Could Scala's “if … else” have been implemented as a library function? - scala

I'm wondering if if … else could have been implemented in Predef with special compiler treatment, in a similar way to what's being done with classOf[A]: the definition is in Predef, the implementation is filled in by the compiler.
Granted, many people would find reassuring to know that an if is always an if, and an else is always an else, no matter the context. However, defining else as a method on the result type of if would remove it from the list of keywords, and allow library designers to define their own else methods. (I know I can use any keyword as an identifier with backticks, but something like `else` just looks awful in code.) Such methods could be useful in cases discusses in situations such as this one, discussed on the mailing list, where people are forced to use otherwise when defining methods that actually should be named else. (Also discussed on SO here and here.)
Would such an approach be possible, even in theory, or does it break some fundamental principle in Scala?
What would the downsides be?

Maybe I don't understand your question, but you can already implement if ... else ... as a library function. Consider this:
class If[A](condition: =>Boolean)(ifBlock: =>A) {
def els(elseBlock: =>A):A = condition match {
case true => ifBlock
case false => elseBlock
new If(2==3)(
) els (
println("not equal")
Of course this doesn't do exactly what if ... else ... does, but with some polishing I think it would. I once implemented a very simple interpreter for a language that had pattern matching built in with if ... else ... being implemented in much the same way I did here.

The short answer is "yes"; branching logic on some predicate can be implemented as a library function.
It's worth pointing out that, as Viktor Klang and others have noted, if/else is essentially folding a boolean. Folding is something we do frequently - sometimes it's clear and explicit, and sometimes not.
// Either#fold is explicit
scala> Left[String, Double]("fail") fold(identity, _ + 1 toString)
res0: java.lang.String = fail
scala> Right[String, Double](4) fold(identity, _ + 1 toString)
res1: java.lang.String = 5.0
Folding an option cannot be done explicitly, but we do it all the time.
// Option has no fold - wont compile!
Some(5) fold(1+, 0)
// .. but the following is equivalent and valid
scala> Some(5) map(1+) getOrElse(0)
res3: Int = 6
Branching logic on a boolean is also a fold, and you can pimp Boolean accordingly. Note the use of by-name parameters to achieve lazy evaluation. Without this feature, such an implementation wouldn't be possible.
// pimped Boolean - evaluates t when true, f when false
class FoldableBoolean(b: Boolean) {
def fold[A](t: => A, f: => A) =
if(b) t else f
implicit def b2fb(b: Boolean) = new FoldableBoolean(b)
Now we can fold Booleans:
scala> true fold("true!", "false")
res24: java.lang.String = true!
scala> false fold("true!", "false")
res25: java.lang.String = false

Not just if-else, but any language feature can be overridden in a branch of the language known as "Scala Virtualized"
This forms the basis of the Delite project at Stanford PPL, and is also at the heart of the research being funded by Scala's EU grant. So you can reasonably expect it to be part of the core language at some point in the future.

Any object-oriented language (or any language with runtime polymorphism) can implement conditionals as a library feature, since method dispatch already is a more general form of conditional anyway. Smalltalk, for example, has absolutely no conditionals whatsoever except for method dispatch.
There is no need for any kind of compiler magic, except maybe for syntactic convenience.
In Scala, it would look maybe a little bit like this:
trait MyBooleanLike {
def iff[T <: AnyRef](thenn: => T): T
def iffElse[T](thenn: => T)(els: => T): T
def &&(other: => MyBoolean): MyBoolean
def ||(other: => MyBoolean): MyBoolean
def nott: MyBoolean
trait MyTruthiness extends MyBooleanLike {
def iff[T](thenn: => T) = thenn
def iffElse[T](thenn: => T)(els: => T) = thenn
def &&(other: => MyBoolean) = other
def ||(other: => MyBoolean) = MyTrue
def nott = MyFalse
trait MyFalsiness extends MyBooleanLike {
def iff[T](thenn: => T): T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
def iffElse[T](thenn: => T)(els: => T) = els
def &&(other: => MyBoolean) = MyFalse
def ||(other: => MyBoolean) = other
def nott = MyTrue
abstract class MyBoolean extends MyBooleanLike
class MyTrueClass extends MyBoolean with MyTruthiness {}
class MyFalseClass extends MyBoolean with MyFalsiness {}
object MyTrue extends MyTrueClass {}
object MyFalse extends MyFalseClass {}
Just add a little implicit conversion:
object MyBoolExtension {
implicit def boolean2MyBoolean(b: => Boolean) =
if (b) { MyTrue } else { MyFalse }
import MyBoolExtension._
And now we can use it:
object Main extends App {
(2 < 3) iff { println("2 is less than 3") }
[Note: my type-fu is rather weak. I had to cheat a little bit to get this to compile within a reasonable timeframe. Someone with a better understanding of Scala's type system may want to fix it up. Also, now that I look at it, 8 classes, traits and objects, two of them abstract, seems a little over-engineered ;-) ]
Of course, the same is true for pattern matching as well. Any language with pattern matching doesn't need other kinds of conditionals, since pattern matching is more general anyway.
[BTW: This is basically a port of this Ruby code I wrote a couple of years ago for fun.]


