Convert response string possibly to utf16 - iphone

I am getting a response string from server this string:Kav\u00e1la.
After a search on google this "\u00e1" is UTF16.
I am trying to convert it using this:
NSString *myJson = [responseString stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF16StringEncoding];
but nothing. Its the same

"\u00e1" is the character "รก" (lowercase a-acute).


Decode URL into JSON

I am getting the following response
how can I decode it into the following
param={"paymentMode":"","transactionId":"31674","pgRespCode":"3","TxMsg":"Canceled by user","authIdCode":"","currency":"INR","amount":"1.00","addressStreet1":"Sesame street","addressStreet2":"","isCOD":"","loadStatus":"fail","TxId":"123456","addressCountry":"India","firstName":"Ankur","TxGateway":"","signature":"45558eb93513aa7a4f2fba24e0ba577b26eb5f40","addressState":"Pune","lastName":"Arya","addressCity":"","TxRefNo":"CTX1307151506338704178","loadAmount":"1.00 INR","pgTxnNo":"CTX1307151506338704178","TxStatus":"CANCELED","email":"","issuerRefNo":"","mobileNo":"9900414420","addressZip":"411045"}
You can try this method stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSStringEncodingConversionAllowLossy]
Taken from this question urldecode in objective-c
NSString *param=#"%7B%22paymentMode%22:%22%22,%22transactionId%22:%2231674%22,%22pgRespCode%22:%223%22,%22TxMsg%22:%22Canceled%20by%20user%22,%22authIdCode%22:%22%22,%22currency%22:%22INR%22,%22amount%22:%221.00%22,%22addressStreet1%22:%22Sesame%20street%22,%22addressStreet2%22:%22%22,%22isCOD%22:%22%22,%22loadStatus%22:%22fail%22,%22TxId%22:%22123456%22,%22addressCountry%22:%22India%22,%22firstName%22:%22Ankur%22,%22TxGateway%22:%22%22,%22signature%22:%2245558eb93513aa7a4f2fba24e0ba577b26eb5f40%22,%22addressState%22:%22Pune%22,%22lastName%22:%22Arya%22,%22addressCity%22:%22%22,%22TxRefNo%22:%22CTX1307151506338704178%22,%22loadAmount%22:%221.00%20INR%22,%22pgTxnNo%22:%22CTX1307151506338704178%22,%22TxStatus%22:%22CANCELED%22,,%22issuerRefNo%22:%22%22,%22mobileNo%22:%229900414420%22,%22addressZip%22:%22411045%22%7D";
NSString *newParam = [param stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSStringEncodingConversionAllowLossy];
Do string replacement stuff with that to get it into a more readable form.
string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #"%%22" withString:#"\""];
string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #"%%7B" withString:#"{"];
string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #"%%7D" withString:#"}"];
And so on, until you get it into something you want.
You are basically replacing the unicode representation of the character into the actual readable character

regular expression to match " but not \"

