Help with first Core Data project - iphone

This is my first project which I've encountered that I can't get by on NSUserDefaults peppered with some NSCoding protocol. I've been asked to write some POS software.
Essentially, the App needs to store a bunch of products, prices and sales accounts. The user should be able to add items and accounts, and track the balance of accounts over time. The balance of an account should be able to be carried over from one "Session" (time period) to the next.
I'm comfortable with the concepts, but I'd like to be confident that I'm modeling this right. Here's how I've modeled my data. I'd like to know if I've done this properly or if there are any glaring errors/omissions.
I've created an "Account" Entity, which has the following properties:
First Name
Last Name
Account ID
There is a relationship to the transaction entity.
I've created an entity for each Session. Again, a session is just like a fiscal month. The session will have a custom name and an ID.
Session ID
Session Name
There is a relationship to all of the accounts that are applied to that session.
There are of course, products, which have a name and ID. There is also a relationship to the "price" object, so I can change the prices without affecting balances.
Please see this screenshot from Xcode 4 which explains my model in its entirety:
Looking at this, it seems that I'm missing some important info, such as dates of transactions etc. That said, am I on the right track?

It has been my experience that point of sale transactions list all the data that is necessary to recreate the receipt in three tables, a header (think date of sale, singular tracking entity), a set of records for all items being sold (linking back to the sale header), and a set of records for all the methods of payment (again linked back to the sale header).
This will give you the opportunity to rebuild the individual transactions in the future. Also, this is a simplistic model, but should suffice for what you're asking. Nominally yo uwould also keep track of applied discounts on a per-line-item basis, and per-invoice discounts, and per-group discounts, and etc.
What's the relationship between sessions and transactions?

You probably don't need to have an entity for price, as it will likely just be a float. I'd recommend adding a price attribute to your product entity instead.
I don't know if transactions will need names or not, I suppose if you want to have notes then they should.
Also transactions should probably have a to-many relationship with products.
Will this be used on a single device or will there be many users? If each user (account) is responsible for its own data then it may make more sense to have transactions/session rather than transactions/user.


PostgreSQL Array Contains vs JOIN (performance)

I have a model in which a person can receive a gift for attending one event or receive multiple gifts for attending multiple events. The gift to person or multiple gifts to person is considered one transaction in both cases. I'm using PostgreSQL to implement this model.
For example,
if you attend to certain event, you will receive a gift (a single transaction of gift to person).
And another example, you attend to a set of events therefore you receive a set of gifts for these events (in a single transaction of gifts to person).
So, in the majority of cases, only one gift to one person will be transacted. But there will be a few cases of the second example.
In order to handle this cases, i have two options,
the first one is use a postgres array and query by array contains,
and the second one is create a new table of transaction_events and make a join to query by event.
I wanted to know which option is more performant and which option the community recommends. Tanking into account that the most transaction will contains only one event and also that i cannot change the transactions model.
The second option will perform better, and it has the added benefit that you can have foreign key constraints to enforce data integrity.
In most cases, it is a good idea to avoid composite types like arrays or JSON in the database.

Modelling URI to demonstrate many to many relationship between 2 API resources

A credit card account (Account) can belong to multiple customers and One customer (Customer) can own multiple credit card accounts. I need to design REST API(s) which can return all accounts owned by a customer. The account number is coming from a manual input by an end user like a service rep into a freeform text box. Following is a constraint though
End consumers/developers know only account number & have no knowledge of customer id (unique identifier of a customer) upfront so to retrieve a list of accounts belonging to a customer -
1.1 find the customer owning the account in question
1.2 then find all the accounts owned by a customer.
I can think of couple of options but feel either they will make interaction chattier or may not be restful.
Only GET scenario has been discussed in below options
Option 1
Ideal way to interact with two separate resources but makes interaction very chatty and will put undue load on the system. Two calls everytime to know all accounts owned by a customer. So 20 Million calls/day in SOAP/RPC will become 40 million calls in REST.
/accounts/{account_nbr}/customers --> returns a list of customers for a specific account
/customers/{customer_id}/accounts --> returns a list of accounts for a customer
Option 2
I don't think this will be restful because query parameter is supposed to be used for identifying a resource in a non-hiearchical data
/customers/accounts?account_nbr = XXXX
Option 3
This option indicates that a list of accounts linked to account_nbr is being returned which is not right because list of accounts are linked to a customer
Option 4
Term the relationship between customer and an account as a new type of resource. Its trying to indicate get a list of customer to account relationships and identify specific instance where an account in customer_account_relationships has a value of XXXX.
/customer_account_relationships?account_nbr=XXXX or
Which of the above option, if any, is close to being restful representation? Is there any other way to design this interface?
Expected response
"customerName" : "Bob",
"customerId" : 1234,
"listOfAccounts": [
"accountNbr" : "abcd"
"accountType": "creditcard"
"accountNbr" : "qrst"
"accountType": "creditcard"
You correctly rejected the first three options. I see two reasonable choices for you. One is to go with option 4:
GET /customer-summaries?account-number=<account-number>
The other is to just make /accounts top-level and do essentially the same thing:
GET /accounts?same-owner-as-account=<account-number>
In the former case, you'd get an instance of your resource above. In the second, you'd just get a list of accounts, each of which presumably has a link to the account owner. It's up to you as to which better suits your use case.
Note that option 4 may return multiple records if there are multiple owners for the same account. That's a common situation for married couples.

