analyze show copywithzone is leaking, is it false alarm? - iphone

In my app I want to copy a custom class from one array to another array. So I implemented copyWithZone for this class. Xcode analyze warning me that every line with [alloc] or [copy] are leaking memory. How can I tell if it's really leaking or it's the copied instance that I need?
#implementation MyClass
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
MyClass *copy = [[MyClass allocWithZone:zone] init];
if (copy){
copy.uniqueId = [uniqueId copy];
return copy;

Is your uniqueId property declared as a retain property? If so, this line is leaking:
copy.uniqueId = [uniqueId copy];
Change it to:
copy.uniqueId = [[uniqueId copy] autorelease];

It's not quite right.
The line
copy.uniqueId = [uniqueId copy];
should probably be
copy.uniqueId = self.uniqueId;
That way you'll get correct semantics for the property no matter if it is declared as copy, retain or assign.
Also, I wouldn't bother with the test for copy != nil. Sending setUniqueId: to nil is a no op.
By the way
copy.uniqueId = [uniqueId copy];
leaks if the property is retain or copy since [uniqueId copy] gives you an object you own and you don't release or autorelease it before the end of the scope.


Why does this cause a crash?

I have these two buttons hooked up to these two methods (they're nearly identical)
int num = [numberOfImage intValue];
numberOfImage = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",num] retain];
//Load the image
[self loadImage];
int num = [numberOfImage intValue];
numberOfImage = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",num];
//Load the image
[self loadImage];
If I hit either of them twice (or once each, basically if they get called a total of two times) I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. If I throw a retain on: numberOfImage = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",num]retain] it's fine though. Can someone explain why this is? I did an NSZombie on the instruments and traced it back to this stringWithFormat call. Thanks in advance!
+stringWithFormat: doesn't contain 'new', 'alloc', 'copy', or 'retain', so it should be expected that you have to retain the return value of it if you want the new NSString it creates to stick around.
Edited to include this handy link duskwuff kindly dug up:
If numberOfImage is a properly declared property, e.g.
#property (copy) NSString *numberOfImage;
and it was properly synthesized (in the #implementation section for the class):
#synthesize numberOfImage;
then you can do:
- (void) moveOneImageNewer
self.numberOfImage = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%i", [self.numberOfImage intValue] - 1];
// Load the image
[self loadImage];
The property setter will take care of retaining the string and, if necessary, releasing the previous string.
FWIW, why on earth is numberOfImage a string? Why not a simple int?
numberOfImage is an instance variable or property of your class, right?
You are setting it to a stringWithFormat (which returns an auto-released NSString) without claiming ownership of that object (by calling retain).
If you do not retain it, it will get auto-released before the method is called again (and then the first line will fail, as it tries to access the previously set, now auto-released value).
Consider using properties, they have auto-generated memory management code (including releasing the old NSString when you set the new one).
You haven't retained the string object in "moveOneImageOlder", so that object gets autoreleased at the end of the event cycle and points to nothing. That's why you get the EXC_BAD_ACCESS next time you try to use it.
Use a retain to claim ownership of the NSString. Remember to release when you're done though (you can use properties to help you with this)
int num = [numberOfImage intValue];
[numberOfImage release];
numberOfImage = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",num] retain];
//Load the image
[self loadImage];
int num = [numberOfImage intValue];
[numberOfImage release];
numberOfImage = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",num] retain];
//Load the image
[self loadImage];
Add this in dealloc:
- (void)dealloc {
[numberOfImage release];
[super dealloc];
Well, the NSString class method "stringWithFormat" returns an autorelease NSString object if I'm right.
So the second call to your method would have numberOfImage pointing to nothing, as the autorelease NSString object it used to be pointing to has already been released and deallocated since you didn't retain it.
The part that is directly causing the crash is [numberOfImage intValue] when you call the method a second time, as you sending a message to an object (pointed to by numberOfImage) that no longer exist.

Over-Released NSSet in NSManagedObject

I am developing a iPhone app using core data that has a to-many relationship and in one of my classes i have a NSSet property. I am creating an NSSet, assigning to this property and then releasing the object, the problem is a i am getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
NSSet *feedSet = [[NSSet alloc] initWithSet:mutableFeedSet];
Signature *signature = (Signature *) [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Signature" inManagedObjectContext:context]; = [feed objectForKey:#"site"];
signature.url = [feed objectForKey:#"url"];
signature.feedList = feedSet;
NSLog(#"%d", [feedSet retainCount]);
[context save:&error];
[feedArray release];
[mutableFeedSet release];
[formatter release];
[feedSet release];
when i printed the feedSet retain count i realized that the signature.feedList = feedSet; wasn't retaining the object, so i removed the [feedSet release]; and the i got the problem solved... The question is. Why when a assign the feedSet to the feedList property it didn't retained the object?
Probably Signature is your class, and you have property feedList. If you want to retain the object you have to declare it like this
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSSet* feedList;
If signature.feedList = feedSet; isn't retaining it, it is because the property is defined as assign (not copy or retain). Or, if not synthesized, your setter implementation is hosed.
If that isn't the case, you have a stray autorelease or release somewhere.
Note that retainCount is not a very good indicator here; autorelease will not cause the retain count to decrement immediately.
Aha! You said #dynamic feedList; Is this a managed object subclass?
#dynamic does not provide method implementations. So, either you have implemented setFeedList: or you are subclassing NSManagedObject (or their is a superclass involved).
Which is it?
And post the crash backtrace, too, please.

