Emacs Shell mode: how to send region to shell? - emacs

Is there some module or command that'll let me send the current region to shell?
I want to have something like Python-mode's python-send-region which sends the selected region to the currently running Python shell.

Ok, wrote an easy bit. Will probably spend some time to write a complete minor mode.
For time being the following function will send current line (or region if the mark is active). Does quite a good job for me:
(defun sh-send-line-or-region (&optional step)
(interactive ())
(let ((proc (get-process "shell"))
pbuf min max command)
(unless proc
(let ((currbuff (current-buffer)))
(switch-to-buffer currbuff)
(setq proc (get-process "shell"))
(setq pbuff (process-buffer proc))
(if (use-region-p)
(setq min (region-beginning)
max (region-end))
(setq min (point-at-bol)
max (point-at-eol)))
(setq command (concat (buffer-substring min max) "\n"))
(with-current-buffer pbuff
(goto-char (process-mark proc))
(insert command)
(move-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
) ;;pop-to-buffer does not work with save-current-buffer -- bug?
(process-send-string proc command)
(display-buffer (process-buffer proc) t)
(when step
(goto-char max)
(defun sh-send-line-or-region-and-step ()
(sh-send-line-or-region t))
(defun sh-switch-to-process-buffer ()
(pop-to-buffer (process-buffer (get-process "shell")) t))
(define-key sh-mode-map [(control ?j)] 'sh-send-line-or-region-and-step)
(define-key sh-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?z)] 'sh-switch-to-process-buffer)

(defun shell-region (start end)
"execute region in an inferior shell"
(interactive "r")
(shell-command (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))

I wrote a package that sends/pipes lines or regions of code to shell processes, basically something similar that ESS is for R. It also allows for multiple shell processes to exist, and lets you choose which one to send the region to.
Have a look here: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/essh

M-x append-to-buffer RET

M-x shell-command-on-region

Modifying Jurgens answer above to operate on a specific buffer gives the following function, which will send the region and then switch to the buffer, displaying it in another window, the buffer named PYTHON is used for illustration. The target buffer should already be running a shell.
(defun p-send(start end)
(interactive "r") ;;Make the custom function interactive and operative on a region
(append-to-buffer (get-buffer "*PYTHON*") start end) ;;append to the buffer named *PYTHON*
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (get-buffer "*PYTHON*")) ;;switches to the buffer
(execute-kbd-macro "\C-m")) ;;sends the enter keystroke to the shell

Do you want the command to be executed automatically, or just entered into the command line in preparation?
M-x append-to-buffer RET will enter the selected text into the specified buffer at point, but the command would not be executed by the shell.
A wrapper function for that could automatically choose *shell* for the buffer (or more smartly select/prompt based on current buffers in shell-mode), and then call append-to-buffer.
You could trivially record a keyboard macro to copy the region, switch to *shell*, yank, and enter (if required).
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'my-execute-region-in-shell)

The above (brilliant and useful) answers look a bit incomplete as of mid-2020: sh-mode has a function for sending shell region to non-interactive shell with output in the minibuffer called sh-send-line-or-region-and-step.
Alternatively: click Shell-script in the mode bar at the bottom of the window, then Mouse-1, then Execute region. The output is sent to the minibuffer and #<*Messages*>.
If minibuffer output is not enough, there are referenced techniques to redirect output to other buffers (not only the shell one, see for example "How to redirect message/echo output to a buffer in Emacs?").
You can also execute all the script with C-c C-x. Voilà.

