Dojo Example Web Applications that show standards / quality? - eclipse

just starting to learn Dojo, and I am having a heck of a time finding some good examples to look at or even a good IDE installation guide (currently using a plugin of Aptana in Eclipse).
I'd love to look an app (with some instruction on how to set it up) that demonstrates some of Dojo Standards of developing a Large Scale Dojo Application (utilizing Modules, OOP, etc.)
Its hard for me to get started without examples / understanding some of dojo's higher level concepts.
Found this link from javaworld... I though it was a good start... if anyone has any other tutorials like this (esp for incorporating AJAX / JSON into Dojo) I'd appreciate it.

There exists a lot of Tutorials and documentation on the main page:
Reference Guide
API Documentation
I think the best way is to pick the Tutorials and just work through them. I would start with the basic, finding some DOM elements, AJAX, animation and so on. If you knew the basics work through the tutorials that explains how you can create your own Widgets.
To order it a little bit. Read the other tutorials not linked here before to get warm with Dojo.
Learn OOP in Dojo
Understand the Base Class every widget inherit from
Create your own Widget
GUI Design with Dijit Layout
How to build a large application
Deploy your application
Another good help is to use the maillinglist. There also exists a webgui to the mailinglist with the possibility to send messages from there.
If you need professional Support look at


What Should I Read To Become Familiar with Developing using SocialEngine?

I am capable with PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL, and not bad with Drupal. Very recently, I acquired a customer that wants me to do some SocialEngine customization. My customer is aware that I have no experience with SocialEngine, but am capable with the underlying technologies (I gave him a lower hourly rate because of this too.)
I'm not seeing very much online that is geared towards someone like me. Where can I read about modifying SocialEngine that assumes very little knowledge about SocialEngine, but a competency at programming?
For example, I spent a few hours today trying to figure out how to conditionally display a block based on a Membership Level. It appears there is no way to do this using the GUI. No problem, I found some code that seemed like I could get it to work that would grab the user's membership level. However, where do I put this? Honestly, I'd like to have this at the block-level. SocialEngine doesn't seem to allow me to place arbitrary PHP code into a block, and even if it did, would that be the "SocialEngine" way of doing this? Should all custom logic like this be a module in SocialEngine, that attaches to events using hooks?
Thank you very much for looking at my question,
-Brian J. Stinar-
I've written a blog about accessing data through models, creating widgets and modules. You can find out about the general structure of Social Engine at / (both same blog)
Unfortunately, there are no books or official documentation on SocialEngine PHP API. Your only choice is to check out various (incomplete) guides over the Internet or study their source code and figure things out by yourself.

Java Web Framework Prototyping tools

At the moment Iam evaluating java web frameworks. More precisely Iam talking about GWT, JSF2 and apache wicket. One very importent criteria in this evaluation is prototyping.
The prototyping process in my company can be described by the folloing:
The customer can produce GUIs with an easy to use WYSIWYG editor, by drag&drop-ing web components on the corporate predefined website structur. There is also a need for some litte dynamic being like navigation from one frame to another.
So Iam looking for tools. These tools should not only provide nice GUIs but also deliver
some basic code, which can be forwarded to the development. The aim is to avoid missunderstandings between designers and developers as much as possible. More or less the
developers just have to implements the code, but not to implement the optical requirements.
In addition it would be desirable to customize the components thats been used in the WYSIWYG editor. Does anyone know any good tools for the mentioned frameworks (GWT, JSF2, wicket)?
One of the challenges with WYSIWYG tools for UI is that you generally have to pick between rapid prototyping and maintainable code. Even then, as soon as you want to do something that's not supported by the prototyping tool, you can implement it as you would without the prototyping tool, but your round-trip functionality (namely turning your app back into something that can be edited) is broken or crippled unless extra work is done to generate the metadata that the editor needs.
Upgrading between major releases is another issue. Vendors and groups who have developed these tools have a historically spotty record of when they stop supporting older versions, reasonably because of limited resources and sometimes difficult problems with how to track solid innovation happening in the framework itself.
My suggestion instead is to prototype with an RIA prototyping tool like Balsamiq Mockups or use a grid system like 960 Grid to generate rapid prototypes, then use a web development framework that allows your developers to run the code with or without the backend server. Wicket has a tag called that is great for this kind of thing -- web devs can fill a div with stuff that a component should generate, and Wicket devs can wrap the contents of that tag with after they implement it. Both parties can coexist for a long time that way.
Try GWT Designer for GWT.
Quick Start Guide
There's nothing like this for Wicket that I know of. The closest you would get to any kind of resource reuse from your customer would be to give them a drag and drop HTML editor - the resulting HTML could then form the basis of Wicket page/panel layout.
if you are planing to use a javascript library, you may use extjs,
they have developed a nice designer
there is also a port of ext in GWT
You have to pay for a commercial license if your application isn't open source!

