UIKit: CGAffineTransforms and Composited Animations - iphone

I've noticed that when animating things in UIKit, certain types of animations can be composited using standard block-based animations while others cannot. For instance, view.transform interferes with view.frame, but not with view.center. Are these things documented anywhere?
On a related note, because of these compositing issues, I've often resorted to animating mainly using CGAffineTransforms, since they can be composited very easily. Is this a good idea? It seems that applying a transform is different under the hood than simply changing the frame, so I'm not sure if I should be using them to permanently move a view or change its size. Do CGAffineTransforms and view.frame-related changes overlap at all?

For what it's worth, here's Apple's stance on this:
You typically modify the transform property of a view when you want to
implement animations. For example, you could use this property to
create an animation of your view rotating around its center point. You
would not use this property to make permanent changes to your view,
such as modifying its position or size a view within its superview’s
coordinate space. For that type of change, you should modify the frame
rectangle of your view instead.
Source: View Programming Guide for iOS, View and Window Architecture
(I suppose one exception would be permanently rotated views, which would be impossible to accomplish with frame modifications.)
I've also determined that CGAffineTransforms appear to modify the underlying rendered image of a view, not its content, so (for example) applying a CGAffineTransformScale is fundamentally different from expanding the frame. I'm not sure if this is necessarily true, or if it depends on contentMode/other factors.
I'm still not entirely clear on how the frame, bounds, and transform of a view interact. You can, for example, set the frame of a view after applying a rotation, and it'll be relative to the rotated view, whereas modifying the bounds will apply the transformation to the view pre-rotation (IIRC).


Synchronizing EAGLView presentation with frame resize on iPhone

I have an EAGLView which I am resizing in an animation, with the animation driven by an NSTimer that calls a draw function. As I resize the EAGLView, I need to adjust the projection for the view to maintain the aspect ratio of the contents. The draw function looks like this:
gameView.frame = newFrame;
[gameView setFramebuffer];
[self updateProjection];
/* Drawing to the EAGLView, gameView, here, then... */
[gameView presentFramebuffer];
Run like this, though, the contents of the EAGLView appear to "stair-step" down the animation. When I record it and look at it frame by frame, it's clear that the projection is adjusted, then the view is resized a very short time later (less than one animation frame).
I suspect that the reason is that the change in the frame of gameView is being deferred, and that in the meantime the updated framebuffer is making its way to the screen. I've tried using CATransactions to get the frame update to take effect immediately, but as I kind of expected for a UIView change, that did nothing. I suppose I could modify the viewport and leave the EAGLView full-frame, but I worry that that might just leave me with synchronization issues elsewhere (say, with updates to any overlaid CALayers).
Does this seem like a reasonable assessment of the problem? How can I prevent it -- that is, how can I best ensure that the framebuffer presentation coincides with the change in the actual frame of the EAGLView (and other CA elements)?
I encountered a similar issue with a custom EAGLView I wrote. The problem was that when changing orientation, the view got resized and the contents stretched, and only after the animation, the scene with the right proportions was displayed.
I think yours is the same problem, and I don't think you can force CoreAnimation to wait for your view to update before rendering an animation frame, because of the way it works (CA isn't aware of the drawing mechanism of the view or the layer on which operates).
But you can easily bypass the problem: open you xib file containing the view, switch to the attributes inspector on the right. Select your EAGLView (the same applies to GLKView), and under the section View there's the Mode attribute. If you're creating the view programmatically, set the contentModeproperty.
This value describes how the view contents are managed during an animation. Until the buffer is displayed, the old scene gets resized according to that mode; perhaps you can find a mode that fits the animation you need to achieve.
If you're worried about proportions, the center content mode may work, but the part of scene that hasn't been rendered yet will appear empty during the animation.
Unfortunately the redraw mode won't necessarely make your EAGLView refresh: the view is actually redrawn, but potentially with the old contents of the color buffer. It's a problem of getting the buffer filled at the right time.
You could try to resize and prerender a frame big enough to cover the whole animation before starting it; or you could try to render a frame to an UIImage, replace the view on the fly, animate it, the place the EAGLView back, but this may seriously affect performance.
The way I solved my issue was making simply the EAGLView big enough.
Regarding the blending of other CALayers, as far as I tried, I encountered no synchronization issue; the EAGLView updates when it can, and the other layers too. Just set the right properties to CAEAGLLayer if you're using alpha channel, and rememeber that blending the layers every time OpenGL updates your scene may be expensive in terms of performance.

