Variance of Ordered, PartiallyOrdered - scala

According to the documentation, PartiallyOrdered[A] is covariant in A, while Ordered[A] is invariant (but used to be covariant) in A.
Why was Ordered[A] ever covariant in A? Isn't this an obvious violation of the substitution principle?
Why can't Ordered[A] be contravariant in A? This would allow an Ordered[Traversible[Char]] to be typed as an Ordered[StringBuilder], for example. I don't see how this could be problematic.
I'm having trouble understanding the signature of tryCompareTo in PartiallyOrdered. It looks like the argument can be an instance of any supertype of A. Couldn't you pass in any object by calling tryCompareTo[Any](anything)? If so, how is the method signature any better than tryCompareTo(that: Any)?
Logically, ordered sets are a subclass of partially ordered sets, but the Scala classes don't seem to reflect this relationship. Is this because Ordered[A] cannot be covariant in A as PartiallyOrdered[A] can?

Looking at the previous version (2.8.1) , I didn't find anything relevant about Ordered that was covariant ?
EDIT : Looked further and find some explanation in the documentation for Ordered to not be covariant anymore.
For the case of tryCompare in PartiallyOrdered, the signature set more restriction on passed parameter :
def tryCompareTo [B >: A] (that: B)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ PartiallyOrdered[B]): Option[Int]
Here the implicit arg0 implies that to be seen as a PartiallyOrdered[B] instance and thus that it has access to all method defined in this trait.


Why Scala Infer the Bottom Type when the type parameter is not specified?

I wonder if anyone could explain the inferencing rule in this particular case below, and most importantly it's rational/implication ?
case class E[A, B](a: A) // class E
E(2) // E[Int,Nothing] = E(2)
Note that I could have wrote E[Int](2). What matter to me is why is the second parameter type inferred to be Nothing (i.e. Bottom type) instead of let say Any for instance ? Why is that and What's the rational/Implication ?
Just to give some context, this is related to the definition of Either and how it works for Left and Right. Both are defined according to the pattern
final case class X[+A, +B](value: A) extends Either[A, B]
Where you instantiate it let say as Right[Int](2) and the type inferred is Right[Nothing, Int] and by extension Either[Nothing, Int]
There is consistency here, but i still can figure out the rational. Below is the same definition with a contra-variant paramete:
case class E[A, -B](a: A)// class E
E(2) // E[Int, Any] = E(2)
Hence we do have the same thing the other way around when it is contra-variant, and that make the all behavior or inference rule, coherent. However the rational for this i am not sure ....
Why not the opposite rule i.e. infer Any when Co-Variant/Invariant and Nothing when Contra-Variant ?
In the light of #slouc Answer, which make good sense, i'm left with still understanding what and why the compiler is doing what it is doing. The example below illustrate my confusion
val myleft = Left("Error") // Left[String,Nothing] = Left(Error)
myleft map { (e:Int) => e * 4} // Either[String,Int] = Left(Error)
First the compiler fix the type to something that "for sure work" to reuse the conclusion of #slouc (albeit make more sense in the context of a Function) Left[String,Nothing]
Next the compile infer myleft to be of type Either[String,Int]
given map definition def map[B](f: A => B): Either[E, B], (e:Int) => e * 4 can only be supplied if myleft is actually Left[String,Int] or Either[String,Int]
So in other words, my question is, what is the point of fixing the type to Nothing if it is to change it later.
Indeed the following does not compile
val aleft: Left[String, Nothing] = Left[String, Int]("Error")
type mismatch;
found : scala.util.Left[String,Int]
required: Left[String,Nothing]
val aleft: Left[String, Nothing] = Left[String, Int]("Error")
So why would I infer to a type, that normally would block me to do anything else over variable of that type (but for sure works in term of inference), to ultimately change that type, so i can do something with a variable of that inferred type.
Edit2 is a bit misunderstanding and everything is clarified in #slouc answer and comments.
Given type F[+A] and relation A <: B, then the following holds: F[A] <: F[B]
Given type F[-A] and relation A <: B, then the following holds: F[A] >: F[B]
If the compiler cannot infer the exact type, it will resolve the lowest possible type in case of covariance and highest possible type in case of contravariance.
This is a very important rule when it comes to variance in subtyping. It can be shown on the example of the following data type from Scala:
trait Function1[Input-, Output+]
Generally speaking, when a type is placed in the function/method parameters, it means it's in the so-called "contravariant position". If it's used in function/method return values, it's in the so-called "covariant position". If it's in both, then it's invariant.
Now, given the rules from the beginning of this post, we conclude that, given:
trait Food
trait Fruit extends Food
trait Apple extends Fruit
def foo(someFunction: Fruit => Fruit) = ???
we can supply
val f: Food => Apple = ???
Function f is a valid substitute for someFunction because:
Food is a supertype of Fruit (contravariance of input)
Apple is a subtype of Fruit (covariance of output)
We can explain this in natural language like this:
"Method foo needs a function that can take a Fruit and produce a
Fruit. This means foo will have some Fruit and will need a
function it can feed it to, and expect some Fruit back. If it gets a
function Food => Apple, everything is fine - it can still feed it
Fruit (because the function takes any food), and it can receive
Fruit (apples are fruit, so the contract is respected).
Coming back to your initial dilemma, hopefully this explains why, without any extra information, compiler will resort to lowest possible type for covariant types and highest possible type for contravariant ones. If we want to supply a function to foo, there's one that we know surely works: Any => Nothing.
Variance in general.
Variance in Scala documentation.
Article about variance in Scala (full disclosure: I wrote it).
I think I know what's confusing you.
When you instantiate a Left[String, Nothing], you're allowed to later map it with a function Int => Whatever, or String => Whatever, or Any => Whatever. This is precisly because of the contravariance of function input explained earlier. That's why your map works.
"what is the point of fixing the type to Nothing if it is to change it
I think it's a bit hard to wrap your head around compiler fixing the unknown type to Nothing in case of contravariance. When it fixes the unknown type to Any in case of covariance, it feels more natural (it can be "Anything"). Because of the duality of covariance and contravariance explained earlier, same reasoning applies for contravariant Nothing and covariant Any.
This is a quote from
Unification of Compile-Time and Runtime Metaprogramming in Scala
by Eugene Burmako (p. 95-96)
During type inference, the typechecker collects constraints on missing
type arguments from bounds of type parameters, from types of term
arguments, and even from results of implicit search (type inference
works together with implicit search because Scala supports an analogue
of functional dependencies). One can view these constraints as a
system of inequalities where unknown type arguments are represented as
type variables and order is imposed by the subtyping relation.
After collecting constraints, the typechecker starts a step-by-step
process that, on each step, tries to apply a certain transformation to
inequalities, creating an equivalent, yet supposedly simpler system of
inequalities. The goal of type inference is to transform the original
inequalities to equalities that represent a unique solution of the
original system.
Most of the time, type inference succeeds. In that
case, missing type arguments are inferred to the types represented by
the solution.
However, sometimes type inference fails. For example,
when a type parameter T is phantom, i.e. unused in the term parameters
of the method, its only entry in the system of inequalities will be
L <: T <: U, where L and U are its lower and upper bound respectively.
If L != U, this inequality does not have a unique solution, and that
means a failure of type inference.
When type inference fails, i.e.
when it is unable to take any more transformation steps and its
working state still contains some inequalities, the typechecker breaks
the stalemate. It takes all yet uninferred type arguments, i.e. those
whose variables are still represented by inequalities, and forcibly
minimizes them, i.e. equates them to their lower bounds. This produces
a result where some type arguments are inferred precisely, and some
are replaced with seemingly arbitrary types. For instance,
unconstrained type parameters are inferred to Nothing, which is a
common source of confusion for Scala beginners.
You can learn more about type inference in Scala:
Hubert Plociniczak Decrypting Local Type Inference
Guillaume Martres Scala 3, Type Inference and You!
Guillaume Martres Dotty and types: the story so far
Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki GADTs in Dotty

