project
In general, we recommend that you use a single project to support your organization or enterprise. A single project minimizes the maintenance of administrative tasks and supports the most optimized / full-flexibility cross-link object experience.
Even if you have many teams working on hundreds of different applications and software projects, you can most easily manage them within a single project. A project serves to isolate data stored within it. You can't easily move data from one project to another. When you move data from one project to another, you typically lose the history associated with that data.
Reasons to add another project:
You may want to add another project in following instances:
To prohibit or manage access to the information contained within a
project to select groups
To support custom work tracking processes for specific business units
within your organization
To support entirely separate business units that have their own
administrative policies and administrators
To support testing customization activities or adding extensions
before rolling out changes to the working project
To support an Open Source Software (OSS) project
If the above conditions are not met, we generally recommend that you create multiple teams in a project. Here is the official document you can refer to.

How to manage the source code that runs on different customer's systems?

We have an application which is implemented for our own company.
By time, the application has been purchased by various companies.
For each company, we created a new TFS Branch in source control. And each one has been changed for specific customer requirements.
That's why the source code has many versions now.
Making a change became so difficult because the change needs to implemented and tested seperately for each branch if it is from a common structure.
What is the best and conventional way to manage source code?
Is it recommended to have a SINGLE SOLUTION that can run on each customer's systems.
There are several ways to handle customer-specific customizations, among them:
Keep a completely separate branch per customer and eventually merge code between branches. This is the solution you deploy right now.
Architect the application in a way where you have a customer-independent "kernel" which has pluggable custumization hooks. Only the customizations would be kept in separate independent repositories.
Put the customizations into a common application and make them configurable ("on/off").
Which route to take depends on the nature of the application and the amount of customizations per customer. If the context allows so, separate branches are least favourable due to the manual merging, bug fixing and testing overhead.
In a specific industry (telecom billing systems) I have seen all three: suppliers who work with dedicated code branches, others with pluggable customizations and configurable off-the-shelf products. Naturally, each supplier has a different level of customization flexibility, level of productification and integration approach.
As a software supplier the big trade-off is to balance the level of customization flexibility versus the level of productification.

Large development teams and SVN

A few questions regarding this topic:
1) What's the largest development team (doing actual commits, not counting read-only) you've had on a single SVN repository? Did you have any issues?
2) What's the largest size team you'd be comfortable with on a single SVN repository? Is a different version control tool better for very large teams? (Don't name IBM Rational, because it will get ignored and flamed, but others may be possible if a valid justification can be made. Solid Eclipse and Flex/Flash Builder IDE compatibility is a must.)
2a) Obviously this depends on the project, but are there any major shortcomings with reliance on splitting up 'large' dev teams into small, modular teams all of which utilize their own SVN repos?
3) Does it make sense for an organization to have two standard versioning tools, one for large systems (if needed) and one for small (~5 devs or less) systems?
For extra points:
4) What would you consider a "large" team (counting only developers since this is relating to SVN use, not QA, management, testers, etc)?
1/ We have amongst our many repo some used by 50 to 100 developers, for many years.
The issues are then:
bad naming convention (for branches or files, with special characters used when they really shouldn't)
pooling performance issue (with FishEye for instance)
2/ A central VCS has usually no special limit in term of repository side.
Large teams appreciate Perforce, very quick to checkout their workspace.
2a/ As you say, it depends on the project. For a true monolithic project with many inter-dependent part, the major shortcoming is the content synchronization you need to make between repo (you cannot update a module without impacting the others).
3/ Sure, that what we have.
Usually, the one reserved for large projects is a non-freeware one (especially because managers need to know there is actual VCS product support team they can rely on in case of major issues with this tool).
for smaller project, an open-source VCS (freeware) is enough.
But SVN can still manage both project sizes while being "free" (you still to pay for an administrator and for the infrastructure -- server, disk, backups, ... -- to run any tool, freeware or not).
4/ Any team larger than (in average) 15 people is likely to develop different parts of an application, at different pace. That becomes a modular development, and involve structuring its SVN repo carefully.
I've worked on an SVN repository that had well over a hundred active commiters, a revision number of over 80.000, and had been migrated from CVS 3 years before.
Generally, I'd say that SVN is not a likely bottleneck when it comes to large projects and large development teams. Sure, it may lack some features that could make some aspects easier, but that's completely insignificant compared to the organizational problems.

