How does iOS decide which objects get sent didReceiveMemoryWarning message? - iphone

I am working on an iPhone application in which a number of UIViews are dynamically added to and removed from the main UIWindow.
When simulating low memory errors in the simulator, I have discovered that not all view controllers receive the didReceiveMemoryWarning notification. Unfortunately, these are the controllers that would most benefit from implementing this method.
I cannot seem to find good information about where and how the method gets called. I have read mentions that it gets sent to "all UIViewControllers", but this is evidently not the case. Adding a breakpoint in one of the classes that do receive the notification wasn't particularly enlightening either.
This is a complex project but one way these views get added is:
- (void) showMyView
myViewController = [[MyViewController alloc]init];
[window addSubview:myViewController.view];
MyViewController is a subclass of another class, MySuperViewController, which is itself a subclass of UIViewController. None of those classes have corresponding NIBs; view hierarchies are created programatically.
I am looking for pointers to how I can go about diagnosing the problem.

When you are using .view of the view controller directly, there's a high chance that your view controller won't receive many notifications because it's not the correct way of using view controller. The UIWindow is special case, because the window can automagically know the controller of the view and direct the message to the controller correctly.
However, when you detach your view from UIWindow, the view controller is also detached and not managed by UIWindow any more. I think this is the source of the problem.
I would suggest that you add a navigation controller or tab bar controller as your root view controller, and use that view controller functionality to switch between your child controllers. Note that you should not remove your view controllers when switching so they will be able to receive the messages appropriately.
You might also considering releasing your view controller when not used if initialization of your view controller is trivial and not consuming too much time.

Somewhere in your code you are probably doing something like this:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
The only safe place to do this is in -dealloc.
Everywhere else, you should specify the notification that you want to unregister for (this will still potentially break if you register for the same notification as a superlcass).

From the documentation
The default implementation of
[didReceiveMemoryWarning] checks to
see if the view controller can safely
release its view. This is possible if
the view itself does not have a
superview and can be reloaded either
from a nib file or using a custom
loadView method.
This method gets called when a Memory Warning "happens"/is simulated. When the memory is low, the system probably posts a notification and a view controller responds to the notification by calling didReceiveMemoryWarning.
If you do not override the method, the default implementation (described above) is called. All view controllers in memory receive the Memory Warning and call this method. They just don't do anything if it is not "safe" to release the view.
In a simple test application with a navigation controller, in both the current view controller and the one previously displayed, didReceiveMemoryWarning is called. I don't know how the NSNotificationCenter works exactly, but it knows who registered for the UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification. It is probably set up something like this:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
For more information, you can look at the Memory Management section in the UIViewController Class Reference.

I entered this question, searching for the right observer dealing with memory warnings. For those using swift, you can register as followed:
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "didReceiveMemoryWarning:", name:UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, object: nil)
With callback method:
func didReceiveMemoryWarning(notification: NSNotification){
//Action take on Notification
Also, make sure your custom class inherits from NSObject, or you'll be getting this error:
… does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: — trouble ahead


