Software framework for internet-wide peer-to-peer applications - frameworks

Is there any known effort to build a generic software framework/library for building distributed/P2P systems on the wider internet[1]? Something that ideally should provide basic services such as peer autodiscovery, autoconfiguration (wrt NAT/firewall issues, bootstrapping), fault-tolerance (churn-resistance, adaptivity, replication), differentiated transports (reliable, unreliable, unicast, anycast, multicast, broadcast), basic storage (DHT-like) and events notification (pubsub).
So, basically something like Hazelcast but not limited to walled-garden server-to-server applications. This would be tremendously useful to easily build distributed applications.
[1] with "wider internet" I mean the public internet, including mobile, residential, eventually connected and possibly byzantine endpoints

you will find different option and technologies depending on the framework you want to use.
For instance for Java based applications you might want to have a look at the JXTA technology.


Is the direct use of UDP/TCP sockets becoming a last resort for use in production code?

Recently, I created a lightweight wrapper for the C++ boost asio library for some network communication. I used it to prototype some new functionality. We quickly moved over to a system that utilized Kafka to take advantage of an existing microservice framework when more internal funding came our way. No problem, I figured we would move to a different network model later on, and the internals were more important to my job than the network communication.
My question is, with the amount of technologies that abstract away network interfaces, (i.e. Kafka, grpc, ActiveMQ, ZeroMQ, etc.) are the use of base TCP/UDP sockets becoming more of a last resort, where software architects try to find an existing broker/stream processor/network message passing tool to fit their model? Or are there still many new production developments utilizing base level TCP/UDP sockets, not including those who solely write network libraries such as those mentioned above?
Note that I don't work with Kafka, grpc etc. in my line of work, but I have used UDP/TCP sockets extensively in the past. So forgive any misunderstanding of those particular technologies.

Connection between programs over the network

I want to dive into the whole diversity of tools which provide connection between programs over the network.
To clarify the question, I divide it on subquestions:
Why some groups of programs (or specific tools/frameworks/approaches with programming languages where this frameworks can be used) were popular in each period of time? (I expect description of problems which were solved, description of tools, why those tools are considered as best solution to those problems at that time, why some tools lost popularity)
What is the entire history of software communication over the network? (tools/approaches popularity precisely to decades)
What are the modern solutions to this problem?
I can distinguish only two significant approaches.
RPC, RMI and their implementations (I saw this, but it is about concrete problem and specific tools to solve this problem, I want to see the place of this problem in the whole picture of interconnection programs over the network. I heard about implementations: ONC RPC, XML-RPC, CORBA, DCOM, gRPC, but which are active now? which are reasonable to use? which are preferable and why? I want answers not to be opinion based, so I accept answers like "technology A better than technology B for problem X because ..." only if there is reliable research/statistics or facts). I heard that RPC and RMI were popular 10 years ago. Are they still?
Web services: REST, SOAP.
Am I miss something? Maybe there are some technologies which solve problem completely new way? Maybe there are technologies which can be treated as replacement to RPC(RMI) and Web Services? Can we replace RPC(RMI) by REST for any task? Can we replace RPC(RMI) by REST only for modern tasks? Should I separate technologies not as RPC and Web Services, but in some other manner?
As a partial answer, I can give you my feedback on the use of RabbitMQ.
As explain here, it provides a lot of different ways to use it :
RPC by implementing a "callback" queue
One to one, one to many routing strategy to propagate your events through your whole infrastructure and target the right destination.
It comes with the ability to persist messages to avoid loosing data when a crash appears but also with some plugins to increase possibilities (e.g x-delayed plugin)
This technologie written in Erlang is powerful and is a must try in term of communication between programs.
To your question „Am I missing something“: yes.
Very popular communication patterns are the so-called Event-Driven or Message-Driven protocols. This type of protocols are often used in distributed systems such web applications, microservices and IoT-Environments. The communication is complete asynchronously and allows building scalable and loosely coupled systems.
There are many different frameworks and methods for Event-Driven systems like WebSockets, WebHooks, Pub-Sub and Messaging-Librarys like AcitveMQ, OpenMQ, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ and MQTT.
Hope this info helps for your research.

Is it required to use an OPC Server to Communicate with Controllogix?

