Database to handle huge amount of data - mongodb

I'm evaluating a database for my next project. I want to store all the cities in the world (2,5 million) and save weather forecast for every city every day. So you can imagine that the dataset will get quite big fast.
I also need to perform geo queries - get me the city and temperature for this day in this bounding box.
So far I've looked at hbase and couchdb. Hbase looked interesting, but the hardware requirement for production is too expensive for me (a presentation said you need 5 separate servers).
I'd like to keep the costs as low as possible, it's my personal project.
So what other options do I have? Can mongo handle this ammount of data? Anything else?
The requirements are
Large amount of data
Fast bounding box queries
Low/cheap hardware requirements
Optimized for read, but needs to handle insert of 2,5 million records daily

Yeah, you can go with mongodb. Mongodb was designed for scaling (sharding, replication). In addition mongodb support geospacial search.


MongoDB with LOTS OF datas?

I'm a beginner with a non SQL structure like here with MongoDB and I don't find somebody talk about a collection with lots of data, like 1.000.000 entries ? and more ?
I saw a company page on the official site. But nothing with large data companies.
I heard about a combo with SQL : Large data are stocked on SQL tables, and only the "cache" are on MongoDB, but it's the only one solution for MongoDB and large data ?
We're using MongoDB to power Where's it Up, and the api behind it. We're currently pushing in >3 million documents per day. MongoDB is the only storage engine in use. We were keeping a bunch around for a while, but we're now using TTL to delete old records.
Things are going super well, just make sure you have all the indexes you need. Querying a million+ records without an index is bad, regardless of your storage engine. Auto-failover has been super helpful.
Something to watch out for is updating records to include more information, it can be pretty expensive if the document grows past pre-allocated space. We ended up changing how we stored data to avoid updates, and create new documents instead.
MongoDB in it's current incarnation is explicitly designed to make it easy to scale out.
As for the numbers: one of my test databases has 10M records and runs easily on my MacBook Air, which is 4 years old now.
So what you can do when your current cluster can not handle the data stored (either because the indices are too big for your RAM or because of processing the queries takes too long): add another node to your MongoDB cluster. Your performance gain should be something between slightly below linear (if your cluster was in perfect condition otherwise) up to several orders of magnitude (when indices didn't fit into RAM and/or IO was pushed to it's limits before and that situation changed after scaling out).
A word of warning: you should have somebody who knows about MongoDB administration in case you want to put you deployment into production. Though MongoDB administration seems to be easy, it is by no means something to be done by a layman. Especially not for production use.

MongoDB - single huge collection of raw data. Split or not?

We collect and store instrumentation data from a large number of hosts.
Our storage is MongoDB - several shards with replicas. Everything is stored in a single large collection.
Each document we insert is a time based observation with some attributes (measurements). The time stamp is the most important attribute because all queries are based on time at least. Documents are never updated, so it's a pure write-in-look-up model. Right now it works reasonably well with several billions of docs.
We want to grow a bit and hold up to 12 month of data which may amount to a scary trillion+ observations (documents).
I was wandering if dumping everything into a single monstrous collection is the best choice or there is a more intelligent way to go about it.
By more intelligent I mean - use less hardware while still providing fast inserts and (importantly) fast queries.
So I thought about splitting the large collection into smaller pieces hoping to gain memory on indexes, insertion and query speed.
I looked into shards, but sharding by the time stamp sounds like a bad idea because all writes will go into one node canceling the benefits of sharding.
The insert rates are pretty high, so we need sharding to work properly here.
I also thought about creating a new collection every month and then pick up a relevant collection for a user query.
Collections older than 12 month will be either dropped or archived.
There is also an option to create entirely new database every month and do similar rotation.
Other options? Or perhaps one large collection is THE option to grow real big?
Please share your experience and considerations in similar apps.
It really depends on the use-case for your queries.
If it's something that could be aggregated, I would say do this through a scheduled map/reduce function and store the smaller data size in separate collection(s).
If everything should be in the same collection and all data should be queried at the same time to generate the desired results, then you need to go with Sharding. Then depending on the data size for your queries, you could go with an in memory map/reduce or even doing it at the application layer.
As yourself pointed out, Sharding based on time is a very bad idea. It makes all the writes going to one shard, so define your shard key. MongoDB Docs, has a very good explanation on this.
If you can elaborate more on your specific needs for the queries would be easier to suggest something.
Hope it helps.
I think collection on monthly basis will help you to get some boost up but I was wondering why can not you use the hour field of your timestamp for sharding . You can add a column which will hold the HOUR part of time stamp and when you shard against it will be shared nicely as you have repeating hour daily basis. I have not tested it but thought it will may help you
Would suggest to go ahead with single collection, as suggested by #Devesh hour based shard should be fine, Need to take care of the new ' hour Key ' while querying to get better performance.