iPhone memory management (with specific examples/questions)

Hey all. I know this question's been asked but I still don't have a clear picture of memory management in Objective-C. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of it, but I'd still like some correct answers for the following code. I have a series of examples that I'd love for someone(s) to clarify.
Setting a value for an instance variable:
Say I have an NSMutableArray variable. In my class, when I initialize it, do I need to call a retain on it?
Do I do
fooArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] retain];
fooArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Does doing [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] already set the retain count to 1, so I wouldn't need to call retain on it? On the other hand, if I called a method that I know returns an autoreleased object, I would for sure have to call retain on it, right? Like so:
fooString = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d items", someInt] retain];
I ask about the retain because I'm a bit confused about how #property's automatic setter works.
If I had set fooArray to be a #property with retain set, Objective-C will automatically create the following setter, right?
- (void)setFooArray:(NSMutableArray *)anArray {
[fooArray release];
fooArray = [anArray retain];
So, if I had code like this: self.fooArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; (which I believe is valid code), Objective-C creates a setter method that calls retain on the value assigned to fooArray. In this case, will the retain count actually be 2?
Correct way of setting a value of a property:
I know there are questions on this and (possibly) debates, but which is the right way to set a #property?
self.fooArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Or this?
NSMutableArray *anArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.fooArray = anArray;
[anArray release];
I'd love to get some clarification on these examples. Thanks!
According to Apple's Object Ownership Policy, any method that begins with the words alloc or new, or contains copy is owned by the caller.
To obtain ownership of an object, you must retain it.
So, in your first example, the retain is unnecessary because you already own the object.
The correct way to do this:
fooArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Since autoreleased objects are owned by the current autorelease pool, you must call retain on them to gain ownership of them, so this example is correct:
fooString = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d items", someInt] retain];
This would work fine as well:
self.fooString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d items", someInt]; //retained by property setter
And for your last example using the property setter, this would be the correct way to do it:
NSMutableArray *anArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.fooArray = anArray;
[anArray release];
Instead of having to do the above, I'd suggest the following solution:
self.fooArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
arrayWithCapacity: will return an autoreleased NSMutableArray, which is the retain-ed by the property setter method. :)
Ideally you would want to use the accessors whenever possible, especially when dealing with objects as they help avoid many memory issues. So even for instance variables, you should do:
self.fooArray = ...;
instead of
fooArray = ...;
The reason why you should declare properties for object instance variables is because the memory management is slightly more complicated, and recreating it by hand each time is tricky. The correct setter for a nonatomic, retained property would look like:
- (void)setFoo:(NSArray *)aFoo {
if (foo == aFoo) {
NSArray *oldFoo = foo;
foo = [aFoo retain];
[oldFoo release];
You are right about the instance variable having a retain count of 2 when you do something like this (assuming foo is retained): = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
The first retain count is coming from alloc, and the second one from your synthesized setter. Any of these should work:
// longer, explicit version, releases immediately (more efficient)
NSMutableArray *aFoo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; = aFoo;
[aFoo release];
// autoreleased, not so bad unless you're a memory management freak = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// an even shorter version of the above = [NSMutableArray array];
To create private properties, you can declare them as a class extension in the .m implementation file. To give an example, consider a simple Person object, which has a name, and a boolean property didSave which simply indicates whether the object has been saved to some database or not. Since we don't want to expose this to the outside world, but still keep the benefits of properties inside the implementation file, we can create the header file will all instance variables (public, private, protected) and only public properties:
// Person.h
#interface Person {
NSString *name;
BOOL didSave;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;
But declare private properties inside the implementation:
// Person.m
// property is declared as a class extension, making it
// invisible to the outside world.
#interface Person ()
#property BOOL didSave;
// synthesize as normal
#synthesize name, didSave;
First of all, with this line:
fooArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
fooArray will automatically have a retain count of 1.
Second, yes, it's 2. And your guess on the setter implementation is correct.
Third, the latter one is right

