Getting an API set up from GitHub - iphone

I've set up my github account and I'm ready to go. I'm trying to follow these instructions, for setting up an API wrapper for an iPhone project using Soundcloud, but I'm a bit lost:
1. Go to your project directory.
2. Add the Cocoa API Wrapper as a Git Subproject
git submodule add git:// SoundCloudAPI
3. Update the Subprojects (the API Wrapper includes the NXOAuth2Framework as a subproject)
git submodule update --init --recursive
My questions are: Where do I go in my project directory? The same level as the XCode project file? Also, the command in #2 doesn't really work for me. I get the error:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Am I missing something?

These instructions assume that you're using git for your project. And according to the error message, you don't. So, probably, you want at least to git init your project, but probably you will want more.
As for where to go in your project — where you want the SoundCloudAPI to reside. Which will be created in the current directory.


Go : 'use of internal package not allowed ' when running a Go project forked from a GitHub repository

I'm getting used to Go, and trying to understand how it works.
So I'm trying to run the test code from my repository zoonoo/go-ethereum, forked from the original repository ethereum/go-ethereum.
When I run go test . under the eth directory, I get the following error :
eth/api.go:37:2: use of internal package not allowed
37th line of eth/api.go is as follows : ""
Does this mean when you fork a go repository, you have to change the path of all dependencies within the code to run the code?
Does Go package system support repository fork at all?
As illustrated in another Go project:
Cloning a fork
If you wish to work with fork of InfluxDB, your own fork for example, you must still follow the directory structure above. But instead of cloning the main repo, instead clone your fork. Follow the steps below to work with a fork:
export GOPATH=$HOME/gocodez
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone<username>/influxdb
Retaining the directory structure $GOPATH/src/ is necessary so that Go imports work correctly.
Replace InfluxDB name/URL by your project, and the same idea applies.
In your case, the GitHub fork is only there for you to push your contribution back to it, and to make Pull request from it.
It won't serve as a source for go get to work, since the packages wouldn't match your GitHub for repo URL.
This is because internal packages in go can only be imported by packages in the same directory root. It's kind of like package private classes in java. If you want to edit the code without having to rename all package imports you need to maintain the same folder structure that the package expects so if is in your $GOPATH rename the directory to or create a symbolic link and work from the linked directory instead.

Confusing Eclipse and Github interactions

We are trying to use Eclipse and github on a project, and it is proving to be a real burden because we do not understand how it works. It is difficult to formulate a single question, but let's start with one case:
We have a project in Eclipse that is on github. Several developers are sharing the archive. We learn that we want to create a Java EE project rather than a Java project. We do not want to change the name of the project. How can this be done?
Further, not knowing this, we tried to change the name from ProjNamet to ProjName2.
When creating a project on git, Eclipse creates it in a local directory:
In order to push that project out to github, we executed:
git remote add origin
git push origin master
As far as we can see, the project appears to be successfully pushed out to github.
In addition to source code, there is:
.gitignore (which just ignores the build directory)
But when I right click on the repository and try to import projects from it to my computer, Eclipse failed
deleting the directory, and clicking on File->import.. and importing from the repository works.
I do not see what the difference is between the one that worked and the one that did not.
Try this:
git remote add origin
git push origin master

How to check out a project from a server with Git

You may classify my question to the layman's level, but I am using Git for the first time (til now I used TortoiseSVN) and I am not sure how I can check out an existing project from a server, so as to have it available on my local machine in a folder. I have installed Git Bash. Should I run it (Gui), select New Archiv and then specify the path of the project in the server? Is there a better Git framework to install, which is appropriate to make the same task more easily?
I would appreciate also some screenshots if needed in the answers.
Update: I have installed also TortoiseGit. I want to create a new clone by a right click in a directory, but the new Clone is not available after the right click. Does it need additional configuration? If no, what should I do from TortoiseGit to checkout an existing project?
I'd usually recommend learning git from command line. But if you are already familiar with TortoiseSVN then TortoiseGIT is a good tool for you.
Also, I think you should learn git very well. I can recommend the book Pro Git.
To "check out" a git repository is called clone in the git world (you will get a whole copy of the server repository). This can be done either from command line or TortoiseGIT.
git bash:
$ cd /path/to/my/projects
$ git clone url-to-server-repo
Since you get the "normal" TortoiseGit menu (without clone option), it seems you already have a local git repository. You probably created an empty git repository by mistake. Look for a hidden directory .git in the project directory or any parent directory.
right click on the folder (not right click on nothing in the folder, the icon of the folder you want to clone INTO from the parent directory) and select clone from the menu.
clone = create a copy of a repository.
checkout = change the current state of an existing repo to a saved state.
so if you have a repo w/ 3 commits (A,B,C) when you clone the repo you will be at the most current state (C). if you want to see the previous state of the repo you would git checkout B. if you want to see the repo's initial state you would git checkout A
hope that helps.

