Where is the web server root directory in WAMP? - server

Also is the web server root directory the place where you put your site files and later acces them with localhost/file_name in the browser?

If you installed WAMP to c:\wamp then I believe your webserver root directory would be c:\wamp\www, however this might vary depending on version.
Yes, this is where you would put your site files to access them through a browser.

In WAMP the files are served by the Apache component (the A in WAMP).
In Apache, by default the files served are located in the subdirectory htdocs of the installation directory. But this can be changed, and is actually changed when WAMP installs Apache.
The location from where the files are served is named the DocumentRoot, and is defined using a variable in Apache configuration file. The default value is the subdirectory htdocs relative to what is named the ServerRoot directory.
By default the ServerRoot is the installation directory of Apache. However this can also be redefined into the configuration file, or using the -d option of the command httpd which is used to launch Apache. The value in the configuration file overrides the -d option.
The configuration file is by default conf/httpd.conf relative to ServerRoot. But this can be changed using the -f option of command httpd.
When WAMP installs itself, it modify the default configuration file with DocumentRoot c:/wamp/www/. The files to be served need to be located here and not in the htdocs default directory.
You may change this location set by WAMP, either by modifying DocumentRoot in the default configuration file, or by using one of the two command line options -f or -d which point explicitly or implicity to a new configuration file which may hold a different value for DocumentRoot (in that case the new file needs to contain this definition, but also the rest of the configuration found in the default configuration file).

Everything suggested by user "mins" is correct, and excellent information.
WAMP 2.5 provides a default Server Configuration display when you enter localhost into your browser. This maps to c:\wamp\www, as described in previous posts. Creating subdirectories under www will cause Projects to appear on this display. A click and you're in your project.
I have various projects under different directory structures, sometimes on shared drives which makes this centralized location of files inconvenient. Luckily, there is a second feature of WAMP 2.5, an Alias, which makes specifying the location of one (or more) disparate web directories quite easy. No editing of configuration files. Using the WAMP menu, choose Apache > Alias directories > Add an Alias.
WAMP has evolved nicely to provide support for a variety of developer preferences.

If you use Bitnami installer for wampstack, go to:
c:/Bitnami/wampstack-5.6.24-0/apache/conf (of course your version number may be different)
Open the file:
httpd.conf in a text editor like Visual Studio code or Notepad ++
Do a search for "DocumentRoot". See image.
You will be able to change the directory in this file.

To check what is your root directory go to httpd.conf file of apache and search for "DocumentRoot".The location following it is your root directory

this is the path to the web root directory c:\wamp\www
you can create different projects by adding different folders to this directory and call them like:
localhost/project1 from browser
this will run the index.html or index.php, lying inside project1

Here's how I get there using Version 3.0.6 on Windows


Deploying a Static website on Server

I am trying to built a static website using godaddy server. I created a folder say Manage inside public_html in which there is an index.php. Now when I am trying to open this page on browser with URL "www.mysite.com/Manage/index.php" It is showing error, File not found, 404 error. So what possible error I might be making?
There could be a few reasons. If you are using an RHEL-based distribution for your server, you need to edit the master Apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf.d/userdir.conf and change two things:
Change UserDir disabled to UserDir disabled root
If #UserDir public_html is commented change it to UserDir public_html
This tells Apache that the directory containing each user's html files is a subdirectory of their home directory called public_html.
You may also need to change the permissions of your user directory and your public_html directory to allow Apache to read and execute inside them. To do this, run the following commands:
sudo chmod o+x /home/myusername
sudo chmod o+rx /home/myusername/public_html
Restart Apache and see if it works.
The source for this knowledge is not my brain. It comes from the wonderful course at Washington University in St. Louis CSE 330 Rapid prototype development.
At first look to error.log. If you use nginx find in /var/log/nginx, if httpd in /var/log/httpd.
And what do you mean about "static"? PHP preprocessor generate html from *.php files, so you index.php is not static.
For this case you need to setup LAMP stack.