Accessing multi-level fields in a CRM 2011 Workflow

Sorry if this is sort of confusing because I'm not sure how to word this. I am trying to create a workflow that runs off of Account's in Microsoft CRM 2011. One part of this workflow requires me to retrieve a field contained in the Business Unit of the User in the Account's "Created By" field. However, the workflow will only allow me to access the Business Unit itself, but not any of its fields.
I'm wondering if there is a simple trick or work-around that will allow me access to this data.
For reference, the Account has a User, who has a Business Unit, and the Business Unit has a field I need to access. CRM, however, doesn't want to let me get more than 2 levels deep when accessing fields.
Clunky but do-able if you accept a bit of denormalisation (temporarily or otherwise). I'll assume for the sake of example you want to get at the "cost centre" field from the BU.
Add a field on User entity to temporarily hold the value from the BU (so make it same type and length, text(100) in this case), optionally put it on the form.
Create a child workflow for the User entity to update the user with the "cost centre" value from their BU. Make it only available to run as a child, not onDemand or anything else. Activate
In your Account workflow, add a step to call the child workflow against the relevant user (eg Created By in your case).
Add a step to wait until the new cost centre field on the user record contains data.
Now do whatever you need to with the value from the user record, such as update the Account, or do some branched logic.
Whatever you do, once you have used the value, clear the field on the user record, or do this as the last step of the workflow.
Now, since Users don't change BU very often, you might actually just go ahead and keep that value on the User record permanently, and instead of a child workflow, simply run this on create of a new user, or on change of BU, and store the value permanently on the User record. Yes, it is 'denormalised' and not purest SQL design, but then you don't need a child workflow, you don't need a wait state and you don't have to clear the value at the end, or worry about what happens when two Accounts need to run their workflow at the same time. I include the more general approach above as this might apply to other records which do change their parent quite often.
Just an additional thought - you can access the "owning business unit" of the Account, but this will be the BU of the Owning User, rather than the Created By, but is your business process such that this would normally be the same person? (eg users only have Create priviledge to "user owned" depth, so can only create records they own).
If so, then you could get at the BU directly from the Account, and then any fields on it too (in a condition or to update the Account)
Alternative which is less ideal but a similar approach - add a relationship from Account to BU (eg "created BU"). Now you can update the Account with this by referring to the Created By User's BU, then in the next step, reference this value from the Account. This is again denormalised, and less preferable since number of Accounts is far greater than number of users, so the level of duplicate information is much higher.
You can't get deeper with the standard steps of a workflow.
The solution is to create a custom workflow activity, you can start from this article:

