playing audio and recording video on iphone simultaneously - iphone

I need to play audio and record video from camera at the same time in my app.
How I can to do that?

There are many ways you can do that. Have you tried anything so far? Some documents of interest:
- AVAudioPlayer
- AVCaptureSession
- AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer
As well a plethora of other related classes. It's impossible to be more precise without knowing specifics of your requirements though.


iOS Capturing Video

I want to make an app for the iPhone with the ability to record video. One thing I want to do with the video once it's recorded, is to take the audio from it and alter it, such as make it sound feminine or masculine etc. I've never done this before but is it better to use AVFoundation or UIImagePickerController. I've read that the UIImagePickerController is easier to use but will it allow be to extract and edit the audio of the recorded video and put it back in?
Any help or suggestions as to how to approach this are appreciated.
It is easiest to capture with UIImagePickerController if you do not need to alter it live. Once the video is captured and you have altered the audio track somehow, write it again using AVFoundation's AVMutableComposition and an audio mix.

Playing a movie file and then various audio files while movie is playing back. (iOS)

Is it possible to play some audio files while my movie is playing. I don't want it to interrupt or pause he movie. Just the audio to play at same time at various predetermined points.
Many Thanks,
You shouldn't have any problems with it.
If you want to synchronize or delay these players you should use
the code they provide in AvAudioPlayer Class Reference using
playAtTime: method.
Sadly MPMediaPlayback protocol doesn't provide the same method
so exact synchronizing with video is a bit harder task.
EDIT: RoLYroLLs mentions using MPMoviePlayerLoadStateDidChangeNotification to achieve this here and this approach seems promising.
Use two or three Audioplayer at same time . Play that audio when u need it

Recording audio and playing iPod at the same time?

I am trying to be able to record audio through the iPhone's microphone while simultaneously playing music from the iPod.
The recording and playback work separately, but if I try to playback from the iPod and record at the same time the recording stops.
By the way, I am not actually recording the audio to save the sound file, but merely analyzing it. It's for my app that flashes to the beat of the music you play.
Does Apple just not allow record and playback at the same time?
You should be able to do this by setting the Audio Session to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord. Information on this is in the Apple docs, although admittedly the Core Audio documentation is (and has always been) lacking in clarity.
AVSession Class Reference
Also, it's worth noting that AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPlayer automatically set the session for you. You can wrestle control and set the session manually using the key I highlighted above.
the problem may be you are recording audio to the same path where the playing file is saved.
try to play an audio from a url with AVAudioPlayer and you can record with AVAudioRecorder at the same time.
Cheers :) :)

how can we play audio and video together in ipod/iphone?

HI all
i am playing a video(.mp4 format) without sound (i mean it doesn't have sound it is a mute video ) and in the background i am playing an audio file (.mp3 format) when i play my code through simulator it works fine as i want like when i tap on the video it is just mute but behind i am playing the audio so for user it seems that video has this sound but when i installed my code in device and play video than it doesn't work like so it play video but without sound than how can i play an audio and a video together in the above format ?
actually we are not just playing a single video or audio file it just comes from an array by choosing randomly and same for the audio file so we cann't do this i think so any other idea for it ??
Should we use another format for audio aur video for doing this thing ??
thanks for the help
Balraj verma
The problem is that the default Audio Session does not allow audio mixing.
In the Reference Library (Working with Movie Players) they say you should use a mixable category configuration for your audio session, for example the Ambient category. In the Application Delegate:
AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
NSError *setCategoryError = nil;
[audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient error: &setCategoryError];
Apple's documentation states that some audio formats are not suited to be played back simultaneously because of hardware restrictions. See Playing Multiple Sounds Simultaneously for more details.
A solution for you would be to use PCM encoded audio which should allow simultaneous playback.
I would like to add that I managed to play two mp3 audio files at the same time on 3G and 3GS iPhones. Which shouldn't be possible according to documentation but worked for me.
You can rather use the an instance of AvAudioPlayer in a new thread. Use the following link to see how does this work
create an instance of MPMoviePlayer to start playback of videos.
Hope this will work.
You should combine the audio and video using some video editing software like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker. Using the software to "composite" audio and video together is not a good idea and adds additional overhead, synchronization issues, etc.
As far as I know, you can't play AVAudioPlayer and MPMoviePlayer at the same time.

Is it possible to play a movie file in a UIView layer?

If yes, what movie format has best performance? And how would a simple setup look like? I have some views, and I want to play a short movie inside a view (not fullscreen). The movie is about 5 seconds long.
Looks like the system frameworks only support playing video full screen with the MPMoviePlayerController. Supported formats are basically flavors of H.264 and MPEG-4; more in the documentation.
Theoretically, you might be able to roll your own decoding and playback code, but I doubt you'd get acceptable performance. (And most of the Open Source media player examples I can think of are GPL. Not that I imagine they'd fare much better.)
If it's only 5 seconds long, you can fake it by playing the audio file in the background, and an animated UIImageView at the same time. Lots of apps do this like the ~50 or so baby sign language ones.