Adhoc Provisioning profile generated from provisioning portal showing expiry date of June 25, 2079 - iphone

I generated an ad-hoc profile which shows up the expiry date of June 25, 2079. Is this correct or a bug in the provisioning portal?

I think it was a bug because Apple has revoked all the provisioning profiles we created in the last week that had this 2070 issue.

It appears that sometime this week Apple changed the rules on expiration for new distribution certificates. Instead of expiring when your program period runs out they are expiring in 2079. I've been able to successfully submit an app using the new certificate so at least right now this seems to be just fine.

2079 here for me too! Glad others are seeing no errors with it. I have been using the new Provision for Ad Hoc without fault. Googling 2079 and Provision brings us to this page.

I also had a provisioning profile with the 2079 expiration date. Apple let me submit one version of the app with this profile but as of today it says it is an invalid signature so I guess they changed the policy (without telling anyone).


My Apple Dev account is about to expire. Will my provisioning profile(s) still allow me to test my applications on my iOS devices?

I have nothing in the App Store so I'm not worried about that. I am just wondering if I will still be able to develop new apps using Xcode and be able to test them out on an actual device if I have those profiles stored locally on disk...
No because if you look at your keychain youll see that your provisioning profile has an expiration date, a year from when you purchased the membership. You'll have to renew it to test on devices.
The date is Feb 18th 2013 and I have been testing on all my devices since the day after posting this question.
Just in case, I went to the provisioning portal and created a new provisioning profile on January 25th 2013 which expires the same day in 2014.
So to answer the original question, YES you can test on your devices after your Developer Account passes the renewal date.
Your provisioning profile is basically a cryptographic certificate (not really, but understand it this way) that is signed by Apple which allows iOS to run your apps. The expiry date on the certificate is (as far as my knowledge is concerned) same as the expiry date on your Apple-Developer account.
So, no. You will not be able to test your apps after your account expires.

Creating distribution certificate

I have two questions for you.
First one is that my distribution certificate is going to expire next month. So I created a new distribution certificate today without revoking the older one. I did it without any problem. But I notice that the new certificate is going to expire on 9th oct 2015 and not 9th oct 2013. According to my knowledge apple distribution certificates valid for one year. Is this possible.
My second question is I need to create a provisioning profile with this new certificate. And I need the bundle identifier as same as the I used with previous certificate. Can I Create provisioning profile using the same App ID I have used to create previous provisioning profile?

Can I prolongue an expiring date of a provisioning profile? - iOS

I have a question about provisioning profile, one I generate a provision profile on iOS Provisioning Portal, it always come with expiration date for only a year, does anyone know how to prolongue this date for 2100+, for example?
Is there any way to do that? Or is it impossible to do?
It is not possible to make any change to a certificate which is basically what a provisioning profile is. It has a signed hash.

iOS Configuration Profile Expiration

We are building iOS OTA Enrollment system in our IT.
After reading Apple docs, i would not find reference how to set an expiration date on the Configuration Profile installed on the device.
My motivation is to create expiration date on profiles that i am going to install based on the device owner (they have to login before i install it)
Is there a way to control how long the Configuration Profile is valid for?
The configuration Profile has 2 keys:
Which takes a date or duration in seconds respectively, which when satisfied, will remove the profile. But maybe that wasn't what you're looking for?
The Configuration Profile supports the key "PayloadExpirationDate".
You can set the expiration date in the profile, and after the expiration, a new button inside the profile will appear to update the profile manually.
You can see the documentation in the following link:
Also, the Apple documentation "Over-the-Air Profile Delivery Concepts" says
Upon receiving the final encrypted profile, the device installs it.
Reconfiguration occurs automatically if the profile expires or if
a VPN connection attempt fails.
However, I wasn't able to update the profile, not manually and not automatically.
As far as I know, there is no way to control the expiration date.

Wait or revoking an iPhone expiring certificate?

In my iOS Provisioning Portal Current Development Certificates section, the certificate expiry date is Sep 30, 2010. Today is Sep 30, 2010. Should I wait for the certificate to expire and renew? Or should I revoke the existing one and create a new one certificate?
Currently, the Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile has expired. No matter how many times I click the Renew button next to it, the status will become Expired. The means the app in all my beta testers' machines stops running and I cannot send a new version to them before a good Certificate is issued.
You can renew certificates before they expire, and this is typically a good idea. There's really nothing to be gained by letting them go, except (a) if you're not actively using them, you save a few steps and (b) a few days before expiration, next year.
However, for normal use, you just renew them a week or two before they expire.