RESTful design: when to use sub-resources? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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When designing resource hierarchies, when should one use sub-resources?
I used to believe that when a resource could not exist without another, it should be represented as its sub-resource. I recently ran across this counter-example:
An employee is uniquely identifiable across all companies.
An employee's access control and life-cycle depend on the company.
I modeled this as: /companies/{companyName}/employee/{employeeId}
Notice, I don't need to look up the company in order to locate the employee, so should I? If I do, I'm paying a price to look up information I don't need. If I don't, this URL mistakenly returns HTTP 200:
How should I represent the fact that a resource to belongs to another?
How should I represent the fact that a resource cannot be identified without another?
What relationships are sub-resources meant and not meant to model?
A year later, I ended with the following compromise (for database rows that contain a unique identifier):
Assign all resources a canonical URI at the root (e.g. /companies/{id} and /employees/{id}).
If a resource cannot exist without another, it should be represented as its sub-resource; however, treat the operation as a search engine query. Meaning, instead of carrying out the operation immediately, simply return HTTP 307 ("Temporary redirect") pointing at the canonical URI. This will cause clients to repeat the operation against the canonical URI.
Your specification document should only expose root resources that match your conceptual model (not dependent on implementation details). Implementation details might change (your rows might no longer be unique identifiable) but your conceptual model will remain intact. In the above example, you'd tell clients about /companies but not /employees.
This approach has the following benefits:
It eliminates the need to do unnecessary database look-ups.
It reduces the number of sanity-checks to one per request. At most, I have to check whether an employee belongs to a company, but I no longer have to do two validation checks for /companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/computers/{computerId}.
It has a mixed impact on database scalability. On the one hand you are reducing lock contention by locking less tables, for a shorter period of time. But on the other hand, you are increasing the possibility of deadlocks because each root resource must use a different locking order. I have no idea whether this is a net gain or loss but I take comfort in the fact that database deadlocks cannot be prevented anyway and the resulting locking rules are simpler to understand and implement. When in doubt, opt for simplicity.
Our conceptual model remains intact. By ensuring that the specification document only exposes our conceptual model, we are free to drop URIs containing implementation details in the future without breaking existing clients. Remember, nothing prevents you from exposing implementation details in intermediate URIs so long as your specification declares their structure as undefined.
This is problematic because it's no longer obvious that a user belongs
to a particular company.
Sometimes this may highlight a problem with your domain model. Why does a user belong to a company? If I change companies, am I whole new person? What if I work for two companies? Am I two different people?
If the answer is yes, then why not take some company-unique identifier to access a user?
e.g. username:
(where bar is my username that is unique within that specific company namespace)
If the answer is no, then why am I not a user (person) by myself, and the company/users collection merely points to me: <link rel="user" uri="/user/1" /> (note: employee seems to be more appropriate)
Now outside of your specific example, I think that resource-subresource relationships are more appropriate when it comes to use rather than ownership (and that's why you're struggling with the redundancy of identifying a company for a user that implicitly identifies a company).
What I mean by this is that users is actually a sub-resource of a company resource, because the use is to define the relationship between a company and its employees - another way of saying that is: you have to define a company before you can start hiring employees. Likewise, a user (person) has to be defined (born) before you can recruit them.
Your rule to decide if a resource should be modeled as sub resource is valid. Your problem does not arise from a wrong conceptual model but you let leak your database model into your REST model.
From a conceptual view an employee if it can only exist within a company relationship is modeled as a composition. The employee could be thus only identified via the company. Now databases come into play and all employee rows get a unique identifier.
My advice is don't let the database model leak in your conceptional model because you're exposing infrastructure concerns to your API. For example what happens when you decide to switch to a document oriented database like MongoDB where you could model your employees as part of the company document and no longer has this artificial unique id? Would you want to change your API?
To answer your extra questions
How should I represent the fact that a resource to belongs to another?
Composition via sub resources, other associations via URL links.
How should I represent the fact that a resource cannot be identified without another?
Use both id values in your resource URL and make sure not to let your database leak into your API by checking if the "combination" exists.
What relationships are sub-resources meant and not meant to model?
Sub resources are well suited for compositions but more generally spoken to model that a resource cannot exist without the parent resource and always belongs to one parent resource. Your rule when a resource could not exist without another, it should be represented as its sub-resource is a good guidance for this decision.
if a subresource is uniquely identifiable without its owning entity, it is no subresource and should have its own namespace (i.e. /users/{user} rather than /companies/{*}/users/{user}).
Most importantly: never ever ever everer uses your entity's database primary key as the resource identifier. that's the most common mistake where implementation details leak to the outside world. you should always have a natural business key (like username or company-number, rather than user-id or company-id). the uniqueness of such a key can be enforced by a unique constraint, if you wish, but the primary key of an entity should never ever everer leave the persistence-layer of your application, or at least it should never be an argument to any service method. If you go by this rule, you shouldn't have any trouble distinguishing between compositions (/companies/{company}/users/{user}) and associations (/users/{user}), because if your subresource doesn't have a natural business key, that identifies it in a global context, you can be very certain it really is a depending subresource (or you must first create a business key to make it globally identifiable).
This is one way you can resolve this situation:
/companies/{companyName}/employee/{employeeId} -> returns data about an employee, should also include the person's data
/person/{peopleId} -> returns data about the person
Talking about employee makes no sense without also talking about the company, but talking about the person does make sense even without a company and even if he's hired by multiple companies. A person's existence is independent of whether he's hired by any companies, but an employment's existence does depend on the company.
The issue seems to be when there is no specific company but an employee technically belongs to some company or organization otherwise they could be called bums or politicians. Being an employee implies a company/organization relationship somewhere but not a specific one. Also employees can work for more than one company/organization. When the specific company context is required then your original works /companies/{companyName}/users/{id}
Lets say you want to know the EmployerContribution for your ira/rsp/pension you'd use:
You get the specific amount contributed by enron (or $0).
What if you want the EmployerContributions from any or all companies fred works(ed) for? You don't need a concrete company for it to make sense. /companies/any/employee/fred/EmployerContribution
Where "any" is obviously an abstraction or placeholder when the employee's company doesn't matter but being an employee does. You need to intercept the 'company" handler to prevent a db lookup (although not sure why company wouldn't be cached? how many can there be?)
You can even change the abstraction to represent something like all companies for which Fred was employed over the last 10 years.

Accessing a class that is related to two other classes

Given the following tables: User, Trial, UserTrial. Where A user has multiple trials, a Trial does not internally map to any Users and contains details about the trial (name, description, settings), and a UserTrial contains information specific to an instance of a User's trial (expiration date, for example). What would be the proper way for the controller of an MVC application to access data about a UserTrial?
Additional Details
There is no ORM
Each class is dual-purposed to be useable to create new, or load existing Users, Trials, or UserTrials. The constructor loads data when passed an ID and persists it with the method ->save()
It would seem that there are 2 options:
Which is the most appropriate usage?
I don't think your option 1 will work because if each User can have multiple Trials, then you'd need something like User.AddTrial(Trial), User.RemoveTrial(Trial), User.getUserTrails().
Which design option you choose depends on whether you want to make UserTrial objects "first class" or not. Do you want to consider Users and Trials to be the primary objects with UserTrial objects just glue to hold the relations, or do you want UserTrial objects to be primary as well? If the former, you'll want something like your option 1; if the latter, you'll want something like your option 2.