Regular expression to match all tags in HTML document in iPhone - iphone

I am developing an application in which I am using HTML documents.Now I want the user to be able to search for a word or phrase through all the documents so i planned to take all the text escaping tags in a string and search for the given word in the string.For that I want a regular expression to identify tags.Currently I am using following regular expression to identify tags:
NSString *regEx=#"<.*>";
I know its not a perfect choice.I want suggestions on what expression should I use so that I could identify tags in HTML.I am little confused about how to use escape sequence in the same.Any help is greatly appreciated.

Justin is correct.
I didn't find any such regular expression.


VSCode multiline search of two words?

I saw a SO post that says you can search using regex or an actual literal text on it to search multiline texts. But what if you want to (quickly) search two or three of words within a specified lines of text content?
For example, what if you want to search for multiline text area that contains "ruby" and "regex" (assuming you want to know where you took a note on your txt (or markdown or rich text format) file. you may want to search for "how to use regex in ruby" or "the ruby regex tutorial", right? )
Now you can use a simple (but redundant) regex like ruby(.*\n)+regex|regex(.*\n)+ruby. But to me it doesn't look beautiful. For three or more words, this kind of regex workaround increases its redundancy exponentially also, not good.
So is there a smarter way to do this? Thanks.

Algolia tag not searchable when ending with special characters

I'm coming across a strange situation where I cannot search on string tags that end with a special character. So far I've tried ) and ].
For example, given a Fruit index with a record with a tag apple (red), if you query (using the JS library) with tagFilters: "apple (red)", no results will be returned even if there are records with this tag.
However, if you change the tag to apple (red (not ending with a special character), results will be returned.
Is this a known issue? Is there a way to get around this?
I saw this FAQ on special characters. However, it seems as though even if I set () as separator characters to index that only effects the direct attriubtes that are searchable, not the tag. is this correct? can I change the separator characters to index on tags?
You should try using the array syntax for your tags:
tagFilters: ["apple (red)"]
The reason it is currently failing is because of the syntax of tagFilters. When you pass a string, it tries to parse it using a special syntax, documented here, where commas mean "AND" and parentheses delimit an "OR" group.
By the way, tagFilters is now deprecated for a much clearer syntax available with the filters parameter. For your specific example, you'd use it this way:
filters: '_tags:"apple (red)"'

HTML form autofill: is there a regex match against name attribute or should it be literal?

I couldn't find out from specs that should the name attribute's value be literal or is it evaluated by regex or similar?
e.g. does it have to be name="fname" or can it be name="userdetails[fname]"?
Same goes for HTML5 related autocomplete attribute?
And is there differences between browsers?
You can use any text there.
What you mention about array (userdetails[fname]) - from point of view html it's usual string, but PHP interprets this string into an array.
Seems like that there's no any intelligence / regex on these fields.
fname, lname do not work and only first_name and last_name worked on Chrome and Firefox.
So best is to have literal naming. Some sources suggested that there could be some kind of regex evaluation but at least I couldn't find anything reliable. But at least I found this

REST pattern for for query parameters that might be LIKE searches

Hi I'm building a RESTful app and can't find the recommended way to pattern optional fuzzy or LIKE queries. For example a strict query might be,
Corresponds to SQL "... WHERE city="New York" AND state="NY"
But what if I wanted to search for the city field for any row with "York" in city name?
"... WHERE city LIKE "%{parameter}%" AND state="{parameter2}"
I'm thinking about just adding some kind of url-valid character to the request like this:
Is there an established or recommended pattern I should use? Thanks!
It's fine to use query string for searching, but it's a little bit weird to use macro character like "*" or "?" in query string(unless you decide to build a really powerful search engine like Google). More importantly, search is usually considered in fuzzy mode by default, so it's redundant to append/prepend the keyword with "*". If you do need exact search, you could surround the exact(or strict) keyword with double quotes. Namely, instead of using /place?city=*York*&state=NY, I recommend /place?city=York&state="NY".
In fact, Google uses quotes to search for an exact word or set of words, and I also found this site takes this pattern.

Lucene not searching full non-ASCII character

I am using Lucene seacrh engine for fulltext search it give search result for non ascii character also but the problem is suppose I added a text 帕普部分分配数量 and will search with
only one character 帕 it will give result but when will search with full non-ascii word 帕普部分分配数量 it is not giving any result, the strange thing is when I put spaces between each charcter for example 帕 普 部 分 分 配 数 量 and theb will search it give result
Will realy appreciate any help
Be sure to use the same Analyzer when indexing and searching.
What happens is your Analyzer is indexing each characters as an individual Term, and then if you search with a different analyzer (IE WhiteSpaceAnalyzer) it searches for a Token containing all the specified characters in your Query.
To search for a sequence of characters like you want, you need to use the same Analyzer and have the QueryParser build a PhraseQuery with all the individual Tokens.
Some sample code of your indexing and searching routines would make it easier to help you.