I am saving a custom Event with EKEventStore saveEvent to the calendar the return value is boolean so I can handle if the storage process fails. Is there any chance to easily find out the unique identifier for this event, so I can fetch it afterwards with eventWithIdentifier? I don't want to make a selection by date cause it could return more then one result. Is there any other posibility to fetch "my" event?
(NSString *) uniqueIdentifier = myEvent.eventIdentifier;
That's it.
I'm getting the above layout from Parse. What I want is vid 1, 2, and 3 to be in the same row; associated with same object ID. How can I do this? My ultimate goal is to easily retrieve 10 video dictionary's per user on a table view. Will any of this make a difference? I'm saving like this.....
videoDict = ["id":videoId, "title":vidTitleText, "description":vidDescription, "image":vidIMG]
let videoSave = PFObject(className:"UserVideos")
videoSave["user"] = PFUser.currentUser()!.username
videoSave["userObjectId"] = PFUser.currentUser()!.objectId
videoSave["vid\(saveValueLBL.text!)"] = videoDict
videoSave.saveInBackgroundWithBlock { (success, error ) -> Void in
if success == true
Where you have let videoSave = PFObject(className:"UserVideos") you are creating a new videoSave object each time. you need to move that outside of your loop so that you're accessing the same object each time instead of making a new one. However, the way you currently have your code set up you'll run into problems, because each object can only have one synchronous action called on it (in this case, your save), so the second, third, maybe even all the way to the 10th save may not occur because it needs the first one to finish before the next one can be called. You need to create your object outside your loop, run the loop, then call the save at the end to make sure it isn't saving until all of the data is updated.
If this isn't all inside of a loop, you need to get the videoSave object back each time, perhaps by storing it onto your user, and then fetching it from the user object.
Put everything outside the loop and keep just the code below inside the loop:
videoDict = ["id":videoId, "title":vidTitleText, "description":vidDescription, "image":vidIMG]
videoSave["vid\(saveValueLBL.text!)"] = videoDict
From what I understand although I saved information in Parse as a Dictionary this is in fact an invalid data type. That's why I'm having trouble retrieving because Parse doesn't recognize the info.
I've scoured and still haven't found anything that quite works. Either the question/answer is too old or it simply hasn't worked for me. This is my first attempt at "my own" app. As it seems a right of passage, I'm making a checklist app. Here's what I'm looking for:
My Data Store contains 4 attributes: name, category, isChecked, isActive (more will surely follow as I expand)
When my View Controller initially loads, the NSFetchedResultsController has an NSPredicate that only retrieves the records whose attribute isActive is YES (or [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES). It then takes those records and displays them into the appropriate cells for the user. When a user clicks on a cell, the Data Store updates and changes the isChecked attribute accordingly. Everything works good to this point.
What I need to do now is to be able to remove the items (1 or more) from the list. Specifically, I need it to update the Data Store attributes isChecked and isActive to NO only if it's current isChecked attribute is YES. (I'm not looking to delete the record from the data store as they will be used to build up the database for the users future use.)
I've used, among other things:
[[[self fetchedResultsController] fetchedObjects]
setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]
This does actually work, it removes the checkmark(s) and updates the store accordingly. Problem is, not only am I making another request to the data store for the isActive items, it also searches the entire "Active List" that was fetched and sets each of their isChecked attributes to NO. This may not be too big of an issue for small lists, but as the list(s) expand this can be an issue.
The other problem is, if I add:
[[[self fetchedResultsController] fetchedObjects]
setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]
It sets ALL of my list items to NO (as well as a second data store request within the same method.)
So my question is: How can I get through the list, find only the items that are checked and update only those records (set both the isChecked && isActive attributes = NO) whose isChecked attribute is YES rather than working through the entire list?
I've tried creating a separate fetchedResultsController specifically for this buttons action, and it did work (that is to say, it didn't crash) but the debugger popped out a rather large 'Serious Application Error'. I won't post the error message as it's long and most likely irrelevant to any solution.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and please be gentle :-].
I have tried using a for loop, for (NSString *item in fetchedResultsController) but I get the error ...may not respond to 'countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count'
It seems a loop of sorts is what's needed here, but again, nothing I can find is relevant or it's outdated. Again, thanks for any assistance.
Edit 2
Here is the original error I got when I ran a second separate fetchRequestController for this button/method:
An exception was caught from the delegate of NSFetchedResultsController during a call to -controllerDidChangeContent:. Invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an existing section after the update (4) must be equal to the number of rows contained in that section before the update (4), plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section (0 inserted, 3 deleted) and plus or minus the number of rows moved into or out of that section (0 moved in, 0 moved out). with userInfo (null)
You can just loop over the fetchedObjects collection and change the managed objects. After changing them you'll need to reload your list (I guess you use a tableview).
I don't know what your classes are named, but in general you can just loop over the collection of managed objects and change them. Remember that you need to save your managed object context if you want to keep these changes for when the app closes.
