Querying and grouping in mongoDb? - mongodb

Part 1:
I have (student) collection:
sname : "",
studentId: "123"
age: "",
gpa: "",
im trying to get only two keys from it :
sname : "",
studentId: "123"
so i need to eliminate age and gpa to have only name and studentId , how could i do that ?
Then I have 'subject' collection :
subjectName : "Math"
studentId : "123"
teacherName: ""
I need to match/combine the previous keys (in part1) with the correct studentId so I will end up with something like this :
sname : "",
studentId: "123",
subjectName : "Math"
How can i do this and is that the right way to think to get the result? i tried to read about group and mapReduce but i didnt find a clear example.

To answer your first question, you can do this:
db.student.find({}, {"sname":1, "studentId":1});
The first {} in that is the limiting query, which in this case includes the entire collection. The second half specifies keys with a 1 or 0 depending on whether or not you want them back. Don't mix include and excludes in a single query though. Except for a couple special cases, mongo won't accept it.
Your second question is more difficult. What you're asking for is a join and mongo doesn't support that. There is no way to connect the two collections on studentId. You'll need to find all the students that you want, then use those studentIds to find all the matching subjects. Then you'll need to merge the two results in your own code. You can do this through whatever driver you're using, or you can do this in javascript in the shell itself, but either way, you'll have to merge them with your own code.
Here's an example of how you could do this in the shell with the output going to a collection called "out".
db.student.find({}, {"sname":1, "studentId":1}).forEach(
function (st) {
db.subject.find({"studentId":st.studentId}, {"subjectName":1}).forEach(
function (sub) {
db.out.insert({"sname":st.sname, "studentId":st.studentId, "subjectName":sub.subjectName});
If this isn't data that changes all that often, you could just drop the "out" collection and repopulate it periodically with this shell script. Then your code could query directly from "out". If the data does change frequently, you'll want to do this merging in your code on the fly.
Another, and possibly better, option is to include the "subject" data in the "student" collection or vice versa. This will result in a more mongodb friendly structure. If you run into this joining problem frequently, mongo may not be the way to go and a relational database may be better suited to your needs.

Mongo's find() operator lets you include or exclude certain fields from the results
Check out Field Selection in the docs for more info. You could do either:
db.users.find({}, { 'sname': 1, 'studentId': 1 });
db.users.find({}, { 'age': 0, 'gpa': 0 });
For relating your student and subject together, you could either lookup which subjects a student has separately, like this:
db.subjects.find({ studentId: 123 });
Or embed subject data with each student, and retrieve it together with the student document:
sname : "Roland Browning",
studentId: "123"
age: 14,
gpa: "B",
subjects: [ { name : "French", teacher: "Mr Bronson" }, ... ]


Meteor Collection: find element in array

I have no experience with NoSQL. So, I think, if I just try to ask about the code, my question can be incorrect. Instead, let me explain my problem.
Suppose I have e-store. I have catalogs
Catalogs = new Mongo.Collection('catalogs);
and products in that catalogs
Products = new Mongo.Collection('products');
Then, people add there orders to temporary collection
Order = new Mongo.Collection();
Then, people submit their comments, phone, etc and order. I save it to collection Operations:
phone: "phone",
comment: "comment",
etc: "etc"
savedOrder: Order //<- Array, right? Or Object will be better?
Nice, but when i want to get stats by every product, in what Operations product have used. How can I search thru my Operations and find every operation with that product?
Or this way is bad? How real pro's made this in real world?
If I understand it well, here is a sample document as stored in your Operation collection:
clientRef: "john-001",
phone: "12345678",
other: "etc.",
savedOrder: {
"someMetadataAboutOrder": "...",
"lines" : [
{ qty: 1, itemRef: "XYZ001", unitPriceInCts: 1050, desc: "USB Pen Drive 8G" },
{ qty: 1, itemRef: "ABC002", unitPriceInCts: 19995, desc: "Entry level motherboard" },
clientRef: "paul-002",
phone: null,
other: "etc.",
savedOrder: {
"someMetadataAboutOrder": "...",
"lines" : [
{ qty: 3, itemRef: "XYZ001", unitPriceInCts: 950, desc: "USB Pen Drive 8G" },
Given that, to find all operations having item reference XYZ001 you simply have to query:
> db.operations.find({"savedOrder.lines.itemRef":"XYZ001"})
This will return the whole document. If instead you are only interested in the client reference (and operation _id), you will use a projection as an extra argument to find:
> db.operations.find({"savedOrder.lines.itemRef":"XYZ001"}, {"clientRef": 1})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c179"), "clientRef" : "john-001" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c17a"), "clientRef" : "paul-002" }
If you need to perform multi-documents (incl. multi-embedded documents) operations, you should take a look at the aggregation framework:
For example, to calculate the total of an order:
> db.operations.aggregate([
{$match: { "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c179") }},
{$unwind: "$savedOrder.lines" },
{$group: { _id: "$_id",
total: {$sum: {$multiply: ["$savedOrder.lines.qty",
{ "_id" : ObjectId("556f07b5d5f2fb3f94b8c179"), "total" : 21045 }
I'm an eternal newbie, but since no answer is posted, I'll give it a try.
First, start by installing robomongo or a similar software, it will allow you to have a look at your collections directly in mongoDB (btw, the default port is 3001)
The way I deal with your kind of problem is by using the _id field. It is a field automatically generated by mongoDB, and you can safely use it as an ID for any item in your collections.
Your catalog collection should have a string array field called product where you find all your products collection items _id. Same thing for the operations: if an order is an array of products _id, you can do the same and store this array of products _id in your savedOrder field. Feel free to add more fields in savedOrder if necessary, e.g. you make an array of objects products with additional fields such as discount.
Concerning your queries code, I assume you will find all you need on the web as soon as you figure out what your structure is.
For example, if you have a product array in your savedorder array, you can pull it out like that:
Operations.find({_id: "your operation ID"},{"savedOrder.products":1)
Basically, you ask for all the products _id in a specific operation. If you have several savedOrders in only one operation, you can specify too the savedOrder _id, if you used the one you had in your local collection.
Operations.find({_id: "your_operation_ID", "savedOrder._id": "your_savedOrder_ID"},{"savedOrder.products":1)
ps: to bad-ass coders here, if I'm doing it wrong, please tell me.
I find an answer :) Of course, this is not a reveal for real professionals, but is a big step for me. Maybe my experience someone find useful. All magic in using correct mongo operators. Let solve this problem in pseudocode.
We have a structure like this:
1. Operation: {
_id: <- Mongo create this unique for us
phone: "phone1",
comment: "comment1",
savedOrder: [
_id: <- and again
productId: <- whe should save our product ID from 'products'
name: "Banana",
quantity: 100
productId: <- Another ID, that we should save if order
name: "apple",
quantity: 50
And if we want to know, in what Operation user take "banana", we should use mongoDB operator"elemMatch" in Mongo docs
db.getCollection('operations').find({}, {savedOrder: {$elemMatch:{productId: "f5mhs8c2pLnNNiC5v"}}});
In simple, we get documents our saved order have products with id that we want to find. I don't know is it the best way, but it works for me :) Thank you!

