Sencha Touch 1.1.0: Form is not showing scrollbars - forms

I am creating an Application that consist of a Panel,
This panel contains a Tab-Panel and a Form-Panel. (Initially, Form-Panel is Hidden)
The Tab-Panel has a Tab, which contains a List.
When Tapped on a List-Item it dose the following
Shows the Form-Panel
Hides the Tab-Panel
My Problem is When it does so , The form do not show any scroll bars, How ever when i change the orientation of the device(iPhone) and then it allows me to scroll.
Can anyone explain me if i am doing it correctly, or is there any better way to achieve this functionality, or can the Main Panle be changed with a view Port ?
A small example will be really great.
Below is my Code (i will try to keep it simple)
Decleration of List and Event Listener
var lstRequestTracker = new Ext.List({
itemTpl : '{emplFirstName} {emplLastName}'
,store : storeRequestTracker
,fullscreen: true
lstRequestTracker.on('itemtap', function( oThis, index, item, event) {
var rec = oThis.getStore().getAt(index);
Code for declaring the Main-Panel, Tab-Panel and The Form-Panel
var tpnlMyForms = new Ext.TabPanel({
tabBar : {dock : 'bottom', layout:'hbox'}
,fullscreen : true
,defaults : {scroll: 'vertical', layout:'fit'}
,items : [ {
title : 'Request Tracker'
,items : [lstRequestTracker]
,iconCls: 'time'
var fpnlOnBoard = new Ext.form.FormPanel({Contains form Fields});
onReady: function() {
var pnlMain = new Ext.Panel({
fullscreen : true
,dockedItems: [{dock:'top', xtype:'toolbar',title:'STARS'}]
,layout: 'fit'
,items : [tpnlMyForms,fpnlOnBoard]
}// eo onReady Function

Have you tried giving your formPanel a scroll option (scoll: 'horizontal') ? I really don't know wether this will help, but I remember I also had a form a few days ago and this was the solution. That had nothing to do with the device orientation by the way, but who knows..


Page Animation Using the Same Page

I have a simple question. I'm trying to use animation on a single page such as Page1. For example if I change the Label text and press a TextButton, I would like it to transition leftToRight. When I try to use the,4,0,false,false), the updated label is shown with no transition effect. I've tried to go between 2 different pages and it does transition properly. Is there a way to do this with 1 page since I want to keep the same page elements but just update the text content and display the updated page with a transition effect.
You can not run page animation for the same page. But you can try something like that.
Just run animate method only for the updated object. For example;
var myLabel = new SMF.UI.Label({
top : "25%",
left : "15%",
height : "10%",
width : "70%",
text : "hello"
var myButton = new SMF.UI.TextButton({
top : "50%",
left : "15%",
height : "10%",
width : "70%",
text : "myButton",
onPressed : function () {
myLabel.alpha = 0;
myLabel.text = "world";
property : "alpha",
endValue : 100,
motionEase : SMF.UI.MotionEase.plain,
duration : 3000,
onFinish : function () {
//do your action after finishing the animation
Add these two objects(myLabel, myButton) to your page.
When pressed to button, label's text changes, it becomes invisible with alpha = 0, and then it becomes visible again with animate method.

How to add ColumnListItem to a table inside a page in MVC from other page controller

I have a SAPUI5 application written in MVC
I have a view called oPage4:
var landscapePage = new sap.m.Page({
title : "Landscape Name",
showNavButton : true,
navButtonPress : [oController.back,oController],
footer : new sap.m.Bar({
id : 'landscapePage_footer',
contentMiddle : [
new sap.m.Button({
new sap.m.Button({
oLandscapePageTable = new sap.m.Table("landscape", {
inset : true,
visible : true,
getIncludeItemInSelection : true,
showNoData : false,
columns : [ new sap.m.Column({
styleClass : "name",
hAlign : "Left",
header : new sap.m.Label({
}) ]
return landscapePage;
then inside page1 controller I want to add a columnlistitem to the table of page 4.
var oPage4 = sap.ui.getCore().byId("p4");
var landscapePageRow = new sap.m.ColumnListItem({
type : "Active",
visible : true,
selected : true,
cells : [ new sap.m.Label({
text : something
}) ]
it doesn't work. please show me how to do so?
Ok, I think I understood your problem now. In general I would avoid calling the page and doing manipulations on it from another view. However, it is absolutely possible:
Additional functions in your view
You can extend your page4 with some more functions that can be called from outside like this:
sap.ui.jsview("my.page4", {
createContent : function() {
this.table = ...
addColumnListItem : function(columnListItem) {
// add it to the table calling this.table ...
From another view you´re now able to call this function like this:
var page4 = sap.ui.jsview("my.page4");
page4.addColumnListItem(page4, columnListItem);
Attention: The page4 object itself doesn´t point to the control you´re returning but to the the view instance itself. You will notice this, if you log the page4 object to the console. This is why you have to add functions like described.
Some other approaches would be to use the EventBus like described here to publish and subscribe to events. Since you´ve asked for it let me show you how you could do it:
Using the EventBus
The main intention is, that one can subscribe to a particular event and others can publish such events to the eventbus. Let me give you an example:
Subscribing to the EventBus:
var eventBus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
eventBus.subscribe("channel1", "event1", this.handleEvent1, this);
Of course you can name your channel and events as you wish. The third parameter indicates the function, that will be called in case of published events. The last paramter is the scope 'this' will point to in the given function.
Your handleEvent1 function could look like this:
handleEvent1 : function(channel, event, data) {
var listItem = data.listItem
Publishing events to the EventBus:
var columnListItem = ...
var eventBus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
eventBus.publish("channel1", "event1",
listItem : columnListItem
One more option you have is to make the columnListItems depending on a model. Like everytime it depends on your actual architecture and data.
Let me know if this solved your problem or if you need some more information.

