I've got a weird issue. I was doing some minor modifications on a form built with confiforms. I've added placeholder text to several of the fields. These fields are type textarea. When I save and view the page there is no placeholder text in those fields. There is, however, a space in the field. If I delete the space the placeholder's display. I have no clue why confluence would be putting a space in those fields. Placeholders work on text fields, but not textarea fields. I can't find anything in the documentation or online suggesting this is a problem, I am stumped. I am the space admin, but not a confluence admin.
Have tried removing the space between the opening and closing tag of the textarea, if there are any blank spaces they come as an input to your textarea.
if this doesnt work try aria-placeholder
Microsoft word fails to add hyperlink over bookmark and show Hyperlink text everytime
I select the text.
Then i add bookmark from Insert -> link -> add
Then when i add Link (ctrl+K) and go to insert document and screentip by clicking bookmark
It just show this text instead of original text.
Can anyone suggest what the issue is actually?
I think this is off-topic but you have more experience here than I do.
Press Alt+F9 to toggle display of field codes / results.
On some computers, this is Fn+Alt+F9. On Macs, use Opt instead of Alt.
The original text does not appear in the field code but is there and will show up in the document.
I originally missed your real question and the mistaken answer follows below.
This has nothing to do with the presence or absence of the bookmark.
This is the ordinary behavior of the Hyperlink and the AutoText fields in Word. The text displayed in the document does not appear when you display the field.
This is examined in my article on the Microsoft site about Pop-Up text in Word.
Here is the field insertion dialog box:
Here is what it looks like in the document:
And here is the field code shown using Alt+F9:
Note that the display text is not shown at all in the field code. It is still there. If you select the field and enter the following in the Immediate Window of the vba editor you will see the display text.
? Selection.Fields(1).Result
I suspect this comes from the origination of these two fields. With the hyperlink field, it is often created using selected text. It does not especially make sense, but it is how the field operates.
I am using Text field for description text with links but links are not rendering as expected and WYSIWYG is missing from Advanced setting..
Now string, text and rich text and separate fields.
You will have tu use rich text to have the WYSIWYG.
I am creating a form, and in that I need to input some text and I want to use Rich Text editor in it.
When that page is published, then the user must be able to enter the text using that rich text format, i.e. Bold, italics, bullet number list etc .
How can i use the AEM rich text editor in it. I know I can include any other free editor available in the market.
I like to know that how can I use the rich text editor which is used in dialog by AEM?
You need to use a existing richtext editor in front end side like a field in the form. For example: wysihtml5
this is my first post, so I would like to say hello :)
I have a very large document, it consists of ~150 captions.
I would like to change name of the captions, for example from 'Picture' to 'Pic.'
Is there any simple method to do it? I can't imagine changing all of the existing captions and cross-references manualy.
Best regards,
Here is the way:
Select the caption with a number that has the label that you want to change.
For example, if you have "Picture 1", select the entire caption including label, sequence number, and the caption text.
On the References tab, in the Captions group, click Insert Caption.
In the Label dropdown, select the label that you want or click New Label and add a new one.
Solution found on Word Tips:
"If you want to change some of the text in the captions, you need to modify the fields used to create the captions. (Automatic captions are implemented through the use of fields in the document.) You can change the text in the fields by first displaying the field codes in your document (press Shift+F9). You should be able to see what the field codes look like for your captions; examine one to see how it is constructed, looking specifically for the text you want to change.
Next press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. Use the controls in the dialog box to specify the caption text you want to change (from within the field you examined) and what you want the text to be. You can then use the controls to step through all the occurrences of the text and change it, as desired.
There are other things you can change in the fields using this same technique. For instance, you may want to change the numbering of your captions from Arabic to Roman. If you examine the field code used for a caption, it may appear similar to this:
{Seq Figure *\ arabic}
You can easily use the Find and Replace method to change the word "arabic" to "roman." When you are done making the changes, press Alt+F9 to change the field codes back to their results.
If your caption changing needs are a bit more complex (perhaps, for example, you want to change the caption to appear above a figure instead of below it, or vice-versa), then the best bet is to change the settings for automatic captions and then delete all the existing captions. You can then use cut and paste (cut the figure and paste it back in the same position) to force Word to automatically add the caption with the new settings."
you can edit individual captions by using Outline view.
(Update) To clarify: to edit an existing table (or I assume figure) individual caption, open your word doc in Outline View and select the caption you'd like to change.
If you want to batch edit you may be able to use find/replace in Outline view to batch find/replace all.
(Caveat: I was not able to easily edit a table caption while in Print View, so tested Outline View and it worked.)
Using the Find and Replace function changes both the cross references in the main text and in the captions.