Why does Ext.form.ComboBox remove all the values automatically when selected any item in the list? - forms

I've made a combo box and its working fine except when I select one of the items in the combobox, it removes all other values in it. Here is a piece of code:
var comboitemarray = new Array();
for(var comboitems=0;comboitems<listitems.length;comboitems++){
comboitemarray[comboitems] = listitems[comboitems].item;
dynamicformfield = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
id: fieldname,
fieldLabel: fieldlabel,
name: fieldname,
editable: false,
autoSelect : true,
store: comboitemarray,
queryMode: 'local',
Any idea? Or am I missing anything here?

You gave an Array as store :
store: comboitemarray
Where it expects an Ext.data.Store. Implement an Ext.data.ArrayStore() from that comboitemarray array . Check the documentation of ArrayStore and always test in firebug for the errors.

I behaves that way because it's not a select-box, it's a combo-box.
If you had the following items:
and you selected "aa", there would then be two options in the box: 'aa', and 'aaa'.
If you think carefully about how you'd like it to work, you'll realize that to get what you want will break ability to have any sort of meaningful type-ahead functionality.


How to filter an array of object in Mui DataGrid?

I recently changed my tables to Mui-datagrid on Material UI 5, and I have a special use case with an array of objects. I want to enable the phone number filter in this column, but the number is provided as an object list.
phone: [
{ type: "home", number: "795-946-1806" },
{ type: "mobile", number: "850-781-8104" }
I was expecting a 'customFilterAndSearch' or an option to customise how to search in this specific field.
customFilterAndSearch: (term, rowData) =>
!!rowData?.suppressedOptions.find(({ description }) =>
I have made some tries with the filterOperators, but no success yet. I have made a full example here https://codesandbox.io/s/mui-data-grid-vs05fr?file=/demo.js
As far as I can see from the DataGrid documentation I don't see any way to change the filter function for a specific function.
Likely the best workaround for your use case will be converting this to a string be converting the data to a string before you pass it to the datagrid. Though you will lose the styling that you currently do by making the phone type bold.
On second though your best best would probably be to split the phone column into two columns which would probably be the cleanest way of solving your problem
Add helper function.
You could potentially add a helper function to just map all the phone lists to something like mobilePhone or homePhone
const mapPhoneObject = (rows) => {
rows.forEach((row) => {
row.phone.forEach((phone) => {
row[`${phone.type}Phone`] = phone.number;
return rows
I've added a fork of your snippet with my function, it is I think the most viable solution for your problem: https://codesandbox.io/s/mui-data-grid-forked-ppii8y

Number of items limited to around 100

I've created the following Input field.
var oCityInput = new Input({ // sap/m/Input
showSuggestion: true,
showTableSuggestionValueHelp: true,
path: "/cities",
template: new ListItem({ // sap/ui/core/ListItem
text: "{cname}",
additionalText: "{provi}"
The "cities" array contains around 8400 record, but when I type some character the suggestion function it seems that is looking for only in the first 100 items of the array.
I've created an example in jsbin. If you try to looking for the first elements it works... but if you try to type the last city the suggestion will not come out.
In newer versions of SAP UI5 the JSONModel also supports the setSizeLimit() method:
API description: "Set the maximum number of entries which are used for list bindings."
Be careful because it can lead to performance issues.

How to avoid duplicated selection model specification in ExtJS grids?

We have recently switched from ExtJS 3.2 to 3.4 and found that grids with check box selection model stop working. It turns out that such configuration is not allowed any more:
var gridConfig = {
xtype: 'grid',
store: myStore,
new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(),
id: 'Name',
header: 'Inland Carrier',
dataIndex: 'Name'
sm: new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
checkOnly: true
Instead selection model object must be created once and then passed both to column collection and sm property.
The problem now is that we have a very long configuration object with multitude of grids. Previously selection model was specified locally as per the sample above. But now we have to allot a variable for each selection model object, invent unique name for it, and keep these variables far away from the place where they are used. It's extremely inconvenient.
Is it possible somehow to specify selection model in one place? Or maybe to create it in one property initializer and reference this object in the second place?
you can add sm to cm after initialization of grid.
var gridConfig = {
xtype: 'grid',
store: myStore,
id: 'Name',
header: 'Inland Carrier',
dataIndex: 'Name'
sm: new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
checkOnly: true
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel( gridConfig );
grid.getColumnModel().config.unshift( grid.getSelectionModel() );

