Iphone: LA.com app style menu - iphone

I need to make an app very similar to the LA.Com iphone app. Specifically, I need the sliding top menu with sub menus. I wanted to know if this is already made by someone and is available for download? I couldn't find anything yet.

You could use a custom slideview, as you see they've got two slide views the biggest one that "spawns" the items on the smallest one, the dark gradient effect is easily reproducible by overlaying an image, they also change the "selected tab" appearance, using the white one with the arrow pointing to bottom.
This UI is reproducible in UIKit, but they might have used a tool like titanium or so on. . .
Personally I don't like that interface, a tab bar is standard but is more useful: spinning a wheel on the top of the screen is not comfortable, and also you can't have all the elements in sight to reach them with a glance...obviously this is personal, if you need it you need it ^^!


How can I set size and location of the app window within a ui-test?

A bit of background: I recently implemented a Drag and Drop Behavior to my app, where I can drag items from e.g. the Finder inside my NSTableView. Now I wanted to write a few ui-tests for this new functionality.
The general idea was to move the finder window to the left side of the screen and my application window to the right side of the screen and then execute the drag and drop. The drag and drop itself is not the problem, the problem is the setup of the mentioned window layout. I cannot find a convenient way to resize and move the two windows. Coming from .net, I expected something like app.window.setSize(..) or app.window.moveTo(...).
What I tried so far:
As I have Magnet installed on my Mac, I tried the easy way out and sent key-events (control + option + arrow) to the window. This did not work, sending the keystrokes results in an error beep. Doing this manually during the tests works, so I don't know what exactly stops Magnet from rearranging the windows, but I guess it has something to do with the Testing Framework. I did not dig deeper into this, as it would have been a cheap solution anyway.
Drag the app window corners based on screen dimensions, e.g. for the window on the left I drag the corners to the top left, bottom left, top middle and bottom middle of the screen. This requires that all four corners are visible on screen, but that's a problem for another day. The solution would normally work, but the problem is that the y-coordinates I get from the frame of my app window are not what I was expecting. I do receive the location of the app window with app.windows.firstMatch.frame.origin. The x-coordinates look alright, but the y-coordinates are totally off (from what I expected).
I can't find many resources regarding the origin or frame members. Any idea on how to face this problem or where to find a documentation about the XCUITest-Framework and the basic concepts behind it? The official documentation doesn't help in this case. I only found this short explanation in the apple documentation archive about the coordinate system of macOS (or OS X back then) applications.

Objective-C/XCode: What class instantiation am I describing?

This UIElement appears when a user presses one of the hardware volume controls...the UI element is a black translucent square with rounded corners. In legacy versions of the Twitter app for iPhone, this element used to appear when a user would Follow, Unfollow, Retweet, etc. I would really love to use this element in my apps, can anyone let me know which element it is?
It is a popup. There are a few open source projects that will make implementing easier:
That UIElement is a simple transparent UIViewwith a animation in it. The animation is like "fade in, show for a given time, fade out".

Using PageControl?

I have an array and lets say I have 5 objects in it. The array just contains a string with an address to a picture. I would like to use the Page Control feature in the iPhone SDK to swipe Left and Right to change the picture. I already have the multitouch gestures in place all I need is to implement the Page Control so if I swipe left and then right it will take me back to the previous image.
Does anyone know of any good Page Control tutorials or sample code online that may be able to help me thought implementing the Page Control.
The UIPageControl isn't a control as much as it's just an indication of what "page" your on.
To do what you want, you need to set up a UIScrollView and add subviews for each image. It will require some math to figure out where each "page" starts and ends based on image dimensions and screen sizes.
Apple has some docs on using scroll views with page controls here.
Indeed, you need a UIScrollView along with the UIPageControl. You can find a good tutorial on how to make them work together here

Multi changeable areas of a image on a iPhone

I have an image with picture of a person and I want to let the user to pick some area of the person and change the color. But how can I best create a multi-mask image?
E.g. should the user be able the change the color for a leg or a hand.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator, and right now I had a solution with buttons placed over the image, which is not a pretty and accepted solution.
The Kitchensink example, has only one area which can be changed.
The only solution I found for working with sections of an image is to divide the image into different views then use a vertical or horizontal view to glue them together. Sounds like you took a similar approach using buttons.
Another option might be to use one of the jQuery image libraries within the webview. This most likely will have a performance penalty though.

Automatic "force repel" layout in Cocoa

You know that in a lot of Mac/iPhone applications (such as your Finder), when you are dragging a icon around, all other icons will be "repelled away" from your mouse and leave space for the icon you are dragging.
I am wondering if that's a built-in Cocoa function (in layout constraints etc?). If not, is there any library, or documents on how to implement it?
If you want to get it more-or-less for free, use an NSCollectionView.
If NSCollectionView doesn't fit your needs, it's fairly easy to implement it using NSAnimation. Basically, the way that NSToolbar or NSCollectionView does it (for example), is to figure out where the icon you're dragging would land if you let it go, and it sends the other icons to their new locations using Core Animation to move them smoothly.