Can I share a web application's consumer key and secret using SA_OAuthTwitterEngine? - iphone

I'd like to enable users of my app to associate their twitter accounts so that some application interaction is automatically tweeted.
Users can already associate their twitter accounts via the web interface, and I'd like them to be able to do the same from the mobile (iOS) app.
The problem is, when the application is registered as a web app, a callback URL is specified. So when users log into twitter using SA_OAuthTwitterEngine, the response is redirected to that URL, and the callback events on the client never fire.
Can I use SA_OAuthTwitterEngine, and override the callback parameter (nullify it) so that I get the same interaction (PIN) as a desktop client?

For a mobile client, best to use xAuth. Using the pin method is suboptimal for mobile. After all your application isn't a web app.
The new MGTwitterEngine has xAuth support, so switching should be painless :)


Logging in a social media (facebook, twitter etc) in a hybrid mobile application through javascript

My hybrid mobile application (for android and iOS possibly windows as well) requires users to authenticate in Facebook.
How should I setup the Facebook application (mobile application or web application) since I am using Javascript SDK
If I need to setup the application as a web app, How should I configure the app domain and site URLs in Facebook application as the files are going to reside in the local app folders of the hybrid mobile application.
If I need to setup the application as a mobile app, How can I use the Javascript SDK?
The OAuth Login system verfication helps to increase the registration , since your application is hybrid and its a mobile based you need to create a php based web login auth to authenticate the login , there are many an enumeros website that help in aiding to achive the determined goal of this, the first thing is to create a facebook application , secondly you need to configure App Id and App Secret ( this will require you to input details about your domains and other information related to the app infos ) , your solution can be found here also check this out simply download and implement video instruction out there
You will need to register your app with facebook to get developers API Apps Id and App Secret.
you have to follow a screenshot of Friends Invite from Facebook in the links below.
The set up are all the same and that is what am using in my phonegap app to set facebook login authentication. Once you have created an account with facebook, you can follow a tutorial in the link below to build your facebook login for IOS,Windows and Android etc
You can write back if you find it difficult to integrate. Rate this response if you findin it helpful. Thanks

Common Session for application and web browser

I have a query regarding to session maintain between application and web browser.
I'm developing an iPhone application and there is also one website (in wordpress) same for this application.
My question is , is it possible to show user login in mobile's web browser if he/she is login into application from same mobile device?
In short, I want to know where is this session stored? In application or in device? If it is in device then how can I check same for the web browser?
Cookies are stored per app, not per device. Safari has its own sandbox whereas each native app runs in its own sandbox, otherwise Safari's security model would be compromised.
In OS X, cookie storage is shared across all apps; in iOS, cookie storage is per-app. Reference: About the URL Loading System.
So for your scenario, this is how you should be able to make it work (I haven't tried it though):
In your mobile app, open website in Safari. Send a HTTP header to tell the web server that this hit is coming in from your native app
If you are already logged in via Safari, then your server will identify the user. Code your server to send back a redirect response (only in case when the request is from native app). This redirect response will contain a session cookie / auth_token with it. Also, the redirect location would use the iOS custom url scheme, e.g. myapp://mydashboard
In your native app, register the app as the handler of that custom url so that it can catch and handle the redirect appropriately
In subsequent requests from the native app, send the session cookie / auth_token
Hope it helps.

Use the native mobile Facebook application to request credentials

I'm using Facebook connect for request credentials to the user's information.
I'm doing it from the web browser.
If the user is using a mobile (Android/Iphone) device, all the authorization process goes inside the browser.
Is it possible to raise the Facebook application (if it's already installed) and pass all the authorization process there? instead of keep using the browser (to improve the user experience).
I can detect if the user is coming from a mobile device (by his user-agent for example), maybe I can add some special url schema to raise the Facebook application?
For iPhone: try to see with openURL function. See this article for more information to launch Facebook app

How to authenticate with Foursquare OAuth2 within a jQueryMobile app (no useragent flow)

I am building a mobile app with jQueryMobile and I intend to deploy it onto iPhone thanks to PhoneGap.
My question is : how can I authenticate myself with Foursquare using the OAuth2 protocol in my jQueryMobile app ? One solution would be to use the useragent flow of OAuth2 but this would force the iPhone to launch Safari and thus not stay within the app. Are there any better solutions than this ?
For an iPhone-based or client-side application like you would have in PhoneGap,
Foursquare recommends one of these methods.
If you have no substantive server code, you can embed a web browser and use the token flow, redirecting the user to a dummy page on your domain. You can then grab the token off of the URL and close the browser. We have sample Android and iOS code for your reference.
If you have a server as part of your application, you can use the server flow above, possibly in an embedded browser. Similar to the Facebook API, you can add display=touch to your authorize or authenticate URLs to get a mobile optimized interface.
An alternative to the above is to use the server flow and an external browser, but redirect to a custom URI handler that brings the user back to our application. You can embed the secret in your application and exchange the provided code for an access token. PLEASE take steps to obfuscate your client secret if you include it in released code, and be prepared to rotate it if needed.
This could probably be handled with the ClientBrowser plugin for PhoneGap or just adapting the sample code they have provided into PhoneGap plugins.
One of the core intentions of OAuth2 is to not allow browserless authentication flow like we did with XAuth in the past. Service providers want consumers to see what permissions they are signing off on, and want control of that process.
I'm not very experienced with Phonegap, as I'm a native developer, but if there's a way of instantiating a UIWebView and showing it to the user, you could at least keep the web interaction 'inside' of the application. Given phonegap is basically showing a UIWebView this should be possible. It is possible to examine the source of the html within a UIWebView using
- (NSString *)stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:(NSString *)script

Rails/iPhone: recommended place of doing OAuth

I'm building a (Rails-based) web service with a mobile app (iPhone) as frontend. In order to allow people to login using Facebook, I've built something using devise and omniauth that allows the user to log in using Facebook and store the credentials in the database. This works perfectly, all from the web app.
However, now the second part: I want to let users log in via the mobile app. Of course, there are the FB Connect libraries, but they give the mobile app access to the Graph API. Instead, I would like a mobile log-in screen that authorizes Rails to access the data. This is because later on, users might use both the iPhone app and web app.
What would be the recommended way of doing this? Are there any best practices?
I solved it by doing the authorization using FB Connect and the FB app. After authorizing, the FB app opens my app again, and I can read out the access token. Which I can then send to the server and use there.