Here is another solution from this post.
Just copying it for convenience. The print statement is key here.
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
(defun my-python-send-statement ()
(local-set-key [C-return] 'my-python-send-statement)
(set-mark (line-beginning-position))
(call-interactively 'python-shell-send-region)
(python-shell-send-string "; print()"))

I adapted the accepted answer for ansi-term / sane-term.
change "shell" to "ansi-term" everywhere
The (with-current-buffer pbuff ...) form doesn't work, because of the way that line and char modes work in terminal mode. It'll give you a read-only buffer error. Wrapping the insert in mode commands to toggle toggle line on before inserting fixes that, but is not needed because...
You can just use the process-send-string form by itself evidently, and the term output and cursor location reflect the change.
(defun ansi-term-send-line-or-region (&optional step)
(interactive ())
(let ((proc (get-process "*ansi-term*"))
(unless proc
(let ((currbuff (current-buffer)))
(switch-to-buffer currbuff)
(setq proc (get-process "*ansi-term*"))))
(setq pbuff (process-buffer proc))
(if (use-region-p)
(setq min (region-beginning)
max (region-end))
(setq min (point-at-bol)
max (point-at-eol)))
(setq command (concat (buffer-substring min max) "\n"))
(process-send-string proc command)
(display-buffer (process-buffer proc) t)
(when step
(goto-char max)
(defun sh-send-line-or-region-and-step ()
(sh-send-line-or-region t))
(defun sh-switch-to-process-buffer ()
(pop-to-buffer (process-buffer (get-process "*ansi-term*")) t))
(define-key sh-mode-map [(control ?j)] 'sh-send-line-or-region-and-step)
(define-key sh-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?z)] 'sh-switch-to-process-buffer)


What's wrong with this elisp function?

I write a elisp function to copy the current line if no region has be selected, but it does not work on emacs 24.5. When I hit the "M-w" keystrokes , there comes a message "Mark set" in the minibuffer. Did I miss something?
(defun copy-region-or-current-line (beg end)
"copy current if no region selected, copy the region otherwise"
(interactive "r")
(let ((cur-pos (point)))
(if (region-active-p)
(kill-ring-save beg end)
(goto-char cur-pos)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-w") 'copy-region-or-current-line)
Your function works: You're calling yank and that command sets the mark; hence the message.
That's a side effect you undoubtedly don't want, though, and the kill+yank sequence isn't necessary.
You already know about kill-ring-save, so just use that with (line-beginning-position) and (line-end-position).
FYI, on account of the optional REGION argument to kill-ring-save, you could rewrite this as:
(defun copy-region-or-current-line ()
"Copy the active region or the current line to the kill ring."
(if (region-active-p)
(kill-ring-save nil nil t)
(kill-ring-save (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))

How to hide emacs buffers (for good) [duplicate]