How to normalise a Union Type (T | Option[T])?

I have the following case class:
case class Example[T](
obj: Option[T] | T = None,
This allows me to construct it like Example(myObject) instead of Example(Some(myObject)).
To work with obj I need to normalise it to Option[T]:
lazy val maybeIn = obj match
case o: Option[T] => o
case o: T => Some(o)
the type test for Option[T] cannot be checked at runtime
I tried with TypeTest but I got also warnings - or the solutions I found look really complicated - see
Is there a better way to achieve this pattern in Scala 3?
I don't know about Scala3. But you could simply do this:
case class Example[T](v: Option[T] = None)
object Example {
def apply[T](t: T): Example[T] = Example(Some(t))
One could also go for implicit conversion, regarding the specific use case of the OP:
import scala.language.implicitConversions
case class Optable[Out](value: Option[Out])
object Optable {
implicit def fromOpt[T](o: Option[T]): Optable[T] = Optable(o)
implicit def fromValue[T](v: T): Optable[T] = Optable(Some(v))
case class SomeOpts(i: Option[Int], s: Option[String])
object SomeOpts {
def apply(i: Optable[Int], s: Optable[String]): SomeOpts = SomeOpts(i.value, s.value)
println(SomeOpts(15, Some("foo")))
We have a specialized Option-like type for this purpose: OptArg (in Scala 2 but should be easily portable to 3)
import com.avsystem.commons._
def gimmeLotsOfParams(
intParam: OptArg[Int] = OptArg.Empty,
strParam: OptArg[String] = OptArg.Empty
): Unit = ???
gimmeLotsOfParams(strParam = "foo")
It relies on an implicit conversion so you have to be a little careful with it, i.e. don't use it as a drop-in replacement for Option.
The implementation of OptArg is simple enough that if you don't want external dependencies then you can probably just copy it into your project or some kind of "commons" library.
EDIT: the following answer is incorrect. As of Scala 3.1, flow analysis is only able to check for nullability. More information is available on the Scala book.
I think that the already given answer is probably better suited for the use case you proposed (exposing an API can can take a simple value and normalize it to an Option).
However, the question in the title is still interesting and I think it makes sense to address it.
What you are observing is a consequence of type parameters being erased at runtime, i.e. they only exist during compilation, while matching happens at runtime, once those have been erased.
However, the Scala compiler is able to perform flow analysis for union types. Intuitively I'd say there's probably a way to make it work in pattern matching (as you did), but you can make it work for sure using an if and isInstanceOf (not as clean, I agree):
case class Example[T](
obj: Option[T] | T = None
) {
lazy val maybeIn =
if (obj.isInstanceOf[Option[_]]) {
} else {
You can play around with this code here on Scastie.
Here is the announcement from 2019 when flow analysis was added to the compiler.

