Error while reading JSON url in nsstring - iphone

i am sending one url to the server indian/restaurant/Lunch
in which i am getting bad url response, since there is one space between two words south indian, how should i work with that, i have tried to remove the space and passed the url however in response getting null value, when i paste the above url into browser it is showing the response

Remember to encode your URL first: [#" indian/restaurant/Lunch" stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

a space can be changed to %20 for most languages (or + is possible too i beleve)


Google Cloud Storage list objects with name containing "%" return 403 error

I am getting my objects by calling
https://<bucket><object name>%2F&delimiter=/&max-keys=1000
I have tried with other special characters like !, #, #, $, ^, &, *, (, ), etc.
For the other special characters I just encode them in the , and I get the response just fine.
For example, with object "!#" under folder, the url is:
However, when I try with object names with "%" and encode the percent sign to "%25", I get the following error:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>InvalidSecurity</Code> <Message>The provided security credentials are not valid.</Message><Details>Request was not signed or contained a malformed signature</Details></Error>
What could be causing this issue ?
So I have tried double encoding the percent sign such that '%' character becomes "%2525" in the request. However, in the response, the prefix is strangely "%25". After testing with more cases, it turns out a request is successful only when "%25" is followed by 2 characters both within the range of '0' and 'f', however, the response prefix would be wrong. For example, "%25ab" in the request would result in "%ab" in the response prefix.
I believe this is a service side bug: see
I think a workaround is to encode the percent twice. But this may start failing in the future when the bug is fixed.
The error message you're seeing is because you don't have enough permissions to access to your object.
If you're using an authentication method (APIkey, bearer, etc) make sure that they have the needed Roles for GCS.
However, I can see that you're calling the objects just as a GET request. Try to Make your objects public and try it again with that encoding (%25). It should work.
Hope this is helpful!

Wrong NSURLQueryItem percentage encoding for Google CSE

I'm writing app using Google custom search engine.
I received my search engine ID XXXXXXXX219143826571:7h9XXXXXXX (most interesting part bold).
Now I'm trying to use NSURLQueryItem to embed my ID into URL by using:
let params = ["cx" : engineID,...]
components.queryItems = {
NSURLQueryItem(name: String($0), value: String($1))
It should percentage escape item to XXXXXXXX219143826571%3A7h9XXXXXXX (This value I'm getting when using Google APIs explorer while testing, it shows url dress that was used). It is not doing it. I'm getting url without escaping, no changes. If I use escaped string as engine ID in this mapping, I'm getting escaped string XXXXXXXX219143826571%253A7h9XXXXXXX (additional '25' is added to query).
Can someone tell me how to fix it? I don't want to use String and then convert it to URL by NSURL(string: str)!. It is not elegant.
I'm using app Info.plist to save ID and I retrieve it by calling:
Colons are allows in the query part of a URL string. There should be no need to escape them.
Strictly speaking, the only things that absolutely have to be encoded in that part of a URL are ampersands, hash marks (#), and (assuming you're doing a GET query with form encoding) equals signs. However, question marks in theory may cause problems, slashes are technically not allowed (but work just fine), and semicolons are technically allowed (but again, work in practice).
Colons, AFAIK, only have special meaning in the context of paths (if the OS treats it as a path separator) and in that it separates the scheme (protocol) from the rest of the URL.
So don't worry about the colon being unencoded unless the Google API barfs for some reason.

Rest service that accepts a URL as a parameter

I'm trying to pass a complete URL as a parameter to a java-based REST service (GET), but I'm not sure how to format it in order to avoid a "HTTP 400 Bad Request". I've tried Base64 encoding, but still get the 400 error. I think part of the problem is that the url contains a question mark, "?", since it seems to be fine if I remove that and pass the url as-is. I'm not sure what is the problem when its encoded.
example url -
method annotations:
public Response findByUrl(#PathParam("fullurl") String fullurl)
(I've updated the description with a little more detail per the first couple of comments)
Apparently the encoding approach was close, but Base64 (java or commons-code) didn't work for whatever reason (length perhaps?). I found switching to Base32 (commons-code) works for my situation.

API call returning different results based on whitespace encoding (%2520 vs. %20)

I just switched from ASIHTTPRequest to AFNetworking.
My app allows a user to enter a search term, and then I make an api call to my server (rails) to retrieve a list of relevant objects to display on the phone. Simple enough.
Too Long, Won't Read
With the ASI library, the search term sent to the server would be something like st%20helena. Now, with the AFNetworking, my search term sent to the server is st%2520helena. Oddly enough, this is actually making a difference. With %20, I receive no results. With %2520, I receive the results I was expecting.
My question is, why does this make a difference? I know that %2520 is an encoded '%' + 20, which equals a whitespace character, which in my mind should be identical to passing %20.
Before, I was simply appending the search term to the URL after first encoding it:
NSString *encoded = [#"st helena" stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:#", encoded];
Now, with AFNetworking, I'm passing an NSDictionary to the parameters argument of AFHTTPClient#getPath.
NSString *encoded = [#"st helena" stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTR8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary *dict = #{ #"q" : encoded };
[[myClient sharedClient] getPath:#"" parameters:dict ...]
Since AFNetworking encodes items in the dictionary, my search string is being double encoded, which is why the % of '%20' is being converted into '%25'.
My question is, why does this make a difference? I know that %2520 is an encoded '%' + 20, which equals a whitespace character, which in my mind should be identical to passing %20.
No, they aren't identical. The parsing code isn't supposed to just keep decoding over and over again until there aren't any more percent signs left. If that were the case, it would be impossible to transmit the actual percent character. It's only supposed to decode it once. This means that if %2520 goes over the wire, it is decoded into the data %20 and processing stops there. If %20 goes over the wire, it is decoded once into a space. The decoding is only supposed to happen once. If your web service is treating %2520 as a space, then it has a double-decoding bug.

NSURLRequest returning null data (but only sometimes)

I'm trying to extract some data from a craigslist HTML page, but I seem to be running into a strange bug- every once in a while, the page I try to load with an NSURLRequest comes back as some strange form of data, which when converted to a parseable string, returns null. However, I can't consistently reproduce it- it'll suddenly stop working, and then I'll try it again an hour later and it'll be working perfectly, and then some time later it'll stop working again. Anyone know what could be causing it? I'm using an NSURLRequest, asynchronous, with the 'didReceiveData' and 'didReceiveResponse' delegate methods. If I cast the NSURLResponse to an NSHTTPURLResponse and check the response code, I get 200, meaning there were no issues. But when I go to initialize a string with the response data, it returns null, and I obviously then can't parse it.
The URL that seems to do it most often is:
I've tried messing with the User-Agent header for the request, the cache policy, everything I can think of... but nothing seems to fix it.
If there is data but when you ask for a string it's null then I might suspect the string encoding you're using to decode the data? Is there an odd character that is only sometimes in craigs list advert titles?
Just out of interest, why don't you use the rss feed instead - it's probably more consistently formatted / strictly encoded as it's xml not html.