Expression Engine CMS

I’m looking at using Expression Engine for a new site I’m developing does anyone have any experience of using EE, good or bad?
I’ve looked at some other CMS but found they are quite big and although you get everything, I like EE as it looks like you can streamline it to exactly what you want your users to use?
The main feature I need is to not be taken away from the HTML and CSS and not feel restricted on what I design or relying on plugins to achieve certain aspects of the site.
The ability to create snippets of code and include them into a main template or page is really appealing. I looked at other CMS but they seem to focus more on creating pages where I would like to make up a page from varouis custom created snippets?
I come from a asp and MS SQL background rather than a php and my SQL do you think that would cause me any problems?
I've used ExpressionEngine before and found it to be extremely easy to get your head around compared to other CMS products such as Drupal. Plus, you have a lot more freedom with your designs.
One of the best resources I found on the web, is a site called by Mike Boyink. This is the first tutorial I did on ExpressionEngine (when I was first learning) and he goes into great detail while keeping it extremely simple:
Hope this helps.
I have been building websites on EE for a few years now and it is hands-down the most flexible and powerful system to work with. You simply can build sites faster and customize it to fit clients needs better. As a company we were so happy with it that we build our own add-on for e-commerce (BrilliantRetail).
The community (#eecms on twitter) is fantastic and there are meetups, EECI conferences (Oct 2011), Devotee EE addons and a responsive parent company (#ellislab)constantly improving the platform.
If you have a few bucks to spend (48$), and if you are more of a visual learner, you might want to have a look at Ryan Ierlan's screencasts on Mijingo:
I come from a asp and MS SQL background rather than a php and my SQL do you think that would >cause me any problems?
I have neither background and it didn´t caused my any problems. If you don´t want to build your own plugins you won´t need to know PHP. I can´t program PHP, but never felt the necessity to learn it.
I started with EE 0.95 backthan and never looked for any other CMS, because I could build all my sites with EE. I like the concept of haveing a comercial product that is build upon an open source foundation (code igniter) coupled with a very active and friendly community.

drag and drop workflow kind of easy to develop?

How easy it's to come up with a drag and drop web-based interface that'll provide me features to wire objects together, setup configurations nicely in a modal window for each object? I'm looking for links that've any similar kind of interface, or articles on this. also, i'm looking for your technology/language suggestions.
Another way I'm thinking - as a desktop appln + browser dependent addon..
Is it good to create such an user-interface using XUL, which can be deployed as an addon on Firefox/as a stand-alone application in Windows? Are there any other similar things/technologies which can provide a basic framework for us to build on it further?
Why do I need this, finally?
..for building simple Workflows, for defining process flows, that can provide me some auto-generated xml content which I can use for further processing.
I'm quite interested in this, too.
I've flirted with HTML5's DragDrop implementation - Quirksmode has Bad Things to say about that, so then I thought "Perhaps a JavaScript library can help me" - haven't checked out jquery for this yet, but I have checked out YUI's DragDrop, DragDropManager and DataSource, and its looking hopeful (consistent, reliable).
I tried things like adding an iframe on the fly to any document, to provide this kind of functionality without needing to add dependencies to the page given the iframe - mixed results, but in my case I was trying to cater for x-domain access, which proved difficult.
So I'd say JavaScript could be a winner - if designed poorly it could be difficult to manage resources though, if you want to potentially DragDrop/edit/config any element in a document - so watch out for that.
If you're keen and able, Adobe AIR apps also look promising - but I can't help with any more info on that, other than they're Desktop Apps with great flexibility.
I'ma going to keep an eye on your Question, I look forward to any other Answers/comments!
EDIT: I forgot to mention Flex (aka Flash Builder 4, latest version) is quite easy to create stuff like this, though I've had exposure to Flash for a while. It comes with the standard Adobe caveats; price, libraries, support.