Composition in mongo query (SQL sub query equivalent)

I have a couple of collections, for example;
//other fields we don't care about
//other fields we don't care about
I want to delete the email for a given member. In SQL I could use a nested query, something like;
delete emails
where memberid in (select id from members where name = "evanmcdonnal")
In mongo I'm trying something like this;
db.emails.remove( {"memberid":db.members.find( {"name":"evanmcdonnal"}, {id:1, _id:0} ) )
But it returns no results. So I took the nested query and ran it on it's own. The issue I believe is that it returns;
Which - assuming inner queries execute first - gives me a query of;
db.emails.remove( {"memberid":{ "id""myMadeUpId"} )
When really I just want the value of id. I've tried using dictionary and dot notation to access the value of id with no luck. Is there a way to do this that is similar to my attempted query above?
Let's see how you'd roughly translate
delete emails where memberid in (select id from members where name = "evanmcdonnal")
into a set of mongo shell operations. You can use:
db.members.find({ "name" : "evanmcdonnal" }, { "id" : 1 }).forEach(function(doc) {
db.emails.remove({ "memberid" : doc.id });
However, this does one remove query for each result document from members. You could push the members result ids into an array and use $in:
var plzDeleteIds = db.members.find({ "name" : "evanmcdonnal" }, { "id" : 1 }).toArray();
db.emails.remove({ "memberid" : { "$in" : plzDeleteIds } });
but that could be a problem if plzDeleteIds gets very, very large. You could batch. In all cases we need to do multiple requests to the database because we are querying multiple collections, which always requires multiple operations in MongoDB (as of 2.6, anyway).
The more idiomatic way to do this type of thing in MongoDB is to store the member information you need in the email collection on the email documents, possibly as a subdocument. I couldn't say exactly if and how you should do this since you've given only a bit of your data model that has, apparently, been idealized.
As forEach() way didn't work for me i solved this using:
var plzDeleteIds = db.members.find({ "name" : "evanmcdonnal" }, { "id" : 1 }).toArray();
var aux = plzDeleteIds["0"];
var aux2 = aux.map(function(u) { return u.name; } );
db.emails.remove({ "memberid" : { "$in" : aux2 } });
i hope it help!
I do not believe what you are asking for is possible. MongoDB queries talk to just one collection -- there is no syntax to go cross-collection.
However, what about the following:
The name in members does not seem to be unique. If you were to delete emails from the "emails' collection using name as the search attribute, you might have a problem. Why not store the actual email address in the email collection? And store email address again in the members collection. When your user logs in, you will have retrieved his member record -- including the email address. When you want to delete his emails, you already have his email and you can do:
db.emails.remove({emailAddress: theActualAddress))
Does that work?

