Rails I18n locale set date format in Rails - date

My environment: rails => 3.0.6, ruby => 1.9.2
I set my locale to Italan. Infact, inside the console
I18n.locale # => :it
My locale file work just fine, but I'cant make my dates display right. For ex. in my console
Date.current => Sun, 05 Jun 2011
instead of
05 Giugno 2011
But if I try other methods it return the right translated output
helper.number_to_currency(30) # => "30.00 €"
Locale issue occurs only with dates. Why?

Date.current => Sun, 05 Jun 2011
Won't run your code through the localizer, you should use
There are also the helper methods in Rails, which will respect the locale, but are only (typically) available in the view, documentation for these lives here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/DateHelper.html
Here's a short excerpt from an IRB session in a Rails 3.0.7 application (I don't have the other locales available)
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :001 > Date.current
=> Sun, 05 Jun 2011
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :002 > I18n.locale
=> :en
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :003 > I18n.l(Date.current)
=> "2011-06-05"
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :004 > I18n.locale = :ru
=> :ru
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :005 > I18n.l(Date.current)
=> I18n::MissingTranslationData: translation missing: ru.date.formats.default

or in the view just


Foswiki plugin on Perl/FCGI failed to use File:Find at the 5th attempt

I am writing a REST plugin for Foswiki using Perl and I am facing an reliability issue when using File::Find. I have tried my best to write a minimal reproducible example. The plugin uses File::Find to traverse directories and print the filenames in the HTTP response. The REST request is working properly 4 times, but stop to work the 5th time. The HTTP status remain “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” but no file is reported by File::Find anymore.
The webserver is nginx and is configured to use FastCGI. It appear to run 4 working threads managed by foswiki-fcgi-pm:
> ps aux
www-data 16957 0.0 7.7 83412 78332 ? Ss 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi-pm
www-data 16960 0.0 7.5 83960 76740 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
www-data 16961 0.0 7.6 84004 76828 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
www-data 16962 0.0 7.6 83956 76844 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
www-data 16963 0.0 7.5 83960 76740 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
Firstly, the plugin initialization simply register the REST handler:
sub initPlugin {
my ( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = #_;
# check for Plugins.pm versions
if ( $Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION < 2.3 ) {
Foswiki::Func::writeWarning( 'Version mismatch between ',
__PACKAGE__, ' and Plugins.pm' );
return 0;
'restbug', \&RestBug,
authenticate => 0, # Set to 0 if handler should be useable by WikiGuest
validate => 0, # Set to 0 to disable StrikeOne CSRF protection
http_allow => 'GET,POST', # Set to 'GET,POST' to allow use HTTP GET and POST
description => 'Debug'
# Plugin correctly initialized
return 1;
Secondly, the REST handler is implemented as follow, printing all the files it can possibly find:
sub RestBug {
my ($session, $subject, $verb, $response) = #_;
my #Directories = ("/var/www/foswiki/tools");
sub findfilestest
$response->print("FILE $_\n");
find({ wanted => \&findfilestest }, #Directories );
When I test the REST service with a HTTP request, the first 4 times I get the following HTTP response, which seems quite satisfying:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.14.2
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 09:23:10 GMT
Content-Length: 541
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: SFOSWIKISID=385db599c5d66bb19591e1eef7f1a854; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
FILE foswiki.freebsd.init-script
FILE bulk_copy.pl
FILE dependencies
FILE mod_perl_startup.pl
FILE geturl.pl
FILE extender.pl
FILE extension_installer
FILE configure
FILE lighttpd.pl
FILE foswiki.freebsd.etc-defaults
FILE save-pending-checkins
FILE babelify
FILE upgrade_emails.pl
FILE tick_foswiki.pl
FILE foswiki.defaults
FILE rewriteshebang.pl
FILE fix_file_permissions.sh
FILE foswiki.init-script
FILE convertTopicSettings.pl
FILE mailnotify
FILE html2tml.pl
FILE tml2html.pl
FILE systemd
FILE foswiki.service
The following attempts give this unexpected response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.14.2
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 09:24:56 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: SFOSWIKISID=724b2c4b1ddfbebd25d0dc2a0f182142; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Note that if I restart Foswiki with the command systemctl restart foswiki, the REST service work again 4 more times.
How to make this REST service work more than 4 times in a row?

