Delete file on exit - perl

Maybe I'm wrong, but I am convinced there is some facility provided by UNIX and by the C standard library to get the OS to delete a file once a process exits. But I can't remember what it's called (or maybe I imagined it). In my particular case I would like to access this functionality from perl.
Java has the deleteOnExit function but I understand the deletion is done by the JVM as opposed to the OS which means that if the JVM exits uncleanly (e.g. power failure) then the file will never get deleted.
But I understand the facility I am looking for (if it exists), as it is provided by the OS, the OS looks after the file's deletion, presumably doing some cleanup work on OS start in the case of power failure etc., and certainly doing cleanup in the case the process exits uncleanly.

A very very simple solution to this (that only works on *nix systems) is to:
Create and open the file (keep the file handle around)
Immediately call unlink on the file
Proceed as normal using the file handle, and exit when you feel like it
Then when your program is complete, the file descriptor is closed and the file is truly deleted. This will even work if the program crashes.
Of course this only works within the context of a single script (i.e. other scripts won't be able to directly manipulate the file, although you COULD pass them the file descriptor).

If you are looking for something that the OS may automatically take care of on restart after power failure, an END block isn't enough, you need to create the file where the OS is expecting a temporary file. And once you are doing that, you should just use one of the File::Temp routines (which even offer the option of opening and immediately unlinking the file for you, if you want).

You're looking for atexit(). In Perl this is usually done with END blocks. Java and Perl provide their own because they want to be portable to systems that don't follow the relevant standards (in this case C90).
That said, on Unix the common convention is to open a file and then unlink it; the kernel will delete it when the last reference (which is to say, your file descriptor) is closed. You almost always want to open for read+write.

I think you are looking for a function called tmpfile() which creates file when called and deletes it upon close. check, article

You could do your work in an END block.


Perl script not updating when disk code changes are made

I have a perl package called (that i have on disk)
I have a script called
Inside my I have the following statement
use mypackage;
Now why, when I make changes inside mypackage, are those changes are NOT reflected when running my script?
When you start a Perl program, the perl compiler will read all the modules referenced in the program from disk, compile them and store the resulting opcode in memory. It will also remember which files it has already read (in %INC) so it does not read them again.
There is a difference to when those files are read, but they are likely not significant here. If you use a module, it will be loaded at compile time, as in when the program starts. If you require a module, that can be inside of conditionals, and the file will be read when that code is executed at run time. That might be while the program starts up, or way later, or even never. Perl then switches back to compile time for that file to compile it, and then returns to run time.
If you want to re-read a module that you use, you will typically have to restart your program.
Having said that, there are some black magic implementations that allow you to re-load a module that has changed on disk. Unless you are building a daemon with insane start-up time and high throughput there is probably no need to use that.
One of these modules is Module::Reload. Its been around for a while and has recently seen some changes. Its See Also section points to further implementations, namely Module::Reload::Selective and the again pragma.
I have used neither of these and can't say if they work or how.

Perl: system command returns before it is done

I'm using a a few system() commands in my perl script that is running on Linux.
The commands I run with the system() function output their data to a log which I then parse to decide what to do next.
I noticed that sometimes it looks like the code that parses the log file (which comes after the system() function) doesn't use the final log.
For example, I search for a "test pass" phrase in the log file - and the script doesn't find it even though when I open the log it is there.
Another example - I try to delete the folder where the log was placed but it doesn't let me because it's "Not empty". When I try to delete it manually it is deleted with errors.
(These examples happen every now and then, but most of the time they don't)
It looks like some kind of "timing" problem to me. How can I solve it?
If you want to be safe and are on Linux, call system sync; after every command that writes to the disk before reading from the disk. That will force the OS to write everything still buffered to the filesystem and only return afterwards. Thus you can be sure that when it is finished, everything you wrote to files now actually has arrived there.
But be aware, that may be overkill in many situations. There are reasons for those buffers and manually calling sync constantly is most likely not the fastest way of achieving things. See also
If, for example, you have something else that you could do between the writing and the reading, like some calculations or whatever, that would likely be enough and you would not waste time by telling the OS that you know better how and when it has to do it's jobs. ^^
But if perfect efficiency is not your main concern (and you should not be using Perl if it was), system sync; after everything that modifies files and before accessing those files is probably okay and safe.