how to trigger/reload Masonry plugin on click

Because i have different tabs, masonry is not loading the hidden items, so when i click on a new tab the images stack onto each other, i know this question has been asked before and answered with trigger masonry by clicking the tab, but how would i go about doing this without messing up the first tab.
Currently calling masonry with
// options
itemSelector : '.item',
columnWidth : 260
$(window).load(function(){ $('#container').masonry(); });
and the same for tab 2 but with a different ID - #container2
the tab one works perfectly but tab two stacks the images, until you resize the browser which fixes it and works as normal
Do it like this:
// options
itemSelector : '.item',
columnWidth : 260
var masonryUpdate = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
$(document).on('click', masonryUpdate);
Never worry about it again! Or, you may call it again after other animations, like:
$('#something').slideDown(600, masonryUpdate);
Even if you don't, just click anywhere in the page and masonry will update.
Yes, you can reload masonry view on onclick event as following :-
Use $container.masonry('reload'); if it is work for you. In my case It was not work. I have done using setTimeout(function(){ $container.masonry() }, 400); . call masonry in setTimeout function.
$(document).ready(function($) {
var $container = $('#youContainerId');
setTimeout(function(){ $container.masonry() }, 400);

Avoid Ext.form validation scrolling to top

I have a Ext.form.Panel inside Ext.window. Form height is more than window height so I have vertical scroll on window.
On form fields validation (on validitychange event) scroll jumps to the top.
How to avoid this behaviour?
I tried to figure out, why one of my forms did scroll up and other did not. Turned out, that I have forgot to explicitly specify layout manager and that default layout manager (anchor) scrolled to top on validity change, while vbox layout did not. While everything looked exactly the same (vbox with align: 'stretch'), it behaved differently when the error was either shown or hidden.
I have the same problem :(
I made a creepy workaround (it works to 80%) Sometimes it still jumps to the top.
You should know, that I have a window with a layout of 'form'. If you have a window with (for example) a layout of 'fit' with an xtype of 'form' - you may have to change the code a little bit.
For example the line el.child(".x-window-body", fasle) wouldn't work.
init: function() {
/** My Ext.window.Window is called reservationwindow **/
'reservationwindow': {
afterrender: function(comp) {
// comp is this Ext.Component == wrapper
var el = comp.getEl();
//extjs adds the scrollbar to the body element...
var elForm = el.child(".x-window-body", false);
// or el.child(".x-panel-body", false);
//we are listinig to the scroll-event now
this.myFormEl = elForm;
this.safeScroll = {top:0, left:0};
elForm.on('scroll', function() {
this.safeScroll = this.myFormEl.getScroll();
}, this);
elForm.on('click', function() {
var resWin = this.getResWin();
}, this);
elForm.on('keyup', function() {
var resWin = this.getResWin();
resWin.scrollBy(0,, false);
}, this);
As you can see, I am listening to the scroll-event and safe and reset the scroll bar. Sometimes (especially if you are writing very quickly in a textbox) the events come in a different order and the page will still jump to the top. Sometimes you also see it flickering around (if it needs too long to set it back to the original position).
So.... As I said, its a creepy workaround.
If you find a better solution, please let me know.
I also figured out, that the grow option on a textareafield was one of the troublemakers.
id: + '-details',
xtype: 'textareafield',
// grow: true, now it isn't jumping
name: 'message',
fieldLabel: 'Zusätzliche Informationen',
labelAlign: 'top',
renderder: 'htmlEncode',
disabled: isDisabled,
anchor: '100%'

iPad-like pop-over in Sencha touch

I want to create an iPad-like pop-over with a login form in Sencha touch. How can I do this?
You may try making a normal Ext.Panel to look like a popover
var gkpopover = new Ext.Panel({
id :'gkpopoverpanel',
height:'100px', });
Note: Never forget to set height and width.
and to Show'pop');
hope this makes sense.
On sencha touch 2, floating is depreciated. I've modified #geekay code to;
//show info popover?
var popoverpanel = new Ext.Panel({
hideOnMaskTap: true,
Credits go to him!
As this post points out, sencha have very exactly what you need.
Try this :
new Ext.Panel({
fullscreen : true,
items : [
xtype : 'toolbar',
docked : 'top',
items : [
text : 'Open',
handler : function (button) {
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
height : 200,
width : 200,
html : 'Hello'
panel.showBy(button, 'tr-bc?');