I'd like to make a simple change to Emacs so that the next-buffer and previous-buffer commands (which I have bound to C-x <RIGHT> and C-x <LEFT> will skip over the *Messages* buffer.
I'm using Emacs 24 and the Emacs Starter Kit.
I've read the following related questions and answers, but they are not what I want:
Buffer cycling in Emacs: avoiding scratch and Messages buffer
Emacs disable *Messages* buffer
Emacs Lisp Buffer out of focus function?
Here are some of the reasons why they don't work:
I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. Fewer configuration changes are better.
I don't want to kill or prevent *Messages* altogether.
(add-to-list 'ido-ignore-buffers "^\*Messages\*" helps with my C-x b (ido-switch-buffer) but does not change how next-buffer and previous-buffer behave.
This way you can avoid the infinite loop:
(defun next-code-buffer ()
(let (( bread-crumb (buffer-name) ))
(string-match-p "^\*" (buffer-name))
(not ( equal bread-crumb (buffer-name) )) )
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'next-code-buffer)
This code loops over non-starred buffers ("^\*"). For your case (only avoid *Messages*) it would be:
(defun next-code-buffer ()
(let (( bread-crumb (buffer-name) ))
(equal "*Messages*" (buffer-name))
(not ( equal bread-crumb (buffer-name) )) )
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'next-code-buffer)
You can write previous-code-buffer just replacing every next-buffer with previous-buffer.
The simplest I can think of is defining an advice for both functions. Here it is for next-buffer. Similarly would be for previous-buffer. You can also define a configuration variable to enable/disable the behavior (or activating/deactivating the advice):
(defadvice next-buffer (after avoid-messages-buffer-in-next-buffer)
"Advice around `next-buffer' to avoid going into the *Messages* buffer."
(when (string= "*Messages*" (buffer-name))
;; activate the advice
(ad-activate 'next-buffer)
Maybe you can compare buffers in some other way instead of its string name, but that will work. The code for previous buffer is almost the same. I don't know either if there is a way of calling the original function without triggering the advice once inside the advice itself, but again, the code will work even if the name of the buffer is tested afterwards (will fail if you just have one buffer, and it is the messages buffer; some code can check if there is just one buffer and don't call next-buffer again).
If you want to use a standalone function that does the same thing:
(defun my-next-buffer ()
"next-buffer, only skip *Messages*"
(when (string= "*Messages*" (buffer-name))
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
(global-set-key [remap previous-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
This is what I'm using, based on Diego's answer:
(setq skippable-buffers '("*Messages*" "*scratch*" "*Help*"))
(defun my-next-buffer ()
"next-buffer that skips certain buffers"
(while (member (buffer-name) skippable-buffers)
(defun my-previous-buffer ()
"previous-buffer that skips certain buffers"
(while (member (buffer-name) skippable-buffers)
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
(global-set-key [remap previous-buffer] 'my-previous-buffer)
It is not great yet, because it will hang if there are no buffers other than the skippable-buffers I list. I use C-g to break out of the loop when it happens as a hackaround.
As RubenCaro's answer points out, the other answers can enter infinite loops. I thought David James' approach of a skippable buffers list was a bit nicer, though, so here's a variant of that.
(setq my-skippable-buffers '("*Messages*" "*scratch*" "*Help*"))
(defun my-change-buffer (change-buffer)
"Call CHANGE-BUFFER until current buffer is not in `my-skippable-buffers'."
(let ((initial (current-buffer)))
(funcall change-buffer)
(let ((first-change (current-buffer)))
(catch 'loop
(while (member (buffer-name) my-skippable-buffers)
(funcall change-buffer)
(when (eq (current-buffer) first-change)
(switch-to-buffer initial)
(throw 'loop t)))))))
(defun my-next-buffer ()
"`next-buffer' that skips `my-skippable-buffers'."
(my-change-buffer 'next-buffer))
(defun my-previous-buffer ()
"`previous-buffer' that skips `my-skippable-buffers'."
(my-change-buffer 'previous-buffer))
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
(global-set-key [remap previous-buffer] 'my-previous-buffer)

on Emacs for OSX, how to keep kill ring and clipboard separate?

