How To Present Half Screen Modal View? - iphone

I have a UIViewController and when a button is pressed, I want a half screen view to slide up with a UIPicker in it.
I made a UIView in IB with the UIPicker along with a UIToolBar with Done/Cancel buttons.
How can I make it so that just this half view slides up and the background view is still showing but dimmed or cant be played with.
I'm using this code so far:
- (void)showModalView
[self.popupView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, self.view.frame.size.height, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)];
[self.view addSubview:self.popupView];
[UIView animateWithDuration:.2 animations:^{
[self.popupView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)];
Here is a pic:

Make your main view transperant by setting its alpha value to 0 and add a subview to the main view which is only half of the main screen and keep it opaque (alpha value as 1) as it would be by default.
Then simply present the view controller using present Modal View Controller.
Keep in mind that because of the transperancy you would be able to see half of the previous view, but wont be able to touch it as there is a transperant view.
Another work around is to animate a UIView which is of size half of the existing view.
Then you have to simply follow animation of the UIView.
Here as it is just a UIView that will be added as subview to existing view, you will be able to touch the rest of the screen.
So you can follow either of the methods as per your requirement.
Hope this helps you.

Here is what u need its an open source code on github TDSemiModalView having a half view date picker. Check the demo project inside the code. Here is the link.. Hope it solves your problem.


Weird sizing issue with UIPickerView

I am experiencing some strange behavior with a UIPickerView that I animate on to the screen. Interface Builder tells me the size of a UIPickerView is 216.0, but when I animate the view on to the screen using
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{
pickerView.frame = CGRectMake(0, self.view.frame.size.height-216, 320, 216);
The picker view actually only comes partway on to the screen. To get the entire picker view, I need to treat the height as if it is 280. What could cause this?
280 is the same as 216+64. 64 is sum of a 20pt status bar plus a 44pt nav or toolbar. I would check your hierarchy, perhaps, you add the picker to the app window, but set coordinates using your VC's view frame, which is inside another container?

Change view alternative

I have an window based app with some ViewController.
I switch from one view to another using :
[self.view addSubview:newViewController.view];
Everything works fine but I have a problem:
When I change the view to a scrollView which has frames more than 320x480 I can not return to previous frames.I mean I change the the views further normally but I have a bigger frame and I see the rest of the content from the scrollView which is not covered by the current view.
Is there any method to set the superview size back to 320x480?
You can set the frame of a view back to 320X480 manually by doing something like:
yourView.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,320,480);
When you switch back are you removing the scrollview from the superview as well? [scrollview removeFromSuperView]; ?

Cannot properly rotate a translated UIView on the iPad

I have an UIViewController that has two UIViews inside, whose layout (set in Interface Builder) is something like this (the magenta colored view is the UIViewController default view):
and I added the main view to a root view obtaining this effect (by not showing the darker view placing its frame at the bottom):
Now when the device rotates, what I obtain is this:
whereas I'd like to still hide the darker view.
This is the code I use to hide it when it appears (I use it in the viewDidLoad method):
- (void)hideAll:(float)time{
CGRect hiddenFrame = CGRectMake(0, 1024, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height);
[self.view setFrame:hiddenFrame];
[self.view setNeedsDisplay];
and it appears to work, but when I call a variant of it when rotating (in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:), nothing happens:
CGRect hiddenFrame = CGRectMake(0, 748, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height);
[self.view setFrame:hiddenFrame];
[self.view setNeedsDisplay];
What am I missing? have I to set some other view property in Interface Builder?
It seems to me that the coordinate system does not change after the device has been rotated (ie the origin set in the upper-left corner in portrait mode will become the upper-right after a clockwise rotation in landscape mode)
Check your struts and springs in IB. It maybe that when you autorotate, the strut fixing you to the top of the screen moves your frame back to the top.
Try adding your code to the didRotateToInterfaceOrientation method so it can run after rotation has occurred.
Why to you change the frame to hide it, and not just
[self.view setHidden:YES];
second thing is that you should try to set the "Autoresizing" panel to handle the orientation changes, and not by changing the frame of the view.
hope i understood you right.
The problem I encountered can be faced in two ways (I hope this can save some time for someone in the future):
using an UIViewcontroller (loaded from xib) and only its view as the rotating view, that is my original attempt to solve it. In this case you have to programmatically set the frame for the view when you want to hide it, and by doing so you have to consider that the coordinate system for the controller remains untouched and does not rotate (ie. it is always originated from the same corner)
using a UIView (loaded from xib) inside an already existing UIViewcontroller, in this way the view will automatically rotate and resize and you will not have to take the proper coordinates value into account at each rotation (this is by far the simplest way)

UIView loses background when animated up

I am working on an iOS app and am having trouble with a really tall UIView (2400px tall). The UIView contains a really long form that's been broken down into 5 parts. As the user completes one part of the form, I would like to slide the UIView up to reveal the next part. I present the UIView modally.
The problem that I am having is that when I slide up the UIView, the background slides up along with the objects in the first section and the next section is left with a clear background. The code I use to slide the UIView is:
- (IBAction)slideUp {
// Slide the view up the screen to reveal the next section
CGRect frame = self.view.frame;
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.75];
frame.origin.y = -480;
self.view.frame = frame;
[UIView commitAnimations];
All of the objects in the really tall UIView slide up fine, I'm just losing my background color. Any idea why?
Is your background being rendered by some sort of "background view" that's sized to fit the screen?
In any case, you should probably use a UIScrollView with scrolling disabled instead of a really long UIView. You can then simply animate the contentOffset property to scroll the controls up, but the scrollview itself can simply be screen-sized.
Instead of using self.view.frame, i would highly recommend you create an IBOutlet for the really long view so that the code looks like self.longView.frame.
This will help making it clear which views you are working with.
Right now i am betting that you are animating the wrong view.

UIView subview is not autorotating or auto-sizing for iPad

In my iPhone app, I have a UIViewController with two subviews: a main UIView (let's call it mainView), and a secondary UIView (let's call it secondView), which is usually hidden but is sometimes shown (e.g. user settings). In my UIViewController, self.view is set to mainView. When the user switches to the subview, I call [self.view addSubview:secondView] and when the user switches back to the main UIView, I call [secondView removeFromSuperview].
There are two issues which I am dealing with at present:
When the user rotates the iPhone or iPad, the main UIView (mainView) autorotates properly and all of its UI items follow its autoresize rules which I have set up in Interface Builder. However, when the secondary UIView (secondView) is displayed, and the iPhone or iPad is rotated, the secondView & all of its UI items do not follow their autoresize rules. I have found that when I set self.view = secondView, and then rotate the device, the view rotates properly.
In the iPad specifically, when I pull up the secondView using [self.view addSubview:secondView], it is not resized to fill the full screen just as the main UIView has been resized for the iPad version. So I end up with a screen that displays the mainView UIView in the background, and the secondView UIView in the top-left corner without taking up the whole screen.
My instinct tells me that these two issues are related to one another. Has anyone else experienced these kinds of issues with secondary UIViews which they add to their UIViewControllers using addSubview:?
When using addSubview,
[secondView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, self.view.bounds.size.height)];
Not very elegant. But it worked for me:
I had a similar problem. I solved the size issue by setting the content mode of the view.
Exp:[_yourView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill];
I hope this helps...