Is there a way to access Stata from eclipse? - eclipse

… similar to the StatET plugin that allows you to run R code from Eclipse?
I tried googling it but nothing useful has turned up.

None that I know. If you're a CLI junky or willing to use Emacs, you might find limited support through the ESS package and the ado-mode. This is what I used on Mac OS X when I want to run short snippet of code, or use Stata in batch mode, but there's no interactive graphical output (you can just save graphics as PDF as usual). The ado-mode provides basic syntax highlighting and can send region or buffer to a running instance of Stata GUI program (not the executable file, stata-*, that is being used by ESS).
Here are two screenshots of (top) edition of code in Emacs with the ado-mode, and (bottom) an interactive Stata session (no plot produced).
Some notes on text editors for Stata users provides a list of text editors that can be used with Stata (without interactive facilities, though).

There seems to be a promising project starting up here:


Voice coding in Emacs on Mac OS X

I would like to be able to write code by voice recognition and him currently using Aquamacs 2.4 and Dragon Dictate 2 on Mac OS X 10.6.8. Does anybody know if this is possible and if so how? I've seen shorttalk, emacs listen, and voice code but they only work on windows machines with Dragon Naturally Speaking.
Any leads would be much appreciated.
Also I am writing in R via ESS.
Have a look at this presentation by Tavis Rudd :
He runs Dragon Naturally Speaking inside a Windows VM, because the Windows version can be scripted with Python. Then the VM communicates with Emacs on his local machine.
He says in the presentation he will open source his code, but it doesn't seem to be there yet on his Github.
So yes, it's possible, but at this point there is no out of the box solution. If you really want this, prepare to invests weeks or months to get to a properly working setup.
I recently released the coding-by-voice solution I created to solve my own RSI issues. It can be found here:
I use it mostly for coding in Sublime Text and Xcode, but it works great with emacs or vim as well. The great thing about this solution is that all commands can be chained into "command phrases" so you don't have to pause between every individual command like you do with other voice command solutions.
It has builtin support for all standard variable-name formats (snake case, camel case, etc), has builtin commands for every permutation of keyboard shortcuts (ie command-shift-5, command-option-shift-T, and so on), has cursor movement commands, app switching commands, window switching commands, commands for symbol combos like "=>", "||", ">=", etc, and tons more. Plus it is very easy to add your own custom commands as well.

Emacs setup for fortran

I currently work on a big Fortran project with emacs, but I have the feeling that my current setup is inadequate to the task.
I use f90-mode with auto-complete (without fortran-specific setup, so I only have completion for opened files), and I really miss function header information on hover (as in elisp code), code-folding, lists of subroutines in the current buffer, lists of included files, info on the origin of subroutines and used variables (C-xC-f to open the source file?), …
How can I best add modern supporting functionality for fortran in my emacs?
Mostly I need tools which help me understanding the projects code.
The project uses its own build tool and copies files from different directories into a build directory before building, actually overwriting some files with different versions of the code, so I need a quite flexible tool which can cope with that.
There's a small Emacs plugin called Fortran-tags. It can find the definition of any variable or procedure under the cursor, so it's similar to Ctags, except that it is able to correctly identify all local and global variables and has some additional features. Also, it is developed with the focus on modern Fortran.
Using fortran-language-server (after installation simply start fortls in the terminal) and lsp-mode in emacs works perfectly.
I now found the f90-interface-browser in elpa.
If you use emacs 24 or later, you can just use
M-x package-list-packages
and then search for f90-interface-browser.
You write (or work on) large, modern fortran code bases. These
make heavy use of function overloading and generic interfaces. Your
brain is too small to remember what all the specialisers are
called. Therefore, your editor should help you.

Using external editor in MATLAB

I'm trying to use EMACS as the external editor for MATLAB. After following the directions here: matlab script editing I can get the matlab-shell feature working, but I still don't understand how to use EMACS to write scripts.
When I hit edit in the MATLAB console and get to EMACS, I don't see any MATLAB-specific features. Where are the syntax highlighting, debugging, etc. options?
You need the matlab-emacs integration from here: - that should get you syntax highlighting. If you already have that installed, perhaps you need to update your auto-mode-alist.
I must admit that while I use emacs extensively for editing, I use the MATLAB editor for debugging.

Activating text editing macros on Netbeans

This question was asked on Super User but I didn't get any response so I moved it here...I believe it is relevant and important...
I've been using Netbeans on Mac OS X for sometime it has some really good features but it doesn't support most of the macros and that sucks. I'm not only talking about complicated emacs macros but even the most basic are not supported like C-e for the end of the line or C-a for the beginning of the line.
Can somebody help to activate macros ?
I'm not sure if you really mean macros. When I think of macros, I think of a series of commands and keystrokes being issued. In any case, single commands (shortcuts) like the ones you mention (end of a line and beginning of a line) are certainly supported by Netbeans by default with the home and end keys. You can replace those with the key combinations of your choice or add them as alternates.
In fact, Netbeans allows you to create entire profiles of shortcuts and ships with one for Emacs users and contains the exact shortcuts you mention. This functionality is accessed from the Tools > Options menu, Keymap tab.
If you are looking for actual macro capability, that is supported in Netbeans as well. You might have to do some digging for documentation and Netbeans only comes with 3 build in macros. You can define them directly or have Netbeans record your activities to a macro. Macros can be accessed from Tools > Options menu, Editor > macros tab.
Netbeans supports templates as well, which are pieces of predefined code or text that can be generated by entering an abbreviation in the editor and then hitting tab.

How to Make Eclipse More Like Emacs

I am very familiar with emacs--and I realize that there is nothing that it cannot do--but there are some things that it does not do well or efficiently. So, being between projects I am open to the idea of switching to a full-featured IDE such as Eclipse.
With muscle-memory being what it is, I would like to make Eclipse as emacs-like as possible. I have already discovered the excellent Emacs+ plugin which gets me about halfway there. However, I am still missing the following features of emacs which I routinely rely upon:
shell: It's not just a shell, it's also a buffer.
occur: Search->File... is close to what I want, but I just want it to search the current file--which might be a text file, a logfile, or a shell buffer, or whatever.
align-regexp: This awesome little command in emacs helps me make files more readable, and alignment helps with keyboard macros.
What plugins would you recommend to solve these issues? Are there any other emacs features you miss in Eclipse or plugins you would recommend?
Please, no emacs/vi zealots asking why on Earth I would do such a thing.
For the shell you have WickedShell
Ctrl+F is enough to trigger a Search within the current file. (does not create a new buffer with matched lines)
Only Mark Occurrences is about highlighting occurrences, but that is not as advanced as the Emacs function.
Formatter options can emulate "align-regex" function, as described here.
Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter.
Click 'Edit' on the profile (you may need to make a new one since you can't edit the default).
In the indentation section select 'Align fields with columns'.
Then, in your code Ctrl+Shift+F will run that formatter.
I can confirm Brian's suggestion (Emacs key-bindings). What I do to resolve this dilemma is to use both Emacs and Eclipse simultaneously. They are both very good at reporting external changes to files so there is minimal chance of tromping on edits (but it can happen). More to the point, you can leverage the strengths of both tools without having to give up either one. The combination of using both tools and Eclipse having Emacs key-bindings makes this quite satisfactory for me.
IIRC (It's been a while since I've used eclipse) eclipse has a "use Emacs key-bindings" mode. I believe that there's also the option to tell eclipse to use emacs as its own editor...