Finding a Perl memory leak

SOLVED see Edit 2
I've been writing a Perl program to handle automatic upgrading of local (proprietary) programs (for the company I work for).
Basically, it runs via cron, and unfortunately has a memory leak (or something similar). The problem is that the leak only happens when I'm not looking (aka when run via cron, not via command line).
My code does not contain any circular (or other) references, so the commonly cited tools will not help me (Devel::Cycle, Devel::Peek).
How would I go about figuring out what is using so much memory that the kernel kills it?
Basically, the code SFTPs into a server (using ```sftp...`` `), calls OpenSSL to verify the file, and then SFTPs more if more files are needed, and installs them (untars them).
I have seen delays (~15 sec) before the first SFTP session, but it has never used so much memory as to be killed (in my presence).
If I can't sort this out, I'll need to re-write in a different language, and that will take precious time.
Edit: The following message is printed out by the kernel which led me to believe it was a memory leak:
[100023.123] Out of memory: kill process 9568 ( score 325406 or a child
[100023.123] Killed Process 9568 (
I don't believe it is an issue with cron because of the stalling (for ~15 sec, sometimes) when running it via the command-line. Also, there are no environmental variables used (at least by what I've written, maybe underlying things do?)
Edit 2: I found the issue myself, with help from the below comment by mobrule (in response to this question). It turns out that the script was called from a crontab of a user (non-root) just once a day and that (non-root privs) caused a special infinite loop situation.
Sorry guys, I feel kinda stupid for not finding this before, but thanks.
mobrule, if you submit your comment as an answer, I will accept it as it lead to me finding the problem.
End Edits
P.S. I may be able to post small snippets of code, but not the whole thing due to company policy.
You could try using Devel::Size to profile some of your objects. e.g. in the main:: scope (the .pl file itself), do something like this:
use Devel::Size qw(total_size);
foreach my $varname (qw(varname1 varname2 ))
print "size used for variable $varname: " . total_size($$varname) . "\n";
Compare the actual size used to what you think is a reasonable value for each object. Something suspicious might pop out immediately (e.g. a cache that is massively bloated beyond anything that sounds reasonable).
Other things to try:
Eliminate bits of functionality one at a time to see if suddenly things get a lot better; I'd start with the use of any external libraries
Is the bad behaviour localized to just one particular machine, or one particular operating system? Move the program to other systems to see how its behaviour changes.
(In a separate installation) try upgrading to the latest Perl (5.10.1), and also upgrade all your CPAN modules
How do you know that it's a memory leak? I can think of many other reasons why the OS would kill a program.
The first question I would ask is "Does this program always work correctly from the command line?". If the answer is "No" then I'd fix these issues first.
On the other hand if the answer is "Yes", I would investigate all the differences between having the program executed under cron and from the command line to find out why it is misbehaving.
If it is run by cron, that shouldn't it die after iteration? If that is the case, hard for me to see how a memory leak would be a big deal...
Are you sure it is the script itself, and not the child processes that are using the memory? Perhaps it ends up creating a real lot of ssh sessions , instead of doing a bunch of stuff in one session?

How can I check if a file is open by another program in Perl?

In Perl, how do I test if a file of open by another Perl program? I need the first program to be done before the second program can start.
alt text
But seriously, folks, advisory locks with flock are generally the best you can do. There's no way to guarantee that no other program wants to read or write a file at the same time as you.
You may be able to coordinate the two programs using flock: The first program would lock the file, and the second program would also try to acquire a lock on it, and it would block until the first program releases the lock.
Is flock() available on your system ? Otherwise, the two programs have be be synchronized, they can communicate thru a pipe or a socket, or via the presence/absence of a file.
Another direction if you are on a Unix-like system, could be use lsof output.
I assume having the first program starting the second one is not feasible.
In my experience, flock works fine on local systems on both Windows and Linux.
You could also, presumably, have the first program exec the second program when it's done processing the file.
If you are running on Windows, you could call CreateFile directly with a dwShareMode of 0.
According to MSDN:
Prevents other processes from opening a file or device if they request delete, read, or write access.
Win32API::File gives access to this call.
To specifically look for whether or not a file is open or in use, if you're on unix there is a wrapper to the lsof command to list open files: Unix::Lsof
If you're in Unix, you could also call fuser.
I might be misunderstanding the context and my comment may have limited usability in your case, but depending on what you are using the code for/on - Using serial queues to ensure that tasks to execute in a predictable order maybe an option. Your application (written in Perl) will need to explicitly create and manage the serial queues. For more details refer to the following link: GCD

How can I force unload a Perl module?

Hi I am using a perl script written by another person who is no longer in the company.
If I run the script as a stand alone, then the output are as expected. But when I call the script from another code repeatedly, the output is wrong except for the first time.
I suspect some variables are not initialised properly. When it is called standalone, each time it exits and all the variable values are initialised to defaults. But when called from another perl script, the modules and the variable values are probably carried over to the next call of the script.
Is there any way to flush out the called script from memory before I call it next time?
I tried enabling warning and it was throwing up 1000s of lines of warning...!
EDIT: How I am calling the other script:
The code looks like this:
do "";
process(params); #A function in
If you want to force the module to be reloaded, delete its entry from %INC and then reload it.
For example:
sub reload_module {
delete $INC{'Your/Silly/'};
require Your::Silly::Module;
Note that if this module relies on globals in other modules being set, those may need to be reloaded as well. There's no easy way to know without taking a peak at the code.
Hi I am using a perl script written by another person who is no longer in the company.
I tried enabling warning and it was throwing up 1000s of lines of warning...!
There's your problem right there. The script was not written properly, and should be rewritten.
Ask yourself this question: if it has 1000s of warnings when you enable strict checking, how can you be sure that it is doing the right thing? How can you be sure that it is not clobbering files, trashing data sets, making a mess of your filesystem? Chances are it is doing all of these things, either deliberately or accidentally.
I wouldn't trust running an error-filled script written by someone no longer with the company. I'd rewrite it and be sure that it was doing what I needed it to do.
Unloading a module is a more difficult task than simply removing the %INC entry of the module. Take a look at Class::Unload from CPAN.
If you don't want to rewrite/fix the script, I suggest calling the script via exec() or one of its varieties. While it is not very elegant to do, it will definitely fix your problem.
Are you sure that you need to reload the module? By using do, you are reading the source every time and executing it. What happens if you change that to require, which will only read and evaluate the source once?
Another possibility (just thinking aloud here) could be to do with the local directory? Are they running from the same place. Probably wouldn't work the first time though.
Another option is to use system ('');. Lazily, we do this with a few scripts to force re-initialisation of a number of classes/variables etc. And to force the log files to rotate properly.
edit: I have just re-read your question, and it would appear that you are not calling it like this.