In GNU Emacs for OSX, how can I keep the kill ring and OSX clipboard separate? (Such that I essentially have two separate kill rings.)
With desired behavior, this would work:
1. ⌘C to copy text from the web to OSX clipboard.
2. controlk to kill a line in Emacs.
3. controly to yank killed text from Emacs kill ring to current Emacs buffer.
4. ⌘v to paste original web text from OSX clipboard to current Emacs buffer.
This works out of the box in Aquamacs. How to make work in GNU Emacs?
This question was discussed as it pertains to Windows here:
Emacs: How to separate the kill ring from the system clipboard?
and here:
...but this solution does not work in OSX. I would like a solution for Mac OSX.
The solution in Emacs: How to separate the kill ring from the system clipboard? does work, though not complete. You may call pbcopy yourself to get clipboard pasting right. For instance, try the following in your .emacs. Note that s-v is for Cmd+V in an OS X window system. Same goes for s-c.
;;; Tested on:
;;; 1. GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0)
;;; of 2013-12-22 on tennine-slave.macports.org
;;; (MacPorts emacs#24.3_1)
;;; 2. GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.36)
;;; of 2013-03-12 on bob.porkrind.org
;;; (Emacs For Mac OS X)
(defun isolate-kill-ring()
"Isolate Emacs kill ring from OS X system pasteboard.
This function is only necessary in window system."
(setq interprogram-cut-function nil)
(setq interprogram-paste-function nil))
(defun pasteboard-copy()
"Copy region to OS X system pasteboard."
(region-beginning) (region-end) "pbcopy"))
(defun pasteboard-paste()
"Paste from OS X system pasteboard via `pbpaste' to point."
(point) (if mark-active (mark) (point)) "pbpaste" nil t))
(defun pasteboard-cut()
"Cut region and put on OS X system pasteboard."
(delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(if window-system
;; bind CMD+C to pasteboard-copy
(global-set-key (kbd "s-c") 'pasteboard-copy)
;; bind CMD+V to pasteboard-paste
(global-set-key (kbd "s-v") 'pasteboard-paste)
;; bind CMD+X to pasteboard-cut
(global-set-key (kbd "s-x") 'pasteboard-cut))
;; you might also want to assign some keybindings for non-window
;; system usage (i.e., in your text terminal, where the
;; command->super does not work)
If you ever run into problems with UTF-8, consider the following possible solution:
;; handle emacs utf-8 input
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setenv "LANG" "en_US.UTF-8")
After much fiddling around, I'm pretty sure that the only way to make this work is to override the x-select-text method. Check out my answer here for all the details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23254771/71522
NOTE:  This draft solution is not meant to be an Emacs system-wide modification separating the clipboards -- instead, this is a custom solution designed to keep the clipboards separated on an interactive basis only when specifically using these custom functions. Other functions within
Emacs that use the kill-ring can be modified using a similar method -- the variables interprogram-cut-function and interprogram-paste-function can be made let-bound to a nil value for the duration of the specific functions (either through advice, or modification of the source itself, or creating new functions and/or using a defalias). However, the latter is beyond the scope of this limited example.
First Draft (December 23, 2014):  This is a first draft, which is based on the idea that the OSX clipboard may be accessed only when using C-u before calling either the copy or paste functions. If C-u is called first, then the OSX clipboard is utilized. As I use the functions more on a daily basis, I may have additional revisions to this code and I will update same from time to time:
EDIT (December 24, 2014):  Removed * from the interactive command statement as to lawlist-copy-selected-region -- that was a read-only check needed for pasting, but not copying. Added a statement regarding the general nature of this example.
EDIT (December 28, 2014):  Revised code to better handle when the user forgot to select a region before calling lawlist-copy-selected-region. Small revisions to make the code more concise.
(defun lawlist-copy-selected-region (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(let* (
(when (equal arg '(4)) interprogram-cut-function))
(when (equal arg '(4)) interprogram-paste-function))
(region-active-p (region-active-p))
(beg (when region-active-p (region-beginning)))
(end (when region-active-p (region-end)))
(when region-active-p (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) )
(unless region-active-p
(let ((debug-on-quit nil))
(signal 'quit `("No region has been selected!"))))
(copy-region-as-kill beg end)
(when (not (active-minibuffer-window))
(message "%s"
(if (and interprogram-cut-function interprogram-paste-function)
"OSX+Emacs: "
"Emacs: ")
(truncate-string-to-width copied-string 40)
(when (> (length copied-string) 40)
" . . .")))) ))
(defun lawlist-yank (&optional arg)
(interactive "*P")
(unless arg (setq arg 1))
(setq yank-window-start (window-start))
(setq this-command t)
(push-mark (point))
((listp arg)
((eq arg '-)
(1- arg) ))))
(if (consp arg)
(goto-char (prog1 (mark t)
(set-marker (mark-marker) (point) (current-buffer)))))
(if (eq this-command t)
(setq this-command 'yank))
(when (region-active-p)
(setq mark-active nil))
(defun lawlist-current-kill (n &optional do-not-move)
(let ((interprogram-paste
(equal n '(4))
(funcall interprogram-paste-function))))
(let ((interprogram-cut-function nil))
(if (listp interprogram-paste)
(mapc 'kill-new (nreverse interprogram-paste))
(kill-new interprogram-paste)))
(car kill-ring))
((and (equal n '(4)) (not interprogram-paste))
(car kill-ring))
(or kill-ring
(let ((debug-on-quit nil))
(signal 'quit `("The kill-ring is empty."))))
(let (
(mod (- n (length kill-ring-yank-pointer)) (length kill-ring))
(unless do-not-move
(setq kill-ring-yank-pointer ARGth-kill-element)
(> n 0)
(funcall interprogram-cut-function (car ARGth-kill-element))))
(car ARGth-kill-element))))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-y")
(lambda ()
(insert-string (ns-get-pasteboard))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-w")
(lambda ()
(when (region-active-p)
(buffer-substring (region-beginning)
simpleclip might be helpful -
Simplified access to the system clipboard in Emacs.
simpleclip-mode radically simplifies clipboard handling: the system
clipboard and the Emacs kill ring are made completely independent, and
never influence each other.
The super keybindings are friendly for OS X: super is generally mapped
to the "command" key ie ⌘.
Tested on OS X, X11, and MS Windows
(setq select-enable-clipboard nil)
This will only separate the two clipboards, and for ⌘ c and ⌘ v to work like mentioned you will have to rebind them to clipboard-kill-ring-save and clipboard-yank:
(keymap-global-set "s-c" 'clipboard-kill-ring-save)
(keymap-global-set "s-x" 'clipboard-kill-region)
(keymap-global-set "s-v" 'clipboard-yank)
I am using this Emacs: https://github.com/railwaycat/emacs-mac-port, and it also works on Emacs 28 built from source.

