how to run apps in device in xcode 4? - iphone

Hay every one I'm working in iphone. recently I installed xcode 4 but i can not run my apps in device. I select run destination as ios device bu when I run my apps it say
"No provisioned iOS devices are available. Connect an iOS device or choose an iOS simulator as the destination." pls someone help me. any help will be appreciated. Thanx.

you need an active iOS developer program account. Otherwise you are only able to test your programs in the simulator!
to manage your devices, please read the following article:
Managing Devices and Digital Identities

If you don't have provisioning certificates and all that, do what Sascha said.
If you do, you might be having a problem that I ran into. I was trying to run apps on an iPod touch 2g with iOS 4.2, and I got the "no provisioned iOS devices" problem, even though I had a provisioned device connected. So I went into my project settings and changed "build target" from iOS 4.3 to iOS 4.2, and once I did that, my device showed up.


Xcode Device Issue - Failed _shouldMakeReadyForDevelopment check even though device is not locked by passcode

Error and warnigs in devices and simulators
Issue :
Failed _shouldMakeReadyForDevelopment check even though device is not locked by passcode.
Code: 5
Failure Reason: allowsSecureServices: 1. isConnected: 0. Platform: <DVTPlatform:0x7fecb76471f0:'':<DVTFilePath:0x7fecb7647170:'/Applications/'>>. DTDKDeviceIdentifierIsIDID: 0
User Info: {
DVTDeviceDescription = "\Ud83d\Udcf1<DVTiOSDevice (0x7fecb9844570), TakHyun\Uc758 iPhone, iPhone, 13.4.1 (17E262), 8d695f88c5c910974df39462a1815a52376a0fa9>";
Restart macbook and iphone
Trust in Trust This Computer notification
Xcode Version 11.4.1 (11E503a)
IPhone X ios 13.4.1
I finally figure it out
Connect the iphone(cable not wifi)
Unpair device and quit the xcode
Reconnect the iphone and Trust this computer accept
If you cant fix it, go to apple dev site
reedit the device and do it again 1~3
check this photos
I started getting the OP's error after updating my iPhone to iOS 13.5.1. Here is what worked for me to resolve the issue:
Unpair the iPhone (as per answer from #Jeff above).
Upgrade Xcode to latest, in my case 11.5 (which I believe is the first version of Xcode to support building to iOS 13.5.
NEW: I launched Xcode after updating to 13.5 which prompted me to "Install additional required components" which I did.
Xcode extra step after updating
Reconnect/pair iPhone in Xcode's Devices window and Trust the computer.
NEW: After pairing the iPhone make sure you check the "Connect via Network" checkbox for the newly paired iPhone. By default Connect via Network is unchecked.
Important step after re-pairing device
The "NEW" steps are not steps I've seen in previous answers, so I posted this answer.
Or Xcode is just not smart enough to know that your iPhone iOS version is newer than the one supported by Xcode! I had this issue, been trying all solutions until I updated my Xcode from 11.4 to 11.5
So this started for me after I updated Xcode to version 12, and my iPhone to iOS 14. The fix was as listed above (multiple times) to unpair, reconnect, and trust the computer, BUT only after changing the target to iOS 13 in Xcode did those steps actually work. Once it was reconnected I was able to switch the target back to iOS 14 inside Xcode. This one was frustrating.
In my case, I was using an USB to USB-C adapter which apparently my laptop did not appreciate. Switched to a usb-c lightning cable and poof - everything just works. Now I'm mad that I already reset my network settings!
I had issues with Xcode 11.5 and iOS 13.5.1
Remove the Logitech Wireless Mouse USB Receiver that was plugged into
the USB-C to USB converter (I use this converter to connect both the
Wireless mouse AND my iPhone via USB to Lightning cable). This
REPRODUCABLY caused the described error "Failed
_shouldMakeReadyForDevelopment check even though device is not locked" to reappear when I repeated the re-pairing procedure with the
Logitech adaptor plugged in
Not successful:
Unpairing (from both Macbook or iOS - Settings - Developers - Unpair)
unplug, Repkug the USB Connector
Connect via Network setting
Restart iPhone, MacBook, ...
I had some success turning Bluetooth off and on again on the phone. Still, the watch often disappears.
None of the above worked for me. With iOS 14.0.1 and XCode 12.0.1.
I suspected it is an Apple bug with wireless communication to-from the device.
Since my iPhone can be used as a hot spot for my Mac, I found that once I used my iPhone as a hotspot from my Mac, XCode was able to upload the App binary to my iPhone and debug.
So I'd say if nothing else works then try to use your iPhone as a hotspot for your Mac, and then you should be able to wirelessly debug.
For me it was the exaxt opposite of the message. Xcode was up to date, but the iphone I was trying to run on was not updated to the latest version of iOS. 13.7 was the version at this time.
After updating to 13.7 the iPhone, everything went back to normal.
I rebooted my iPad, and it eventually worked...
My problem was building the application with a production provisioning profile.
in my case, the solution was to switch to the development provisioning profile.
Then it worked :)
Mine got resolved when I updated the Xcode from 12.2 to 12.3 Beta.
My iPadOS version is 14.2.
Even though XCode 12.2 supports OS 14.2, I faced the same issue. It is the XCode bug.