How to create Eclipse project with EGit clone

After spending a decade with SVN I've finally taken the plunge with Git. I have set up Git, Gitolite and GitLab on a server and have successfully added code to my local repository, committed, cloned repositories and pushed code back to repositories. So far, so good. Now enters EGit...
I have cloned a repository using the Git Repository Exploring view using the following syntax for the path:
(In GitLab, repositories are referred to as projects, so I assume that I am supposed to have one repository per Eclipse project? Rather than a SVN-style single parent repository that contains multiple projects?)
This imports the repository into:
I was expecting this step to automatically create an Eclipse project for me with all the source, but this isn't so. I tried fudging the target directory so it's in my workspace, but this isn't working either.
How do I get the cloned source available within Eclipse? This site implies that if you create a project with the same name as the repository, it all magically works, but this isn't the case (yes, I know the article is about Github, not GitLab, but I figured the two were close enough for the task at hand).
I've then tried creating a project in Eclipse and sharing it - but then the whole project appears as a sub-folder in the repository. If repositories are indeed analogous to projects, this isn't really what I want.
I've looked through other StackOverflow topics that look related, but I fear I'm still missing a key piece of understanding with how this is supposed to work and it's all looking remarkably convoluted thus far.
In GitLab, repositories are referred to as projects, so I assume that I am supposed to have one repository per Eclipse project?
Yes, but a GitLab "project" isn't necessarily an Eclipse one.
It doesn't have to follow an SVN structure, as illustrated in "Eclipse reference directory outside eclipse project directory but within repository".
All you need to do is to create an Eclipse project, specifying the source directory being not in the default path (Eclipse workspace), but wherever you cloned your repo (as described in "Getting started with Eclipse + EGit - confused").
That way, the eclipse project you just declared (and referenced in the Eclipse workspace) has its files (.project and .classpath) at the root of the Git repo.
And Egit can then manage that project just fine.
Or you can import it directly with Egit: "Eclipse + EGit: clone project into workspace".
As the OP nullpainter reports below:
The original issue was compounded by invalid permissions in the .git/objects folder on the server.
Running a chmod git:git -R * on the folder solved the issue
He details the right setup below.
To expand on #VonC's answer, the steps to get EGit and Eclipse to play nicely is:
Select 'Clone a Git repository' from EGit, accepting all defaults. This will create a folder in a git parent folder, somewhere outside your workspace.
Create a new Eclipse project. I'm using Java, but I assume there are similar steps for other languages. On the first dialog, untick 'Use default location' and instead select the repository folder created in step 1. Accept all defaults.
Select Team > Share Project... from your new project. Select Git, and tick the 'Use or create repository in parent folder of project'.
Now you can push your code and Eclipse dot files to your git repository from within Eclipse.
(My original issue was compounded by invalid permissions in the .git/objects folder on the server - running a chmod git:git -R * on the folder solved the issues)
I check it out with the command line - then build my projects on top of that. In fact, I end up doing most operations with command line git. EGit is useful for viewing the diffs but I find command line has more power and control. Git is mostly about giving devs lots of power and control.

How to keep .git folder out of a Cloned Eclipse Project

After importing an Eclipse project from a cloned git repository, I make some changes and commit - and wtf? I get a ".git" folder added to the project, the whole shebang with the heads and refs and worst of all the whole object database gets added to the project, all files/folders having that little question-mark icon signaling that the files have not been added / are not yet tracked by git. This .git folder exists in the actual Working Directory (how does that even make sense?). You can imagine what an annoyance this causes when trying to use the "Synchronize" tool/view (which is supposed to make life easier for committing, you can see all the changes and changed files and diffs).
Question (tl;dr)
How to correctly import an Eclipse project from a cloned git repository? I don't want a .git folder showing up in "Team > Synchronize" when I commit, let the .git folder reside somewhere else outside of my project.
Additional Info
I'm on Windows 7 using Eclipse Indigo and Egit.
I am using Egit to clone a git repo from (the ofbiz project, to be exact) and in the wizard I choose the option to import an existing project from this newly cloned repo.
Yes I am aware of how little I may expect from Egit. In fact, if there are any alternative ways (external git tool? command line git for windows? other?) to use a git-tracked project in Eclipse which keeps the actual .git stuff out of the project, i'd gladly abandon Egit.
When you clone a git repository, the default behavior is to create a .git folder inside the root of the local clone. You can change the default behavior by setting the GIT_DIR variable:
Git docs says:
If the GIT_DIR environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of the default .git for the base of the repository."
Depending on which terminal you use, you could set it using setenv or export.
For example in a bash terminal:
export GIT_DIR='[path_to_git_directory]'
After setting the variable, you should be able to clone and the .git directory should show up at the specified directory.
I totally agree - I can't imagine it would ever be anyones intent to commit the .git folder!
And git/EGit knows that this is the repository folder of the project, so it should be easy to implement the appropriate exception - so that this folder does not become part of the synchronization.
I know the following does not solve your problem, but in cases where you control the way files are layed out in the repository, you could choose to have the Eclipse project folder not be the root folder of the repository, but rather a sub-folder.
This also allows you to have stuff in the repository that should not show up in Eclipse, or even have multiple Eclipse projects grouped in one repository (if you should wish to do so).