Unlist a subdomain or directory according to robotstxt.org

According to robotstxt.org
The first answer is a workaround: You could put all the files you
don't want robots to visit in a separate sub directory, make that
directory un-listable on the web (by configuring your server)
How do I configure my server to have an unlisted directory or subdomain?
It depends on the server and its configuration.
As it may be a privacy/security issue to list the content of a folder, most servers will probably not do it by default. Some servers might display folder content only if there is no index.html file.
For Apache, see mod_autoindex.
You can easily test it if your server lists content or not:
create a folder test
add a dummy.txt file
visit the URL of this folder, e.g. http://example.com/test/
If you get an error message, your server doesn’t list content. If you see a link list containing dummy.txt, your server does list content.

In htdocs htaccess file not found

where the htaccess file stored in htdocs folder.
I try find it in my development server but i did not find it.
Whenever i try to type url which is not valid it is redirect to home page of site.
I am not able to find out where setting will be stored.
Depending on what OS you use, Linux will recognize the .htaccess file as hidden Windows doesn't.
The .htaccess file could be in the root folder of your webserver (htdocs for example).
But it doesn't need to be there by default. If it is not in there by default you can just create one your self
Are your trying to find with server machine by connect with FTP via Filezilla.
If filezilla means you can't see the htdocs file, instead of that you can connect with Winscp means you can find the .htaccess file

Ubuntu LAMP with Zend directory structure for web hosting

I have setup the basic LAMP server on Ubuntu 11.10 and had a few questions about directory structure with web hosting. My "requirements" are that I would like to host two websites (ie: www.site1.com and www.site2.com) and also that I would like to use the Zend framework.
Currently, the public folder is /var/www/. Is it common to have a "Projects" folder somewhere containing all of the web application code which generally will consist of the Zend project folders (public, tests, library, etc)?
Where do you "normally" store the Zend framework folder? I was thinking of just storing in in my ~/ directory and creating a symlink from each project's library folder to the Zend library folder. Is this recommended/frowned upon?
I'm new to this and just getting setup, but here is what I had in mind so far:
Create a projects folder in your home directory (~/). Under there, have your different web apps (~/Projects/site1 and ~/Projects/site2). Create a symlink from /var/www/site1 that points to ~/Projects/site1/Public and the same for site2. Setup the virtual hosts file with DocumentRoot set to /var/www/site1 and the same for site2.
Can anyone shed any light on the possible pitfalls of this? Would this be alright to do? Any recommendations? I know there are many versions of how you should setup directories here on SO, but couldn't find any answers that addressed these things specifically, so I apologize if this is a repeat.
Any help is appreciated.
Yes, there are lots of ways to do it, just keep in mind a few things:
The user that owns the HTML/PHP files should not be the same as the user that runs the web server process.
The ZF project files should be outside the web server's document root.
If you make a setup now that's conducive to having multiple developers, you won't have to make big changes later.
I usually do something like make a "site" user with a regular /home/site directory. This keeps the site files separate from your personal files and makes it easier to support multiple admins/devs that might need to login. You can also put this in /opt/site or /usr/local/site or wherever. I like /home because the shell skeleton files are already there and I can easily add SSH keys of the people I want to have access. I'll have something like:
latest -> ZendFramework-1.11.11
Zend -> /home/site/library/ZendFramework/latest/library/Zend
Zend -> /home/site/library/ZendFramework/latest/library/Zend
Then, your vhost document root settings would point to /home/site/site/domain1.com/public and /home/site/site/domain2.com/public
Directory structures aren't something that there is a right or wrong way to do, lots of people do it in different ways, here is mine with Ubuntu and some CakePHP apps
The two main parts of the configuration are done in apache, I set the Document Root of the vhost to the exact location of the webroot to /srv/site1/webroot/, then I put CakePHP in the include path (you could do the same with Zend) by using the php_value include_path ".:/share/cakephp/2.0/lib" in the vhost config.
I do this because it allows me to upgrade CakePHP with maintenance releases easily to all sites, (ie ones that shouldn't break anything) and a new release will warrant a new folder (ie 2.1), and upgrading a site to use it is simply a case of editing the apache config (or .htaccess) and restarting the server.
This also keeps me from having to include any sort of include path in my app (and therefore version control) so it's as portable as possible across different dev/staging setups.
Of course as I said, there isn't one "right" way.

