How to make slide show in iPhone? - iphone

I need to make slide show for number of images. But all the images are coming from server.
How to make this?
Is it possible to attach slide show feature in Three20 framework?
Thanks in advance....

Three20 has slideshow functionality in the photo framework, but I've never used it. It's available in the TTPhotoViewController.


Forward and back native buttons in UIWebview iphone

Inside the Twitter iPhone app, if you click on a link it pushes in a WebView.
Ive gotten this far, but I can't find the correct identifier for the forward and backward buttons like at the bottom left of the image below. Are they native? or are they just images they have created themselves?
You might want to have a look at a drop-in inline web view controller I did: SVWebViewController. It should save you a fair bit of coding :)
Per the list of UIBarButtonItems from the docs, those items you desire need to be custom images a they are not provided in the current SDK.

Is it possible to load a view when we click a coverflow image? (iPhone SDK)

Is it possible to load a view when we click a coverflow image?
Please suggest how this can be done.
Here you go ;)
Please vote this post up if it helps :D
CoverFlow is not a standard iOS component. It doesn't have a public API. You'll need to either create your own or use a library someone else created.
In answer to your question, it is possible to load a view when you click an image. The iPod app probably creates a view, then uses an animation to present it onscreen.

Photo Slider Iphone

I want to make a slider just like CNN's iphone application has.
i search all over but i didn't get any help even any clue. If some one has any idea than please share it with me, so i will make this slider.
That way of displaying images is called Coverflow - see the question discussing open-source libraries for iphone with cover-flow implementation.
To the libraries listed there I would also add Tapku library.

image scrolling on touches in iphone

iam developing an app in which, images are to be scrolled on touchesmove i.e, swipping left /right.
I also have to display previous and next images beside present image in protrait mode.
I have seen the covertFlow sample, which is very close to my app, but i want it in horizontal mode. Please suggest me how can i acheive it , links related to it can also be helpful for me..
thanks in advance.
Well how about taking the open source CoverFlow implementation and modify it to work in portrait mode?
You can get sample code in this tapku Library
I solved my query and it is working without using any libraries.
I used the concept of lazyloading to download images, and i placed the images in scrollview which helps to scroll the images.
The following link used to load images asynchronously.

Iphone configurable button menu

Im just wondering if anyone knows the best approach to make a configuable button menu. Im trying to make one like the standard iphone button interface where I will 4 buttons across and 4 buttons down. And like on the iphone button menus, when you press and hold it allows the users to move the buttons around to the configuration they desire. Also like the facebook iphone app menu.
Any ideas?
Your best bet is probably the Three20 Library. It has lots of general functions, but specifically you would use TTLauncherView, which is derived from the Facebook application. There is an example included in library source, which can be downloaded Here.
Another option that doesn't use the Three20 library is to use paging with the UIScrollView.