Failed to send event to MongoDb

I am using logstash to collect data from android device using http-poller as input plugin. I want to store the collected data in a NoSQL(mongodb) using mongodb as output plugin. I have successfully set up the configuration file but when I run my set-up, I get the following error:
Failed to send event to MongoDB {:event=>#, #cancelled=false, #data={"error"=>501, "#version"=>"1", "#timestamp"=>"2016-10-03T18:02:11.337Z", "http_poller_metadata"=>{"name"=>"some_other_service", "host"=>"s18660276.domainepardefaut.fr", "request"=>{"method"=>"post", "url"=>""}, "runtime_seconds"=>0.526, "code"=>200, "response_headers"=>{"date"=>"Mon, 03 Oct 2016 18:02:11 GMT", "server"=>"Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)", "x-powered-by"=>"PHP/5.5.30-1~dotdeb+7.1", "cache-control"=>"no-cache", "content-length"=>"13", "keep-alive"=>"timeout=5, max=100", "connection"=>"Keep-Alive", "content-type"=>"application/json"}, "response_message"=>"OK", "times_retried"=>0}}, #metadata={}, #accessors=#501, "#version"=>"1", "#timestamp"=>"2016-10-03T18:02:11.337Z", "http_poller_metadata"=>{"name"=>"some_other_service", "host"=>"s18660276.domainepardefaut.fr", "request"=>{"method"=>"post", "url"=>""}, "runtime_seconds"=>0.526, "code"=>200, "response_headers"=>{"date"=>"Mon, 03 Oct 2016 18:02:11 GMT", "server"=>"Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)", "x-powered-by"=>"PHP/5.5.30-1~dotdeb+7.1", "cache-control"=>"no-cache", "content-length"=>"13", "keep-alive"=>"timeout=5, max=100", "connection"=>"Keep-Alive", "content-type"=>"application/json"}, "response_message"=>"OK", "times_retried"=>0}}, #lut={"http_poller_metadata"=>[{"error"=>501, "#version"=>"1", "#timestamp"=>"2016-10-03T18:02:11.337Z", "http_poller_metadata"=>{"name"=>"some_other_service", "host"=>"s18660276.domainepardefaut.fr", "request"=>{"method"=>"post", "#timestamp"=>"2016-10-03T18:02:11.337Z", "http_poller_metadata"=>{"name"=>"some_other_service", "host"=>"s18660276.domainepardefaut.fr", "request"=> "runtime_seconds"=>0.526, "code"=>200, "response_headers"=>{"date"=>"Mon, 03 Oct 2016 18:02:11 GMT", "server"=>"Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)", "x-powered-by"=>"PHP/5.5.30-1~dotdeb+7.1", "cache-control"=>"no-cache", "content-length"=>"13", "keep-alive"=>"timeout=5, max=100", "connection"=>"Keep-Alive", "content-type"=>"application/json"}, "response_message"=>"OK", "times_retried"=>0}}, "#timestamp"]}>>, :exception=>#"admin"}, #server_selection_timeout=30>>, :backtrace=>["/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/mongo-2.0.6/lib/mongo/server_selector/selectable.rb:99:in select_server'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/mongo-2.0.6/lib/mongo/cluster.rb:122:innext_primary'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/mongo-2.0.6/lib/mongo/collection.rb:190:in insert_many'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/mongo-2.0.6/lib/mongo/collection.rb:175:ininsert_one'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-mongodb-2.0.5/lib/logstash/outputs/mongodb.rb:56:in receive'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/outputs/base.rb:109:inmulti_receive'", "org/jruby/RubyArray.java:1613:in each'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/outputs/base.rb:109:inmulti_receive'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/output_delegator.rb:130:in worker_multi_receive'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/output_delegator.rb:114:inmulti_receive'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:301:in output_batch'", "org/jruby/RubyHash.java:1342:ineach'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:301:in output_batch'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:232:inworker_loop'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.4.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:201:in `start_workers'"], :level=>:warn}
^CSIGINT received. Shutting down the agent. {:level=>:warn}
Can anyone help out?

Sorting a Meteor Cursor

I am using Ionic 2 with Meteor/Mongo.
I am trying to sort a Cursor, but find it just keeps the original order which the items were inserted.
interface Chat {
_id?: string;
memberIds?: string[];
title?: string;
subTitle?: string;
picture?: string;
lastMessage?: Message;
lastMessageCreatedAt?: Date;
receiverComp?: Tracker.Computation;
lastMessageComp?: Tracker.Computation;
private sortLocalChats(): void {
this.localChatCursor = this.localChatCollection.find({}, { sort: { lastMessageCreatedAt: -1 } });
this.localChatCursor.forEach((chat: Chat) => {
console.log(chat.title+' '+chat.lastMessageCreatedAt);
console.log('==> loaded sorted local chats: ' + this.localChatCollection.find().count());
Ashton Marais Thu Oct 06 2016 16:50:36 GMT+0800 (CST)
Ashton Marais Wed Oct 12 2016 21:20:18 GMT+0800 (CST)
ghjghj ghjghg Wed Oct 05 2016 23:37:49 GMT+0800 (CST)
Brett Simpson Thu Oct 06 2016 23:52:05 GMT+0800 (CST)
==> loaded sorted local chats: 4
I would have expected this to be sorted by lastMessageCreatedAt.
Any help appreciated.
To get sorted results you probably need to call fetch() first. So in the above example this works:

