populate NSMutableArray with data from for loop - iphone

I'm trying to execute what seems like simple code related to NSMutableArray and I've hit a wall. Here's my code:
NSMutableArray *newArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4] retain];
NSArray *existingSection2 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"S2 Item1",#"S2 Item2",#"S2 Item3",#"S2 Item4",nil];
for (int i=0; i<[existingSection2 count]; i++) {
NSString *val = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[existingSection2 objectAtIndex:i]];
[newArray addObject:val];
NSLog(#"val %i is %# new array now contains: %#",i,val,[newArray objectAtIndex:i]);
NSLog(#"new array description: ",[newArray description]);
NSLog(#"what's in newArray: ",[newArray objectAtIndex:0]);
As I understand it, here's what I'm doing:
1) Allocate a new NSMutableArray called newArray with a capacity of 4
2) Allocate an NSArray called existingSection2 with four NSString values
3) Iterate through each of the four NSStrings in existingSection2
3a) Allocate an NSString called val with the contents of the existingSection2 array at position i
3b) Add val to newArray in the next available position
3c) Log some stuff for debugging
4) Log the final contents of newArray for debugging
This code is in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: but here's what my console window shows when I launch in the Simulator:
2011-06-26 15:50:48.203 ArrayTest[14936:207] val 0 is S2 Item1 new array now contains: S2 Item1
2011-06-26 15:50:48.205 ArrayTest[14936:207] new array description:
2011-06-26 15:50:48.205 ArrayTest[14936:207] val 1 is S2 Item2 new array now contains: S2 Item2
2011-06-26 15:50:48.205 ArrayTest[14936:207] new array description:
2011-06-26 15:50:48.206 ArrayTest[14936:207] val 2 is S2 Item3 new array now contains: S2 Item3
2011-06-26 15:50:48.206 ArrayTest[14936:207] new array description:
2011-06-26 15:50:48.206 ArrayTest[14936:207] val 3 is S2 Item4 new array now contains: S2 Item4
2011-06-26 15:50:48.206 ArrayTest[14936:207] new array description:
2011-06-26 15:50:48.207 ArrayTest[14936:207] what's in newArray:
I don't understand why I'm not filling up newArray with those four new NSString objects! I've been searching SO for similar questions, but the answers all seem to be related to not initializing an NSMutableArray which I believe that I'm doing correctly.
Thanks for any help!

You have a few problems which I'd like to point out, and I hope you can learn something from them. Here we go...
Memory management
When you create an object using alloc, new, or copy, such as [[NSArray alloc] ...] or [[NSString alloc] ...], it is returned with a +1 retained count. This means you "own" the object and are responsible for releasing it later by calling release (which you're not currently doing in your code). If you use, for example, [NSArray arrayWith...], then you don't get a +1 retain count (you get an autoreleased object), and if you want it to stick around you have to call retain.
That said, when you do
NSMutableArray *newArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4] retain];
The alloc gives you a +1 retain count, and then you're calling retain a second time! This is unnecessary.
However, since you don't need to use your arrays or strings outside this function, you don't need to retain them at all, so you can just use:
NSMutableArray *newArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4];
NSString *val = [NSString stringWithString:[existingSection2 objectAtIndex:i]];
// or even more simply
NSString *val = [existingSection2 objectAtIndex:i];
For more details and best practices, please read the Memory Management Programming Guide.
Your method of using [existingSection2 count] and i++ in a for loop works, but isn't the best way to do things. Obj-C has what's called Fast Enumeration, which is a lot simpler and I hope you'll use it:
for (NSString *val in existingSection2) {
NSLog and format strings
The NSLog function works (similar to C's printf) by taking a format string (which contains format specifiers like %d for integers and %# for Obj-C objects), and then a list of arguments to put in for the specifiers.
When you use
NSLog(#"new array description: ",[newArray description]);
you will only log the string "new array description: " because you don't have a format specifier corresponding to the description. Instead you should do:
NSLog(#"new array description: %#", [newArray description]);
// or even more simply
NSLog(#"new array description: %#", newArray);
There's also more information available on the String Format Specifiers that you can use with NSLog.
Here's a rewrite of your code using the techniques I described above.
NSMutableArray *newArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4];
NSArray *existingSection2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"S2 Item1",#"S2 Item2",#"S2 Item3",#"S2 Item4",nil];
for (NSString *val in existingSection2) {
[newArray addObject:val];
NSLog(#"value is %#",val);
NSLog(#"new array contains: %#", newArray);
NSLog(#"what's in newArray: %#",[newArray objectAtIndex:0]);