Using unapply as constructor in match

Is it good style in Scala to "abuse" the unapply method for pattern matching? What I wanted to do, is matching an object against another, and constructing the other object. Since I am fairly new in Scala, I wound up with the following solution. But it doesnt seem really right to use the unapply methode like this, since it is intended as an extractor. Could someone please give me feedback on this?
object Poker {
def unapply(hand: Hand): Option[Poker] = if(hand.countValueGroups().exists(_._2 == 4)) Some(new Poker(hand)) else None
val h = Hand("AC As AH Ad 2h")
h match {
case Poker(han) => println("POKER!!!"+han)
case _ => println("?????")
I don't know why this should be bad practice, so I'd say the answer is no, this is normal practice. As one commenter said, the mere purpose of unapply is to be used in pattern matching. While pattern matching is mostly used with the companion object of a case class, the concept is deliberately open to other extractors (example: regular expressions).
The only thing that's weird in your example is to return Option[Poker] with Poker begin a singleton object. Since you can't do much with that, probably you want to use a Boolean instead:
object Poker {
def unapply(hand: Hand): Boolean =
hand.countValueGroups().exists(_._2 == 4)
case class Hand(s: String) {
def countValueGroups(): List[(Any, Int)] = List("foo" -> 4) // ???
val h = Hand("AC As AH Ad 2h")
h match {
case Poker() => println("POKER!!!")
case _ => println("?????")

What's the difference between using and no using a "=" in Scala defs ?

What the difference between the two defs below
def someFun(x:String) { x.length }
def someFun(x:String) = { x.length }
As others already pointed out, the former is a syntactic shortcut for
def someFun(x:String): Unit = { x.length }
Meaning that the value of x.length is discarded and the function returns Unit (or () if you prefer) instead.
I'd like to stress out that this is deprecated since Oct 29, 2013 (, but the warning only shows up if you compile with the -Xfuture flag.
scala -Xfuture -deprecation
scala> def foo {}
<console>:1: warning: Procedure syntax is deprecated. Convert procedure `foo` to method by adding `: Unit =`.
def foo {}
foo: Unit
So you should never use the so-called procedure syntax.
Martin Odersky itself pointed this out in his Scala Day 2013 Keynote and it has been discussed in the scala mailing list.
The syntax is very inconsistent and it's very common for a beginner to hit this issue when learning the language. For this reasons it's very like that it will be removed from the language at some point.
Without the equals it is implicitly typed to return Unit (or "void"): the result of the body is fixed - not inferred - and any would-be return value is discarded.
That is, def someFun(x:String) { x.length } is equivalent to def someFun(x:String): Unit = { x.length }, neither of which are very useful here because the function causes no side-effects and returns no value.
The "equals form" without the explicit Unit (or other type) has the return type inferred; in this case that would be def someFun(x:String): Int = { x.length } which is more useful, albeit not very exciting.
I prefer to specify the return type for all exposed members, which helps to ensure API/contract stability and arguably adds clarity. For "void" methods this is trivial done by using the Procedure form, without the equals, although it is a stylistic debate of which is better - opponents might argue that having the different forms leads to needless questions about such ;-)
The former is
def someFun(x: String): Unit = {
() // return unit
And the latter is
def someFun(x: String): Int = {
x.length // returned
Note that the Scala Style guide always recommend using '=', both in
method declaration
Methods should be declared according to the following pattern:
def foo(bar: Baz): Bin = expr
function declaration
Function types should be declared with a space between the parameter type, the arrow and the return type:
def foo(f: Int => String) = ...
def bar(f: (Boolean, Double) => List[String]) = ...
As per Scala-2.10, using equals sign is preferred. Infact you must use equals sign in call declarations except the definitions returning Unit.
As such there is no difference but the first one is not recommended anymore and it should not be used.

Why are the Scala libraries implemented with mutable state?

