Installing RethinkDB on a 32 Bit Architecture - nosql

Does RethinkDB not offer 32 bit versions?
RethinkDB's download page has download links to various *nix packages, but all of them pertain to 64 bit architectures.
Is there a 32 bit version or is it simply not supported?

Edit: We've just added 32-bit support in RethinkDB 1.3, see how to install it at
Original answer:
RethinkDB is currently only available for 64-bit architectures. We may offer 32-bit support in future versions of RethinkDB.
I'll be sure to pass a note along to make the download page clearer about prerequisites.


is arm64 better at compatibility than armhf?

I have raspberrypi4.
Current official Raspberry OS is 32-bit a.k.a armhf(armv7l).
I have some issues installing packages or using docker images and I think it is related to 32-bit system.
It seems like ARM architecture has less binaries compatible than x86. And 32-bit armhf is even worse.
So, what I'm curious about is...
would installing 64-bit version of OS help some compatibility issues with packages? I mean like there are few apt PPAs supports 32-bit. Will I be able to use more PPAs and install latest packages with 64-bit OS?
Any suggestion or guess is welcome.
Yes, arm64 is a better choice for wider compatibility with available docker images. arm64 images are also able to use more than 4GB process memory.
As of 22 February 2022 on
123,643 ARM64 images
69,567 ARM images
Update December 2022: With increased adoption of ARM64 in the Cloud (AWS Graviton, Azure Dpsv5, GCloud T2A) I expect ARM64 usage to continue to grow faster.

STM32 libraries for eclipse

Can you use the CMSIS, HAL, TM libraries for STM32F407 discovery board with eclipse, without STM32Cube? According to this link you can do it with eclipse & STM32Cube. But I wonder if you can do just same thing without the STM32Cube. Since I'm using OS X, it is impossible to install the STM32Cube, but in order to use the GPIO library I need to use CMSIS, HAL, TM libraries.
You might be able to used the older "Standard Peripheral Driver" model - which was a just a distributed set of driver files specific to the chip. These libraries are no longer supported and are replaced by STM32Cube which generates equivalent code - but with better support for hardware abstraction however they are still very useable.
Search "STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver" to locate the libraries (which include the standard peripheral drivers and CMSIS).
You can download the libraries as a separate zip file
just unpack it and import whatever you need from it into your project. You can take an example project which is closest to your needs, and start developing your application from that. That's what I did in Linux.
There is the STM32CubeMX, which is the installable program you're referring to, and there are STM32CubeF4, STM32CubeL0, etc, which are the firmware package for the different controller families.
CubeMX now officially supports Mac and Linux. However here is an old post how to run it manually
Regarding the HAL and SPL I'll add that there are really nice libraries in libopencm3 which are developed by community and are not so "buggy" as HAL or SPL.
I found an interesting instruction. You can install the STM32CubeMX on OS X.
There is an Eclipse based IDE by OpenSTM32 community called SW4STM32. Available at OpenSTM32 community's site. System Workbench for STM32 installer has been released on the following platforms:
Microsoft Windows Vista and newer (32 bits or 64 bits)
Linux (32 bits or 64 bits)
Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite and newer + Xcode 7
Java SE JRE 7 or newer
When creating a project you can choose which library you want want to use, SPL, HAL or baremetal.
STM32CubeMX is a initialization code generator. It definitely eases development, but you can write you code completely from the beginning.
STM32CubeMX uses HAL as its Library. You can download the HAL and Include the files that you need and write down the code from scratch. You just need to be aware of the APIs, which are documented in UM1725 Application Note.
But, now STM32CubeMX is also available for Linux and Mac.

OracleSolaris 11.2 -- toolchain to use

There is two options - SunStudio or gcc toolchain. What is the common practice to adhere when developing a driver -- make sure it builds with both compilers for 32-bit and 64-bit modes, or pick one compiler and stick to it?
There is no point building a 32 bit driver when you target Solaris 11.2 as this kernel is only released as 64 bit.
Both Solaris Studio and gcc can be used. The former is likely more popular for everything kernel related and you'll probably find more documentation about using it than gcc.
Until you can find someone who has used recent versions of the entire suite of tools available under both GCC with all its add-ons and Oracle's Studio toolset, you're not going to get a good answer. I'll say that I've yet to see an open-source tool that is as good as Oracle's Studio collect/analyzer tools at performance analysis of multithreaded large-scale applications, especially on Solaris. Most people who blindly post "GCC is better!" don't know the Oracle tools even exist.
Regarding device drivers, jlliagre's comment is quite relevant - it's quite possible to run into situations where a "native" compiler will work where a "foreign" one won't.
(Posting as an answer for emphasis)

Should I use Eclipse 32bits or 64bits on my new machine?