indexing multiple keys for random queries in different combinations of keys

I'm building an application that stores lots of data per user (possibly in gigabytes).
Something like a request log, so lets say you have the following fields for every record:
response code
response time (range)
and possibly some more.
The good thing is that the usage will be mostly write only, but when there are reads
I'd like to be able to answer then quickly in near real time.
Another prediction about the usage pattern is that most of the time people will be looking at the most recent data,
and infrequently query for the past, aggregate etc, so my guess is that the working set will be much smaller then
the whole database, i.e. recent data for most users and ranges of history for some users that are doing analytics right now.
for the later case I suppose its ok for first query to be slower until it gets the range into memory.
But the problem is that Im not quite sure how to effectively index the data.
The start of the index is clear, its customer_id and date. but the rest can be
used in any combination and I can't predict the most common ones, at least not with any degree of certainty.
We are currently prototyping this with mongo. Is there a way to do it in mongo (storage/cpu/cost) effectively?
The only thing that comes to mind is to try to predict a couple of frequent queries and index them and just massively shard the data
and ensure that each customer's data is spread evenly over the shards to allow fast table scan over just the 'customer, date' index for the rest
of the queries.
P.S. I'm also open to suggestions about db alternatives.
with this limited number of fields, you could potentially just have an index on each of them, or perhaps in combination with customer_id. MongoDB is clever enough to pick the fastest index for each case then. If you can fit your whole data set in memory (a few GB is not a lot of data!), then this all really doesn't matter.
You're saying you have a GB per user, but that still means you can have an index on the fields as there are only about a dozen. And with that much data, you want sharding anyway at some point soon.
I think, your requirements don't really mix well together. You can't have lots of data and instantaneous ad-hoc queries.
If you use a lot of indexes, then your writes will be slow, and you'll need much more RAM.
May I suggest this:
Keep your index on customer id and date to serve recent data to users and relax your requirements to either real-timeliness or accuracy of aggregate queries.
If you sacrifice accuracy, you will be firing map-reduce jobs every once in a while to precompute queries. Users then may see slightly stale data (or may not, it's historical immutable data, after all).
If you sacrifice speed, then you'll run map-reduce each time (right now it's the only sane way of calculating aggregates in a mongodb cluster).
Hope this helps :)

What is pre-distilled data or data aggregated at runtime, and why is MongoDB not good at it?

What is an example of data that is "predistilled or aggregated in runtime"? (And why isn't MongoDB very good with it?)
This is a quote from the MongoDB docs:
Traditional Business Intelligence. Data warehouses are more suited to new, problem-specific BI databases. However note that MongoDB can work very well for several reporting and analytics problems where data is pre-distilled or aggregated in runtime -- but classic, nightly batch load business intelligence, while possible, is not necessarily a sweet spot.
Let's take something simple like counting clicks. There are a few ways to report on clicks.
Store the clicks in a single place. (file, database table, collection) When somebody wants stats, you run a query on that table and aggregate the results. Of course, this doesn't scale very well, so typically you use...
Batch jobs. Store your clicks as in #1, but only summarize them every 5 minutes or so. When people want to query the summary table. Note that "clicks" may have millions of rows, but "summary" may only have a few thousand rows, so it's much quicker to query.
Count the clicks in real-time. Every time there's a click you increment a counter somewhere. Typically this means incrementing the "summary" table(s).
Now most big systems use #2. There are several systems that are very good for this specifically (see Hadoop).
#3 is difficult to do with SQL databases (like MySQL), because there's a lot of disk locking happening. However, MongoDB isn't constantly locking the disk and tends to have much better write throughput.
So MongoDB ends up being very good for such "real-time counters". This is what they mean by predistilled or aggregated in runtime.
But if MongoDB has great write throughput, shouldn't it be good at doing batch jobs?
In theory, this may be true and MongoDB does support Map/Reduce. However, MongoDB's Map/Reduce is currently quite slow and not on par with other Map/Reduce engines like Hadoop. On top of that, the Business Intelligence (BI) field is filled with many other tools that are very specific and likely better-suited than MongoDB.
What is an example of data that is "predistilled or aggregated in
Example of this can be any report that require data from multiple collections.
And why isn't MongoDB very good with it?
In document databases you can't make a join and because of this it hard to build reports. Usually reports it's data aggregating from many tables/collections.
And since mongodb (and document database in general) good fit for data distribution and denormalization better to prebuild reports whenever it possible and just display data from this collection in runtime.
For some tasks/reports it is not possible to prebuild data, in this case mongodb give to you map/reduce, grouping, etc.