Zf Tool cannot find Zend Framework

Just started working with the Zend Framework Zf Tool and I've already come across a problem I've spent hours trying to figure out.
For some reason when I run the Zf show version command I get a ZF ERROR indicating it cant find the Zend Framework a to add it to my php.ini include_directory.
Here is my setup. I'm currently have WAMP installed on my local machine.
I copied the zf.bat and zf.php files into the servers php directory. The path to the php directory has been added to the path environment variable. I'm pretty sure it works because I run the zf show version command in the console and get a ZF ERROR.
I keep my copy of the Zend Framework inside
So I added this to the php.ini include_path. include_path = ".;c:\wamp\includes"
I checked that this setting was set correctly by checking phpinfo() function. Which shows
include_path .;c:\wamp\includes .;c:\wamp\includes
So I think I have everything setup correctly. I can't work out what I'm missing.
I also tried setting the ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH with no success.
Any help would be appreciated. PS I did check other posts here but none of the suggested
I have worked it out! Finally. The way I have my local wamp setup there is 2 php.ini files I have to edit.
The one that made the different is the php.ini inside the Apache2 directory.
Thanks everyone for their help. I appreciate it.
Well im not sure how you downloaded installed the framework but my guess is that you dont have enough of you include path based on the way Zend release packages are constructed. The Zend folder contained in the Zend Framework installation needs its parent folder to be on the include path so typically you would add something like:
This is because the zf package structure looks like:
If you extracted ZF from the archive you will get a Zend-some_version folder, but the actual ZF is in
"include_path\Zend-some_version\library\Zend", so your include path should point include_path\Zend-some_version\library\
Just to add to what Tjorriemorrie said and to explain in detail how I got my installation on win 7 to work as simply as possible:
Download your preferred Zend package from "http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest" to "C:\wamp\www\"
unzip your zip file so that you have the extracted Zend folder (with version name) under "C:\wamp\www\".
Rename your folder by removing the version so that you end up with "C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework"
Run a simple php file with phpinfo() in your browser. Note the entries for: "_SERVER["PATH"]" under PHP Variables
"Path" under Environment
"Loaded Configuration File" at the top
"include_path" under Core and
"extension_dir" under Core as well.
"_SERVER["PATH"]" and "Path" must be identical (no brainer)
There should be only one listing for your apache server and that should be the listing under "Loaded Configuration File" but without the "php.ini". So, if your "Loaded Configuration File" is "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin\php.ini" you must have "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin" in your path and that must be the ONLY reference to an apache server. If you have multiple references to apache servers Windows may pick the wrong one depending on your PATH order and use the wrong php.ini file.
Your "extension_dir" will tell you the version and location of php you are using. It is common to have different php folders lying around such as "C:\php", "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3", "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3....", etc. The extension directory will tell you which one of these php folders ZF will "reference" when it is looking for its library. For example, if your extension directory says "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3/ext/", you want to focus on "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3"
Go back to your PATH and a) add the string for this php version and b) remove all the other references to the other php folders
Now that you know your running and primary php and apache folders, shutdown (do not restart), shut down your computer and boot back up (restart does not always let the PATH completely reset.
Go to BOTH php.ini files at a) "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.x.y\bin" and "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3" and find the include_path variable for Windows
Replace the default line, which looks like:
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;"
include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework\library"
ON BOTH FILES just as Tjorriemorrie notes.
Restart All Services by clicking the wamp icon and selecting said option
At this point my zf tool was working. But, just to be safe, shut down and bootup
Smile and grab a beer!