Make emacs next-buffer skip *Messages* buffer

I'd like to make a simple change to Emacs so that the next-buffer and previous-buffer commands (which I have bound to C-x <RIGHT> and C-x <LEFT> will skip over the *Messages* buffer.
I'm using Emacs 24 and the Emacs Starter Kit.
I've read the following related questions and answers, but they are not what I want:
Buffer cycling in Emacs: avoiding scratch and Messages buffer
Emacs disable *Messages* buffer
Emacs Lisp Buffer out of focus function?
Here are some of the reasons why they don't work:
I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. Fewer configuration changes are better.
I don't want to kill or prevent *Messages* altogether.
(add-to-list 'ido-ignore-buffers "^\*Messages\*" helps with my C-x b (ido-switch-buffer) but does not change how next-buffer and previous-buffer behave.
This way you can avoid the infinite loop:
(defun next-code-buffer ()
(let (( bread-crumb (buffer-name) ))
(string-match-p "^\*" (buffer-name))
(not ( equal bread-crumb (buffer-name) )) )
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'next-code-buffer)
This code loops over non-starred buffers ("^\*"). For your case (only avoid *Messages*) it would be:
(defun next-code-buffer ()
(let (( bread-crumb (buffer-name) ))
(equal "*Messages*" (buffer-name))
(not ( equal bread-crumb (buffer-name) )) )
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'next-code-buffer)
You can write previous-code-buffer just replacing every next-buffer with previous-buffer.
The simplest I can think of is defining an advice for both functions. Here it is for next-buffer. Similarly would be for previous-buffer. You can also define a configuration variable to enable/disable the behavior (or activating/deactivating the advice):
(defadvice next-buffer (after avoid-messages-buffer-in-next-buffer)
"Advice around `next-buffer' to avoid going into the *Messages* buffer."
(when (string= "*Messages*" (buffer-name))
;; activate the advice
(ad-activate 'next-buffer)
Maybe you can compare buffers in some other way instead of its string name, but that will work. The code for previous buffer is almost the same. I don't know either if there is a way of calling the original function without triggering the advice once inside the advice itself, but again, the code will work even if the name of the buffer is tested afterwards (will fail if you just have one buffer, and it is the messages buffer; some code can check if there is just one buffer and don't call next-buffer again).
If you want to use a standalone function that does the same thing:
(defun my-next-buffer ()
"next-buffer, only skip *Messages*"
(when (string= "*Messages*" (buffer-name))
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
(global-set-key [remap previous-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
This is what I'm using, based on Diego's answer:
(setq skippable-buffers '("*Messages*" "*scratch*" "*Help*"))
(defun my-next-buffer ()
"next-buffer that skips certain buffers"
(while (member (buffer-name) skippable-buffers)
(defun my-previous-buffer ()
"previous-buffer that skips certain buffers"
(while (member (buffer-name) skippable-buffers)
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
(global-set-key [remap previous-buffer] 'my-previous-buffer)
It is not great yet, because it will hang if there are no buffers other than the skippable-buffers I list. I use C-g to break out of the loop when it happens as a hackaround.
As RubenCaro's answer points out, the other answers can enter infinite loops. I thought David James' approach of a skippable buffers list was a bit nicer, though, so here's a variant of that.
(setq my-skippable-buffers '("*Messages*" "*scratch*" "*Help*"))
(defun my-change-buffer (change-buffer)
"Call CHANGE-BUFFER until current buffer is not in `my-skippable-buffers'."
(let ((initial (current-buffer)))
(funcall change-buffer)
(let ((first-change (current-buffer)))
(catch 'loop
(while (member (buffer-name) my-skippable-buffers)
(funcall change-buffer)
(when (eq (current-buffer) first-change)
(switch-to-buffer initial)
(throw 'loop t)))))))
(defun my-next-buffer ()
"`next-buffer' that skips `my-skippable-buffers'."
(my-change-buffer 'next-buffer))
(defun my-previous-buffer ()
"`previous-buffer' that skips `my-skippable-buffers'."
(my-change-buffer 'previous-buffer))
(global-set-key [remap next-buffer] 'my-next-buffer)
(global-set-key [remap previous-buffer] 'my-previous-buffer)