NSArray* myCollection = [[self fetchedResultsController] fetchedObjects];
for(ActiveListData *managedObject in myCollection)
if(managedObject != nil && managedObject.isChecked)
managedObject.isChecked = NO;
managedObject.isActive = NO;
If you want to do the check on all object in the database you'll need a new method in your NSFetchedResultsController that has a predicate checking on isChecked and then loops over and edits the result collection.
You might want to post your error code as we could be able to point out what you did wrong.
Edit: If you're not familiar with using Core Data the apple documentation provides a lot of information: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/Articles/cdBasics.html
Thanks to #ggfela for his answer. The processes of his answer were spot on. Here is the actual code I put into my button/method, in hopes of it helping someone else in the future:
NSArray *moc = [[self fetchedResultsController] fetchedObjects];
for (ActiveListData *item in moc) {
if (item != nil && item.isChecked.boolValue == 1) {
item.isChecked = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO];
item.isActive = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO];
// Call to Data Store to update the list
NSError *error;
if (![self.managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
Load the contents of the result from calling the fetchedResultsController method into a temporary variable named moc
Use a for loop to cycle through the array of moc. ActiveListData is the NSManagedObject subclass that I created for my Core Data and is the proper place to insert the separated values/attributes from the data store. From there, it's pretty simple, I ensure that item is not nil AND that the item's attribute is the value I need.
Core Data does not store the bool values YES and NO but rather 1 and 0, respectively but when you call or compare the values, you simply can not compare the value of item.isChecked because it is being passed back to you as a bool not as an integer. You can not simply compare item.isChecked == YES either since the #property of isChecked is an NSNumber. So, in the case of the if I put item.isChecked.boolValue as this will give me the representing integer for it's bool value, in this case I have it check for a 1 (YES). (Sorry if my explanation is wrong and/or confusing, but this is how I understand it and is the only way this code works.)
Then, setting the new values of these attributes is like you would expect when setting any other variable. The only "tricky" difference with this is that the NSManagedObject subclass sets the #property of the isChecked and isActive to an NSNumber (as mentioned earlier) so in order to send the proper values back to Core Data you use the method numberWithBool of the NSNumber class.
And just in case anyone gets confused by my FATAL_CORE_DATA_ERROR(error) call this is simply a macro that was defined inside the Prefix.pch file to handle my errors from the managedObjectContext. You can use any (or none) error handling you choose.
Thanks again #ggfela for your help!! If anyone else has any other suggestions on how this code should be applied, then please let me know!
You can use NSBatchUpdateRequest to update multiple records
I am currently trying to create an iPhone calendar app. In order to make sure it syncs with the existing iPhone calendars, I am using the EKEvent toolkit.
However, the events I will be storing will have more properties than the ones EKEvent allows for- e.g., my events will not just have title, details and the few other categories that are allowed for; they will also have themes, priorities...
Thus, when I load the EKEventStore every time my calendar starts up, this information will not be contained in the EKEvents that are loaded.
How can I associate this information to the existing EKEvents so that whenever my calendar is loaded, these additional properties are also loaded?
I would use the eventIdentifier but the iPhone documentation says that "If the calendar of an event changes, its identifier most likely changes as well." If I am reading this correctly, this means that I cannot consistently use eventIdentifier to identify an event..
I would use the notes property and set a string which you can parse later.
Since EKCalendarItem is EKEvent's superclass some of the properties of EKEvent are inherited from EKCalendarItem. (documentation here)
However, you can still 'set' notes on an EKEvent, even though notes is not a property of EKEvent anymore. (go figure)
So, from your question, I might set an integer for each of your additional (custom) properties, like so..
In the view controller code that creates the event:
- set an integer for each of you custom options. (priority, theme, etc.)
int priority = 0;
EKEvent *newEvent = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:yourEventStore];
[newEvent setCalendar:yourCalendar];
if (priority == 0) {
newEvent.notes = #"0"
newEvent.title = #"YourTitle";
newEvent.startDate = yourStartDate;
newEvent.endDate = yourEndDate;
[youreventStore saveEvent:newEvent span:EKSpanThisEvent commit:YES error:nil];
Then if you want to check/convert the custom property, just check the notes of the event whenever you fetch them either using characterAtIndex or make a subString from the notes and compare that to another string.
I'm writing a messaging application in GWT, and have a fairly difficult problem to find a solution for. I'm working with a GWT CellList. In my cell list I'm displaying all the recent contacts a user has had recent communication with. But lets say that a user is writing a message to a person not on that list. I temporarily add them to the recentContacts list, and update the CellList so that it shows..
But then let's say that they end up not sending the message. I need to be able to detect that, and remove them from the list. The obvious place to do that is in the selection change handler. It actually turns out though that within a selection change handler, if can modify the list of data objects that represent the cell list, but when you actually push them to the cell list, I get an index out of bounds error.
I've verified that this is the issue. So basically I'm stuck. The obvious place to check this is when your selecting a different contact to view. I can then check if any messages were sent to this other contact, and if not, get rid of the contact, but I need to somehow not do it in the selectionChangeHandler. Does anyone have any solution/ideas? I tried a mouse up event, but that ends up happening before the selection event takes place.