This might be a dumb/naive question, and if it is please excuse me :)
I have a brand new machine with the following specs:
Inter Core i7 2600#3.4GHz
Windows 7
This machine has a 64 bits architecture.
On my previous machine, I used to install 32 bits versions of Eclipse and run it using a 32 bits JRE, and my current Eclipse setup works perfectly on the new machine.
I tried to install a 64bits version of Eclipse, and run it with a 64 bits JRE, and I am wondering if there are any compelling reasons to switch to this kind of setup or stick to my existing install. I guess that I would have to reinstall all the plugins, and maybe find that some of them are not compatible with the 64 bits version of Eclipse.
So far, the 64 bits version seems to need quite some more RAM than the 32 bits version, which is something that I expected, but nothing seems to have improved.
Thanks for your advice!
In general I use 64-bit Eclipse without problem, but there can be issues around plug-ins such as:
Adobe Flash Builder only works with 32-bit
The Subversion plug-in Subclipse needs a native 64-bit version of Subversion installed separately
There may be more but those are the ones I've encountered in the past.
Moving to 64-bit gives you access to more addressable memory but it won't speed anything up, in fact it might reduce performance in some cases (but nothing I see as significant to what I do).
Well the only thing that will improve is that you are able to use the advantages of 64bit. Other then that I'm not aware of any improvement.
For example what's better in 64bit is that if you have a very large project set you would be able to handle it more comfortably. For more information on 64-bit please look here
If you want to be on the edge of technology your choice would of course be the 64bit setup.
About the ram, this is expected because some of the Datatyps now use 64bit and are therefore larger to store in memory.
For most plugins you will get a 64bit version or alternative and so far for what I've used it it always worked.

I am a long time Ubuntu Linux user (a developer), what are the benefits of using Open Solaris

I am a web developer (J2EE application developer) and just want to expand what tools I use. I want to use Open Solaris for my personal projects. I have nothing against Linux and It looks like a lot of the same tools are on both systems.
Have you jumped to Solaris, was it a good experience?
DTrace, zones, switch between 32 bit and 64 bit mode with a single GRUB switch, ZFS, stable libraries (I can't really emphasize that one enough). Solaris 7 software generally runs on OpenSolaris, otherwise known as Solaris 11. glibc changes between minor kernel releases.
Xen is integrated pretty tightly, and setting up lx zones or virtualization to keep your Linux environment is dead simple.
OpenSolaris now has /usr/bin/gnu, where all you favorite utilities can be found.
Expect, though, to end up fighting the ./configure && make && make install cycle a little bit. A lot of developers assume you're running Linux, and don't prepend -m64 for Solaris, among other things. Compiling wxPython is an adventure, for instance.
Edit: I forgot to mention one (possibly important) thing to you. Package repositories aren't nearly comparable. It's neat that pkg image-update (equivalent to `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade) makes a ZFS snapshot that you can get back to via GRUB at any point, but you have nowhere near as many packages in IPS as apt. All the biggies are there, though.
If you're planning to switch, Sun's documentation is fantastic, and the BigAdmin tips of the day are worth reading for a while to get you up to speed.
For J2EE work per se, probably not much. As a more general developer you may appreciate DTrace. As an admin you'll love ZFS & zones. You'll hate the outdated utilities (mostly user-land) though. FreeBSD is a nice in-between Linux & Solaris though. :)
I guess the underlying OS doesn't matter much for a J2EE developer, as long as you stick to the java platform and don't make use of native libraries through JNI. Having said that, the most important factors to choose an OS would be cost and performance. Now, both Linux and OpenSolaris are open source and free to use, but I'm not sure about using OpenSolaris in commercial deployments. I also don't know how java performance differs from one to the other, but I'm strongly convinced that Sun's implementation for Linux is damn good.
Note: I've never used OpenSolaris and I use mostly Linux.
I'm not certain from your question if you mean for your development desktop or your hosting solution but I can take a crack at both. About six months ago I got hold of a free year of hosting on OpenSolaris running GlassFish. I hadn't used Solaris before and thought it would be a good learning experience. I built a test server, installed OpenSolaris and GlassFish, and used it to practice. It was very strightforward to configure GlassFish and deploy applications. Managing services in OpenSolaris is also simple once you read the right documentation. I like OpenSolaris and I like GlassFish.
Obviouly, I found similarities and differences from previous experience with Java application servers and operating systems. However, I thought so highly of the OS that I switched my desktop over last month. It has been a good experience.
Eclipse is not available on OpenSolaris, unfortunately. If you are an Eclipse user you would have to migrate to NetBeans.