How can I construct a regular expression which matches an literal " but only if it is not preceded by the escape slash namely \
I have a NSMutableString str which prints the following on NSLog. The String is received from a server online.
"Hi, check out \"this book \". Its cool"
I want to change it such that it prints the following on NSLog.
Hi, check out "this book ". Its cool
I was originally using replaceOccurencesOfString ""\" with "". But then it will do the following:
Hi, check out \this book \. Its cool
So, I concluded I need the above regular expression to match only " but not \" and then replace only those double quotes.
[^m] means does not match m
Not sure how this might translate to whatever is supported in the iOS apis, but, if they support anchoring (which I think all regex engines should), you're describing something like
That is, match :
either the beginning of the string ^ or any character that's not
\ followed by:
the " character
If you want to do any sort of replacement, you'll have to grab the first (and only) group in the regex (that is the parenthetically grouped part of the expression) and use it in the replacement. Often this value labeled as $1 or \1 or something like that in your replacement string.
If the regex engine is PCRE based, of course you could put the grouped expression in a lookbehind so you wouldn't need to capture and save the capture in the replacement.
Not sure about regex, a simpler solution is,
NSString *str = #"\"Hi, check out \\\"this book \\\". Its cool\"";
NSLog(#"string before modification = %#", str);
str = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\\\"" withString:#"#$%$#"];
str = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"" withString:#""];
str = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"#$%$#" withString:#"\\\""];//assuming that the chances of having '#$%$#' in your string is zero, or else use more complicated word
NSLog(#"string after modification = %#", str);
string before modification = "Hi, check out \"this book \". Its cool"
string after modification = Hi, check out \"this book \". Its cool
Regex: [^\"].*[^\"]. which gives, Hi, check out \"this book \". Its cool
It looks like it's a JSON string? Perhaps created using json_encode() in PHP on the server? You should use the proper JSON parser in iOS. Don't use regex as you will run into bugs.
// fetch the data, eg this might return "Hi, check out \"this book \". Its cool"
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:#""];
// decode the JSON string
NSError *error;
NSString *responseString = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:&error];
// check if it worked or not
if (!responseString || ![responseString isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSLog(#"failed to decode server response. error: %#", error);
// print it out
NSLog(#"decoded response: %#", responseString);
The output will be:
Hi, check out "this book ". Its cool
Note: the JSON decoding API accepts an NSData object, not an NSString object. I'm assuming you also have a data object and are converting it to a string at some point... but if you're not, you can convert NSString to NSData using:
NSString *responseString = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[myString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:&error];
More details about JSON can be found at:

Get NSString From NSURL

I try to get NSString from NSURL with this method:
NSString *tmp2 = [item.path absoluteString];
Unfortunately I get instead of the NSURL:
<CFURL 0x173c50 [0x3f1359f8]>{type = 0, string = /var/mobile/Applications/A30FD2E4-A273-4522-AFD5-A981EFD3C2AA/Documents/*** *** - *** ***.***, encoding = 134217984, base = (null)}
I get :
any idea why?
The NSURL documentation clearly states that absoluteString returns an NSString, just like your code above. This is the string representation of the absolute path, so what you are getting is what you should be getting.
However, looking at the documentation you could also use path, relativePath or relativeString to get a string representation of the url in other formats (absolute or relative paths that either do or do not conform to RFC 1808 (a now obsolete percent encoding).

encrypted data return nil string

I am using Rijndael Encryption Algorithm when I am going to encrypt it, it encrypted in NSData. I want that encrypted NSdata into NSString. I tried to convert it into string but it return nil. Have anyone any solutions to get into string.
I am doing like this
NSString *passphrase = #"super-secret";
NSStringEncoding myEncoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding;
NSString *alphaPlain = #"This is a encryption test.";
NSData *alphaDataPlain = [alphaPlain dataUsingEncoding:myEncoding];
NSLog(#" SimpleText value : %#",alphaPlain);
NSData *alphaDataCypher = [alphaDataPlain AESEncryptWithPassphrase:passphrase];
NSString *alphaStringCypher = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:alphaDataCypher encoding:myEncoding];
NSLog(#" Encrypted value : %#",alphaStringCypher);
It returns nil value.
The encrypted data is no longer a UTF8 string, it's just some sequence of bytes, so decoding it as UTF8 fails.
What do you want to do with the string? If it's just for logging/debugging purposes, you could use [myData description] to get a hex string (with some extra whitespace for better readability). If you need this to transfer the data in a context where you need a textual representation, converting it to Base64 would be a good idea, see this answer for an easy way to do that.

How can we write " in nsstring?

I have to initialize string as "Rose" including Quotation Mark. How to write " in our string?
Escape the double quote with \
NSString *yourString = #"\"Rose\"";
Use the escape character: \
NSString *r = #"\"Rose\"";
You can find additional information about Escape character and String literal.
Escape it with a backslash:
Escape the quotation marks.
NSString *str = #"\"Rose\"";
NSString *yourString = #"\"Rose\"";
In swift 5, you can write with a hashtag :
let raw = #"You can create "raw" strings in Swift 5."#
Output :
You can create "raw" strings in Swift 5.