Selenium IDE Recording Open or Save File in Firefox Interface - selenium-ide

I'm trying to Record with Selenium IDE Click on Firefox dialog box for Opening or Saving some generated pdf file on my web form but it's not recording it. Can anyone help me? I google whole internet and stackoverflow but nothing.
If it's not posible to do this with Selenium IDE how is it posible to do with java or javascript?

I do not endorse the tool that is mentioned in this webpage but it seems that first paragraph is an answer to your question


How to use LiveConnect in Selenium

I wrote the test in Selenium IDE and all was good but at the end of page I see that Selenium IDe can't record commands inside Java applet (as you can see in picture in link below).
I use Firebug to determine that I have a problem with record commands in java applet.
I need to enter password in field "Enter the private key password" and press the button "Sing and send" and that all that I need to do, but I can't.
I read many articles about LiveConnect and how to use this instrument to manage Java from JavaScript but I don't now how to do this from Selenium IDE.
Please help me if you can.

how to see jsp page in eclipse while designing?

I was wondering is there any way to see the jsp page in eclipse while designing like we can in dreamweaver, I did search this on allmight google but did't find anything helpful.. Any Help?
Go to Eclipse Windows>Preferences>General>Editors?File Associations and Select .jsp. Make Web Page Editor as default in the below screen. So when you open any .jsp you see different views below.

Need simple PDF viewer for Eclipse

I am looking for a way to view PDFs within Eclipse (Juno).
I just need to quickly viewthe PDF, and do not need the capability to edit, search, or anything beyond viewing.
I have tried a few plugins, but they all switch to a new perspective when PDFs are opened.
I would try Pdf4Eclipse: It was suggested next to the texlipse environment that already has its new perspective, so I think, this would not switch.
Try PDF viewer nice and simple, can be downloaded / installed from following eclipse marketplace website.

Hyperlink to open File in Eclipse Editor

I am creating an Eclipse plugin. I have embedded the Eclipse internal browser into an Eclipse view. I wish to add a hyperlink to the webpage that is displayed in that view to open a file in the Eclipse CEditor. Can this be done and if so how? Thank you for you help in advance.
See this snippet for a way to call Java code from JavaScript in the browser: Snippet 307
The next step is to add an onClick handler to the link which calls the JavaScript. There are plenty of examples how to do that.
In Java, you can then tell Eclipse to open the file in an editor (ask a new question if you don't know how to do it).
More SWT browser snippets.

How do I select a file from a native OS file dialogue box in Selenium IDE?

I'm wondering if it's at all possible to select a file from a native OS (Windows, in this case) dialogue box with Selenium IDE.
I've automated the process to open the file dialogue box, however getting Selenium IDE to select the file is confounding me.
Is this possible? I'm sure AHK can take care of this with mouse coords and whatnot, but I'm really trying to stay within the confines of Selenium.
Select a file from a native OS (Windows, in this case) dialogue box is not possible with Selenium IDE, because it identifies only those element which present in page, open in firefox browser.