Difference between Semigroup and SemigroupK

In cats there are 2 semigroup types classes: Semigroup and SemigroupK with the latter working on type constructors.
I fail to see the advantages of the latter over the former. If I look at the list instances they are providing Monoid (although there is a MonoidK), whereas NonEmptyList is providing a SemigroupK. Note that NonEmptyList is also providing a Semigroup via the following method:
implicit def catsDataSemigroupForNonEmptyList[A]: Semigroup[NonEmptyList[A]] =
Why the discrepancy?
Then it seems that most semigroup operations are only available on Semigroup and not SemigroupK (there's reduceK in Reducible but that's the only one I saw, and it delegates to reduce which works on Semigroup).
So, given a type T[_], what would you gain by having both a SemigroupK[T] and a Semigroup[T[A]] for some A?
There's now an issue to remove MonoidK and SemigroupK:
One thing you can do with SemigroupK which you can't do with Semigroup is to compose instances for Nested:
implicit def catsDataSemigroupKForNested[F[_]: SemigroupK, G[_]]: SemigroupK[Nested[F, G, ?]]
If you try to write an equivalent for Semigroup, I think the closest you would get is
implicit def catsDataSemigroupForNested[F[_], G[_], A](implicit sg: Semigroup[F[G[A]]]): Semigroup[F[G[A]]] // or Semigroup[Nested[F, G, A]]
which is not very useful! From search, I can't see anything else which is implemented for SemigroupK and can't be done using Semigroup, but I might have missed something.
But the main point of SemigroupK is that once you have it, you can automatically get a Semigroup too, exactly like NonEmptyList does.

The List :: method and covariance

After I solidified my understanding of why a parameter in a method is a contravariant position with SO post scala contravariant position on method
I am looking at List[+A] in scala and I see this method which is fine since the parameter position is contravariant
def contains[A1 >: A](elem: A1)
What I don't get is the :: method definition which seems like that would not compile
def ::(x: A): List[A]
What is going on with this method? oh, they hide the real signature?
def ::[B >: A](x: B): List[B]
ok, then why do they hide the real signature?
Scaladoc entries marked [use case] are presenting the most common cases in terms of type parameters first, often leading to a simpler construction for beginners. If you expand that, you get the full signature.
For a type Foo[+A], you can implement methods that take A-like arguments by introducing a type parameter B >: A, because now you cannot provide a value that is a sub-type of A which would violate the type-soundness. In most cases you will prepend to a List[A] other elements of type A, therefore the doc simplification.