Why are some methods in Scala's standard libraries implemented with mutable state?
For instance, the find method as part of scala.Iterator class is implemented as
def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
var res: Option[A] = None
while (res.isEmpty && hasNext) {
val e = next()
if (p(e)) res = Some(e)
Which could have been implemented as a #tailrec'd method, perhaps something like
def findNew(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
def findRec(e: A): Option[A] = {
if (p(e)) Some(e)
else {
if (hasNext) findRec(next())
else None
if (hasNext) findRec(next())
else None
Now I suppose one argument could be the use of mutable state and a while loop could be more efficient, which is understandably very important in library code, but is that really the case over a #tailrec'd method?
There is no harm in having a mutable state as long as he is not shared.
In your example there is no way the mutable var could be accessed from outside, so it's not possible that this mutable variable change due to a side effect.
It's always good to enforce immutability as much as possible, but when performance matter there is nothing wrong in having some mutability as long as it's constrained in a safe way.
NOTE: Iterator is a data-structure which is not side-effect free and this could lead to some weird behavior, but this is an other story and in no way the reason for designing a method in such way. You'll find method like that in immutable data-structure too.
In this case the tailrec quite possibly has the same performance as the while loop. I would say that in this case the while loop solution is shorter and more concise.
But, iterators are a mutable abstraction anyway, so the gain of having a tail recursive method to avoid that var, which is local to that short code snippet, is questionable.
Scala is not designed for functional purity but for broadly useful capability. Part of this includes trying to have the most efficient implementations of basic library routines (certainly not universally true, but it often is).
As such, if you have two possible interfaces:
trait Iterator[A] { def next: A }
trait FunctionalIterator[A] { def next: (A, FunctionalIterator[A]) }
and the second one is awkward and slower, it's quite sensible to choose the first.
When a functionally pure implementation is superior for the bulk of use cases, you'll typically find the functionally pure one.
And when it comes to simply using a while loop vs. recursion, either one is easy enough to maintain so it's really up to the preferences of the coder. Note that find would have to be marked final in the tailrec case, so while preserves more flexibility:
trait Foo {
def next: Int
def foo: Int = {
var a = next
while (a < 0) a = next
defined trait Foo
trait Bar {
def next: Int
#tailrec def bar: Int = {
val a = next
if (a < 0) bar else a
<console>:10: error: could not optimize #tailrec annotated method bar:
it is neither private nor final so can be overridden
#tailrec def bar: Int = {
There are ways to get around this (nested methods, final, redirect to private method, etc.), but it tends to adds boilerplate to the point where the while is syntactically more compact.

Chaining logging with a simple expression in Scala

I usually use Scala with SLF4J through the Loggable wrapper in LiftWeb. This works decently well with the exception of the quite common method made up only from 1 chain of expressions.
So if you want to add logging to such a method, the simply beautiful, no curly brackets
def method1():Z = a.doX(x).doY(y).doZ()
must become:
def method1():Z = {
val v = a.doX(x).doY(y).doZ()"the value is %s".format(v))
Not quite the same, is it? I gave it a try to solve it with this:
class ChainableLoggable[T](val v:T){
def logInfo(logger:Logger, msg:String, other:Any*):T = {, other))
implicit def anyToChainableLogger[T](v:T):ChainableLoggable[T] = new ChainableLoggable(v)
Now I can use a simpler form
def method1():Z = a.doX(x).doY(y).doZ() logInfo(logger, "the value is %s")
However 1 extra object instantiation and an implicit from Any starts to look like a code stink.
Does anyone know of any better solution? Or maybe I shouldn't even bother with this?
Scala 2.10 has just a solution for you - that's a new feature Value Class which allows you to gain the same effect as the implicit wrappers provide but with no overhead coming from instantiation of those wrapper classes. To apply it you'll have to rewrite your code like so:
implicit class ChainableLoggable[T](val v : T) extends AnyVal {
def logInfo(logger:Logger, msg:String, other:Any*) : T = {, other))
Under the hood the compiler will transform the logInfo into an analogue of Java's common "util" static method by prepending your v : T to it's argument list and updating its usages accordingly - see, nothing gets instantiated.
That looks like the right way to do it, especially if you don't have the tap implicit around (not in the standard library, but something like this is fairly widely used--and tap is standard in Ruby):
class TapAnything[A](a: A) {
def tap(f: A => Any): A = { f(a); a }
implicit def anything_can_be_tapped[A](a: A) = new TapAnything(a)
With this, it's less essential to have the info implicit on its own, but if you use it it's an improvement over
.tap(v =>"the value is %s".format(v)))
If you want to avoid using implicits, you can define functions like this one in your own logging trait. Maybe not as pretty as the solution with implicits though.
def info[A](a:A)(message:A=>String) = {
info(a.doX(x).doY(y).doZ())("the value is " + _)