Thanks for any help in advance :-)
selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
ContactDO selectedContact = selectionModel.getSelectedObject();
//Check if we want to remove a contact from the list
if ( we want to remove a contact in the list that is not the currently selected contact. ) {
//remove contact
//Refresh the contact cell list
contactCellList.setVisibleRange(0, recentContacts.size());
contactCellList.setRowCount(recentContacts.size(), true);
contactCellList.setRowData(0, recentContacts);
The solution that I implemented was just to use a Timer, and then do the work about 100ms later. Not really a fan of this solution. I'm still looking for another.
EDIT Thanks to Matt's post I now understand that I should not be trying to access 'started' as an array. However, if that is the case, I would like to know why this code appears to be working in other places. It still seems to me that this should be "one-or-the-other." It should work or it shouldn't.
I'm using the same fetch request in various parts of my code to find the most recent game:
Game *lastGame = [[[CoreDataAccess managedObjectContext] fetchObjectsForEntityName:#"Game" withPredicate:#"started == started.#max"] anyObject];
'Game' is an NSManagedObject and 'started' is a date attribute. 'started' is set exactly once per object in awakeFromInsert. It is never changed after that. Game is never directly instantiated, but it has three subclasses. I have tried making Game both abstract and concrete, but neither has any effect on this problem.
I'm using an NSManagedObjectContext category to perform the fetch, as shown on cocoa with love here http://cocoawithlove.com/2008/03/core-data-one-line-fetch.html.
The error I am getting is the following:
Serious application error. An exception was caught from the delegate of NSFetchedResultsController during a call to -controllerDidChangeContent:. [<__NSDate 0xebb1130> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key #max. with userInfo {
NSTargetObjectUserInfoKey = "2010-11-06 11:16:53 GMT";
NSUnknownUserInfoKey = "#max";
It looks to me like the predicate might be trying to apply #max to a single NSDate, instead of all 'started' attributes in all games. I'm not sure though. I'm not very good with predicates, and it took me a lot of trial and error to make this one. I don't understand how the exact same fetch can have errors in different places, though.
The fetch is not part of an NSFetchedResultsController, but I am using a fetchedResultsController in the class where I'm getting the error. For example:
- (void)configureCell:(UITableViewCell*)cell atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath{
Game *game = [self.frc objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
Game *lastGame = [[[CoreDataAccess managedObjectContext] fetchObjectsForEntityName:#"Game" withPredicate:#"started == started.#max"] anyObject]; // Sometimes we get past this line, sometimes we don't...
NSDateFormatter *format = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[format setDateFormat:#"EEE, MMM d, yyyy h:mm a"];
if (game != lastGame)
cell.detailTextLabel.text = [format stringFromDate:game.started];
cell.detailTextLabel.text = #"In Progress";
[format release];
and also here:
- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
// Return NO if you do not want the specified item to be editable.
Game *lastGame = [[[CoreDataAccess managedObjectContext] fetchObjectsForEntityName:#"Game" withPredicate:#"started == started.#max"] anyObject];
if (lastGame == [frc objectAtIndexPath:indexPath])
return NO;
return YES;
This exact fetch is performed several times in several places, for example on startup, but it only crashes in one class. As I said it is intermittent, but it seems to be sometime after I create a new Game object. The game is created in one tab, and the code above is from a second tab which shows history.
I have seen a similar error here. In that case the problem was solved by restarting the computer, which finally allowed XCode to realize that the attribute had been deleted from the model. I have tried that, and I'm still experiencing the problem. I have also tried deleting and recreating the 'started' attribute in the model. I have also read the Core Data Troubleshooting Guide, but was unable to find any help there either.
Predicates are applied to one source object at a time. If your source object does not have an array property, you can't use an array operator.
In your case, the predicate says:
Look at a given "Game". If its own
"started" property is equal to its own
"started" property with the #max KVC
array operator applied, then this
predicate will be true.
This is not what you want. The only situation where you'd use a KVC array operator in a predicate is where a property on an object is an array. e.g.
Fetch every "Season" where the "games.#max.homeTeamScore > 50" (i.e. seasons where a home team scored more than 50 in a game). This would work because the "games" property on a "Season" would be an array, so games.homeTeamScore would also be an array.
However, the "started" property on a single Game is not an array. The array you want to operate on is actually the array of all games, which is not a property of a game.
The only twisted way you could access the array of all games would be to fetch the array of all games first, then apply the array operator outside the predicate and then on the inside of the predicate only apply the equality test.
i.e. fetch all games first, then refetch with:
fetchObjectsForEntityName:#"Game" withPredicate:#"started == %#", [allGames valueForKey:#"#max.started"]
But this is not the smart thing to do either.
Ultimately, the correct way to fetch the game with the latest starting date as you're trying to do, can't be done with the single line fetch method.
You'll need to create a variant of the method that allows you to setSortDescriptors: on the fetch request (to sort by "started", descending) and then setFetchLimit:1 on the fetch request to only get first result.