Emacs and ansi-term: Elisp iterate through a list of buffers

I'm using the following code, to open ansi-term. I found this here.
(require 'term)
(defun visit-ansi-term ()
"If the current buffer is:
1) a running ansi-term named *ansi-term*, rename it.
2) a stopped ansi-term, kill it and create a new one.
3) a non ansi-term, go to an already running ansi-term
or start a new one while killing a defunt one"
(let ((is-term (string= "term-mode" major-mode))
(is-running (term-check-proc (buffer-name)))
(term-cmd "/usr/local/bin/bash")
(anon-term (get-buffer "*ansi-term*")))
(if is-term
(if is-running
(if (string= "*ansi-term*" (buffer-name))
(call-interactively 'rename-buffer)
(if anon-term
(switch-to-buffer "*ansi-term*")
(ansi-term term-cmd)))
(kill-buffer (buffer-name))
(ansi-term term-cmd))
(if anon-term
(if (term-check-proc "*ansi-term*")
(switch-to-buffer "*ansi-term*")
(kill-buffer "*ansi-term*")
(ansi-term term-cmd))
(ansi-term term-cmd)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "<f2>") 'visit-ansi-term)
Now I want to modify this, such that after renaming a buffer it remembers its name and when I use a keyboard shortcut to iterate through the renamed buffers list.
so if I press [F2] and it finds that ansi-term is running, it asks me if I want to rename it. I rename it to say, BUILD. I would like a function and bind to Say [F3] to iterate thorough the list of ansi-terms opened.
I'm a ELISP illiterate. would be glad it someone pointed be references which might help me doing this.
The following code/binding cycles through all the buffers whose major mode is term-mode:
(global-set-key (kbd "<f3>") 'cycle-ansi-term)
(defun cycle-ansi-term ()
"cycle through buffers whose major mode is term-mode"
(when (string= "term-mode" major-mode)
(let ((buffers (cdr (buffer-list))))
(while buffers
(when (with-current-buffer (car buffers) (string= "term-mode" major-mode))
(switch-to-buffer (car buffers))
(setq buffers nil))
(setq buffers (cdr buffers)))))