You need to add an %# in your format string when printing the array description.
Also, you don't need to explicitly call description because it gets called automatically when printing an object with %#, as in:
NSLog(#"New array is: %#", newArray);

you have a logging problem:
NSLog(#"new array description: ",[newArray description]);
should be
NSLog(#"new array description: %#",[newArray description]);
bonus help:
NSMutableArray *newArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; // fix memory leak
NSArray *existingSection2 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"S2 Item1",#"S2 Item2",#"S2 Item3",#"S2 Item4",nil];
for (id section in existingSection2) // fast enumeration
NSString *val = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[existingSection2 objectAtIndex:i]];
[newArray addObject:val];
NSLog(#"val %i is %# new array now contains: %#",i,val,[newArray objectAtIndex:i]);
NSLog(#"new array description: %#",[newArray description]);
[val release]; // fix memory leak
NSLog(#"what's in newArray: %#",[newArray objectAtIndex:0]);


Delete only one item from array having same multiple values

There is an array in my app having multiple same values in it. I need to delete only one value at a time from array whether it has same more values in it.
Level1 Business,
Level2 Economy,
Level2 Economy,
Level1 Business
How this can be achieved, and main thing is that these values are dynamic these can be more or less also. Please guide for above.
Below is what i tried.
if([arr containsObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",ind]]){
[arr removeObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",ind]];
This thing removes all similar entries, not required. Thanks in advance.
try like this,
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Level1 Business", #"Level2 Economy", #"Level2 Economy", #"Level1 Business", nil];
NSMutableArray *mainarray=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithArray:array];
int n=[mainarray indexOfObject:#"Level2 Economy"];//it gives first occurence of the object in that array
if(n<[mainarray count]) // if the object not exist then it gives garbage value that's why here we have to take some condition
[mainarray removeObjectAtIndex:n];
"Level1 Business",
"Level2 Economy",
"Level1 Business"
As you say,
[array removeObject:#"SomeObject"];
removes all instances of where isEqual: returns YES. To remove only the first instance, you can use something like
NSUInteger index = [array indexOfObject:#"SomeObject"];
if(index != NSNotFound) {
[array removeObjectAtIndex:index];
Use [arr removeObjectAtIndex:yourIndex ] to remove your object at perticular postion at dynamic
Sample Code :
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"hello",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",#"hi",nil];
NSUInteger obj = [arr indexOfObject:#"hi"]; //Returns the lowest integer of the specified object
[arr removeObjectAtIndex:obj]; //removes the object from the array
In your Case :
if([arr containsObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",ind]])
NSUInteger obj = [arr indexOfObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",ind]]; //Returns the lowest integer of the specified object
[arr removeObjectAtIndex:obj];
Here your requirement is like definition of NSSet, which contains unique objects only.
But this will implies only if both the same value objects, are really in referring to same memory location as well.
If this is the case then and then, you can try code mentioned below:
// create set from an array
NSSet *telephoneSet = [NSSet setWithArray: myArray];
// create array from a set
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[set allObjects]];
I don't know whether it will work for your requirement or not. But for that, it would be required to check the object equality level.
Still it might help you as an less line of code.
NSMutableArray *uniques= [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSString *word in duplicateWordsArray){
if (!uniques.contains(word)){
[ uniques addObject:word];
I wrote this from my phone so it isn't formatted for code, but this will do it for you quickly and you'll have an array (uniquearray) that has unique words. Then you can use that one or set your original array = to unique array
NSArray *input = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Level1 Business", #"Level2 Economy", #"Level2 Economy", #"Level1 Business", nil];
NSMutableArray *output = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[output addObject:[input objectAtIndex:0]];
for(NSString *value in input) {
if(![output containsObject:value])
[output addObject:value];

