How can I replace this FBML code with iframe-ready code? - facebook

I get to work on an old Facebook App, which is a canvas facebook application and uses FBML.
Now none of the tags of FBML seems to be working, so i just want to know, is it completely removed by facebook?
If yes, how would i write the code in the for:
<fb:action href="">Home</fb:action>
<fb:action href="">Movies</fb:action>
<fb:action href="">Celebrities</fb:action>
<fb:action href="">News</fb:action>
<fb:action href="">Invite Friends</fb:action>
<fb:help href="">Help</fb:help>
Is there any method in the Javascript SDK or will I have to write pure HTML, CSS for this?

According to the roadmap, you can no longer create new FBML apps. However, if it's an old app you should be able to use FBML for the timebeing. According to the FBML reference, the individual tags aren't deprecated either. Implementing this for an iframe would involve pure HTML/CSS and Javascript if you want - there's no JS SDK method for it.

Yes its a part of the Facebook Roadmap for 2011. you can check some tutorials for developing applications with the facebook php graph api. Check this link.


Is it possible to post FBML (a way to use HTML-like content) data through Graph API?

Any way to join FBML and Graph API to post HTML to a FB page?
FB Iframe's based solutions are welcome too.
EDIT 24 hrs after: After play with the Page Tab functionality I have found that it is the best way to embed custom content (HTML/CSS/javascript) inside FB pages.
Basically are iframes. In the Page tab settings you must enter the URL to embed. That's all! You can use Signed Request to get the id's page and something called app_data. With that you can dynamically manage your embedded content!!!
Thanks to DMCS to guide me to it.
Yes, while the FBML is being deprecated, there is another way to accomplish posting something to a page.
You can see an example here of what is called a page tab application. It is an app specifically designed to be used on a Facebook page. It becomes a tab (can even be set to the default of what a visitor sees).
Here's an example:
You can see that the content is HTML and you have full control over that HTML since it lives on your server. This also demonstrates how a fan-gate operates.
We are deprecating FBML. On Jan 1, 2012: FBML will no longer be supported on Platform. June 1, 2012: FBML apps will no longer work. All FBML endpoints are removed. If you are building a new application on, please implement your application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can use our JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to embedded many of the same social features available in FBML.

Does iframe based application supports the FBJS in page tabs?

As Facebook announced to support the iframe for page tabs also.
I have an existing facebook app built on FBML, and it was working fine until i changed the settings to use the iframe in page tabs.
My app uses FBJS for scripting.
But, now after changing the settings, i noticed FBJS doesn't work with iframe page tabs.
Does anyone facing the similar issue?
I don't know if there's a point in answering a question this old, but I'm fairly certain that you need to replace your FBJS with plain old JavaScript when you switch from FBML to IFRAME.

facebook-c#-sdk rendering unwanted html tags

I'm trying to get a simple facebook application to work, based on the downloaded example projects. The code prints some javascript code which makes perfect sense. The problem is it wraps it in a tag, and also prints a body tag. These things mess up facebook fbml apps, so that when I try to run the application through facebook I get this error:
FBML Error (line 3): illegal tag "body" under "fb:canvas"Sorry, the application you were using is experiencing a problem. Please try again later.
When viewing the source I can see that the problem is the injected html and body tags. Am I doing something wrong? How do I get the sdk to print the javascript without printing these extra tags?
Thanks a lot!
First off, the Facebook C# SDK does not support FBML applications. Facebook is deprecating FBML. I would strongly suggest building an iFrame app if possible. That being said, the Facebook C# SDK has nothing to do with the html markup. Simply remove the html markup from your master page.
You should be able to get the Facebook C# SDK working with FBML, but again we do not support it and I would not recommend spending time developing a new app on a technology that is being deprecated.

Can I have Google maps within a Facebook fan page?

I need to use Google Maps within a Facebook page (as a new tab). Is this possible? I searched online and could not find out how this can be done. Please help.
You will have to use the fb:iframe element to display an iframe that contains the Google Map. You cannot embed the Google Map directly in a FBML tab because you cannot use the outside javascript. Note also that Facebook will soon be replacing FBML tabs with iFrame tabs so in a few months this will not be an issue.
Here is the documentation on the fb:iframe
Unforuntately this cannot be done as complex Javascript and iframes don't work. This is a BIG NO!
Hopefully in future (end of 2010) Facebook will change some stuff!

Facebook application - Add wall

How can I add a wall on my facebook-application (fbml).
Do I have to store the wallposts (user-id and comment) in my database, and display them using fb:wall, fb:wallposts, or is it a plugin like fb:comments for this? If so, how do I add a textfield/form for interacting with the wall?
Figured it out. It has to be stored in a separate database. fb:wall etc. just mimics the look of a wall-
FBML has been deprecated. Starting June 1, 2012 FBML apps will no longer work as all FBML endpoints will be removed. If you are building a new application on, please implement your application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can use our JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to embedded many of the same social features available in FBML.