Can't Figure Out How To Fix Memory Leaks on iPhone

I was running Leaks tool and discovered a massive leak in my Dictionary mutableDeepCopy but I can't figure out what's wrong with the code. Any suggestions?
#interface RootViewController : UIViewController{
NSDictionary *immutableDictionary;
NSMutableDictionary *mutableDictionary;
Here is the line of code that's highlighted in Instruments
self.mutableDictionary = [self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy];
Here is the method for creating a mutable copy of a Dictionary
#interface NSDictionary(MutableDeepCopy)
-(NSMutableDictionary *)mutableDeepCopy;
Here is method implementation, I've highlighted the code that Leaks saids is leaking 100%
- (NSMutableDictionary *) mutableDeepCopy {
NSMutableDictionary *dictionaryToReturn = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[self count]];
NSArray *keys = [self allKeys];
for(id key in keys) {
id value = [self valueForKey:key];
id copy = nil;
if ([value respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableDeepCopy)]) {
copy = [value mutableDeepCopy];
} else if ([value respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableCopy)]) {
copy = [value mutableCopy]; //This is the Leak
if (copy == nil) {
copy = [value copy];
[dictionaryToReturn setValue:copy forKey:key];
return dictionaryToReturn;
You need to analyse this in light of Apple's Memory Management Rules.
Starting with this line:
self.mutableDictionary = [self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy];
I would expect mutableDeepCopy to return an object I own, so at some point I need to release or autorelease it. e.g.
NSMutableDeepCopy* temp = [self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy];
self.mutableDictionary = temp;
[temp release];
self.mutableDictionary = [[self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy] autorelease];
So now we need to look at mutableDeepCopy. Because it has 'copy' in the name it needs to returned an "owned" object which, in practice means "forgetting" to release the returned object. You have already failed to do that when you create the returned object in the first line, since dictionaryWithCapacity: gives you an object you do not own. Replace it with
NSMutableDictionary *dictionaryToReturn = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[self count]];
Now you own it.
It is important that you make your mutableDeepCopy obey the rules because it means you can treat the objects returned from mutableDeepCopy, mutableCopy and copy in exactly the same way. In all three cases you own the object copy that you insert into the array. Because you own it, you must release it or it'll leak as you found out. So, at the end of the loop, you need
[copy release];
That'll stop the leak.
How is your property declared? If is is retain or copy, then this doesn't leak.
Your problem is that the name mutableDeepCopy suggests that it returns a retained object, and not an autoreleased one as it actually does.
And at the mutableDeepCopy itself, you need to release the copy variable after adding to the dictionary.
mutableCopy increments the retain count of the object, as does setValue:forKey:. This means that when dictionaryToReturn is dealloc'ed, the object that had mutableCopy called still has a retain count of one.
Try doing this instead:
copy = [[value mutableCopy] autorelease];

Simple problem with NSString

I have this userInputstring in the header that will be modified and used by multiple methods in the .m file
NSString *userInputString;
[self method1];
[self method2];
NSString *localString = #"something";
userInputString = localString;
//do something else with it
NSString *localString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# insert something",userInputString];
userInputString = localString;
but I kept getting memory leak problems. What's the proper way to set it up? Im new to objective c.
I don't know where or how to release
Right, you first need to familiarise yourself with the Cocoa Memory Management Rules.
In summary, if you obtain an object by alloc, a method containing "copy", a method starting with "new" or if you retain it, you need to release or autorelease.
Take method1:
userInputString = #"something";
userInputString was not obtained with alloc, new or copy, nor have you retained it. Therefore you do not own it so you must not release it. If you had done this:
userInputString = [#"foo" copy];
or this:
userInputString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: #"foo"];
or this:
userInputString = [#"foo" retain];
you do own the string therefore you must release or autorelease it.
When you release it depends on its scope. If it's a local variable, you must release or autorelease it before the block it is declared in exits. If it is an instance variable, you must release it before the object it is in is deallocated. i.e. you must release it in the dealloc method for the object. In all cases, if you overwrite an object you own, you must release it first. So:
userInputString = [someOtherString copy]; // you own userInputString
// do some stuff
[userInputString release]; // you no longer own it
userInputString = [someOtherString retain];// overwrite the pointeer with something else
This is one of the reasons for adding getters and setters for instance variables. Every time you set a new value, you have to release the old value and retain the new value (making sure that the old bvalue and new value are different), so this is encapsulated in the setter. A synthesized property adds this code automatically.
Try to use autorelease pool:
int main()
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Your code here
[pool drain]
return 0;
#"blablabl" is a shorthand to create an autoreleased NSString from a constant string. If if you don't have an autorelease pool in the thread you are running, those NSString object won't ever be released and of course your create a leak.
Either create an autorelease pool as Sumai suggest or release those objet's memory yourself. (tip: create an NSAutorelesePool ;-) )