Scala: Function definition of PartialFunction is ambiguous

Function definition of the PartialFunction is following:
trait PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends (A) ⇒ B
PartialFunction would allow us to filter by using case with collect on collection.
For example when you have list of integers and PartialFunction isEven[Int, String] which will convert to String if the value in the collection is even number. So it returns a new collection with the return type +Bin the definition.
My question is, why contravariant -A and covariance +B? It basically has ability to accept any input to any output. Why do we need to indicate the input should be a any type or super type of a type A and return type should be B or its subclass? Can't we just say:
trait PartialFunction[A, B]
No, it does not "basically allow it to accept any input to any output". Co- and contravariance are not trivial (in the mathematical sense) relations, they are strictly defined by the bound type - as you probably realize.
This specific form of type bounds, i.e. contravariance of arguments and covariance of the return type is a general phenomenon, not limited to Scala, and comes from the notion of function types from formal type theory, specifically:
If T1 → T2 is a function type then a subtype of it is any function S1 → S2 with the property that T1 <: S1 and S2 <: T2.
allowing for a well-defined subtyping relation of said function types.

What is and when to use Scala's forSome keyword?

What is the difference between List[T] forSome {type T} and List[T forSome {type T}]? How do I read them in "English"? How should I grok the forSome keyword? What are some practical uses of forSome? What are some useful practical and more complex than simple T forSome {type T} usages?
Attention: (Update 2016-12-08) The forSome keyword is very likely going away with Scala 2.13 or 2.14, according to Martin Odersky's talk on the ScalaX 2016. Replace it with path dependent types or with anonymous type attributes (A[_]). This is possible in most cases. If you have an edge case where it is not possible, refactor your code or loosen your type restrictions.
How to read "forSome" (in an informal way)
Usually when you use a generic API, the API guarantees you, that it will work with any type you provide (up to some given constraints). So when you use List[T], the List API guarantees you that it will work with any type T you provide.
With forSome (so called existentially quantified type parameters) it is the other way round. The API will provide a type (not you) and it guarantees you, it will work with this type it provided you. The semantics is, that a concrete object will give you something of type T. The same object will also accept the things it provided you. But no other object may work with these Ts and no other object can provide you with something of type T.
The idea of "existentially quantified" is: There exists (at least) one type T (in the implementation) to fulfill the contract of the API. But I won't tell you which type it is.
forSome can be read similar: For some types T the API contract holds true. But it is not necessary true for all types T. So when you provide some type T (instead of the one hidden in the implementation of the API), the compiler cannot guarantee that you got the right T. So it will throw a type error.
Applied to your example
So when you see List[T] forSome {type T} in an API, you can read it like this: The API will provide you with a List of some unknown type T. It will gladly accept this list back and it will work with it. But it won't tell you, what T is. But you know at least, that all elements of the list are of the same type T.
The second one is a little bit more tricky. Again the API will provide you with a List. And it will use some type T and not tell you what T is. But it is free to choose a different type for each element. A real world API would establish some constraints for T, so it can actually work with the elements of the list.
forSome is useful, when you write an API, where each object represents an implementation of the API. Each implementation will provide you with some objects and will accept these objects back. But you can neither mix objects from different implementations nor can you create the objects yourself. Instead you must always use the corresponding API functions to get some objects that will work with that API. forSome enables a very strict kind of encapsulation. You can read forSome in the following way:
The API contract folds true for some types. But you don't know for
which types it holds true. Hence you cannot provide you own type and
you cannot create your own objects. You have to use the ones provided
through the API that uses forSome.
This is quite informal and might even be wrong in some corner cases. But it should help you to grok the concept.
There are a lot of questions here, and most of them have been addressed pretty thoroughly in the answers linked in the comments above, so I'll respond to your more concrete first question.
There's no real meaningful difference between List[T] forSome { type T } and List[T forSome { type T }], but we can see a difference between the following two types:
class Foo[A]
type Outer = List[Foo[T]] forSome { type T }
type Inner = List[Foo[T] forSome { type T }]
We can read the first as "a list of foos of T, for some type T". There's a single T for the entire list. The second, on the other hand, can be read as "a list of foos, where each foo is of T for some T".
To put it another way, if we've got a list outer: Outer, we can say that "there exists some type T such that outer is a list of foos of T", where for a list of type Inner, we can only say that "for each element of the list, there exists some T such that that element is a foo of T". The latter is weaker—it tells us less about the list.
So, for example, if we have the following two lists:
val inner: Inner = List(new Foo[Char], new Foo[Int])
val outer: Outer = List(new Foo[Char], new Foo[Int])
The first will compile just fine—each element of the list is a Foo[T] for some T. The second won't compile, since there's not some T such that each element of the list is a Foo[T].