Retrieve AEM Page Properties via Search/QueryBuilder API

Is there a way to retrieve data stored as page metadata (Page Properties) stored in a separate JCR node via the QueryBuilder API?
The search results should include the data under ~/article-1/jcr:content/thumbnail. However, the only results I am getting are data under the ~article-1/jcr:content/content (a parsys included on the template).
An example query:
Results in (snippet):
"jcr:created":"Tue Dec 03 2013 16:26:51 GMT-0500",
"jcr:title":"Article 1",
"jcr:created":"Tue Dec 03 2013 16:26:51 GMT-0500",
"cq:lastModified":"Mon Dec 09 2013 17:57:59 GMT-0500",
"cq:lastReplicated":"Mon Dec 16 2013 11:42:54 GMT-0500",
Search configuration is the out-of-the-box default.
EDIT: Data is returning in JSON, however, is not accessable in the API:
"jcr:created":"Tue Dec 03 2013 16:27:01 GMT-0500",
"_comment":"// ***SNIP*** //",
"jcr:lastModified":"Wed Dec 04 2013 12:10:47 GMT-0500",
"jcr:created":"Tue Dec 03 2013 16:26:51 GMT-0500",
"_comment":"// ***SNIP*** //",
"jcr:lastModified":"Mon Dec 09 2013 17:57:58 GMT-0500",
Implementation code:
searchCriteria.put("path", path);
searchCriteria.put("type", "cq:Page");
searchCriteria.put("p.offset", offset.toString());
searchCriteria.put("p.limit", limit.toString());
searchCriteria.put("p.hits", "full");
searchCriteria.put("p.properties", "thumbnail");
searchCriteria.put("p.nodedepth", "2");
PredicateGroup predicateGroup = PredicateGroup.create(searchCriteria);
Query query = queryBuilder.createQuery(predicateGroup, session);
SearchResult result = query.getResult();
for (Hit hit : result.getHits()) {
try {
ValueMap properties = hit.getProperties();
VFSearchResult res = new VFSearchResult();
} catch (RepositoryException rex) {
logger.debug(String.format("could not retrieve node properties: %1s", rex));
After setting the path in the query, then set one or more property filters, such as in this example:
p.properties=jcr:content/thumbnail someSpecificThumbnailPropertyToRetrieve
You can set those on /libs/cq/search/content/querydebug.html and then also use that to get the JSON URL for the same query.
Check this out for some other examples: http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/5-5/dam/customizing_and_extendingcq5dam/query_builder.html
You could use CURL to retrieve node properties in the HTML/ JSON/ XML format. All you have to do is install download CURL and run your curl commands from your terminal from the same directory as the curl's .exe file.
HTML example:
C:\Users\****\Desktop>curl -u username:password http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx-media/en/gadgets/leaps-in-ai.html
JSON example:
**C:\Users\****\Desktop>**curl -u username:password http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx-media/en/gadgets/leaps-in-ai.html.tidy.infinity.json
Note: infinity in the above query ensures you get every property of every node under your specified path recursively

Mojolicious::Lite with Template Toolkit

I'm trying to get Template Toolkit to work as the default renderer in Mojolicious::Lite. What I have:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer;
plugin tt_renderer => { template_options => { INCLUDE_PATH => './tmpl', DEBUG => 1 } };
get '/' => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->render( 'index' );
app->renderer->default_handler( 'tt' );
When I try to hit the test server, I get:
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:02 2012] [info] Listening at "http://*:3000".
Server available at
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] Your secret passphrase needs to be changed!!!
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] GET / (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0).
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] Routing to a callback.
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] Nothing has been rendered, expecting delayed response.
This happens regardless of what I pass as parameters to 'render'. I can't seem to figure out how to get any useful debugging information out of this; but I haven't used Mojo before.
I've confirmed by sprinkling in some warn statements that my get handler is being called.
After looking at the source of Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer::Engine, I figured it out. The plugin ignores the INCLUDE_PATH option passed to Template Toolkit, and instead gets the path from $app->renderer_paths. So updating my code to include:
app->renderer->default_handler( 'tt' );
app->renderer->paths( [ './tmpl' ] );
makes it work.