MPMoviePlayer or AVPlayer Frame advance - iphone

Is there a way to playback a video file frame by frame using either MPMoviePlayer or AVPlayer?
Or even another movie player that I do not know about?
Here is what I want to do. I want to load a video into a fullscreen player and move the content one frame at a time based on user interaction. This will need to be pretty solid as I would need to accurately control what frame the movie player was displaying at any one time.
Ideally I would love to know if it were possible to load a video and control the frame displayed using code.
I know that I could do this using a UIImageView animation but tests show that this uses FAR to much memory.

When using AVPlayer, you can use the - (void)stepByCount:(NSInteger)stepCount method of its current AVPlayerItem to step forward or backward.
AVPlayer *mPlayer = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:url];
[mPlayer.currentItem stepByCount:1];


Swift Creating a custom video player

I am creating an original video player in swift.The following are used PHPickerviewcontroller,AVPlayer
I was able to select a video from my camera roll and draw the video in the view I specified, but I am unable to control it.Control methods are assumed to be playback and stop by buttons and seek bar.
I am having trouble getting the seek bar and the video I called to work together. Can you please tell me what is the best way to do this? Thank you in advance.

AVPlayer - Benny Hill style speeded up video issue

I'm using AVPlayer to show a live stream. Works fine. Part of my app requires a modal view to appear over the video. Actually, it flips the video view to show the modal view. I want the video's audio to keep playing, which it does fine.
However, the problem is when I return to the video. The video's visuals speed up for a few seconds, Benny Hill style, to compensate for the period they were off the screen. Then the video starts playing normally. Is there a way to stop this speed up? If not, can I remove the visual element until the speeded up bit stops.

Record video and play video at the same time

I want to play a video (with sound) and record video from the front-facing camera at the same time. The view finder for the camera should appear as a small "picture-in-picture" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen while the movie plays full screen behind it. Is this possible? Is layering the appropriate classes on top of each other possible?
Check out the AVFoundation framework, which is used for much of the audio and video programming in iOS.
In your case you could use an AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer to play your movie, and an AVCaptureSession, an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, and an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to record.
If you are familiar with Core Animation, you can set the bounds and add sublayers to AVPlayerLayer and AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer to achieve you desired interface layout.
These classes are very well documented, and the AVFoundation Programming Guide clearly explains their interaction.
Feel free to comment with any questions.

How to play more than one video in cocoa touch?

I'm trying to play more than one video at the same time in Cocoa Touch.
I can play one video with MPMoviePlayerController, but it does not allow to play more than one: "Note: Although you can create multiple MPMoviePlayerController objects and present their views in your interface, only one movie player at a time can play its movie."
Basically I'm trying to display complex, high resolution animation in a loop with autostart, but using PNGs makes the app size way too big (+500 MB)
I converted one object of the animation to a movie which is about 50x smaller now.
I think its not possible to play two video at the same time. But you can play video in queue refer this article....

Creating a view overlay over MPMoviePlayerViewController

I am developing an app that plays internet radio. Owing to my lack of skill, i have only used the stock MPMoviePlayerController.
This is so far been able to play a few m3u streams (like the 'feeling floyd' station)
However, i was wondering if there was any way to have this MPMoviePlayerViewController to show me extra information.. like the song that is playing (which information i was able to extract form teh metadata.)
I can get this information all right, but how do i put it on the screen?
Can I make an overlay or something? (the centre of the MPMovieplayer is taken up by the quicktime background... it would be great if i could use an overlay on this space to show current music information or whatever.)
Is this overlay thing possible? if not, is there any other way?
Thank you very much!
If you want your own custom view over the player you can add it as a subview to the player's view as [player.view addSubview:yourView];
Get the moviePlayer property of MPMoviePlayerViewController. I think you should be able to to do this [moviePlayer.view addSubview:myView].