How to add a Clickhandler to a cellTable cell (or row ) - gwt

I would like to have a handler on a column of my cellTable.The column is an ImageResourceCell and I would that when I click on it, it delete the row
Here is my code
Column<MyObject, ImageResource> imageColumn =
new Column<MyObject, ImageResource>(newImageResourceCell()) {
public ImageResource getValue(MyObject object) {
return Bundle.Util.getInstance().deleteRegexButton();
But I didn't know how to insert a handler as described
Is it possible ??
any suggestions are welcome

Cells have to declare the events they handle, then the browser event can be passed to the cell.
ImageResourceCell myImgCell = new ImageResourceCell() {
public Set<String> getConsumedEvents() {
HashSet<String> events = new HashSet<String>();
return events;
Column<MyObject, ImageResource> imageColumn = new Column<MyObject, ImageResource>(myImgCell) {
public ImageResource getValue(MyObject dataObj) {
return Bundle.Util.getInstance().deleteRegexButton();
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem,
MyObject object, NativeEvent event) {
super.onBrowserEvent(context, elem, object, event);
if ("click".equals(event.getType())) {
//call your click event handler here
More info here:
Note: this works with GWT 2.4, did not try with GWT 2.2.

Have you seen Adding clickHandler to row in CellTable in GWT??

A CellTable has built in support for handling click events. You can add a CellPreviewHandler that will be called among others when a row is clicked. It will receive a number of items in the event like the native event, cell, and data row value. Because it fires not only for click events you need to check if the click event was fired. Simply test the event passed:
boolean isClick = "click".equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())


In GWT CellTable, how can I make a cell consume a click event so it wont reach the row?

I have a CellTable with a few rows for which I use MultiSelectionModel. The first column is a column of checkbox cells.
When the user checks one of the checkboxes the row becomes selected (as per the example in the site) and when the user clicks a row a function "doActionOnRow()" is called.
My problem is that when the user checks a checkbox the "doActionOnRow()" is also called. How can I make the CheckboxCell consume the click event so it wont be triggered on the celltable as well ?
This is my code:
table.addCellPreviewHandler(new Handler<Patient>() {
public void onCellPreview(CellPreviewEvent<Patient> event) {
boolean isClick = "click".equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType());
if (isClick) {
Column<Patient, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Patient, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(Patient object) {
// Get the value from the selection model.
return sm.isSelected(object);
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, Patient patient, NativeEvent event) {
if ("click".equals(event.getType()))
super.onBrowserEvent(context, elem, patient, event);
table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));
Even when I add event.stopPropagation(); doSomething(); is called when I click the checkbox.
Any idea why ?
You need to check where the event happens first (on the cell or on the row: I forgot that point). then you just call event.stopPropagation()
You can also decide in your column whether you want to do something with the click this way (snippet from my project)
productColumn = new Column<ProductProxy, ProductProxy>(productCoreCell) {
public ProductProxy getValue(ProductProxy productProxy) {
return productProxy;
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, ProductProxy object, NativeEvent event) {

Double Click event for DataGrid

I added double click event for DataGrid, but it doesn't work correctly. The code handles a single click, but it does not handle double click.
Please help.
private DataGrid<Contract> table = new DataGrid<Contract>();
table.addCellPreviewHandler(new Handler<Contract>() {
public void onCellPreview(final CellPreviewEvent<Contract> event) {
if (BrowserEvents.DBLCLICK.equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
//it doesn't handle
if (BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
//it handles
DataGrid has many things in common with CellTable. So solutions from this question must work for you too:
Using CellPreviewHandler count time between two clicks
Or you can add DoubleClickHandler using addDomHandler method
dataGrid.addDomHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() {
public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
DataGrid<YourDataProviderType> grid = (DataGrid<YourDataProviderType>) event.getSource();
int row = grid.getKeyboardSelectedRow();
YourDataProviderType item = grid.getVisibleItem(row);
Window.alert("Do Something Here");
}, DoubleClickEvent.getType());

GWT Header CheckBox requires two clicks to fire setValue, after changing its value programatically

