How to upload the files from iPhone to server using mono-touch? - iphone

Im going to develop the iPhone application for backup the files. So I need to upload the images or files like excel, text files from iPhone to server.
For example,
choose the files --> press upload button --> upload to server
I want to design like upload widget. Im using MonoTouch for developing iPhone application. Is there any to do like this?

You should be researching how to do this in C# in general. It should be the same as using MonoTouch.
Here is an example link. Of course, it all depends on what server you are wanting to upload the file to. You don't mention what protocol you want to use, if it's Linux or Windows, if you have any control of the server, etc.


Browse all pdf and text files in the iphone

browse file in iphone I'm developing an iPhone app in which I have to upload the PDF and text files on server from iPhone. Please guide me can i browse all pdf files stored in iPhone into my application?
Its not possible to Monitor(Browse) the Files in IOS. Apple does not Approve this type of applications. And also iPhone/iPad we can't access the Other Application Data's. As per your point The PDF must be located in Other iOS Application. We can't Browse the Files Except Bundles and Documents folder.
Only way you can Upload file to Server and Make browser list Using Tableview.
The following are the possible ways to do this.
We can Upload Documents to FTP Server and Download Via FTP in iOS.
In This. Upload and Download we neet to use Authentication policy.
Upload things to a FTP in Objective-C iOS
Server Upload.
We can Upload File to Server(Php,,ect). The download is Ordinary method.
Link 1
Link 2
You app runs in a Sandbox environment. This means the app can only access files and directories within its own contents.
More Information On File System Programming Guide

iOS upload a file from application

I am developing an application whereby i want to upload an arbitrary file to the server using my application. However, it primarily appears that iOS does not expose the file system to the application.
Is there any way to accomplish this task ? (Please remember here that I do not know the name of file). It is a kind of browse for files - select a file - upload it.
If it is possible in iOS, is there any open source component/library available to facilitate this task ?
There is no file system to access on iOS, unless you are contemplating a jail broken App, other than the files you create as part of your App. You would not normally let a User browse your App's files but it you did you'd implement a App-specific approach to the browsing.

opening a file in its native program with GWT

I wanted to open the files available in my web application to its corresponding native apps in PC. I have created the set of program to download the file from web app but didn't know how to set that files to open with native app in system. kindly help me in this. If you have any other options to use rather than downloading and displaying the file please suggest me.
Note: I am using eclipse to develop web app
This problem is not related to GWT. Just provide links to files in your app. When a user clicks on link, user's browser/PC will decide what to do with a file. It will either open the file within a browser (PDF, images, some video and music files depending on a browser), or it will offer to save them.

How to upload a file to iphone app from a computer?

In some of the apps, I have seen its possible to upload files to the library of a certain application. They ask to type "" and then to upload files to that location which inturn becomes available for download in iphone when we use the same URL.
Do anyone have an idea how to do it OR where to look for to gain info about this?
create a HTTP server app on iPhone, so the upload file also can be implemented in the app

iPhone code browser?

I want to be able to read code on my iPhone in the bus every day. Ideally, I'd like to be able to download a package, extract it to a folder, put it on the iPhone, and be able to just browse through the code (folders & files and all). Don't need to be able to edit, just read.
Is there a good solution for this? If there is not, could it be a good first project to teach myself iPhone development? or would it be too big a chunk for a first bite? (right now I mainly just do python web app development)
Check out the Airsharing app. When you run the app, it creates a server on your network (when sharing is enabled) and provides you an ip address you punch into a browser. You then upload files to the device via an ajax interface. Later on, you just open up the app and click the file you want to read and it displays on the screen. I've fiddled with it and it does preserve code highlighting.
You might also check out the new MobileMe iDisk app that just got released today. It looks like a slick way to share files between the iPhone and a Mac (and the cloud). You need to be a MobileMe subscriber, though.