I know questions related to Kal Calendar has been asked multiple times in Stackoverflow.
But i am stuck badly. Please share your views on this. So...
I have followed all instructions in https://github.com/klazuka/Kal but as soon as i run my app it says Kal.h no such file or directory error.
I think i am doing wrong in header search path. But i am adding relative path from my project's directory to the "Kal/src" directory.
On double click to header search path I check mark on recursive and then adding "/Volumes/Development/Imp/Astro 4Feb /klazuka-Kal-b2e164c/src" in the path field.
What's wrong in it ?
Please help
Look at their example. They use ../../src and I don't see $(SRCROOT) there, so I guess they are not pointing the header search path as they said in the readme file. You may just point the header path where you have placed their source (Kal/src) and make it relative your project. Hope this helps.
You didn't set root directory. Make it relative to your project.
I am making a blog with Github. I forked from someone else's and only edited the words. So I don't really have basic knowledge of web programming.
The problem is the path doesn't go to the right page when I attach the picture. It kept shows an error.
I figured out why the error shows up, but I can't find how to solve this problem.
Path (which should be worked):
What I put:

I also put this. But this doesn't work too.

This page shows up. (/blog path should not exist):
The result :
I can't find how to take off that /blog from the path.
The one solution I am thinking is moving the img folder inside the blog folder, but I don't want to put folders like that.
If anyone knows how to remove the /blog from the path with markdown code, please help me.
Thank you.
In my netbeans IDE I am creating one project.That project(Web Application) needs properties file.Since my application is having several packages.And all packages need to read this properties file in their code.So where should I place this java properties file.If I place the file out side of the packages that is under sourcepackages seperately,I am getting FilenotFound Exception.So where should I place it.
And one more doubt is if I want to change any content in the file in future where should I change the contents since it is present in Projects folder and under Files->build->classes folder also.From where should I modify it.From where the changes will be effected.
Please help.
Thank you.
Put your file under /src/resources/, then use it like below:
ResourceBundle props = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources.config");
You may put this in any package. The point ist to read with
Read further here.
You always change in the project src folder. The build folder is only for building your app.
If you want to change the properties file on a deployed system you may put the properties into the WEB-INF folder and then access with ServletContext#getRealPath().
I put the .properties file in the same folder as the src and it works :)
Alright, so I'm working on Windows and here's my solution...
It actually doesn't matter much where you put the .properties file--but assuming you created the file in NetBeans and let it save to its default location, you can simply call the data with the full directory attached.
Just for reference, here's what I did:
SimpleDataSource sds = new SimpleDataSource("src\\simpledatasource\\mystuff.properties");
Notice you'll need to escape the backslash, so use two of them.
This is the point. I have a subproject (static library) created. The library compiles well. No errors. When I include this library inside a project and imports a header from that library on the project the library fails to compile because it cannot find a path that belongs to itself.
After following a bunch of tutorials on the web on how to create a static library and embed that in a project, I don't know which one is the correct one, because I have tried all and all failed and some differ.
This is how the library is set:
Public header folder path = $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
Header search path = $(SRCROOT) (recursive)
COPY FILES = 1 file, myLibrary.h that is basically empty (created by xcode when I used the static library template to start the library.
Header search path = empty
User header search path = $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) (recursive)
Always search user paths = YES
Yes, myLibrary.a is on target dependencies
What amazes me is that the library compiles fine alone but when put inside a project, is unable to find a header that belongs to the own library.
NOTE: I have also tried to create a copy headers phase on the library making public all .h on that library, but it failed too.
This is an example of one error:
fatal error: 'Platforms/CCGL.h' file not found
#import "Platforms/CCGL.h"
I have lost two days trying to solve this nightmare.
any thoughts?
I have uploaded a sample project to here and here
After downloading your sample project, I had it working in a few minutes by making the following changes.
First, you need to add an entry for the MyProject target's Build Settings under Header Search Paths, so that the files such as HelloWorldLayer.h, which #import "cocos2d.h", know where to find that file.
Under the Header Search Paths, I entered ../MyStaticLibrary/MyStaticLibrary/libs/** like shown in the image below:
That solved the problem of the inability of the preprocessor to find the necessary source files from the MyStaticLibrary, for the MyProject project, but after compiling, I got an error about missing symbols. I needed to add the built libMyStaticLibrary.a to the Link Binary With Libraries step like shown in the image below:
After that, the project compiles fine.
(Not enough rep to post comment...)
Did you try specifically including the Platforms directory in the header search path? Presumably, Platforms is in the source directory, not in $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) so may not be searched in your current setting.
Regarding script to show you env variables, here's how I do it (open images at the new tab for better scaling):
Added dummy shell script
Observed its output at Log Navigator
As you can see, BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR doesn't have any headers copied from the library. Either put headers there manually (strongly not recommended) or add search path to the location that you know the headers must be at:
Now as there were two headers cocos2d.h and MyStaticLibrary.h, cocos2d.h was successfully imported although it will have additional dependency.
The path ../MyStaticLibrary/build/$(BUILD_STYLE)-$(PLATFORM_NAME) will also (recursively) have public headers of the library.
After almost 5 days of a nightmare trying to solve that, I finally found this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUhLETxgcoE
This is the only solution that worked for me. The simplest and the best.
Thanks for every one trying to solve this.
Please try this…
step1: right click on the 'projectName.xcodeproj'(static library).Choose 'Get info' and copy the full path from(General->where)
step2: Paste full path to 'Header search paths' for your main project(Both Targets and Project )
When using the "Use relative path for hyperlink" feature, it appears to only apply for network paths unless the target file happens to be reside in the same directory.
If your relative path contains any forward slashes, e.g. path/to/file.htm Microsoft converts them all to backslashes and the relative path can't be viewed in the browser...
I would like to be able to do this so I can move the folder anywhere without having to update all the links.
Is there any way around this? Thanks
Why would a relative path contain forward slashes?
So something up a directory would be .\someSubDirectory
and something back a directory would be
and you can combine those
..\..\MyParentsParent and .\SubDir\SubSubDir.
Do you have a specific example I could help with?
Solution was setting the Hyperlink Base to be the base URL shared by all the pages in the website.
I am trying to create links in my README.md that link to example code using a relative path, as opposed to the absolute path I am using now. For example, in the markdown file, if I use this:
It works no problem. But I would like to link it up using something like this:
This does not link up, as it gives me the ol' 404 not found error. Is there a way to link my examples on Github to my README using a relative path?
They seem to have changed this since Aug 8 '12, so now all I had to do to reference my pdf file inside the Documentation folder (which is in my project's root) is this:
So, no need to add blog/master part anymore. Hope it helps new people browsing this question.
Try leaving off the username/ part. A relative link to repoName/blob/master/whatever on a page at /username/repoName should take you to /username/repoName/blob/master/whatever, which is what you want, I think.
Here is a nuance. A leading slash changes the meaning of a link.
I recently found out that the way you can use relative path in README.md is:
where Documentation is a folder at the root of my repository
I have search in google about your question and found your question and after reading all answers, I found another way we can add relative path in README.md file by this way,
Add the leading ./ character when the path is pointing to a parent folder.
It will not give '404 not found error' in Github.