Add Google GData to xcodeproject for iPhone - iphone

I want to add the GData api from google to receive all the links in a youtube channel. I've followed this tutorial but the folder headers is not created. I've been trying the whole day to get it running but without succes. The Google tutorial is not really clear to beginners.

I used this tutorial. You must include SystemCongiguration framework and make all of this tutorial.


How to integrate Salesforce in iphone app?

can any one help me in integrating salesforce in my app.I have made account in sales force and also created the remote-acces key.Can anyone tell how to ad objects ,dashboards etc in the iPhone app.I also want to know how to access the data on salesforce .for e.g. i want to get all the custom objects in salesforce and also want to create custom objects from iPhone app.Can anyone guide me in this respect.Any help is appreciated.
There are many ways to do it. I advice you to read carefully and choose the best way to do it.
Here are some links to read about it:
Making Salesforce and PayPal Work Together
SDK Project
Good Documentation and code
Salesforce provides mobiles SDK for iPhone, Android & hybrid platforms.
This SDK has samples on how to start with. There are lot of documentations available.
Basically the SDK helps to authenticate with Salesforce using oAuth, communicating with the objects using RestKit.
Refer the following URLs to start with..
Download the mobile SDK from the following URL.
There is a discussion forum
API docs

How do I properly implement Urban Airship in Xcode 4.2 for iOS 5?

I am new to iOS Development and am now venturing into adding different features into my Apps and now would like to be able to implement Push Notifications into iOS5 apps with Xcode 4.2.
I have tried my hardest to understand the iPhone Developer instructions regarding Push Notifications, but found that the easiest method (according to many sources around the internet) would be to use Urban Airship!
I have gone over this for quite a number of days now and tried and tried my hardest to be able to complete the steps required in the Set Up A New Application part of the document.
It states:
The core library requires your application to link against the following Frameworks (sample UIs have additional linking requirements):
etc, etc, etc
The link just above is a YouTube video of what steps I took to follow these instructions and it's really starting to get to me. I would like someone to be able to provide me with some assistance and explain what I am doing wrong, and how to better understand the way you link against the following Frameworks because I have tried my hardest, and never managed to understand it.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated from anyone.
You are trying to #import a static library in your code. The .a file is a library, not an include file. You just need to add them to your project and then include the .h file in your project.
Search Google for adding static library to xcode, or similar. For example, A quick Google search found this

Linkedin Integration in iphone

Im trying to integrate Linkedin network in my iphone app.I searched sample codes and i found one sample code in github
I downloaded the sample code and provided consumer and secret keys.It works good.When im trying to do this in my app,its not working.So many errors saying rdEngine.h--no such directory or file.But i imported linkedin library xcode to my app.How to import frameworks and liraries to my app?What i have to do to integrate linkedin in iphone?I want to update status of a linkedin of a user from iphone directly and i want to display the latest status of a linkedin in iphone .Please suggest me any possible ways to do this...Also tell me what are the steps i need to follow to do this.Thank you in advance..
You can find all the material and sample from this Link github repo,and you have to set up your header Path in your xcode environment as below to remove some hmac.h file not found type error
Go to the project > Targets > Build Settings
Search Header Search Paths
It is working in my iphone application with LinkedIn status update,Hope it will help you
As I have already suggest you that set your HEADER SEARCH PATH, is it correct

Integrating Twitter API into iPhone app gives errors

In my iPhone app there is a requirement for Twitter API integration.
Here the problem comes when I integrate the Twitter+ OAuth SDK into my app. It gives errors as shown below in the screen shot.
I have added the xml2.dylib library to my app but still it gives some errors.
I got the answer.
I am posting it here because I don't want to put answer to my own question to earn reputation :). I made a silly mistake.
I didn't add the "Header Search Paths" in project settings as "\usr\include\xml2".
Remove the header file(s) which is importing "xmlversion.h", "tree.h", "xmlIO.h" from your application target.
In one of my project, I am using MGTwitterEngine libray. I was facing the same problem while inegrating the library with my application. Then I read following link which helped me to solve the problem

How can I integrate LinkedIn within an iPhone application?

I need your help to know regarding integrating linkedin with my iPhone Application.
I do Googling and am able to create an API for LinkedIn. Using link.
But since I am newbie, I stop here. I have both API Key and Secret Key, But I don't know how do I use it to make it Successful in iPhone Application.
So it's my request to you all to suggest me proper way. Maybe I will learn something new from you.
For other folks looking for sample iPhone applications for LinkedIn, I wrote a sample client which is on GitHub (which was presented at the Silicon Valley iOS Meetup last year):
Please try LIExplorer for iOS. It seems to be a promising library which provides LinkedIn authentication and API calls. It also manages token caching.
Download a library from :
In this library .c file is also used that's why use compile source as: Objective-C (in build settings) instead of file type.
Write this code in your click event:
profileTabView=[[ProfileTabView alloc] init];
profileTabView.view.frame=CGRectMake(0, 0, profileTabView.view.frame.size.width, profileTabView.view.frame.size.height);
[self.view addSubview:profileTabView.view];