The cons and pros of smartGWT

I'm starting work on a smartGWT project in a few days and I'd like to know what kind of experiences you had. To avoid making this a bashing of smartGWT or GWT or a freestyle discussion, I'm going to provide some pointers for the discussion:
Do you feel that the provided widgets are integrated well? Is there any widget you miss in particular?
Have you encountered any problems when designing your application that were caused by the framework?
Is the datasource integration as usefull as the smartClient team claims?
What methods do you use to make your smartGWT application persistent? e.g. How well do Hibernate and smartGWT play with each other?
Feel free to add anything you feel is worth pointing out.
I guess you already have your answers, but I would like to add a few more comments that may affect your decision:
SmartGWT is the most compreensive LGPL GWT-based widgetery library you can find. So if you care for GPL pain, this is your thing
Comprehensive Showcase.
Really good performance (just check the Showcase).
Very active community in the forums.
SmartGWT extensions is another important project. For example, it has support for GWT-RPC based communication, which is not possible only with SmartGWT (unless you implement your own integration).
Rapid pace of development from the SmartGWT guys. Just count the number of releases since the SmartGWT project appeared.
Besides the Showcase, I sometimes feel the only way to figure out how something works is by asking in the forums. This leads to a spread knowledge base. A community based wiki would be preferable.
Large amount of static files you have to use with your application (the famous 'sc' directory) which might lead to problems if your back-end is in GAE (because of the 1000 files limit).
We used SmartGWT in our last project (duration: 6 months). The following is my personal opinion:
The widgets are really great! The documentation and API is verbose. We would use client-side again.
The server-side integration works, but did not save any development time. Instead we had a lot of problems where we had to find workarounds. Also, because of the new API, no other developer can maintain the project within investing a lot of time to learn the SmartGWT API.
Some Cons:
You have to learn a totally new API instead of using Hibernate and GWT-RPC or REST.
The data integration is done automatically, that is true. But if you need some (also little) changes, you have to write XML mapping files as with Hibernate or JDO. So the benefit is gone.
The forum support is bad: You get an answer to almost every posted question. But that answer often does not help. They ask you things such as “why do you want to do that”. Or they say: “use our tool and do XYZ with it” three times, although again and again I told them this suggestion does not work. After a few answers to a question the final answer is: “you need training, buy our support”.
The commercial support is way to expensive (costs approximately as much as the SmartGWT license).
We will probably not use the server-side integration of SmartGWT again.
You can read all my "lessons learned" with Pros and Cons at my blog:
Best regards,
Kai Wähner
Do you feel that the provided widgets
are integrated well? Is there any
widget you miss in particular?
You could create any missed widgets, there is no single framework that can provide everything you want. The widgets are pretty extendable.
Is the datasource integration as usefull as the smartClient team claims?
The data (JSON/XML) can be provided by servlet services, and they are understood by the
What methods do you use to make your smartGWT application persistent? e.g. How well do
Hibernate and smartGWT play with each other?
In the backend servlet services of GWT, you can persist your data in the store by using any persistent layer in Java. Hibernate can be just used as same as normal java app.
Do you feel that the provided widgets are integrated well? Is there any widget you miss in particular?
Yes. The widgets have a consistent API and work well together.
Is the datasource integration as usefull as the smartClient team claims?
This IMO is one of their strongest feature. Once you start using their Datasource API you realize how little code is required to get a fully functional CRUD screen
What methods do you use to make your smartGWT application persistent? e.g. How well do Hibernate and smartGWT play with each other?
Hibernate works out of the box with the SmartGWT EE version. With the LGPL version using Glead works wells
I think SmartGWT has a ton of great widgets, but but but there is a HUGE price.
Create a simple SmartGWT based project and watch how many files get loaded by your page.
That, I think, is totally against the ideals of something like GWT. While SmartGWT may be a pretty good option for people on a deadline, if you want raw performance, stay away from it.
The number of HTTP requests will simply kill your application.
Have you encountered any problems when designing your application that were caused by the framework?
Yes. When I combined Google Eclipse plugin, SmartGWT, GWT 1.6.4, and Wicket the gwt compiler would emit bad javascript. By bad javascript, I mean javascrip that would not work in webkit, or firefox. I was not able to get good javascript until I removed it completely from the Eclipse project and restarted Eclipse. So, this combination would not work and I ended up building the SmartGWT piece separately in another project. The other issue is that the Smart client seems to want control of the whole page in a css sense. So, the integrated SmartGWT module was all messed up, because styles were not isolated properly. Your mileage may vary.
Personally if you use SmartGWT only and for everything then all will most likely be fine, but if you try and mix it, well my results were disastrous. So, I no longer use it.
Just as a counterpoint to the poster above who mentioned troubles with Wicket, the SmartClient forums ( have reports of success integrating SmartGWT with a wide variety of other technologies. This poster's problems sound like 1) a GWT bug causing bad JavaScript and 2) CSS naming conflicts between SmartGWT and Wicket, probably neither framework's fault. All of SmartGWT's style names can be renamed via the skinning system to resolve any such conflict.