Facebook graph Api Problem with number of comments - iphone

Hello I am using facebook graph api..and trying to display comments of each post..But it is showing only 2 comments per post..some of my post are having more than 2 comments.. I set the limit= 10 in URL
url_string = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#access_token=%#&limit=10", url_string, self.accessToken];
I have searched but not found why this is happening and also I am getting only my posts which is posted from my iphone app..other friends post on my wall is not visible in my app even my post which I posted on facebook site(not from my app) is also not visible in app..
please Help about this..

Facebook for iPhone, background wall post
Check out the above link it will help..
Also make sure you have used read_stream, offline_access, user_profile included in the permission.
Here are the list of permissions you need to use http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/


Facebook photo feed

I was using FB api to post photos to my fanpage's news feed (http://www.facebook.com/MyApp/photos_stream), but from some time it stopped posting it to news feed and it just uploaded photos to some album (http://www.facebook.com/MyApp/photos).
This is the api command I was using before and after it was working, nothing has changed on my side.
$result = $facebook->api('/123456789/photos', 'post', $attrs);
So the question is, how to post photos to fanpage wall (timeline) properly and why it stopped working by itself?
I had the same problem a few times ago.
In fact it was working but you have to go to your photo folder and accept the uploaded image.
In the album Facebook will show you a panel saying you have to approve those photos.
By doing this Facebook will publish the images on the timeline.
I know this is very annoying but I didn't find a better solution (I think Facebook has added a new security to avoid some abuses).
Look at the Facebook documentation.
You can post photos to a Page's Wall by issuing an HTTP POST request
to PAGE_ID/photos with the publish_stream and manage_pages permissions
and the following parameters.
Make sure you are using those two permissions and that your parameters are correct.

Why can't I post to a fan page from my iOS app?

I want to post images from my iOS app to a single Facebook fan page. I'm new to facebook-sdk. I can post to a user's page with no issue using either facebook sdk or social framework, but what I cannot work out is posting to a fan page. I have set up a fan page and have set it to allow posts from anyone but when I try it with the url /pageID/picture it won't work. It'll work for admins, but I want non-admins to be able to post.
What do I need to do?
I can post image but it end up only in my images . no matter what url I Use
fb /me/photo or /fan_page_id/photo the images only end up in my image folder not on the wall please any help would be great I can find 1000's of questions on this but no answer .
I have fixed it I never added this key to my options dict
ACFacebookAudienceKey: ACFacebookAudienceFriends
In the Account framework header it has it marked as optional but I could not request any thing other then read permission but after adding this key to my options dictionary it worked I dont know why this makes a difference but it fix my issue with out it I could only post to my images folder and I could not request permission other then read . After adding key I can post to wall and fan page wall and request any permission I need.
In your Fan Page, Look for "Edit Page" option. In that part, click on "Manage Permission".
In Manage Permission page,
Posting Ability:
1> Everyone can post to <> timeline
2> Everyone can add photos and videos to <> timeline
Also take a username for your fan page to refer your user in a easier way.
You have to create an facebook application for the requirement.
Following three links may help you -
1> Posting a photo to Facebook fan page as user. iOS Facebook SDK 3.1
2> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/#photos
3> http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/publishing/
Actually, the publish_stream and manage_pages permissions are important.

Posts made to page wall displayed in user newsfeed without "via <application name>"

Posts made to page wall using graph api displayed in user newsfeed without "via ".
You can see axample here http://www.insidefacebook.com/2012/11/12/new-link-shows-users-more-page-posts-and-friend-activity-in-news-feed/.
Is it possible to see what application shared this post to page?
Actually you can use Graph API to find out what application created the post. Although Michael is correct in pointing that via- tag is removed by Facebook on post's display.
The "via"-attribution for posts done by apps on pages was recently dropped by Facebook.
I'm pretty sure there's no way to tell from the outside, if a post was made through an app, and which app in particular.
Compare this screenshot of what the Graph API exposes about a post (its a post we've published on http://fb.com/diesocialisten via http://www.swat.io)
Post: https://www.facebook.com/129842310398883/posts/350825491682109
There's no hint of the used app here:
Anvesh is right: you actually can get the "application"-field, but you have to query the feed itself (/diesocialisten/feed), not the particular post. Cool, didn't know that!

facebook like not get the required image

I am creating a facebook like to put on my site. This component will read all posts from a specific page`s wall and display them.
I want to get the required image post on my wall when any user like my page from my website.. I have multiple facebook likes on my page ..
My problem is that when a user like any of the like button it get any image from my page and post it my wall . But i want that it get the specific image and post to my wall..
i also tried to put og:image But no success :-(
Any suggestions please.
You haven't given enough code to diagnose your problems, but assuming that you've followed the open graph instructions on the Facebook Developers site - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/ - It would be a good idea pass your target URL through the Facebook Debugger (formerly the URL Linter) it will help show you any errors you have regarding your open graph tagging implementation:

Facebook for iPhone, background wall post

I am implementing the Facebook iOS SDK into my app... and find no problems with that. BUT, what I can't find to figure out is how to send basic wall post to my facebook app wall.
What I want to do is whenever a user searches for something, the app sends a wall-post with the following text "#someUser just searched for someSearchQuery" to my apps wall (not the users wall).
Offcource this is something I want the user to be able to switch on / off in the settings page, so the user is aware of it.
How can I do this?
Best regards,
Paul Peelen
Use the new Graph API as described here:
"For example, you can post a new wall post on Arjun's wall by issuing a POST request to https://graph.facebook.com/arjun/feed"
To use the Graph API from Facebook iOS SDK do something like:
[facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"[your app's id]/feed" andParams:params andMethod:#"POST" andDelegate:self];
where params is a dictionary with following optional keys:
message, picture, link, name, caption, description, source