Help needed to parse json for iPhone

I want to parse a JSON file in my iphone app. The problem is i can parse simple json files but i am confused how to do parsing on following type of json:
[{ "item_id":"222",
Can some on help me how to extract all the img_urls for "123".
Thank you.
NSString *jsonString = …;
// The top-level object is an array
NSArray *array = [jsonString JSONValue];
// The first element in the array is an object containing a name-value
// pair for the key/name "123". The value is itself an array
NSArray *itemsIn123 = [[array objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:#"123"];
// Use Key-Value Coding to get an array of all values for the key
// image_url
NSArray *imgurls = [itemsIn123 valueForKey:#"image_url"];
Edit based on comments:
Since the top-level array may consist of several objects, each object having a single name-value pair with unknown name, you need to manually iterate over the top-level array:
NSString *jsonString = …;
NSMutableArray *imgurls = [NSMutableArray array];
// The top-level object is an array
NSArray *array = [jsonString JSONValue];
// Each element in the top-level array is an object
for (NSDictionary *outerObject in array) {
// Iterate over all values in the object. Each (single) value is an array
for (NSArray *innerArray in [outerObject allValues]) {
[imgurls addObjectsFromArray:[innerArray valueForKey:#"image_url"]];
The value for the object "123" will be an NSArray of NSDictionaries. Each of these dictionaries has a key "image_url" for the image url.
The code will depend on which JSON parsing library you use, but the basics should be the same.
First you want to take the key values like 123,112,189 so we will take the keys into an array
say the structure like [ Web { 123 {image url} 112 {image url} 189 {image url} ]
NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
SBJSON *jsonParser = [SBJSON alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *yourArray1 = [jsonParser objectWithString:responseString]copy]]autorelease;
ufArray = [[yourArray1 valueForKey:#"web"] copy];
for (NSString *s in ufArray) {
[keys addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:s,#"keys",nil]];
NSLOG(#"keys :%#",keys);
// this will contain 112,123,114 etc values
initialize a NSMutableArray
finalArray = [NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (int i = 0; i < [ufArray count]; i ++) {
yourArray1 = [ufArray valueForKey:[[keys objectAtIndex:i]valueForKey:#"keys"]];
// [keys object at indes:i] - > 123 val / next loop 112 array like that
[finalArray addObject:yourArray1];
[jsonParser release];
jsonParser = nil;
Hope this helps!
Well if that array was called jArray
var img_urls = [];
var jL = jArray[0][123].length;
var img_urls = [];
for(var i = 0; i < jL; i++){
img_urls[i] = jArray[0][123][i].image_url;
//display in console:
demo: http://jsfiddle.net/maniator/Vx3hu/4/
I've never used JSON before, never used iPhone before, never used Xcode before...but I would think its something along along the lines of...
//object and image for item ID 222
123: item_id(222).image_url("some_url")
or the second and following items
123: item_id(333).image_url("some_url")
However something better would be when you can extract the image without the URL by using the item ID and an image ID, so when calling the object 123, you can specify the item id and the image id, which would then output all the information you require. For instance the count, file type and the image could all be displayed.
123: item_id(222).image_id(222)
Is the data file SQL or XML? XML is usually faster! So read up on nodes.
Hope that helps.

How to create image and labels using location data stored in NSArray

i have to create an 2images and 3 labels by using code (cgrectmake)and i am having X location, y location, width and height all are stored in arrays(which i have retrieved from the web services)how can i create the image and labels can any one help me
You can join the elements of an array together with the NSString componentsJoinedByString class method:
NSString myString = [myNSArray componentsJoinedByString:#"x"];
where x is the characters you'd like to appear between each array element.
Edited to add
So in your newly-added code if these are the label values:
lbl = #"zero"
lbl1 = #"one"
lbl2 = #"two"
and you want to join them together with a space character then if you did this:
NSString *temp = [labelArray componentsJoinedByString:#" "];
NSLog(#"temp = %#", temp);
then this is what would be logged:
zero one two
Edited to further add
If you are instead trying to join the label values together to make xml elements then you might do something like this:
NSString *joinedElements = [labelArray componentsJoinedByString:#"</label><label>"];
NSString *temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"<label>%#</label>", joinedElements];
NSLog(#"temp = %#", temp);
then this is what would be logged:
may be this is usefull to you.
NSString *str;
str = [arrayName objectAtIndex:i(Index NO)];
OK by this easily you can access object from the array. any type of object u can fetch this way only reception object type are change in left side.
Best of Luck.
Most objects have a -description method which returns a string representation of the object:
- (NSString *)description;
For example:
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"The", #"quick", #"brown", #"fox", nil];
NSLog(#"%#", array); // prints the contents of the array out to the console.
NSString *arrayDescription = [array description]; // a string
It would help to know what you want to do with the string (how will you use the string). Also, what kind of objects do you have in the array?
In that case, Matthew's answer is one possibility. Another might be to use an NSMutableString and append the individual items, if you need control over how the string is created:
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString string];
if ([array count] >= 3) {
[string appendString:[array objectAtIndex:0]];
[string appendFormat:#"blah some filler text %#", [array objectAtIndex:1]];
[string appendString:[array objectAtIndex:2]];