viewDidLoad is in fact called every time there is a segue transition

I have seen a lot of posts on stack overflow stating that the viewDidLoad method of controllers is only called the first time the controller is accessed and not necessarily every time but always at least once.
This is not what I am seeing at all! I put together a simple test to highlight this:
It seems for navigation controller segues and modal views viewDidLoad is always called. The only time it is not called is when switching between tabs.
Every explanation of viewDidLoad I can find contradicts this:
When is viewDidLoad called?
UIViewController viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?
And apples own documentation indicate that a view is only unloaded when memory is low.
I am currently doing initialisation in viewDidLoad making the assumption that it is called with every segue transition.
Am I missing something here?
Phillip Mills' answer is correct. This is just an enhancement of it.
The system is working as documented.
You are seeing viewDidLoad because the view controller being pushed onto the navigation controller is a new instance. It must call viewDidLoad.
If you investigate a little further, you would see that each of those view controllers are deallocated when they are popped (just put a breakpoint or NSLog in dealloc). This deallocation has nothing to do with the view controller container... it does not control the life of the controller it uses... it is just holding a strong reference to it.
When the controller is popped off the navigation controller stack, the nav controller releases its reference, and since there are no other references to it, the view controller will dealloc.
The navigation controller only holds strong references to view controllers that are in its active stack.
If you want to reuse the same controller, you are responsible for reusing it. When you use storyboard segues, you relinquish that control (to a large extent).
Let's say you have a push segue to view controller Foo as the result of tapping some button. When that button is tapped, "the system" will create an instance of Foo (the destination view controller), and then perform the segue. The controller container now holds the only strong reference to that view controller. Once it's done with it, the VC will dealloc.
Since it creates a new controller each time, viewDidLoad will be called each time that controller is presented.
Now, if you want to change this behavior, and cache the view controller for later reuse, you have to do that specifically. If you don't use storyboard segues, it's easy since you are actually pushing/popping the VC to the nav controller.
If, however, you use storyboard segues, it's a bit more trouble.
There are a number of ways to do it, but all require some form of hacking. The storyboard itself is in charge of instantiating new view controllers. One way is to override instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier. That is the method that gets called when a segue needs to create a view controller. It's called even for controllers that you don't give an identifier to (the system provides a made-up unique identifier if you don't assign one).
Note, I hope this is mostly for educational purposes. I'm certainly not suggesting this as the best way to resolve your problems, whatever they may be.
Something like...
#interface MyStoryboard : UIStoryboard
#property BOOL shouldUseCache;
- (void)evict:(NSString*)identifier;
- (void)purge;
#implementation MyStoryboard
- (NSMutableDictionary*)cache {
static char const kCacheKey[1];
NSMutableDictionary *cache = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, kCacheKey);
if (nil == cache) {
cache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, kCacheKey, cache, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
return cache;
- (void)evict:(NSString *)identifier {
[[self cache] removeObjectForKey:identifier];
- (void)purge {
[[self cache] removeAllObjects];
- (id)instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
if (!self.shouldUseCache) {
return [super instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:identifier];
NSMutableDictionary *cache = [self cache];
id result = [cache objectForKey:identifier];
if (result) return result;
result = [super instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:identifier];
[cache setObject:result forKey:identifier];
return result;
Now, you have to use this storyboard. Unfortunately, while UIApplication holds onto the main storyboard, it does not expose an API to get it. However, each view controller has a method, storyboard to get the storyboard it was created from.
If you are loading your own storyboards, then just instantiate MyStoryboard. If you are using the default storyboard, then you need to force the system to use your special one. Again, there are lots of ways to do this. One simple way is to override the storyboard accessor method in the view controller.
You can make MyStoryboard be a proxy class that forwards everything to UIStoryboard, or you can isa-swizzle the main storyboard, or you can just have your local controller return one from its storyboard method.
Now, remember, there is a problem here. What if you push the same view controller on the stack more than once? With a cache, the exact same view controller object will be used multiple times. Is that really what you want?
If not, then you now need to manage interaction with the controller containers themselves so they can check to see if this controller is already known by them, in which case a new instance is necessary.
So, there is a way to get cached controllers while using default storyboard segues (actually there are quite a few ways)... but that is not necessarily a good thing, and certainly not what you get by default.
I believe the Apple documentation is describing a situation where the view controller is not being deallocated. If you use a segue, then you are causing the instantiation of a new destination controller and, being a new object, it needs to load a view.
In xib-based apps, I have sometimes cached a controller object that I knew I might re-use frequently. In those cases, they behaved in keeping with the documentation in terms of when a view had to be loaded.
On reading the links you included, I don't see any contradiction in them. They, too, are talking about things that happen during the lifespan of a view controller object.
It is called every time the controller's view is loaded from scratch (i.e. requested but not yet available). If you deallocate the controller and the view goes along with it, then it will be called again the next time you instantiate the controller (for example when you create the controller to push it modally or via segue). View controllers in tabs are not deallocated because the tab controller keeps them around.

When should UIViewController add/remove observers on NSNotificationCenter?