Monodb database migration with embedded query

Currently in my database I have messages objects set up as the following.
"name" : "System",
"message" : "Sean Callahan has entered the room.",
"time" : 1406479167270,
"type" : "system_message",
"room" : "helloroom",
"_id" : "4yeHzhHAQmGJNtHww"
I want to basically migrate my data so that every message has a roomId that point it at the appropriate room. Currently this is done by the with the room attribute, which I know see the fault in my ways for various reasons.
My room objects are setup something like this.
"_id:" xxxxxxxxx
"room_name:" "testingroom"
So I was hoping there was a way to run a one-liner that would just add the correct roomId to every current message based on the current room attribute that is set
I was thinking something along the lines of..
db.messages.update({}, {$set: {roomId: db.rooms.findOne({room_name: room})._id}})
As of now, I am getting room is not defined, which makes perfect sense. But I can't seem to get it right, and this may just not be possible in a one-line query.
As you discovered, this isn't possible in a one-line query since you need to join data from two collections.
Here's an example of how to add the missing field in the mongo shell:
{ roomId: { $exists: false} }
).forEach(function(room) {
var roomId = db.rooms.findOne({room_name: room.room});
if (roomId._id) {
{ _id: room._id },
{ $set: { roomId: roomId._id }}
You could tidy this up with some error checking, and for updates on a large collection consider using the Bulk Update API (only available in MongoDB 2.6+).

Reference an _id in a Subdocument in another Collection Mongodb

I am developing an application with mongodb and nodejs
I should also mention that I am new to both so please help me through this question
my database has a collection categories and then in each category I am storing products in subdocument
just like below :
_id : ObjectId(),
name: String,
type: String,
products : [{
_id : ObjectId(),
name : String,
description : String,
price : String
When it comes to store the orders in database the orders collection will be like this:
receiver : String,
status : String,
subOrders : [
products :[{
productId : String,
name : String,
price : String,
status : String
tax : String,
total : String,
status : String,
orderNote : String
As you can see we are storing _id of products which is a subdocument of categories in orders
when storing there is no issue obviously, when it comes to fetch these data if we just need the limited field like name or price there will be no issue as well, but if later on we need some extra fields from products like description,... they are not stored in orders.
My question is this:
Is there any easy way to access other fields of products apart from loop through the whole categories in mongodb, namely I need a sample code for querying the description of a product by only having its _id in mongodb?
or our design and implementation was wrong and I have to re-design it from scratch and separate the products from categories into another collection?
please don't put links to websites or weblogs that generally talks about mongodb and its collections implementations unless they focus on a very similar issue to mine
thanks in advance
I'd assume that you'd want to return as many product descriptions as matched the current list of products, so first, there isn't a query to return only matching array elements. Using $elemMatch you can return a specific element or the first match, but not only matching array elements. However, $elemMatch can also be used as a projection operator.
db.categories({ "products._id" : "PID1" },
{ $elemMatch : { "products._id" : "PID1" },
"products._id" : 1,
"products.description" : 1})
You'd definitely want to index the "products._id" field to achieve reasonable performance.
You might consider instead creating a products collection where each document contains a category identifier, much like you would in a relational database. This is a common pattern in MongoDb when embedding doesn't make sense, or complicates queries and aggregations.
Assuming that is true:
You'll need to load the data from the second collection manually. There are no joins in MognoDb. You might consider using $in which takes a list of values for a field and loads all matching documents.
Depending on the driver you're using to access MongoDb, you should be able to use the projection feature of find, which can limit the fields returned for a document to just those you've specified.
As product descriptions ardently likely to change frequently, you might also consider caching the values for a period on the client (like a web server for example).
db.products.find({ _id: { $in : [ 'PID1', 'PID2'] } }, { description : 1 })

Mongo data modeling/updates for voting (up and down)

There is an example on voting data model/update queries in Mongo:
However I need both up and down votes (basically, one person can either cast up vote or down vote). Also, I want for voter to be able to change his mind and change upvote to downvote or vice-versa (so the list of voters and total number does not fit).
What would be the best data model and corresponding update call?
I see two possibilities, either do a
'votes': [{ 'user_id' : ... , 'vote': ±1 }]
'upvoters': [...], 'downvoters': [...]
But I can't make an update query for the first one yet, and second one looks a bit weird (though it may be just me).
Seems much simpler to use the second schema.
Document: { name: "name",
upvoters: [name1, name2, etc],
downvoters: [name1, name2, etc],
To get total votes you can get the doc and use
(start each document with upvoters and downvoters arrays being [ ])
To record any upvote by User "x" on item "c" just do:
This is atomic and it has advantage of doing the same thing even if you run it 10 times.
It also spares you from having to check if "x" already voted for "c" and which way.
To record downvote just reverse it:
First schema looks like good. Second schema is hard because when user click upvote and than downvote you need add userId to 'upvoters' that to 'downvoters' and remove from 'upvoters' and vice versa.
I suppose votes it nestead collection of some document(suppose it questions).
db.questions.update({votes.userId: .. },{ $set : { votes.$.vote : 1 } });//upvote
db.questions.update({votes.userId: .. },{ $set : { votes.$.vote : -1 } });//down
And seems you need create extra field inside of questions collection to calculate sum of up/down votes:
db.questions.update({_id: .. },{ $inc : { votesCount : 1 } }); //up vote
db.questions.update({_id: .. },{ $inc : { votesCount : -1 } }); // down vote
If you need add new user to array of votes use
Possitional operator.