Is it possible to access the content(eg. html) loaded into any browser(safari,opera etc.) via another application in iphone or ipad? - iphone

I want to make a app,which can read the content which have been loaded into the browser.When users select some region of the webpage,the selected region will be highlighted(think of firebug) and my app will read it,process it,then return the modified content to the browser.Is there a solution for implementing it?If it is practicable,how to implement it with phonegap or any of the other mobile frameworks?

Applications on the iPhone run inside a sandbox. Quote from Apple:
For security reasons, iOS restricts
each application (including its
preferences and data) to a unique
location in the file system. This
restriction is part of the security
feature known as the application's
sandbox . The sandbox is a set of
fine-grained controls limiting an
application's access to files,
preferences, network resources,
hardware, and so on. Each application
has access to the contents of its own
sandbox but cannot access other
applications' sandboxes.
In conclusion:
It's not possible, certainly not without jailbreak.
Apps cannot interact with other applications, unless Apple provides an API to do so.
In this specific case, Apple does not allow this kind of interaction with Safari or Opera.


How to hide the applications in iExplorer

I'm developing one application. When I install my app in iphone and if I connect iphone to PC then all my application data will be accessing from iExplorer. Is there any chance to hide my application in iExplorer?
Your application data will always be visible to the user with the right tools. You should not waste any effort trying to obfuscate or hide it.
If you wish to explicitly enable encryption on certain files, you can look into the data protection APIs offered in the iOS SDK. This will protect user files in the case that their phone or device is stolen. The user must have a passcode set for this to work however.

iOS: How to share documents between iPad & iPhone versions of app?

I was under the impression that when Apple rolled out universal apps, that a sharing mechanism was provided to sync files between the same app installed on more than one device. However I don't see much evidence of this. What am I missing?
(Note I would prefer to avoid iCloud, because of privacy concerns about Apple giving users' data to the govt since that is a legal gray area etc.)
You'll need to use a cloud service, such as iCloud to store your shared data. There is no sharing mechanism with a Universal App to share data between devices. The Universal App just lets the same App work on both iPad and iPhone. This is a nice bonus to the customer, because if they have both devices, they only pay for the App once.
The App will need to go get the data from the users storage. If you don't want to use iCloud, you can develop your own, by using storage services from Amazon Web Services, or Microsoft Windows Azure, however, you are stuck with paying for the bandwidth and storage on those services. You're also getting yourself into more work as you'll have to come up with the server side support, and web services yourself. Plus, on the mobile device, you'll need to concern yourself with handling losing a network connection, caching the data on the device, and then sending it when connectivity is regained.

Is there a neat way to tell if iPhone/iPad has been set a passcode by user

I have asked this question long before.
I know it maybe impossible, but as far as I know, 'Find my friends' has this features and it works just so well, so I wonder if now there is a neat and legitimate way of doing that.
Just because Apple's Find My Friends app has a feature does not mean the API is publicly available. If this app is not an enterprise app, you can't use private APIs and have your app put on the app store. If it is an enterprise app, you may want to look into setting up a configuration profile for the device. In order to access the VPN for my employer, I had to install a configuration profile (visible in Settings) that requires a passcode to be entered every time I unlock my iPad. Without that, I cannot VPN into their intranet. TestFlight uses a similar approach with profiles to register a device to receive builds. I would check out this link from Apple on setting up these sorts of profiles for enterprise applications:
There's no way to detect this programmatically from within an iPhone SDK-based application. If you need to, you should file an enhancement request with Apple at

Does Apple allow for 3rd party apps on one phone to access the general settings on a different iphone? (if both phones confirmed passcode)

From an end user perspective: Could I enter a passcode in the general settings for one iPhone, and then access the general settings for that iphone using my own iphone (along with entering a passcode)?
Apps cannot access general settings on a stock iOS device, either locally or remotely. They are all run inside a security sandbox with limited permissions.

Can an iPhone OS app do a search of the device's filesystem?

Can I do a search of the iPhone filesystem from within an application? I need to search an iPhone OS device and return a list of all apps installed on an iPhone OS device. I am fairly aware of Apple's restrictions and rules concerning what apps can and mostly cannot do outside of the sandbox -- and know that aside from the Photo Album an Address Book (via specified classes) an application is not allowed to access much of anything outside of its home directory (sandbox) for security. But the boundaries are fuzzy.
Anyway, back to the question: Can UISearchBarDelegate (or any other class/protocol) allow me to search the iPhone device?
Unfortunatly you are still sandboxed, the only way to access the devices' filesystem is to create an application that is a jailbreak designed application.
Not strictly true - the app FileSystem, for example, allows you to browse the iOS file structure and view many (though not all) of the files. You can access almost all of the files from the iTunes backup however.