If I add an observer to the [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] in my viewDidLoad should I be removing it in viewDidUnload?
If you need to add these in your initializer, you should remove it in the dealloc method. Ideally, you should only care about these notifications when you are currently onscreen or not.
The viewDid[Appear|Disappear] methods can be called multiple times during the lifetime of a UIViewController. Register for the notification in the viewDidAppear method and unregister it in viewDidDisappear.
You should remove it in dealloc method.
It seems to me viewDidUnload is the place to put it.
If the notification handler that gets called accesses any of the views managed by the view controller, that will either be an error or will cause the view to get reloaded unnecessarily. If your view is not being shown, then most likely the view controller doesn't need to be notified. If it does, at least check if the view is loaded before you make any changes to it. While the view is not loaded, you might still need to update the state of your view controller, for example change or dirty cached values, but don't update the view until it loads again.
Two, what happens if you don't removeObserver in viewDidUnload, and viewDidLoad gets called again? You call addObserver again. Probably doesn't hurt, the notification center can detect duplicate adds.

iOS: Notify other tabbed view controllers about a change in its dataset

I have a tab bar controller and inside it two controllers: a mapview controller and a tableview + NSFetcheddata controller. Both display info about a specific day from core data and have a button to display a day selector modally.
I have achieved having my controllers dataset changing when their modal view controller disappears through delegation but I would like the two controllers to update their data and not only the one who displayed the modal controller.
I thought about creating a protocol in both controllers and setting each other as its delegate but I would like to know if I'm doing right here.
There are tons of different ways to do this. One way is to use NSNotificationCenter. Define your own custom notification name:
static NSString *const CSDataUpdatedNotification = #"CSDataUpdatedNotification";
Subscribe to this notification in both of your controllers:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(dataUpdated:) name:CSDataUpdatedNotification object:nil];
And implement dataUpdated: to update your data:
- (void)dataUpdated:(NSNotification *)notification
// Handle updates here
In the controller causing the change, post the notification:
- (void)updateData
// Data updating routine
// ...
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:CSDataUpdatedNotification object:self];
You could set both as the delegate (i.e. two delegates) and re-use your modal view controller for both.
Alternatively, use NSNotificationCenter, but I think the delegate method is better, because the relationship is closer this way. which is the way to go if you want to message more than one object.
being new to iOS, I wouldn't call this an "answer", but using a global notification system does not sound right for this kind of problem to me.
Looking for an answer to a similar problem, I stumbled over references to NSFetchedResultsController, which will calculate results for you, readily to be used as a UITableView model - only reading knowledge. The part relevant to your problem seems to be its delegate, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, which defines a few methods which will allow to communicate changes to the result to any number of interested parties.
But as I said, I just stumbled over it, and are just now trying to make use of it.
Regards, nobi

Objective-C object dealloc'd while other objects still has a delegate reference to it causes crashes. How to prevent this?