I have a GWT DataGrid, and a CheckBox in the Header to select/deselect all rows in the grid.
The code for the CheckBox Header is as follows:
private class CheckboxHeader extends Header<Boolean> implements HasValue<Boolean> {
private boolean checked;
private HandlerManager handlerManager;
* An html string representation of a checked input box.
private final SafeHtml INPUT_CHECKED = SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<input type=\"checkbox\" tabindex=\"-1\" checked/>");
* An html string representation of an unchecked input box.
private final SafeHtml INPUT_UNCHECKED = SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<input type=\"checkbox\" tabindex=\"-1\"/>");
public void render(Context context, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.getValue())) {
} else {
public CheckboxHeader() {
super(new CheckboxCell(true, false));
checked = true;
// This method is invoked to pass the value to the CheckboxCell's render method
public Boolean getValue() {
return checked;
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, NativeEvent nativeEvent) {
int eventType =;
if (eventType == Event.ONCHANGE) {
// use value setter to easily fire change event to handlers
setValue(!checked, true);
public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<Boolean> handler) {
return ensureHandlerManager().addHandler(ValueChangeEvent.getType(), handler);
public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) {
public void setValue(Boolean value) {
setValue(value, true);
public void setValue(Boolean value, boolean fireEvents) {
checked = value;
if (fireEvents) {, value);
private HandlerManager ensureHandlerManager() {
if (handlerManager == null) {
handlerManager = new HandlerManager(this);
return handlerManager;
So, I add the Header to the grid, and I add a ValueChangeHandler to it to do the actual selecting/deselecting of individual CheckBox cells in every row of the grid. This all works.
Every CheckBoxCell has a Field Updater, and on every update it loops through every item in the grid to see if they are all checked, and update the header check box. If at least one is unchecked, the header checkbox will be unchecked. I call setValue() on the header check box, and after that I call redrawHeaders() on the entire grid. This also works.
What doesn't work is - after changing the "state" of the header check box programatically, it takes two clicks for it to fire it's internal setValue again, and therefore trigger my handler. And what's even funnier - the first click does change the state of the check box, but it just doesn't fire the event.
Any help would be appreciated.
How are you constructing the CheckboxCells themselves? I ran into a similar issue with a column of checkboxes "eating" clicks, and the solution was to call CheckboxCell cell = new CheckboxCell(true,true) and then pass that cell into the constructor of the column.

GWT CellTable SelectionModel can not deselect item after editing

Hello I have a Contact class with informations which i show in a CellTable.
The CellTable has a DataListProvider, MultiSelectionModel and KeyProvider
which checks the id of the Contact.
DataListProvider and CellTable have the same KeyProvider.
if i only select/deselect the items in the CellTable and show them in a TextBox ists working fine. But the when i change the value of the Contact item in the TextBox(Contact instance) and try to deselect the item the selectionmodel says its still selected?
I tried with clear() but its still selected!
GWT 2.5 / FireFox
ProvidesKey<Contact> keyProvider = new ProvidesKey<Contact>(){
public Object getKey(Contact item) {
return item.getIdContact();
public MyCellTable(boolean canLoad, Integer pagesize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) {
super(-1, resource, keyProvider);
selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<T>();
selectionModel .addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<T>(keyProvider);
in the selection event i call
protected void selectionChange(){
Contact c = grid.getGrid().getSelectedItem();
if(c != null){
form.bind(c); // Formular which updates the selected instance
i have no ValueUpdater
when i select an item i generate a formular and if i change something i call:
public void save() {;
new MyAsyncCallback<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void result) {
i if call the method without changes on the contact its still working and i can deselect but when i change the name or something else i cant select other items or deselect the current item!
You're not actually using your ProvidesKeys in your MultiSelectionModel. You need to create your MultiSelectionModel like so:
MultiSelectionModel<T> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<T>(keyProvider);
If you don't supply the MultiSelectionModel with a ProvidesKey it will use the actual object as a key.
Make sure you also add the MultiSelectionModel to the table:
The reason selectionModel.clear() wasn't working was because selectionModel was not set to the table.

How to capture doubleClickEvent in GWT CellTable

I'm trying to make a GWT CellTable catch events of type DoubleClickEvent, but while the CellTable correctly receives events of type ClickEvent when a row is clicked in the UI, it not see any DoubleClickEvent when the row is double-clicked.
So, if I click a row in the UI, the handler declared for ClickEvent is correctly triggered, but if I double click the handler declared for DoubleClickEvent is not triggered, instead.
Am I doing something wrong or CellTable itself cannot handle DoubleClickEvent at all?
In the latter case, what could be a good way to capture double-clicks in a table?
Below, the code for my CellTable declaration:
CellTable<ServiceTypeUI> contentTable = new CellTable<ServiceTypeUI>(10, style);
contentTable.setSelectionModel(new SingleSelectionModel<ServiceTypeUI>());
contentTable.addHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() { // HANDLER NOT CORRECTLY TRIGGERED
public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
}, DoubleClickEvent.getType());
contentTable.addHandler(new ClickHandler() { // HANDLER CORRECTLY TRIGGERED
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
}, ClickEvent.getType());
I've also tried removing ClickEvent handler declaration and the SelectionModel declaration, to avoid that any of those capture the DoubleClickEvent event and treat it as a ClickEvent but the DoubleClickHandler has not been triggered even in this case.
CellTable<ServiceTypeUI> contentTable = new CellTable<ServiceTypeUI>(10, style);
contentTable.addHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() { // HANDLER NOT CORRECTLY TRIGGERED
public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
}, DoubleClickEvent.getType());
SingleSelectionModel<T> selectionModel
= new SingleSelectionModel<T>();
cellTable.addDomHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() {
public void onDoubleClick(final DoubleClickEvent event) {
T selected = selectionModel
if (selected != null) {
You have to replace the T with the your "ServiceTypeUI" . The value selected will be the object which was been chosen from the user.