ViewDidLoad runs before AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions gets executed! - iphone

i am experiencing a strange problem where the Method "ViewDidLoad" runs before the AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions gets executed!
Cause I only check if a database exists in "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" my app crashes if the database isnt there. after poking around for a couple of hours I am tired of doing so and call for HEEEEELP!
If you please could be so kind and point me into the right direction what's likely to be wrong with my project. I cant figure it out (aaarggh!)
Thank you!
Best regards

viewDidLoad may run on ViewControllers loaded from NIBs as these are loaded before the call to didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

I had the same issue and after looking in the code in more detail, I have found out that inside awakeFromNib of a xViewController, i am initing another yViewController. So the viewDidLoad of yViewController runs before didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:.
Basically, the initial VC's awakeFromNib is called before didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. You might have something similar of a setup. Look into that.

If your database files do not load fast enough; override your AppDelegate's init():
override init() {
if filesExistBool == false {

I don't believe you.
In application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: you decide what views to load. The app will not randomly load views without you telling it to do so. Did you put a breakpoint first in viewDidLoad and one first in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: or do you just assume that application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: didn't get executed because it's not working.


cellForRowAtIndexPath called before viewWillAppear iPhone SDK 3.2 plus

After upgrading my SDK version I noticed that cellForRowAtIndexPath is always called prior to viewWillAppear. Previously the order of execution was opposite: viewWillAppear would always be called prior to cellForRowAtIndexPath. Because my application logic often used viewWillAppear to initialize objects that are subsequently used in cellForRowAtIndexPath, the application is often crashing.
I tried searching for an official expiation regarding this change with no success. I can likely move my initialization code to viewDidLoad, but wanted to see if there are better solutions or more information about this change in behavior.
You can just add the line
[self.tableView reloadData];
at the end of viewWillAppear and your problem will be fix
It is not "cellForRowAtIndexPath called before viewWillAppear", it is [super viewWillAppear:animated] will call UITableView's delegate.
I made the same mistake and it took me a lot of time to find it.

application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions doesn't execute, but RootViewController: viewDidLoad does, how is this possible?

I'm playing around with the iPad SplitView template and it was working fine before I started swapping out view objects in my RootViewController. When it was working fine, the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method would be called and would setup my persistant store objects, then the RootViewController:viewDidLoad method would be called to populate my rootView with data from my store. I opened up IB and started swapping out view objects in my RootView and now the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method never gets called, but the RootViewController:viewDidLoad method still does. Obviously, the app crashes because the viewDidLoad method depends on the successful execution of the didFinishLauchingWIthOptions method to setup the persistent store objects. Does anyone have any thoughts on what is causing this or how I can go about investigating what's causing this?
I'm obviously new to iPhone OS development, so I apologize if this questions is absurd in any way. Thanks so much in advance for your help!
This is propabaly caused by the fact that in MainWindow.xib, your application delegate object is not connected to File's Owner (UIApplication). You can open the MainWindow.xib and right click on your App Delegate to see if it has a connection in Referencing Outlet to File's Owner. If not, set it to. And this will fix your problem.
-viewDidLoad is not called from -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. They are independent. The call hierarchy could be summarized as:
load app; call -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
window is visible, load views of view controllers.
call -viewDidLoad.

Custom UIViewController is not responsive to device rotation

I have a custom UIViewController, which is the only subView of UIView. The UIViewController contains delegate function:
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
return YES;
This function is called once when the application starts and is never called again when the device is rotated. I also notice that the willRotateToInterfaceOrientation function is never called. I pretty much commented out all the content in the UIViewController but it is still not responding to device rotation.
I ended up solving my own problem by starting from stretch to create a brand new UIViewController and made sure it was responsive to the device rotation. I then brought in my code piece by piece and checked the rotation. In the end, I found the root cause. In my custom UIViewController, I had
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)theframe {
if (self.view = [super.view initWithFrame:theframe])
It worked find excpet it did not respond to device roation even though I did not call the init function. The solution is simple. Add [self init] in the initWithFrame function. Thank you all for responding.
Your code looks correct. I suspect it's something in your .xib file (like the wrong object type for "File's Owner"), so that perhaps your view controller subclass isn't being instantiated at all. Put some logging into viewDidLoad and make sure it's getting called.
Try doing a test app that just tests the rotation problem. This will help isolate your issue.
You may need to implement that method in the controller of the parent UIView, as it seems your view is enclosed in another view.

Trick to getting initWithNibFile to be invoked?

I've implemented a View Controller, and I'm trying to do some very basic initialization in initWithNibFile...which I understand to be the designated initializer for View Controller objects.
I've tried to put breakpoints on the code, and have put very simple NSLog statements into it as well. Regardless...I'm not seeing it be executed (and the object i'm attempting to alloc/init inside the function is also not being allocated - so I'm about 99% sure I'm not hitting the code.
Is there something I need to do elsewhere to cause this method to be invoked?
I'm getting a clean build, no warnings or errors. And the app successfully loads up the View, and I can invoke a ButtonClick method I've coded and connected to this same View Controller.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I ended up moving my allocation logic to viewDidLoad, and that works fine.
Not sure why the initWithNibFile was not working...but I'll take the small victory !!!
Thanks for offering to look at the code bpapa.
You probably need initWithCoder: It's what the SDK uses to read from nib files during startup.
initWithNibFile: is almost never called by the system. Usually you call this manually. The documentation is quite misleading on this point.
In any case, be careful doing too much initialization in the initWithXXXX methods. The view's targets and actions aren't likely to be set up and connected yet. viewDidLoad is almost always the right place to do viewController setup anyways.

is applicationDidFinishLaunching the wrong place for setting an image for an UIImageView?

I found out this:
applicationDidFinishLaunching (an delegate method of the UIApplicationDelegate Protocol) seems to be called BEFORE my views from the nib file are loaded completely. So I tried all the day to change an image of an UIImageView right after my app launched in the iPhone simulator, but nothing happened.
Then I wrote a little action method that I call with the press of a button. And then it happened: WORKS!
So the applicationDidFinishLaunching delegate method isn't really the right place for stuff that has to be done after the app is really "ready". I gues there's something better that waits for the nib to be loaded completely. but where? and what?
I gues there's something better that waits for the nib to be loaded completely. but where? and what?
For application specific things like global settings, preferences, etc., -appDidFinishLaunching is the right place.
For UIView specific things, you typically use the -viewDidLoad method in a UIVIewController subclass. It is pretty much the only place you are guaranteed that the nib file is loaded, the IBOutlets are initialized and the IBActions are attached.
This is difference from the Mac OS X world, where -awakeFromNib was the place to do it.
Hey until your views and their view controllers instantiated you can't modify their ui. However just for the sake of your problem you can always declare the uiimageview as a property of your app delegate class and initialize it in the appDidFinishLaunching event. But that's the worst practise. As on the iPhone which has limited memory always lazy load ie: only initialize objects when and just before they are actually required by your UI. So ideally you should be doing this in the viewDidLoad event of the view where you want to use this UIImageView.
applicationDidFinishLaunching is usually used for stuff like database file checks, opening database connection, populating global variables, any other application wide logic, checking for an available Internet connection etc