Use of doxygen's \link command - doxygen

I have an external HTML file I'd like to have linked form either my doxygen "Related Pages" tab or the left hand frame. It seems I need to use the \link command but I can't find a good example of how to use it or where. I am currently using doxywizard to generate the HTML.
So, is \link something I incorporate into my doxygen config file or do I add it when I build the HTML somehow?
So I ended up having to do the following:
Create a new page (docs_main.html) that had the following:
/*! \mainpage MY TITLE HERE
* \section intro_sec External resources
* My external page
Include that page in my doxygen included files list
Rebuild my documentation
That added to my doxygen "Main Page" the following
My external page (which was a link to that page)

We have a Markdown support in doxygen nowadays. Your code may be a clearer:
/*! \mainpage MY TITLE HERE
* \anchor intro_sec
* # External resources
* [My external page](http://link_to_my_external_page.html)
The above should render somewhat close to:
External resources
My external page

Doxygen allows you to insert certain HTML commands in to your documentation, including links. In case you didn't know this is how you make a link in HTML:
External file
cdiggins' answer is also worth reading.

The \link (and anything of the form \command or #command) is called a "special command" and is part of the mark-up used in the input files processed by Doxygen not part of the configuration. The \link command does not do what you want.
You could perhaps use the \page command to create a new related page and then use the \htmlinclude command to insert the external HTML file as the contents of that page.

As other answers here looks bits and pieces for a beginner, here is the complete procedure.
1) create an html file with content(ex:abc.html) as below
/*! \mainpage MY TITLE HERE
* \section intro_sec External resources
* My external page
2) Add this file path in config file here
3)Also add your file type here
The above procedure opens your file in doxygen window
Add the below content to open the file in explorer
<b>My external page</b>
Note: If file doesn't open try giving absolute path

You can add a tab to the main navigation bar (with your link) by using a custom layout file.
Take a look at the Customizing the Output page of the Doxygen manual. It's pretty clear about how to do it, assuming I understood your question.


How does GitHub's Gist embed work?

Let's suppose that I have a file named, and I upload it to GitHub's gist. Now I embed that gist into my blog, using the code provided by GitHub on the corresponding page.
When I browse my blog and I check the source code for the page, I discover that:
the embed code calls a js file which performs some DocumentWrite commands, inserting the appropriate html tags (with css styles) on my page, and
the associated css file is linked to my page. This file contains css declarations for 'gist' class as well as other classes.
This is all very nice. But I wonder: starting from the same file, what would I have to do to end up with the same final html code?
I've tried using pygments and rouge (via pygmentize and rougify commands) with reasonable options but none of them highlights the original code using 'gist' tags (among others) as is done when performing the GitHub embed.

How do I refer to a section in a markdown page from source code for doxygen?

I want to link from my source code to a specific section in one of the project documentation markdown files. I can link to the file by using \ref I cannot link to a section in that file with \ref sec_somesection as that is unrecognized.
How can I link to a specific section (or subsection etc)?
Since you're using named sections, just use the \ref command to create links to them.
You can also use the \anchor command on your secondary pages, and link to it, without having to create a section.

Link to specific line in javascript source?

I have javascript source code served at I'm writing documentation and rather than including the code of certain functions I want to refer to, I'd just like to link to the source- but I would like to link to the specific line of the Function in the source document.
Is this possible, to create a link to a text document at a specific line without using html anchors or javascript window.scrollTo?
Never found a way to link to javascript source, but easy to do with GitHub - Just add "#L" + lineNo to the url. For instance:
Highlights and jumps to line.

Remove "generated by doxygen" and timestamp in PDF

As the title. I've just started using doxygen, with the first test run I noticed the PDF created has "created by doxygen" followed by the date and time, across the front page.
Is it possible to remove this? or even just move it, say to the end of the document?
I have noted other similar questions but only for the HTML (or RTF which Im not generating) and not PDF
You can do this by using a custom LaTeX header.
First generate a default one using
doxygen -w latex header.tex footer.tex doxygen.sty
now edit the header.tex and look for the "Generated on ..." part and replace that by something of your liking.
Then mention the customized header in doxygen's configuration file
LATEX_HEADER = header.tex
and run doxygen as normal.
Note: When you upgrade to a newer version of doxygen you may need to update your custom header as well.
I believe you should use the HTML_FOOTER configuration tag.
I haven't tested this, but it sounds right:
The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML footer for each generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a standard footer.

change html output doxygen link

I am working on a project that is heavily documented with doxygen.
In a UI I have a list of all the classes available - I would like to be able to open the right documentation page of the class I select. In order to do that I need an easy to read link, so I can dynamically build it and run it.
Is it there any way I can control the generated link of the html file? Because the ones I have right now are impossible do be built dynamically.
You could use Doxygen's tag file mechanism for that (see GENERATE_TAGFILE in the config file).
A tag file is a reasonably easy to understand and parse XML file that basically lists all symbols in your project, with for each symbol the corresponding (relative) URL to the documentation.
So you could parse the tag file from your UI to resolve the links to the doxygen generated documentation in a robust way.