I have an app with a navigation controller as the root view. There are many views that can be pushed in.
The user has to create an account to use the app. The user can then log into this account from other devices, but only one device can be logged onto the same account at a time. So if multiple devices try to log into an account, only the latest device will be logged in and the other devices are logged off (a push is sent to the devices).
Since there are multiple views that the device could be showing before it was logged off, I call popToRootViewControllerAnimated: to get back to the root view. This is because when the user logs in the next time I only want the root view to be shown (the new account might not have access to the previously shown view).
If the user has an alert view or action sheet presented (which uses the current view as its delegate) before the push is received, the view will still be shown after the popToRootViewControllerAnimate: method is called. If the user then taps on a button for the alert view or action sheet, it will send a message to the dealloc'd view and crash the app.
An example:
myViewController is being shown to the user.
myViewController create an action sheet prompting the user for a decision.
The push is received for the device to log out.
The navigation controller pops all the views controllers and now shows myRootViewController.
Since the view controllers are popped, myViewController is now dealloc'd.
The action sheet from myViewController is still shown.
When the user selects an option form the action sheet, a message is sent to myViewController, and since it is already dealloc'd, a crash will occur.
Is there any way to prevent this?
One solution I have considered would be to keep track of all the objects that uses a specific view controller as its delegate. Then when that view controller dealloc's it will also set all the object's delegates to nil. This requires me to manually take care of every view controller when they create an object that uses itself as the delegate, since I cannot think of a way to automatically create and update this list.
Any better solution (or improvement to mine) would be appreciated!
Edit: The alert view and action sheet are only examples of some objects that I would use myViewController as a delegate. I am also using a number of other classes (and third-party libraries) that implements this delegate pattern.
A few ideas:
you can encapsulate the alert/action sheet view and delegate in a single class. Then when you need an alert view, create MyAlertView instead, which will also be its own delegate and will do [self release] after the user taps a button.
make your App Delegate the only delegate for all your alert views and action sheets. App Delegate is always around while the application is running, so there won't be a problem with a released delegate.
The problem with both solutions is that if you need your application to know what happened in the alert view/action sheet, you somehow need to tell the interested class of the user's choice.
You can do that by either using delegates of your own - which would mean you're back to square one - or use notifications: when the alert view/action sheet delegate is called, it would post a notification ([[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:NotificationName object:self userInfo:userInfo];), while the interested object would look for that notification ([[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(onNotification:) name:NotificationName object:nil];) and perform whatever tasks necessary in onNotification:(NSNotification*)aNotification method.
You'll be able to agree with yourself on what type of information is passed in those notifications (I would think the button number in a NSNumber class would be enough, or perhaps pass the button text, too). And you won't have to keep track of all alert views - just don't forget to remove the observer ([[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:postNotificationName object:nil];) in the views' dealloc.
"This requires me to manually take care of every view controller when they create an object that uses itself as the delegate, since I cannot think of a way to automatically create and update this list."
Actually you probably can do this in a semi-automated way: make a singleton object with a method like
-(id)delegate:(id)delegate for:(id)forWhom
And then instead of
someThingy.delegate = self;
you'd do
someThingy.delegate = [[DelegateLocker defaultLocker] delegate:self for:someThingy];
Inside the DelegateLocker you'd have a MutableDictionary with delegate class as a key and a MutableArray of someThingies as a value. Then in your view controllers' deallocs you'd call
[[DelegateLocker defaultLocker] delegateIsDying:self];
which would go through the thingies and assign delegate = nil for each
The drawback of course is that you'll be retaining all the thingies for an indefinite period of time instead of releasing them immediately.
So the ViewController that presented the action sheet iand set itself as the delegate right? So why dont you keep a reference to the ActionSheet in the ViewController, in the dealloc method of the view controller, you can check if the action sheet is visible, if it is then set the delegate of the action sheet to nil,and dismiss it...
if(myActionSheet && [myActionSheet visible])
[myActionSheet setDelegate: nil];
Hope that helps
If you want automated solution, I think you can make a function to iterate through Ivars of your view controller to see if any Ivar has delegate property and set it to nil.

Coding custom SplitViewController - when should I call viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear, etc...?

I'm writing my own SplitViewController from scratch (i.e. by subclassing UIViewController and not UISplitViewController).
It has two sub-viewControllers (one for the left panel and one for the detail right panel), to which I need to send the appropriate messages (viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear, viewWillDisapppear and viewDidDisappear).
I am already forwarding those messages when my custom SplitViewController receives them and it works fine. However I am struggling to figure out when to send them when any of the two sub-viewcontrollers is replaced by a new one, which also needs to receive those messages. I am adding the view of the new UIViewController properly but the messages are not called adequately.
My initial approach was to call them in the setter of the sub-viewControllers, calling viewWillDisappear to UIViewController about to be released and viewWillAppear to the new UIViewController set, but this one is executed before viewDidLoad and therefore I presume is wrong.
I have also seen that UIView has a method didAddSubview: that might be useful to know when to call viewDidAppear on the correspondent UIViewController.
Any help would be much appreciated!
If you want to mirror UISplitViewController, it seems best to just have dummy UIViewControllers that print out whenever each method is called.
As for your current problem of the ordering of viewWillDisappear, viewWillAppear and viewDidLoad, just do:
-(void)setSomeViewController(UIViewController newVC)
[oldVC viewWillDisappear];
[newVC view]; // Causes newVC to load the view,
// and will automatically call -viewDidLoad
[newVC viewWillAppear];
[oldVC.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.view addSubview:newVC.view];
//retain and release as appropriate
// other stuff you'll need to mirror, etc. etc.