Merging and branching shared code between projects in TFS

I'm currently in charge of migrating our applications from source safe to TFS. We have three or four very similar apps (let us say e-commerce) that currently share a core library (services, business logic, entities, data access etc).
The applications are similar but not identical so one app might get a feature set the others won't get etc.
I want to stop the sharing of code and instead set up branches (if that fits) so if I change something in Application A:s core library I will need to merge the changes with the other branches instead of them getting the changes automatically. This to avoid surprises when you update from your trunk and suddenly the core has changed for another project and this project breaks in some way.
Any suggestions on how I should set this up in TFS? Should I have a "main" Core that is not directly used in any project that is the parent of all the other cores so I can push changes up to that one from one core and then distribute it to the other cores? Does that make sense and would it be easy to set up in TFS?
In response to your comment, I'd suggest you to read up on Feature branches on the CodePlex website.
Scenario 4 – Branch for Feature
In this scenario, you create a
development branch, perform work in
that branch, and then merge your work
back into your main source tree. You
organize your development branches
based on product features. The
following is a physical view showing
branching for feature development:
My Team Project
Development -> Isolated development branch container
Feature A -> Feature branch
Feature B -> Feature branch
Feature C -> Feature branch
Main -> Main Integration branch
We are alos moving from SS to TFS in the near future.
As I perceive it, we are going to keep our SS repository online and start fresh over in TFS. Our framework probably will get its own project in TFS. Project specific shared units will need to get merged from time to time.
The way you structure your repository depends on your specific situation. Every branch scenario has its specific advantages and drawbacks.
How many projects
How many developers
Are the developers dedicated
Do you need concurrent hot fixes
Do you need service packs
Take a look at the CodePlex branching guide for all the information you need to make an informed decision about your TFS structure. Print out the cheat sheets and pin them to your wall for quick reference.
Before executing on your branch plan,
pay attention to this cautionary
message - every branch you create does
have a cost so make sure you get some
value from it. The mechanics of
branching in TFS are simplified to a
single right click branch command.
However, the total cost of branching
is paid by reduced code velocity to
main, merge conflicts and additional
testing can be expensive.
I am assuming you have already investigated whether you truly need to make your "copies" seperate team projects. Remember the TFS concept of a "Team Project" is a VERY LARGE high level container. It is not the same thing as what most IT shops consider a "Project". Think of "Microsoft Vista" or "Office 2007" as a project, not, say "A new release of Company XYZ's Accounts Receivable System" as a project in the Team Project sense.
I have a client that decided on one single Team Project for TFS. There is nothing wrong with this - and it is truly the best scenario in many circumstances.
If you truly need a very strong isolation between your copies of the application (perhaps they are seperate clients and you need very strong security seperation) and must have seperate team projects.
That said - you still - as you've stated need to share code between instances of your application. The first thing I would strongly recommend is to get away from "Cut and Paste" sharing. I would truly try to isolate the shared code into a seperate Solution and generate binaries for that (perhaps you've already done this!)
This is covered in the Codeplex TFS:
Another approach I've done for several clients - is to have a Team Project that contains the shared code. The "Build" creates the binaries for the shared code - and the "Deploy" simply copies those to a "known location" (ie UNC share on the build machine)
For the applications that are "Consumers" of the "Framework" we simply used the "AdditionalReferencesPath" Item group to include the location of that known location.
Furthermore - this tool: can be helpful. This would allow you to have builds automatically triggered for your "Consumer" Projects whenever the "Framework" solution is built.
My brief answer is that you should only setup one 'TFS project' and simply organize your different projects, i.e. your individual applications, and each shared library, as separate folders under that one TFS project. The alternative is to include specific (binary) builds of the shared libraries in each individual application – if you do that then you can organize each application into it's own TFS project, tho you can't merge changes or branch those projects without using the TFS command line (and some non-obvious commands to boot).
I was trying to determine the same information, this guide on codeplex is perfect
Includes terminology and different branching workflow approaches as well as cheat sheets.

TFS Structure - Multiple Projects or Single Project?

Our small development shop is looking to migrate our projects from VSS to TFS, and we're evaluating TFS vs. others (haven't pulled the trigger quite yet). The nature of our software shop is such that we have 100+ projects in VSS ranging from small one-man-show projects to massive enterprise-wide applications.
We are trying to determine how to structure our projects in the transition and have, for the most part, decided on putting everything into one project site/system with each project having a subfolder off the root.
With this type of setup, we are concerned that we will lose a lot of the functionality that TFS provides (bug tracking, scrum burndowns, reporting, document storage etc.) because all the projects will be in the same portal/project space and it will be difficult to separate out individual project tickets/items.
Does anyone have experience with this? What was your solution? Did you stick with TFS?
The answer to this question requires some planning on your part: how you intend to use TFS, and which of those capabilities has inherent limitations in the product. I would summarize my advice as:
You will need [at least] 1 team project per process template. That is, if two teams want to adopt / customize different processes, they will need to be separated.
Once condition #1 is satisfied, you probably don't need as many separate Team Projects as you think. 90% of TFS features & settings are hierarchical in nature, allowing you to scope them as broadly or narrowly as each of your projects requires.
For complete details, see:
The approach I've taken was to have a TFS project for each logical grouping of assemblies -- So we've a framework project that contains assemblies common to all our applicaitons, we then have a separate project for our quotations system, another for the costing system and so forth. Whilst the workspace mappings get a bit "interesting", it does allow different design methodologies for different projects, and at different timescales -- so one team might be half way through a sprint (Most projects use Scrum for Team System), at the same time as another is just starting...
It is true that to garner all of the benefits of TFS, it is best to use separate projects, but those benefits should be weighed against the administrative overhead associated with managing many projects. Years ago, I used Visual Source Safe...After I left Microsoft, I switched to Subversion. After returning to Microsoft, I am using TFS and so far I am very happy with it.
The process guidance, the reports, the integrated bugtracking, and the tight IDE integration serve my needs perfectly. Plus, the TFS SDK allows for some interesting extensibiilty scenarios.
I've used several SCC providers and we've settled on TFS for all of the features it has that others don't. Bug correlation, CI and automated testing certainly topped the list of benefits.
As for whether you use multiple project or not, I'd say it depends on if the projects share any common code. We tend to use a TFS project for all "related" code assets, so if we have several different solutions that do similar things and share a lot of code, we use a single TFS project. If they have nothing in common, then they become separate projects.
I am not sure if this was fixed in 2008 but in 2005 when you built a project that was a subfolder of a root project, MSBuild will pull the entire source tree of the root project - even files that are not part of your subfolder.
Depending on how much source you are managing this can greatly increase your build times.
I realize this article is old, but TFS 2010 now supports a wonderful feature call Team Project Collections which is simply another level of indirection or grouping on top of Projects.
This makes it much easier to create Team Projects without clogging up your namespace and encourages better organization!
Great Link talking more about Collections
I a not a sharepoint user but I hear its very similar concept to Sharepoint collections :)