Control the image that facebook shows when I like a URL [duplicate] - facebook

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How does Facebook Sharer select Images?
As the owner of the page being liked, is there anyway to control the url that shows up on the wall of people who like my page?
See the above image? Like a blog post on this page: and you will note that the "thrifty link" logo, found in the bottom right hand corner of the website, is displayed (as shown in the picture above). I want to change that to a sunlite hardware logo.

You can use the meta tag to tell which image to show on your post to your wall:
<meta property="og:image" content="(your image link)"/>
Related Articles:


Updating Open Graph Images in real time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Facebook Share Story Image Does Not Appear For First time
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a website that generates a collage for a user and then allows them to share it on facebook. I have all the og tags setup, so when a user shares the page it will display an image preview. The problem here is that the first time a user shares the page no image preview appears because facebook has not crawled the page yet. If there someway to solve this, so the image preview shows up the very first time?
Just make sure you include the height and the width of the image as well in your OG definition.
<meta property='og:image:width' content='1000' />
<meta property='og:image:height' content='300' />

Playing content on facebook timeline [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to show image like video in facebook
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
previously i believed an OG meta tag was what i should be looking into but now i'm really not sure. How do I share a video from youtube so that it will play on a users timeline (this doesn't happen on a phone). Please help I'm very confused
You should start reading the docs. This question is much too broad. To get started, have a look on my answer at
How does facebook select image to display on timeline
I would say that you would like to do something along these lines:
<meta property="og:video" content="video link"/>
then add a share button to share the page via a facebook share dialog.
When the shared page is loaded by facebook the og meta tags will tell facebook what information to show.
share on facebook
If you want to add meta data dynamically maybe use Jquery to fire off a function like this:
$('button').on('click', function() {
$('head').append( '<meta property="og:video" content="video link"/>' );

Where does the "Share on Facebook" meta information come from [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How does Facebook Sharer select Images and other metadata when sharing my URL?
(12 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am building a new site with a FB share button. The share button exists on the home page ( as the first button icon in the share bar.
When you click the "f" share button and connect to the Facebook share page, where does the met info in the red box in my image come from?
Note this is the home page of a site.
Researched and found it --
Follow and use these links to solve the problem:
Then the real key (ie., "trick") is to click the Fetch new scrape information button after loading the URL.

what is the image that is placed when I put a link in the status? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How does Facebook Sharer select Images and other metadata when sharing my URL?
(12 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have a website and want to put a link to it on my status on facebook.
However, no image is displayed.
How can I determine to display an image with that link?
Indeed. This is the answer. I must point out that I did everything ok, the problem was that I havent fetched the link, and thus the facebook was not updated which thumbnail to present. So the most important stage to do it to fetch the link

facebook won't show my oh:image thumbnails no matter what I do [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How does Facebook Sharer select Images?
Ok guys.. I've researched this thoroughly- I'm at the end of my rope and my supervisor is getting pissed. Any help is appreciated.
facebook opengraph thumbnails do not work when I share pages from my site. I'm sure I have og:image implemented correctly. I have resized the JPG thumbnails to 130x110 pixels. I have even tried hiding another copy of the same thumbnails in the pages with display:none.
example page:
from that page:
The Facebook debugger (formerly the Linter) picks up the URL of the image, but displays a blank box. When I click on the blank box, the image loads.
When I post a page from my site into a Facebook 'What's on Your Mind?' box, Facebook gets the title and description from my og: tags, thinks for a while about the image, then loads with no image.
Is it because I'm trying to use the same logo image for every page on the site? Is that a no-no? Is there something wrong with my image (although I've tried several versions)? Am I being penalized for using the debugger too often? Does Facebook hate my site?
Thanks for any ideas or pointers on this. I'm desperate to fix it before I get called into my supervisor's office.. : P
Your site has 215 xhtml validation errors according to the w3c validator. Facebook may be having a hard time parsing your page with so many errors. It could also be a caching issue, although the linter tool should clean up the cache, and the linter tool is pulling in the image properly. It may also not like full path URL's. Try a relative path.
As a work-around, you could also try specifying an image the old way:
<link rel="image_src" href="/_images/logo-facebook-130x110-kuha.jpg" />
The rest of your questions are invalid (Facebook isn't penalizing you and they don't care if you are using the same image).
Try removing line break in the og:description meta.