draw outside of UIView's bounds from drawRect

My question is very similar to this one Not drawing outside bounds when clipToBounds=NO which received no clear answer.
Basically I have a UIView, and I want to draw a line from the center of it, to the edge of the screen. Calculating where these points are is easy, using [self convertPoint:(CGPoint){0,0} fromView:[self superview]]; (which finds the origin with respect to my view's superview. But when I draw a line from my view's drawRect: it gets clipped at my view's bounds.
Is there a way to draw outside of my view's bounds? I've tried changing the clipsToBounds property, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
I can't draw my lines from the superview because I need to do this with multiple views and some will be in front of others... figuring out the layer from the superview's drawRect seems like a bad idea.
Similarly, I don't think I can just resize my view's bounds to include the entire screen, because my views need to be dynamically re-sizable... the bounds would have to be HUGE (>20,000 points square) for this to work.
I wouldn't recommend ever drawing outside of a view's bounds. Either your view needs to resize automatically to include your drawing or you need to have transparent overlapping views. Or both. I can't think of a situation that either of these cases wouldn't cover, but I may lack imagination. =)
Likely what is happening currently is that when the super view gets redrawn it tells the super view that it needs redrawn, resulting in erasing the drawing you are doing outside. It's been a while, anyone more knowledgeable can (should!) correct me here if I'm wrong.
I don't know if "Quartz Debug" (from the standard apple developer tools install, /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/Quartz Debug) works in the simulator, but it's worth a try. It has a mode that will show you when and how often redrawing takes place, with a border and optional delay on the refreshes.
You can do what you are asking, but you need to force redraw your sub-views every time you go outside the sub-view's bounds, meaning that your super-view needs to manually draw it's children inside of it's draw function. Essentially you would be throwing out apple's drawing paradigm and simply causing your sub-views to act like a drawing extension of your main view anyway.
Additionally, if your ranges are so dynamic you may want to consider drawing in percentages of the screen or super-view rather than in points, it may make more sense to code.

Maintaining proportions when autorotating custom UIView

This is probably either real easy, real dumb, or my google fu has taken a serious turn for the worse. Anyway, I'm implementing custom view for my app, which is using pure CGContext drawing, no subviews (for now at least). The thing is, I want it to autorotate, so I have shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation return YES, and voila, the view rotates. But in doing so it's not actually redrawing the content (which I assume is rendered into a texture somewhere in the framework and splashed onto a rect, but that's not really relevant here), the rect is simply stretched, squishing the content. How can I get it to simply issue a draw of a bigger area while rotating? That is, my content is bigger than the screen, and I'd simply like the viewport to change during the rotation.
I've tried setting the view's contentMode to UIViewContentModeRedraw, but that didn't do anything, I've tried playing around with the autoresizeMask stuff, but didn't seem to help either. I've also tried inserting a setNeedsDisplay in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation, however that only caused it to redraw using the new bounds (i.e. squishing it first, and then stretching it out to the right size during the rotation), which is also not what I'd like to see.
Does anyone have any idea how I might go about getting this to work?
As it turns out, it's a mix of dumb and easy. I'm posting it here if anyone should care to read it someday. They way I managed to solve it was actually sandwiching a view between window and my view (I suppose you might be able to go to work on the window directly, but it felt more intuitive this way). That is, I added my view as a child view to that view, which I'll call the frame.
The frame is a resizing as normal, however, I turn OFF resizing of child views, and make my own view LARGER than the viewing area (square actually, 480x480, so it can cover the entire screen either way). Problem solved, basically.
Now I'm playing around with animating the offset of the view in the frame during willRotateToInterfaceOrientation, to have it appear to be rotating around the center, rather than the upper left corner, but that's a different question.

How can I stop the iPhone from displaying a transform change until after the screen is redrawn

I have found the UIScrollView's zooming mechanism to be clunk and essentially unusable. So instead, I'm rolling my own. I have a UIView that resizes itself with the pinch-zoom, and that's working fine. When the zoom is complete, the view needs to reset its transform and redraw the images.
The zoom works essentially in the same way the UIScrollView does. It sets the transform property of the UIView until complete. Then, when the zoom finishes, I want to reset the transform to CGAffineTransformIdentity, resize the frame to be the size it was before, and tell the view to redraw itself at the new size.
It all works pretty well, except when I change the transform to identity then redraw the image, there is a slight flicker before the image completely redraws. This is due to the fact that I'm using a subclass of CATiledLayer, since the view can be of arbitrary size.
I've overridden the fadeDuration to be zero, but there is still a flicker while the transform is reset before the redraw is finished. Is there any simple way to overcome this without creating another view to draw with then replacing it?
Problem solved using a lower-level approach to layers.

UIView clipsToBounds property: Does it improve performance?

The documentation says that the clipsToBounds property of UIView will clip the drawing to the bounds, or more precisely that the subView can't draw outside of the bounds of the superView.
Sounds nice, but what does that mean in practice?
If I set that to YES, then my subView will automatically only draw those parts which are not outside the bounds of the superView. so it increases the overall performance or do I still have to make sure that I don't create any views that are not visible, i.e. inside a UIScrollView ?
I think it's the opposite: turning on clipping hurts performance because it has to set up a clipping mask. I vaguely remember reading this somewhere, but I can't find it now.
The use case for clipsToBounds is more for subviews which are partially outside the main view. For example, I have a (circular) subview on the edge of its parent (rectangular) UIView. If you set clipsToBounds to YES, only half the circle/subview will be shown. If set to NO, the whole circle will show up. Just encountered this so wanted to share.
The (possible) performance hit is only deterministic if you know the view hierarchy. As mentioned above, usually the renderer will use GPU cycles to draw the view UNLESS some view within the hierarchy uses drawRect:. This does not affect OpenGL ES application because drawRect:is omitted in this type of apps.
From my understanding, determining and displaying the clipped area may take less cycles than actually calculating/drawing/blending the whole view. As of OpenGL ES 2.0 clipping can be calculated in GPU.