I'm wondering if for simply communicating with a PLC, like reading and writing tags, do I need all of the other heavy lifting that comes with an OPC-UA server?
I've tried writing a simple server in Python that talks to the PLC, but I get denied when requesting information from the PLC.
The Controllogix PLC I'm attempting to communicate with uses Ethernet/IP to communicate, so why doesn't a simple server/client script work? What is required exactly to communicate with an Allen Bradley PLC or PLC's in general?
There is quite a bit required to communicate with a PLC.
Each vendor has a driver, there are firmware compatibility considerations. Different protocols to think about.
OPC-UA makes it a bit more generic, but OPC-UA still has a set of things to work around when setting up communications.
Most of the OPC products I've worked with, needs to have their security adjusted to allow anonymous communication. It's generally bad practice to do this. (A network intrusion would be able to read/write to your automation layer) There is certificate signing and some encryption business that needs to be turned off if you're looking for simple communication. (Again, not a good practice but ok for learning)
After all that you have to have a notion of how your PLC is set up on your OPC server, there are channels, devices, namespaces etc. You'll point the OPC client to some opc.tcp://:
If you got this far you're almost done, I'm assuming your OPC server is running and has tags configured at this point. You can use your OPC-UA API to do a read. It can return just the value, or you can get an object back with tag health, timestamp, and a bunch of other data. Depends on the implementation. After that you can do subscriptions, writes...whatever else you need.
TLDR: OPC server not required, but may be the easiest method. Turn off security. (But turn it back on before exposing your control layer to the net)
I am also a little late to this conversation. If you are interested in coding your own solutions and don't want to use any of the commercially available standards, AdvancedHMI is a "mostly" open source solution written in VB.NET which is 100% free and provides communications to many different PLCs including the ControlLogix platform. Since I see you are programming in Python you may also be interested to know that the project does work under Mono on the Linux OS. I have used it to write gateways between EthernetIP and ModbusTCP and to pull data serially from OEM devices and push this data to a CLX PLC.
The forum is full of many helpful hints and is very active and supported.
Just trying to give you another option. DDE, NetDDE, FastDDE, OPC, DCOM, Suitelink.... These are all good, but mostly a pay to play adventure. As a programmer, it seems ridiculous to have to pay such an excessive amount of money just to talk to my hardware, IMHO. Sorry for the rant. Have Fun!
Update - Just wanted to also suggest the following open source project written in python:
I have used this to write small programs for communicating with CompactLogix and ControlLogix. (Even to/from a RaspberryPi!)
Depends on several factors, if you want something simple to program you can opt for Modbus/TCP I think some AB PLC supports it without extra hardware.
However if you want something with more security for example for industrial use then OPC UA would be better choice but the programming has a complexity far higher than Modbus, even using the libraries of OPC Foundation or others. There is the option of using a commercial or free (if any) OPC UA server to save work, then you will need to program the client side only.
With Ethernet/IP it should also be possible, but the problem is that there is no clear specification and even different AB models talk different Ethernet/IP dialect ! , it is also far more complex to program than Modbus.
I am a little late to this discussion, but there are a couple commercial tools that make this a bit easier. The one that comes to mind for me when you say you are using python is Cogent's data hub. It is certainly not the cheapest tool out there, but they have already done all of the heavy lifting for PLC/PC communications & security.
If trying to read CLX data using Python, there are several open source implementations that will save you a lot of work. Such as this:
If you use .NET and Visual Studio, you can use AdvancedHMI
to be able to read and write OPC Tags to ControlLogix platform is done via its communication Driver RSLinx. RSLinx acts as an OPC Server, it will need to be configured to communicate with the PLC and run on a networked PC on the same LAN. Several flavours of RSLinx are available (for WAN/VLAN also) but essentially this is the communications driver you need to talk to AB PLC's

multiple instances of programmable SIP soft phone

I have recently moved to telecom and working on automation framework to automate the VoIP phone.
In current framework, for a simple call/conference scenario, additional helper phones are being used. The current framework configure these additional physical helper phones which takes considerable time and consumption of resources.
I am trying to replace these physical helper phones with the programmable soft phones, so that the test execution will be little bit fast.
Please let us know if this can be possible.
I am not looking for GUI-based soft SIP client because automating the UI actions will be another challenge and prone to error.
This framework is being developed in Perl
Your help will be highly appreciated!!
Take a look at SIPp.
I think it will do what you want, it even has some handling of RTP data.
If perl is not a strict requirement, the KitCAT framework is extremely (Java) developer-friendly. Test cases are written in JUnit, for ease of integration with other tools. It provides logs at varying levels (including SIP messages), and supports multiple user agents, which can all be coordinated within a test case. (The latter is not well supported in other SIP testing tools, such as sipp). It also provides coordination with other protocols (e.g., RTP, HTTP).
There is a (somewhat dated) screencast that shows installation and basic usage of the tool.

Developing Chat/Real time web application

I am currently doing my research on building a chat system with more than 10k users connected online. I came across technologies and ways to do it such as jabber(XMPP), websockets, long polling, push. As far as I now, long polling might not work given the number of users. I know there is a lot of ways to accomplish this. I also know that facebook and Google chat systems are developed on XMPP.
I would truly appreciate if anyone could point me to the right direction. I believe all these methods and technologies out there are good depending on the scale of the project. I definitely need performance and scalability.
I've used together with NodeJS for such a chat application. It scaled to over 10K concurrent users on moderate servers and there was a lot of room to grow.
This does depend on your limitations, tho.
What kind of hardware are you planning on using?
Which operating system would power your servers?
Which client platforms are you targeting?
Do you have an existing infrastructure you need to fit this into?
Do you have a previously selected programming language?
The existing skill sets your team members have and your team's ability to adopt new platforms and languages if necessary.
Take all of the above into consideration when making your decision.
Personally, I've found XMPP to be quite adequate, but a bit bloated for my purposes. YMMV.
You are comparing a fruit basket and three different variety of oranges.
XMPP is the only protocol that you have mentioned that actually is designed to support a chat system (of which many exist). The others are simply asynchronous messaging protocols/techniques. XMPP already supports http based chat via BOSH. Without a doubt, it will also support WebSockets when the specification is finalized. There is actually a draft of this already written, but at this point it appears to be a draft using a draft, so there will probably be few, if any, implementations.
Using XMPP would allow you to build on a proven technology for implementing a chat system and would allow you to choose what transport you want to use "under the hood". You haven't actually said whether you need a http based transport or not, but with XMPP you can use the stock tcp socket based transport or a http based one (BOSH) with the knowledge that it will also support WebSockets in the future.
The other benefit is of course that this is a widely used standard that will allow reuse of existing clients, servers and libraries in pretty much all popular (and not so popular) languages and platforms.
Scalability is not too much of a concern with the numbers you are quoting, as most (maybe all) existing xmpp servers will handle that many users.