assign value from array to string

i have an array of 5 objects.
i want to assign object which is at index 1, to an NSSTRING.
nsstring *abc = [array objectAtindex:1];
i know this is wrong syntax, this is returning object , something like this.
how can i get value which is at index 1 and assign it to an string?
Erm.. this is the correct syntax :)
Apart the name of the string class:
NSString *abc = [array objectAtIndex:1];
mind that this won't create a copy of the string, if you need to copy it use
NSString *abc = [NSString stringWithString:[array objectAtIndex:1]];
As Eiko notes you can directly copy the string object if you need to:
NSString *abc = [[array objectAtIndex:1] copy];
Arrays are zero based in Objective-C land. So...
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"one", #"two", nil];
NSString *abc = [array objectAtIndex:1];
Would return the second object in the array. Zero would return the first.

Restrict Duplicate entry in NSArray

I have an array, which contains some duplicate entries.
Firstly, is there any way to restrict duplicate entries when data getting inserted?
Secondly, if an array already having duplicate values than in some other way, we can retrieve only unique values from that array, I heard about NSSet about this, but I have no idea how to use it.
Don't use an NSSet.
You can only insert elements upon creation and cannot change the elements contained after you have created it.
If you want to add and remove objects on the fly, you can use an NSMutableSet.
Here is a demo of how to use it both NSSet and NSMutableSet, then converting the NSSet back to an NSArray (incase you want to do that):
- (void) NSMutableSetPrintTest
NSMutableSet *mutableSet = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
NSLog(#"Adding 5 objects (3 are duplicates) to NSMutableSet");
NSString *firstString = #"Hello World";
[mutableSet addObject:firstString];
[mutableSet addObject:#"Hello World"];
[mutableSet addObject:#"Goodbye World"];
[mutableSet addObject:#"Goodbye World"];
[mutableSet addObject:#"Goodbye World"];
NSLog(#"NSMutableSet now contains %d objects:", [mutableSet count]);
int j = 0;
for (NSString *string in mutableSet) {
NSLog(#"%d: %# <%p>", j, string, string);
NSLog(#"Now, if we are done adding and removing things (and only want to check what is in the Set) we should convert to an NSSet for increased performance.");
NSSet *immutableSet = [NSSet setWithSet:mutableSet];
NSLog(#"NSSet now contains %d objects:", [immutableSet count]);
int i = 0;
for (NSString *string in immutableSet) {
NSLog(#"%d: %# <%p>", i, string, string);
[mutableSet release]; mutableSet = nil;
NSLog(#"Now, if we are done with the sets, we can convert them back to an NSArray:");
NSArray *array = [immutableSet allObjects];
NSLog(#"NSArray contains %d objects", [array count]);
int k = 0;
for (NSString *string in array) {
NSLog(#"%d: %# <%p>", k, string, string);
NSMutableSet is probably the most logical thing to use.
However, be warned that a set does not maintain order of its elements (since a set, by definition, is unordered).
If that's a problem for you, then you have a couple of options:
duplicate set functionality with an NSMutableArray by invoking containsObject: before every call to addObject: (doable, but potentially slow, since arrays have O(n) search time)
use another object.
If you go with the second option, I would recommend taking a look at the excellent CHDataStructures framework, which has a subclass of NSMutableSet called CHOrderedSet, which is a set that maintains insertion order. (And since it's a subclass, it has the exact same API as an NSMutableSet)
If you've heard about NSSet, did you read the documentation? The API is similar to NSArray and very straightforward. Just like NSArray vs. NSMutableArray, you would use NSMutableSet if you need on the fly membership tests.