Extjs form.submit() call changing field value

I can see what are the values of the fields just before the submit:
var itemsForm = '';
function mostraItems(item, index, length) { itemsForm += item.id + ':' + item.name + ':' + item.value + ':' + index + '\n'; }
alert (itemsForm);
The problem I have is that the submitted values are different from what I can see before the form.submit() call. One of the fields is a ComboBox:
var myCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
//autoWidth: true,
width: 250,
displayField: 'theFieldText',
editable: false,
emptyText: 'Select something ...',
fieldLabel: 'Some text',
listeners: { 'select': { fn: theOnSelect, scope: this} },
mode: 'local',
selectOnFocus: true,
store: theStore,
triggerAction: 'all',
typeAhead: true,
valueField: 'theFieldValue',
name: 'fieldName'
What is going in the request is the sum of the valueField and the displayField. Say the value field contains "1" and the displayField contains "some text" then what goes in the request is "1 (some text)" in instead of just the value "1".
There is something happening after or during the form.submit() call and I can't find what it is.
Using Ext 2.3
There isn't anything unusual happening during form submit call.
First of all, check the form values just before the form is submitted (but not the way you do it now). Do you use Firebug (I hope yes)?
gives you key/value pairs as they will be submitted.
So type into console
or put into your code
instead of alert() and see an output. Then, when you submit the form in a standard way
myForm.submit({url: 'submit-url'})
there is no chance your values will be different. How do you submit the form?
As Igor described, you should always use form.getForm().getValues() to see what Values are being submitted.
And if for any particular field you are not happy with the way your data is being formatted or displayed or calculated, you can always override the getSubmitData method for that field.

JQGrid Dynamic Select Data

I have utilised the example code at Example Code at this link
and I have got my grid to show a dynamically constructed select dropdown on add and edit. However when it is just showing the data in the grid it shows the dropdown index instead of its associated data. Is there a way to get the grid to show the data associated with the index instead of the index itself.
e.g. the data on my select could be "0:Hello;1:World"; The drop down on the edit/add window is showing Hello and World and has the correct indexes for them. If the cell has a value of 1 I would expect it to show World in the grid itself but it is showing 1 instead.
Here is the row itself from my grid:
{ name: 'picklist', index: 'picklist', width: 80, sortable: true, editable: true,
edittype: "select", formatter: "select", editrules: { required: true} },
I am filling the dynamic data content in the loadComplete event as follows:
$('#mygrid').setColProp('picklist', { editoptions: { value: picklistdata} });
picklist data is a string of "0:Hello;1:World" type value pairs.
Please can anyone offer any help. I am fairly new to JQGrids so please could you also include examples.
I know you have already solved the problem but I faced the same problem in my project and would like to offer my solution.
First, I declare a custom formatter for my select column (in this case, the 'username' column).
$.extend($.fn.fmatter, {
selectuser: function(cellvalue, options, rowdata) {
var userdata;
success: function(data) {
userdata = data;
return typeof cellvalue != 'undefined' ? userdata[cellvalue] : cellvalue ;
This formatter loads up the mapping of id and user in this case, and returns the username for the particular cellvalue. Then, I set the formatter:'selectuser' option to the column's colModel, and it works.
Of course, this does one json request per row displayed in the grid. I solved this problem by setting 10 seconds of caching to the headers of my json responses, like so:
private function set_caching($seconds_to_cache = 10) {
$ts = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $seconds_to_cache) . " GMT";
header("Expires: $ts");
header("Pragma: cache");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=$seconds_to_cache");
I know this solution is not perfect, but it was adequate for my application. Cache hits are served by the browser instantly and the grid flows smoothly. Ultimately, I hope the built-in select formatter will be fixed to work with json data.
If you save in jqGrid ids of the select elements and want to show the corresponding textes then you should use formatter:'select' in the colModel (see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:predefined_formatter#formatter_type_select) together with the edittype: "select".
The Usage of stype: 'select' could be also interesting for you if you plan to support data searching.