XCode 4 not detect iPad

I have iPad 1 and i want to test my app on it.
i connect the iPad to the computer, and the IOS Device not change to the device name.
when i press on Run i get this msg:
Xcode cannot run using the selected device.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version.
Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your
application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Any suggestion why it happen?
The top explanations for this error are
1) Your iPad is running an OS version newer than that supported by Xcode
2) You have not yet provisioned your iPad
I find the solution :
in IOS Deployment Target change it to the minimum version you want the app will work
You need to add the UDID of the device to your developer mobile provisioning profile.
If you have Xcode 4.2 this can be done actually automatically, else you'll have to do this manually (get the UDID, log into the developer portal, add the device's UDID to the devices list, at that device then to your developer profile, download and install that profile, select this profile as a developer profile for your current app)

Verizon iPhone Provisioning Problems

I upgraded to XCode 4 and a Verizon iPhone 4. After installing I am unable to sign and run anything on device. Yes I HAVE added it to the portal (using organizer and on the website). I've downloaded the certificates, and everything checks out.
I get the message: XCode cannot run using the selected device. No provisioned iOS devices are available. Connect an iOS device or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Could this be due to the Verizon iphone being 4.2.8 and not 4.3?
EDIT: Also, my ipad runs fine on it. Both devices show up in organizer, have the team provisioning certificates, and show up in the portal, etc...
The fact that the iPhone is from Verizon has absolutely nothing to do with provisioning.
Try removing all of the certificates that are installed on the device currently, and try again. If the device is included in the certificates, then you should be good to go. Also ensure that you are running a supported iOS version on the device as set in your Xcode project.
The foremost thing you'll want to do is make sure your app's deployment target isn't iOS 4.3 and is instead something lower. (Base SDK should remain as Latest iOS.)

Can't install app on Device 3.1.2

I can install my app with the profile in my IOS4.0 device, but the same profile can't used to install on IOS 3.1.2 device.
My Xcode is SDK 3.2.3+IOS4(SDK 4).
BTW, i set my "Base SDK" = iPhone Device 4.0, "IPhone OS Deployment Target" is "iPhone OS 3.1.2".
The error info is "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found."
Thanks a lot.
Are you a member of the iOS Developer Program? You are not able to test on device until you sign up.
Yeah. I ve been there. I used to face this problem when I used to try and sync up .ipa file that I created out of sdk 4.0+ with an iOS 3.1.2 based device through iTunes. Apparently, iOS 3.1.2 devices have some bug (or maybe it is in the iTunes) that the profiles don't sync up along with the .ipa file in them automatically sometimes.
But before that, you have to ensure that the iOS 3.1.2 device is provisioned with the profile in the first place. If not, thats the problem. If it is, then in such cases, I used to drag and drop only the provisioning profile first into the iTunes, then do a sync with the device (Nothing will seem to happen in this sync. This is for installing the profile into the phone.). Then drag and drop the .ipa file into the iTunes and then perform another sync. That used to work for me.
If you are facing this problem with the .app, then too you should try above. That should work.

Xcode 3.1.3 - Organizer The device is not activated. Please activate it using iTunes

I recently upgraded my XCode SDK to version 3.1.3 and my iPhone OS to 3.0. It is important to note that everything was working fine when I had OS version 2.2.1 in my iPhone. My iPhone Touch device is not jailbroken and I have a valid provisioning profile in the organizer which is linked to my iPhone Touch however it has a yellow circle next to it.
This is because in the organizer under devices it displays the ipod with version 3.0 (7A341) and then it Reads (in the section where the provisioning profiles should go):
This device is not activated. Please activate it using iTunes.
When I go in xcode and build the application it does so just fine, and the code signing is in fact assigned to the correct provisioning profile. But whenever I try to run it in the device I get "No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected.". This is because the organizer keeps telling me to activate the device using iTunes.
I have iTunes version 8.2 and the device is there and i can sync it just fine, however it keeps displaying that message in XCode. I have tried restoring my ipod about 10 times but I always get the same result, I have also tried powering off the iphone Touch and the computer but nothing seems to help.
Does anyone else have this problem?
I have the same issue, but I have an ipod touch version 2.2.1. It used to connect to Xcode 3.1.2, then I upgraded to 3.1.3 and it doesn't work. I reverted back to 3.1.2 and it does not work. It does work on a friends mac with 3.1.3 so there is something wrong with my iMac. Firewall is disabled. It connects to iTunes fine and it is activated. Just won't show up in the organizer. Rebooting does not work. I reset, and restored it and it still doesn't connect. The fact that it connects to a friends mac and not mine leads me to believe that upgrading the ipod to version 3.0 would not fix the issue.
download and install it
Leopard Downloads
* iPhone SDK 3.1.3 with Xcode 3.1.4
* iPhone SDK 3.1.3 with Xcode 3.1.4 Readme
open mac terminal
$ ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.2\ (7D11)/ /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.3
my space write in here!ADF54DD0A549AD9B!462.entry
Thanks to flycomputer i was able to resolve my problem with iphone os update to 3.1.3.
But i didn't need to make the symlink so check if it's done by itself or not before lunching the command :
$ ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.2\ (7D11)/ /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.3
This usually means your Phone is not activated with your provider. Can you actually make phone calls with your iPhone? Did you restore your phone via the XCode Organizer or iTunes?
Well it is not actually a phone it is an iPod Touch. I tried to restore it both via Xcode Organizer and iTunes with the same results.
This isn't the error I get, but try rebooting the iPod. Hold down the sleep/wake button on the top for a few seconds. When it asks if you want to turn off the device, move the slider to turn it off. I usually wait a minute and power it back on. This always works for me.
You are probably behind a firewall, with anti-spyware protection activated.
iTunes needs to connect properly to web (Apple, I guess) in order to activate correctly your device.
Disable the firewall, then launch iTunes, that worked for me.