Cassandra Or MongoDB For Our Location Based Application

We are looking at using a NoSQL database system for a large project. Currently, we have read a bit about MongoDB and Cassandra, though we have absolutely no experience with either. We are very proficient with traditional relational databases like MySQL and Microsoft SQL, but the NoSQL (key/value store) is a new paradigm for us.
So basically, which NoSQL database do you guys recommend for our use?
We do both heavy writes and reads. Basically we have tens of thousands of devices that are reporting:
device_id (int), latitude (decimal), longitude (decimal), date/time (datetime), heading char(2), speed (int)
Every minute. So, at peak times we need to be able to process hundreds of writes a second.
Then, we also have users, that are querying this information in the form of, give me all messages from device_id 1234 for the last day, or last week. Also, users do other querying like, give me all messages from device_1234 where speed is greater than 50 and date is today.
So, our initial thoughts are that MongoDB or Cassandra are going to allow us to scale this much easier then using a traditional database.
A document or value in MongoDB or Cassandra for us, might look like:
device_id: 1234,
location: [-118.12719739973545, 33.859012351859946],
datetime: 1282274060,
heading: "N",
speed: 34
Which system do you guys recommend? Thanks greatly.
MongoDB has built-in support for geospatial indexes:
As an example to find the 10 closest devices to that location you can just do
db.devices.find({location: {$near: [-118.12719739973545, 33.859012351859946]}}).limit(10)
I have post on a location based app using MongoDB, just like the one you described. MongoDB, with it's strong query and index support, might make it a better choice for you. Just like Cassandra, MongoDB has partitioning and replication, for scaling read and writes. Their underlying architecture is very different.
Although you have not mentioned any location based queries, if you are interested in queries like "give me all the devices within the radius r of location l and between time t1 and t2", you will find MongoDB's geospatial query and indexing extremely useful.
I have done some work with mongodb and geospatial data, but not on the scale mentioned above. The geospatial searches are very fast, much more so than mysql.
I suggest looking into mongodb's sharding, replication, and clustering functionality to deal with the volume of writes. Sharding across device identifier may be a good way to deal with the write volume. If you're interested in proximity of events then sharding across lat/lng may be more appropriate.
Go with mongodb for geo-location search. Release 2.4 improves on core geo features. Lot's of big sites use it for geolocation search.
You might consider using ElasticSearch. ES keeps the JSON of the original document stored, along with all the indexed fields. JSON can be instantiated into any modern languages variables/arguments. In Java, one could even disable that, and store native Java persistence data in a field. After search retrieval, just loop through and instantiate a collection of the original object types.
Using Elastics Search gives you Trie Indexes for high speed numberic range indexes, obviously you get full text searches of every flavor, and geographic bounding box queries, all in AND or OR filtering. Date searches are also native (although Java's handing of dates sucks so I switched to BIG INT representations of timestamps to represent dates)
UNLIKE some past and maybe present NoSQL solutions, the geographic indexing and querying is PART of any query and no extra steps are required. I.E., one MongoDB solution in the recent past required a geospatial search to collect conforming document IDs, then you used those IDs inside another query and searched within those for your other criteria. In reality, that's what happens in all solutions anyways, but it's much faster and cached in ElasticSearch.